23350148? ago

If Oprah don't lay off the pasta, she's going to look like Big Debra.


23350088? ago

Thanks to an anon commenter, we now have the video!!!!!!

So, now its verified, and if you watch the whole video you'll notice a few things' 1. its most definitely Oprah, 2. Okra most definitely has a "pack of cigarettes" on her ankle, 3. money can't buy taste, she looked more like a Walmartian than a billionairess.








23349649? ago

Spare adreno stash?

23346536? ago

Cankles bruh

23345487? ago

Oprah ain’t making her own sketti!

23349696? ago

its a photo op, everyone knows she can't even boil water.

23342569? ago


23342130? ago

A friend said yeah bit how would we miss Oprah getting arrested?

My response

House arrest sealed indictment, could easily be the case, she's a freaking billionaire so high flight risk, whichever Government Agencies has her monitored could have more people they've not scooped up yet because they have another ongoing case on them for something else and so don't arrest Oprah because the others will run or at least know they are fucked and blow force the government early before they have a solid case and trust me the Government never wants that. And now Oprah has just signaled to whomever she needed to in a very public way so they can't miss it and she can say I was going about my daily life I twitter versus texting or emailing where the Government could add charges because if she is under house arrest then definitely her media is all monitored. I don't know if any of this is true, I just know the Government and how it works and this is a plausible scenario.

23349776? ago

Very plausible scenario. The ONLY scenario that isn't plausible is the one where they don't keep it a secret.

23341541? ago

LOL Maybe it is her ankle bracelet.

23341379? ago

Where's the vat of walnut sauce to delicately spoon over a couple pounds of spaghetti? Since spaghetti is skinny pasta, does that mean she only likes skinny boys? (Pedo code for pasta = prefer young boys, for those that can't follow)

23349789? ago

i thought she was a lesbian.

23366046? ago

I don't know, personally. Maybe bi? She has that Stegman dude stuck to her ample bottom...

23340644? ago

Big pot of noodles. Not much for portion control I am guessing.

23349802? ago

or carb control either. not very good optics for a women that sells diet food.

23340481? ago

Boy, I bet she blows up like a balloon being confined to her house.

23349819? ago

we need a hashtag for bringing back fat Oprah.

23339611? ago

Ellen had a pack of cigarettes in her ankle socks too. Twitter...very obvious pic, sent it to my sisters.

And so does Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...the “pack fo cigarettes” has been seen twice now ...as he comes out of his residence for daily briefings...FYI...he has been 4 weeks counting in isolation...and he never had Covid-19, but his wife Sophie did.

Very interdasting. Very very interdasting!

Friends...Pray for 🇨🇦 too.

Thank you so much!

23339479? ago

Looks like an ankle bracelet to me.

23338957? ago

I really don't believe they are arresting these elites and letting them all stay in their houses with phones and all the conveniences. Would that be done for you?

23339898? ago

I've never broken the law or had any police interaction, I have no idea how that works.

23338662? ago

Can you prove that's a picture of Oprah?? Seems like that would be impossible to do. No face = no case!!!

23338283? ago

Trudope seemed to have something rectangular on his leg too in a recent picture.

23338098? ago

Unpopular opinion but i m gona say it anyway, this whole celebrity wearing ankle monitor sounds like a horseshit.

23338428? ago

Who knows, its fun to laugh at them.

23337909? ago

Part of me suspects these celebrities are having fun with us by posting the weird videos and watching the conspiracy theories we come up with.

23339707? ago

Maybe...but PM Trudeau wouldn’t be trolling....4 weeks in self isolation...comes out from his residence for daily briefings ...the ankle bracelet has been photographed twice now.

23338448? ago

They're stupid, don't give them so much credit. Likewise, whether its true or not, it gets people digging into areas they'd rather people not go.

23338015? ago

Seems pretty stupid if they do. They like to control the narrative, they like only good media that makes them look good, we are poking fun at them, getting a laugh at their expense at the very least, exposing their house arrest at worst. Either way, we are controlling the narrative, not them. It cost them time and effort to contradict the narrative.

23337879? ago

This from twitter?

23338028? ago

it doesn't matter, because of the hooha, I'm sure the original has been deleted, its he said, she said now.

23337956? ago

instagram and then spread on twitter

23337452? ago

all the while shills reeee'ing "arrests or gtfo" because they're too used to being spoonfed their info through the mockingbox

23337535? ago

sorry, it was confirmed to be on instagram by others, but don't worry, Oprah denied it, so its definitely fake, she said so, the Today show shared that with us and we all trust them, right?

23337326? ago

Watch her movie A WRINKLE IN TIME

Super Creepy

23337224? ago

Parasitic nigger cunt, who ONLY got their via WHITE corruption (pro status quo, NOT nature) who FEAR niggers (animals).

23337184? ago

So where exactly is this picture from originally? Post your source OP. No sauce = fake and gay. You can't even see her face in this pathetic picture.

23337408? ago


Here you go, confirmed fake and gay by Oprah herself and shred with us by the very reliable Today show. Are you happy now? She said so herself, nothing more needed, I trust her, how about you?

23337469? ago

I don't trust Oprah any more than I trust you. Post a source for your picture or GTFO.

23337597? ago

I don't have access to Oprahs phone, so obviously can't access to the sauce. Try 3days3nights on twitter, he might have the source for you.

23337654? ago

I thought you said it was from her personal twitter.

Here is the 3days3nights tweet you wanted to post

At least we have a source. Doesn't confirm its validity, but it does give us a source. We still don't know where 3days3nights got the image though.

There, you (indirectly) posted a source. Was that so hard?

Still probably fake, but now much less gay.

23338070? ago

she has deleted it I'm sure. its a waste of time to look for it.

23338102? ago

Did anyone screen cap it when it was on her twitter page? If she had ever posted it, someone would have screen capped it. Or at the very least photoshopped a fake screenshot of it on her twitter page... shit!

23338525? ago

These days, its impossible to verify anything. We couldn't be sure it was Oprah if she said so herself and it was on her page. The second we go and say anything about it, she can lie and delete it, anything can be photoshopped, and most everything is photoshopped. They own the media, they own all the platforms, we are at a disadvantage.

23337302? ago

oh no! it might be fake and gay, oh what will we do? should we apologize to Okra for disparaging her good name?

23337358? ago

No one cares about her good name. But I care about correct and factual information being posted in this research forum.

23337632? ago

are you the moderator on here? or just a douchbag?

23337694? ago

I'm just a douchbag who takes it upon himself to call out faggots like you who post unverified misinformation as if it were truth.

23338111? ago

You are a moronic douchebag. 90% of what is posted on here is unverified crap. Secondly, it was obvious we were making fun of her by suggesting it was a pack of cigarettes. Somehow you've turned humor into misinformation, and only a dimwit wouldn't know the difference. Since when does a joke have to be based on verified information? Fucking retard.

23338155? ago

Yeah, and I am sick of all the unverified crap. Sorry that you happened to be the poster I went off on, that part was random. But if more people called out unverified crap like I am doing, maybe we would actually get somewhere on this forum.

23338490? ago

It ain't gonna happen, this place, as far as I can tell, is a honeypot for shills. We keep them busy here, or at least I do, I draw them like flies to shit, I can tie them up for hours.

23338740? ago

You are a shill.

23337607? ago

ROFL...research forum. You have this confused with Q research on 8kun. This is like the jumbo crayon version of that.

23337678? ago

Yes, it is a shitty forum, thanks to people like you.

23338144? ago

No, its a forum for entertainment, its douches like you that try to make it something it isn't that makes it shitty. You've wasted too much of my time already. I'm done with you fucknuts.

23338175? ago

You're the time waster here, faggot.

23337275? ago

Her twitter account, if you have twitter I'm sure you cansearch thru until you find it. Now, when you find it, it still doesn't have a face, so its 100% unknown if that is her, but Oprah herself claims its her, so if she claims it, then she needs to 1. own up to eating a dinner that is loaded with carbs, and 2. tell us about her closet smoking habit.

23337289? ago

And you aren't posting a link to the twitter post why?

23337319? ago

because I don't use twitter? got it from a friend.

23337350? ago

So the image isn't from twitter then? You claimed it was from twitter now you say it is from your friend?

Fake and gay confirmed.

23337655? ago

of course its fake and gay, Oprah said so.

23337701? ago

No one cares what Oprah says. That was never the point.

23338178? ago

There was never a point, it was a joke about an image that was supposedly of Oprah with what looked like a pack of cigarettes. It was for a laugh, that's it, quit trying to make it into something it isn't.

23338222? ago

You are a joke.

23337042? ago

MEME is was so good...


23337109? ago

now watch the liberal tears, you had the audacity to take a shot at Saint Okra. lol

23338199? ago


23336973? ago

Would there not be some evidence of fried chicken, watermelon rinds, pork rinds, grape soda cans, chitlins, etc if were actually Ocra’s kitchen ?

23337128? ago

she has an image to keep up, that shit is over at her girlfriends house, you know Gayle King, right?

23336464? ago

I don't know how she could eat that without a fresh cup of baby blood.

23336522? ago

that must be her secret ingredient.

23336367? ago

I am generally skeptical of pictures like this. However, I took one for the VOAT team and scrolled thru Oprah's twitter. I tend to believe this picture is really Oprah. She is wearing the same color band for her smartwatch, and on the same wrist. Now I understand that anyone could have the same color band, but the consistency between this pic and her twitter videos and pictures is notable. :) Regarding her "cig pack," someone else needs to run with that.

23336548? ago

We just having fun here, it may or may not be her. If it triggers liberals or causes Okra some mental anguish, I'm good with it.

23343156? ago

Its her. Its on her instagram


23349859? ago

Thank you! I don't use instagram and the trolls have been going all in on "we need sauce". I'm guessing not a one will chime in and say 'thanks' either.

23336098? ago

Lookie lookie. Just like Ellen. Got a visit from the SMART people. www.smart.gov

23336313? ago

They were tweeting about that recently weren't they. If it wasn't for their tweets, I'd have never known about Smart, mighty nice of them to wake us up.


23335939? ago

It's a "Thing"...a style...chic new accessory.

*@ @ @ S M I L E @ @ @ *

23335842? ago

OP: Great job on the headline!

23335534? ago

You get a boot, you get a boot, you get a boot!

23336438? ago


23335525? ago

Shills release 💨 smoke to hide the truth

Must be Over the target 🎯

23337922? ago

OMG, one shill on here keeps hollerin' for sauce. I honestly think its not even a shill, just a moronic douche.

23336478? ago

If we can indict Okra for crimes against' children, she is the one red pill that will crush the hopes and dreams of liberals everywhere. I hope she hangs publicly, it would do the world good to see it.

23335407? ago

She's going to fall on her ass again....

23335379? ago

This is the shit that makes Qanon look dumb

23336874? ago

This comment is the kind of shit that proves you have no sense of humor. You even cracked a smile lately? Try it maybe?

23335545? ago

doesn't make Q look shit, it makes me look dumb maybe, but hasn't got a damn thing to do with Q. dumbass

23335372? ago

Virginia Slims? "You've come a long way baby"......

23337810? ago

Kojak - Who loves ya baby?

23335300? ago

Isaac Kappy said she was a human slaver.

He's dead.


23337704? ago

Isaac Kappy ain't dead. You ain't seen the last of him.

23345066? ago

he's dead

23618391? ago

but the the other guy said he's not. I'm confused.

23618727? ago

He's dead, but his clone lives on

23707003? ago

IC, let me know when it posts a new tweet.

23336235? ago

She procured kids for the elites for sure.

23335250? ago

Her schlong!

23335146? ago

That dyke Ellen also has something on her ankle

23336281? ago

Yes she does, same brand of cigarettes. I think its the DOJ brand.

23336637? ago

Sounds expensive Haha

23335035? ago

*cigarette pack not to scale

23334856? ago

Still seems like bullshit honestly. I want to believe it’s real but idk

23335130? ago

As long as we can make fun of Okra, that's all that counts. Laugh at her, laugh at all the celebrities, there is nothing they hate more.

23334963? ago

You don't think it's cigarettes?

23337934? ago

Seriously? Do we have to answer that?

23334769? ago

Wow good catch!!! Here’s hoping “they” are way more stressed than the rest of us for a great reason!

23335213? ago

Yep. The final outcome means they will lose all their money, lose their freedom, maybe their lives, and worst of all, history will forever remember them for their crimes. The one thing they cherish most is their narcissistic views of themselves, but we will get to write the ending to this story and we will not be kind to them.

23334736? ago


23334577? ago

It is looking clearer everyday that many of these people have been served and under investigations.

Nothing happening, huh?

23341187? ago

No. This is a picture of someone cooking food in a house as big as a neighbourhood block. Get back to me when they're in jail, or have an arrest record, we can see their mugshot, they're in court, they go to trial, they're sentenced, they're cuffed. Any ONE of them. Because "house arrest" for their crimes is NOTHING. Oprah is cooking on a cooker that cost as much as a car. So yes, you're right, nothing happening.

23348206? ago

Finally someone gets it.

23336252? ago

But 'the start' is FISA indictments. Not this human trafficking, who's looking into that?! hmmm

23335239? ago

It could all be in our imagination, it could all be coincidence, but the mathematical impossibilities just keep stacking up.

23334510? ago

Great face shot you shilling faggot.

23334496? ago

It is the same brand as that butch dyke ellen

23335268? ago

Yeah, I left her out, she's too easy to poke fun at, she's just an ornery dyke, but OKRA, she is sacrosanct to the left, right up there with God and Harvey Weinstein.

23334462? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hopefully thats a tracking monitor with an explosive latch incase she tries to remove it. or a cyanide injection would be better

23335296? ago

now we don't want anything bad to happen to Okra, she's going to be our test horse for the gallows. if it can hold her fat ass, it can hold anyone, but no rope, going to need cable for her.

23334441? ago

Post source you faggot.

23335324? ago

Here ya' go, as requested.


23334305? ago

I saw something a while back about people with the virus have ankle bracelet when they are in quarantine. Maybe she is infected and in quarantine and not in hospital but at home.

23335362? ago

You've been reading too much about Bill Gates wish list.

23334242? ago

I bet she smokes Newports

23338203? ago

we know she doesn't smoke pole, I think she's a vagina eater.

23335398? ago

Virginia Slims. She's come a long way you know....

23336327? ago

I see what you did there

23337996? ago

I could say "You've come a long way baby" but ouch. Just ouch.

23336501? ago


23335244? ago

Ever notice how many blacks still wear their dirty, old Newport or Kool t-shirts that the ciggy companies used to give away ?

23335108? ago

Or Kools

23334077? ago

Fat Oprah was the better Oprah.

23335382? ago

you mean Okra

23334046? ago

Do we know this is even Oprah?

23335437? ago

Do we know anything for sure? Just go with the assumption its yes. If not, then there is always CNN.

23334978? ago

Someone hacked her account and posted an imposter Oprah?

23333895? ago

How do you know that's Oprah? Who can tell me that's Oprah? Who can say for sure that the wrinkle in the pant is in fact a monitor? Look at the stains all over the pant leg. The clean freak that is Oprah would toss those in the trash if in fact she ever bought something that ugly.

23335479? ago

Nobody can tell you anything for sure. I can't tell you that Hillary is a horrible cunt, but I can make a good assumption based on considerable evidence. Believe what you want.

23335742? ago

What evidence? That could be anyone on food stamps.

23334928? ago

Woah Woah there partner. All OP said was that she keeps her cigarettes there. Cool it with the anti-semitism...KEK.

23335060? ago

Oh stop it. Tit's or STFU

23335215? ago


sorry for the imgbb link catbox is not cooperating with me right now

23336865? ago


23335775? ago

I don't wanna see yer boobs ya boob.

23335834? ago

Man....I wish those were mine =) I mean...not physically on me...that would be weird. But like you know, waiting at home and lovingly caring for me in a symbiotic traditional marriage type situation. KEK

23335133? ago

If she untethered those, they’d be hanging in the frying pan. you’d have fried nipple

23333859? ago

Pfff naw that's the classic Cuban cigar tin, dahhh the O gave up cigs for the petite Maduros.

23333804? ago

Is she wearing Juicy Couture sweatpants? That's a no-no! That brand is dead.

23333743? ago

Microphone power supply

23335501? ago

most people wear them on their waste, but putting on your ankle is great idea, keep Oprah from being able to reach it.

23333834? ago

Is that you, Oprah??

23333896? ago

NO! Fuckstick

23333919? ago

How's Stedman doing?

23334024? ago

I don't keep up with that shit, nigger.

23333578? ago

Where are all of the pics of these rich ass bitches laying out by their swimming pools? If I lived where they live, I would be drinking Margaritas by the pool instead of being cooped up inside. You can't hide ankle monitors in a swim suit.

23335514? ago

Good point, Okra, Ellen, Tom, all of them are in sunny hot ass places and always wearing long pants. Don't they own any shorts?

23333555? ago

Wonder if she and Ellen Degenerate smoke the same brand?

23339641? ago

Justin Trudeau as well...been pictured twice now.

23335523? ago

there's a joke there I know, but I'm just going to say 'yes'.

23335357? ago

Ellen looks more like a Marlboro Man....

23345071? ago

True, but the marlboro man is still more attractive than Ellen

23345124? ago

Hell yes,

23333657? ago

Adreno 100's ? Yep, I think they do.

23333841? ago


23333347? ago

Is stir frying spaghetti a thing?

23333728? ago

Add it to the sauce in a pan and toss

23333403? ago

What do I know, some black folks think Waffles and Fried chicken is a thing too.

23339812? ago

you're a faggot, waffles and chicken are american as fuck

23333252? ago

You see the hoof? She's in need of a grinder and file. A good set of shoes nailed on too. She gonna get lame! That's how many with lumps on their ankles? 50/50 bet on arrested and monitored or they trolling us. Time will tell.

23333381? ago

as soon as I saw the word 'hoof', this is what came into my mind. https://i.postimg.cc/qvkL8Vwf/mooseknuckle.png

23336482? ago


23335164? ago


23336754? ago


23334708? ago

I just spit cofvee thru my nose fuckker. Lol.

23336814? ago

Sorry, I thought everyone knew about Mooseknuckle. I can't think of Okra without thinking of Mooseknuckle.

23333238? ago

It's obviously her chrome pack. Top shelf.

23333034? ago

Sure that’s not a house arrest ankle bracelet?

23340704? ago

*Cankle bracelet

23339423? ago

That’s what I think also

23338918? ago

Looks like it. Ellen has one too

23335287? ago


23334837? ago

TOPKEK...I appreciate the deadpan.

23336217? ago

Didn't Ellen have a tweet with the same thing?

23336746? ago

She did.

23334334? ago

You think she just negotiated house arrest for all her crimes?!

Yeah probably. Nobody will ever even know and they will just keep doing their thing. But at least we got justice! Amirite!?

23334844? ago

All of these people are actors in our show. I think Q mentioned that.

23334755? ago

Pre-trial confinement

Maybe she is the indictment which shocks

23334959? ago

Could be, I'm still going with HANX

23334236? ago

My first thought.

23333479? ago

This post trying to prove she was arrested is,

exactly like the fake pictures Q posted 2 days ago:


23334266? ago

He didn't post any pictures.

Read the follow up post


23333992? ago

I saw a pic of Ellen yesterday claiming she was wearing one when it was 100% clear it was shopped.

A very poor shop.

23334070? ago

Was just simply a microphone battery pack and receiver.

23334348? ago

no faggot...

it was a shop

can you not read?

23333942? ago

link to snopes sure is credible......

23334527? ago

did the cat lady, the hooker, or the ex hushand who fucks the hooker write that? Those are the only 'employees'.

23335335? ago

Who is the face of Snopes vs who controls it?

23335704? ago

Oh I am sure there is a jew 'investment' in those bunch of retards.

23334317? ago

snopes owned by Soros fag

23335306? ago

sarcasm not interpreted

23334072? ago

Doing some Shakespeare anon: Don't Like the News, Then Kill the Messenger

23334112? ago

is the JIDF working overtime?

23333146? ago

Twix bar. I bet she's got a Kit Kat on the other ankle.

23343232? ago

Eww gross it will be all melty...

23334670? ago

Where does she keep her Snickers bar?

23336850? ago

in her coochie of course.

23334906? ago

In her cooch. She likes it like that.

23339502? ago

Oh, hmmm, knowing Okra it's probably a Baby Ruth, sure as hell isn't a Big Henry!

23334035? ago

When Howie Mandell used to do stand-up, many years ago, back when Oprah used to have that talk show, he said "Oprah didn't lose weight, she just widened the aisles"

23333027? ago

How about she is on house arrest. Monitor!

23341104? ago

Fuck "house arrest". Everyone is under "house arrest". Get back to me when they're actually in jail

23345691? ago

Sorry no one's making you happy, why don't you get lost until the good news arrives.

23347206? ago

It's not ok question things? People aren't welcome here unless the fall in line, no wrong think. Thanks

23334359? ago

What about a wireless microphone?

23336725? ago

Yes. Or a wireless IFB system.

23334884? ago

On her ankle, instead of wasteband or on the back of her collar?

23334922? ago

Its a pic from the 90s when the transceiver was bulky.

23336697? ago

Maybe if an attempt is made to remove it....BOOOOOM!!!! Heehee

23334944? ago

is it really? How did you come to that conclusion?

23335315? ago

Just made it up. Same as the home arrest ankle bracelet idea.

23335352? ago

KEK. But seriously....what would make that shape? Is she working out at home and has one of those weigh packs on her ankles? If that's the deal, why ingest all those freaking CARBS? Is she bulking or??

23333012? ago

While David Geffen is sailing the Bahamas in his yacht, and many others "of wealth" are traversing the world because there are so many places not under quarantine. How come someone of Oprah's wealthy and connections is stuck at home by herself cooking her own food? You do know she normally has a chef cook for her and she owns her own private jet. Everyone knows this, right?

23336339? ago

I also heard Tom Hanks returned home from quarantine but they had to use photos from a while ago to show it

23336680? ago

The photos were confirmed as old photos by anons. I saw them, same exact shots from a previous trip. That doesn't mean anything, but it does make you wonder why.

23337141? ago

I'd like to see some follow up on all these celebs with Covid-19. It was a flurry of these stories of who has and now they seem to have fallen off the radar.

23337182? ago

Yeah, you're right. Kind of like somebody slapped them with an indictment a gag order.

23335310? ago

Well she's got her "boyfriend" locked in the garage, doesn't she?

23336744? ago

Steadman? I thought he was just a stooge to make her look straight. Hasn't Hollywood always tried to make their big gay stars look straight? example. Rock Hudson

23336775? ago

He is. That;s why he's locked in the garage.

23334010? ago

For one, because of her massive following.

If she's off in Tahiti right now, she cant parrot WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER

23334868? ago

She can't post videos to twitter and facebook (or have a publicist do it) while she's in Tahiti? Don't they have internets too? =)

23336964? ago

speaking of far away island paradises, anyone remember this story? he was kiddie diddling long before kiddie diddling was mainstream.



23333696? ago

I heard she ate weight watchers microwave meals. Is a giant bowl of pasta some new weight watchers thing?

23337027? ago

kind of looks like emotional eating to me. maybe she is nervous about something, said 'fuck it' with regard to her diet. indictments would do that to a person.

23334544? ago

ugly fat nigger.

23333529? ago

also does not look like her kitchen

23337059? ago

you've got to go to Oprah's kitchen before? which house? i've never even met her.

23338909? ago

Not to mention I do believe she has more than one kitchen. She's like Bernie that way

23335193? ago

That’s at KFC

23332921? ago

Pasta=Boy Lover

23335364? ago

Madonna is going to be pissed.....

23337793? ago

Chef BOY ardee

23337978? ago

Good one!

23332900? ago

look's alot like an ankle wallet or maybe a holster..............but it might be a monitor in case she fell and can't get up too

23334625? ago

could also be an ankle purse. Saw it on some models doing a search.

23334909? ago

Could be an ankle jet pack...she clicks her heals and activates it and takes to the skies.

23334714? ago

ankle purse in the house? yea makes sense

23334829? ago

just saying'

23337906? ago

just saying' stupid shit obviously. lol

23333093? ago

whatever it is, it must be on autopilot, because we all know she can't reach her ankles.

23332878? ago


that's good shit

23332895? ago

23332852? ago

Another invisible arrest. lol

23332886? ago

I'm simply impressed she can boil water on her own. Waaay beyond what I thought she was capable of doing in the kitchen.

23332844? ago

I'm not buying it, I don't believe she can bend her fat ass over and reach her toes? Maybe that's how she keeps candy bars away from her mouth?