23348498? ago

Attention patriots, OP is the concave anus shill trying to make flat earth sound stupid to other Q patriots in order to discredit the true flat earth movement and divide us from convincing Q about FE truth.

23350491? ago

I'm just teaching real flat earth that has been suppressed by imposters like dubay and sargent.

Q already confirmed FE



Job 37:18

23348978? ago

This thread is being shilled hard.




23348040? ago

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23347915? ago

thats a giant nope! kill yourself you dumb fuck!

23348009? ago

The more I think about it, this Q proof has more validity than any of the gematria time code decoder ring bullshit most of you faggot boomers love so much.

Put your head in the fucking dirt.


You should repent in Jesus name and ask the Holy Spirit to show you the way.

23347956? ago

Fucking shills are out hard tonight.


23348032? ago

its morning in usa. you must be a jidf faggot cunt. hello rabbi you pedophile fuck

23348071? ago

Its still dark on west coast, to me that is night.

Also jidf would never use the name Jesus unless they are cussing.

I'll pray for you're eyes to open to this obvious truth.

23348077? ago

so now we have determined your location you california faggot fuck. gross.

23348089? ago

yup and you are in tel aviv.

It is funny how upset jews get when they are exposed.

23348104? ago

well that just went sideways. You shouldnt pretend to speak for Jesus while shilling for disinfo flat earth faggotry. You are shaming Christ.

23348156? ago

I speak for the Truth and myself, it is not my fault you are blinded.

Maybe you shouldn't speak for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you can not even comprehend what is Written.

Qtards shame Christ by worshiping those that crucified Him.

23348199? ago

You bring condemnation on yourself. Not my problem

23348235? ago

By who, you?

I don't speak for Father God, I speak on what is Written.

I get it, you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear, I understand that you would be frustrated by that.

23348259? ago

You certainly dont speak on observable reality thats for sure. You arent storing treasure by shilling flat earth and working against his chosen because you are damaged goods and spiritually cant discern your way out of a pentagram circle.

23348354? ago

I work against satans choosen, the imposters who kill innocents.

Jesus came for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, not jews.

Imposter anti-Christ edomite-khazar jews will be on bended knee and they will know it was us who God loves, not them.

23347832? ago

Wait until the veil is dropped and you will see these demons for what they truly are.

23347824? ago

What amazes me is that most Christians do not even believe the Book that their religion is based on.

23347814? ago

The truth will send 99% to hospital.

23347741? ago

Dude it's not flat, it's concave.

23348116? ago

Dude it's not flat or concave, it's cubical.

Proof: https://twitter.com/thecubeearthso1