23357535? ago

Stupid bible faggots, no one has ever returned from the dead despite your ancient gossip. Get off the research board with your faith and belief. It's bullshit, not facts or evidence or proof. Pray for a blowjob from Jesus and watch it not happen.

23357344? ago

Bliss worship is Divine.

Blood worship is an inversion.

23355222? ago

Which is the sign we have FAITH in God's love and ability to DELIVER us from evil for ETERNITY! If you know ANYTHING about infinity, you know that's a GOOD deal.

23354668? ago

God alone is our firm foundation, and we are only worthy of his salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Do not be afraid I will not try to push my religion on you :) How about you, are you going to try to push your religion on others?


They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


23351331? ago

The gift is free, not earned. I used to think it was earned when I was a Mormon working my way to godhood. Pray that you not be deceived. The spiritual battle is real.

23350815? ago

It's the ONLY thing in life that is free, and in a world where most people are "takers", amazingly some people still won't take it.

23347670? ago

Amen! I am hearing from several prophets that this passover is a true passover for us. We are going to enter the time of the last harvest and it will be the greatest harvest in the history of mankind. Armour up and be ready to minister.

Exciting times

23351369? ago

You could very well be right. I hope so.

23347435? ago

Taking communion is symbolic of eating the body and drinking the blood of an innocent sinless being. The pedo cannibals do this also...

23346993? ago

jesus was made up by satanists. Worship a false God and you won't go to Heaven.

23347896? ago


23347920? ago

Enjoy not going to Heaven, retard. You were warned. It's your own fault now.

23346293? ago

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23345555? ago

Monopolizing God, classic charlatan move.

23345076? ago

Jesus was a pretty chill dude. His followers? Ehhh bring out the lions Julius.

23344982? ago

I've noticed talking about the blood of Jesus on boards really gets the demons stirred up. Nice work.

23344479? ago

I'm too far gone for God's gift. I've lived a degenerate and selfish life. Despite never having a chance at redemption, I will fight with the good and defeat evil to help you guys go to heaven. I will then be cast into the depths of hell for an eternal life of misery.

23348008? ago

Not true. No one is too far gone. Anyone who acknowledges their wrong doings and shows regret, which means you intend not to live that way any longer, and who believes Jesus died to pay the price for their mistakes IS saved. Not can be saved, IS saved. It is a gift. Accept it and live in appreciation. You may still fight evil and have the power of God with you now knowing you are in the righteous battle.

23344721? ago

I don't know who you are or what your story is, but I can tell you that isn't true at all. No one is beyond salvation. God's love is there for you, but if you've sinned it may be difficult to connect with that love. That is why repentance through Jesus Christ is available to sinners. It is available as a means of reconnecting with the Lord. I used to think that way about myself too, anon, and believe me, it isn't an easy road, but it is well worth the struggle. God bless you, and I pray you take the steps necessary to come back to God's heart. He is waiting for you.

23344794? ago

I appreciate the kind words anon. I will take your advice!

23344170? ago

and we are only worthy of his salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.

No, the sacrifice of Jesus is not needed to save our souls. Your dogma is very exclusionary, all the peaceful Buddhists and Hindus will burn in hell because they don't specifically believe that Jesus needs to be murdered gruesomely on the cross to save their souls?

What do I believe? The same thing Q believes, WWG1WGA!

We are all One with the Infinite Creator

23344337? ago

I acknowledge that believing in and following Jesus is exclusionary, but only to the extent that he has paid the price for what we deserve. We are given a choice whether to accept his gift. We all fall short of God's perfection, and Jesus is our sole salvation. We could never do enough on out own to earn God's love. Every other religion functions on the premise that you earn your way to God.

But how much is enough? With Jesus it's faith alone that saves us.

It is your choice to believe what you want.

23346443? ago

Interesting. Moloch requires the blood of sacrificed innocents, too. Hmm. Same same.

23347046? ago

The devil likes to counterfeit Gods plan

23345762? ago

VERY well said.

23345243? ago

BS...we are ALL part of God. God is in each one of us. We are all one. You cannot have it both ways. Contradictions cannot exist. Even Jesus said we are all one with him. You keep spreading religious dogma here. Jesus rose to show us that we too can ascend to that higher consciousness. None of it has anything to do with sin or sacrifice. He is Light and Love and showed us that by example. He was our teacher to show us the way to ascension through pure Love. When will you dogmatic and divisive Christians wake up? Its getting late and the time for ascension is near. You obviously do not believe in Q because he says WERE WE GO 1 WE GO ALL.

23344137? ago

Can you keep the bible horseshit in the loony bins and churches please? This is a research board, asswipes.

23345260? ago


Read the BIBLE.

23344717? ago

I prefer the racist rants over these.

23344346? ago

Maybe you should consider some Biblical research.

23344050? ago

you jedeo cheistian fucks who worship a jew sand nigger god disgust me. if white europeans had stuck to their godz we would have taken over the world. instead jew bankers and lies have brought us to 11% of the world population and you christ cucks are the main fucking problem

23344070? ago

God wins. Pick a side.

23348848? ago

from: doglegwarrior

fuck you mean the jews win. got it. I pick the side against jews.

23349250? ago

OK then. As a true Christian, the jews lose, unless of course before the day of reckoning they repent and change.

23345067? ago

On this planet, Might wins. God is behind everyone who wins or loses. Your argument is moot.

23344005? ago

5 The Lord descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of the Lord. 6 Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and [d]truth; 7 who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished... Ex 34:6

23348036? ago

Amen brother, we must see the real proofs Q is showing us!!


23343976? ago

Really? Seriously I don't want more blood taken from me. I'm already in constant pain from last time.

23343961? ago

Yes. Amen.

23343696? ago

Amen 🙏

23343355? ago

Sure, but Odin also brought the runes

23342792? ago

I wonder how many Jews repent on their death beds for their life time of hating Jesus and trying to destroy the Christianity?

23413776? ago

Better to have a mill stone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea,

than to have lead one of these children away from Jesus.

23343723? ago

Even before that fateful day when young Saul the Pharisee gloated over the brutal death of the innocent disciple Stephen, the Spirit of Jesus Christ was pricking ...

A very good example is the conversion of the Apostle Paul. He openly spoke of his unspeakable sins.

23343698? ago

If you want to know if deathbed salvation is possible...remember the story of the two thieves who were crucified alongside Jesus...

39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

(Luke 23: 39-43)

23343495? ago

Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots to divide his clothing. And the people stood by, watching; but the leaders scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Messiah of God, his chosen one!” The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.” One of the criminals who were hanged there kept deriding him and saying, “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” But the other rebuked him, saying, “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” He replied, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Luke 23:32-43

23343598? ago

I wonder if Jesus would have responded differently if those men were child raping and blood drinking monsters, or Jews who try to protect the Sons of Satan... like those Jews who infest this QAnon community?

I wonder if Jesus considers those who protect blood drinking pedophiles to be no better than the child rapists?

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

23343953? ago

There are people who undergo a deathbead conversion and survive.

Some of them continue on in their life of Christ. Some of them return to their old ways. Do you think the all knowing, all powerful God who created everything doesn't know what they'd have done if they died?

Don't worry so much of the sins of others, concentrate on your mortal sins first.

23343699? ago

It will depend on the level of hypocrisy in each individual's own judgement towards others.

For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.

Matthew 7:2

23343852? ago

"Jews may rape three old girls." - (Jewish Talmud Sanhedrin 55b)

"Jews may rape children under the age of 9 years." - (Jewish Talmud Sanhedrin 54b)

"When adult Jews rape children and infants, it is nothing." - (Jewish Talmud Kethuboth 11b)

How does this work with Jews who are proud of how disgusting they are?

23342991? ago

Jesus can't be fooled But yes, even serial killers may find Jesus before they die. We are all sinners nobody is clean. Jesus saves through faith and grace.

23342761? ago

Even pantomime cannibalism is cannibalism.

The blood of Jesus Christ was never intended to be spilled, much less imbibed; you unholy soulless sacks of shit!

23346998? ago

They are too dumb to see they are following a satanic ritual.

23343353? ago

You are dealing with deranged death cultists dude. So blind they are utterly unable to understand the meaning of their words or who programmed to send them. Remember always that every boomer is a pedophile or knew and covered for pedophiles. The end goal of their death cult is a world ending event that murders the entire human race.

This is what they want at their core, to murder the entire world, regardless of what they pretebd, is the secret heart's desire of every muslim, every christian, and every jew.

23343397? ago

We know this; but still try. Sisyphean folly?

God bless you for your understanding words.

23343016? ago

Jesus came to Earth to sacrifice himself for us. If you don't beleve that you don't believe in Jesus. That is your choice, Inoray you make the right choice.

23343360? ago

The murder and consumption of the Christ was not a sacrament, but an abomination. It was never for the forgiveness of Original Sin; but celebration of the murderers of the Christ is a REAFFIRMATION of Original Sin. The Pentecost was not a reception of Ruah’Qadesh by the “Apostles” for murdering and consuming the Christ; but was a CASTING OUT of the Apostles, for having committed such an abomination. It was exactly the same circumstance as the Tower of Babel, another Fall of Man, the EXACT sort of Fall of Man that you imbeciles are committing to AGAIN!

You separated yourselves from Humanity, from Nature, from God, by selling your souls to false gods, then you wonder how shitting in one hand while praying in the other has only ever left you with a handful of shit.

Drinking of human blood & eating of human flesh are unholy acts, and never were, have been, nor ever shall be holy acts. They are abominations. OP claims Christ came to Earth for the purpose of glorifying abominable acts? That which is holy does not undertake not sanction abominable acts!

You are inside out and upside down, and there is no saving you from your damnation. Sorry.

23343499? ago

ok so you a re not a Christian got it

23344574? ago

We are anti-“Christian,” because “Christians” are anti-Christ. If the Christ were here today, y’all would murder and consume him, like before.

We celebrate Our Holy Mother, and the Seven Spirits of God, and the living Christ, whom y’all revile. We celebrate life, not death.

We shall never forgive acts of true evil.

We are more with Christ, at every living moment, than you and your unholy cannibalistic subhuman predator overlords may ever comprehend.

We are truly Christian via being anti-“Christian;” yet “Christians” who celebrate the murder of the Christ and know nothing of the Messiah, shall never live beyond your bodies, as your soulless overlords have long planned and profited from.

23344634? ago

try quoting the Bible just once You are spewing blasphemy. You sound much closer to Satan than to Jesus. You may want to fix that. We know how it ends for Satan.

23344763? ago

The Bible was fabricated in the fifth century by the same Jews who wrote the Muslim book, their Rabbinical books, and a lot of other Satanic bullshit.

Here is a Bible quote for y’all: “Go Fuck Yerselves, Ye Bedamned Cannibals!”

23344928? ago

5th century you are too retarded to be Satan. Click here learn something.


23345409? ago

Jew Lies & Bullshit, Satanist. Jew Lies & Bullshit.

23344890? ago

thanks for showing us who you are Enjoy the Lake of Fire.

23345388? ago

The One Ring must be destroyed in the Lake of Fire. If I gotta take it in there because y’all are too ethically unreliable to manage it, then so be it.

The old One Ring must die before the new One Ring may be forged.

Y’all haven’t the least fuggin clue.

23343980? ago

I suspect that's 70times7. He's very confused.

23344032? ago

yes l, I think he is arguing with me on another anon thread too. Anyone who argues against other Christians and doesn't even have a Bible verse to point to is very lost. Praying for him.

23344083? ago

One of the things that Father Ripperger says is Satan's whole motto is "anything but God". I think this is a good example of that.

He tends to struggle to formulate coherent arguments, and just ignores facts he doesn't like. So be careful casting pearls before swine.

I agree though that we should pray for him, and hope he does have the scales fall from his eyes. I am just totally unclear on how best to get that to happen, outside of praying to God for grace and a gift of the Holy Spirit.

23344151? ago

I agree. I said pray for him b/c I am trying to be a better Christian. I am not sure he can be saved, but too often I attack people in posts with anger. I am trying to be better as Jesus teaches. And Jesus resurrection reminds me if my own faults.

It is hard to follow our God's righteous lead.

23344197? ago

I don't claim to be better, and I know I've done worse. So now I treat the other people as if it was my younger self, and try to find the compassion that I wish I was shown. The compassion that people like me denied Christ on his way to the Cross.

Pray for your sanctification brother. From there, let Him do His work.

23344250? ago

Thank you brother. I donoraybfor my own forgiveness and pray that God can somehow use me to help others.

He has risen!

23347821? ago

Of course that's real. It would be weirder if it wasn't :)

God bless.

23342710? ago
