23331354? ago

I left the UK ten years ago, thank goodness. I don't know if I'm any safer but I'm in a remote place where it's easier to stay out of sight. I go through the motions of "lock down", since the police try to enforce it. But it's such a mountainous area, they'd be extremely unlikely to spot me if I decided to go for a drive. The only real problem, at present, is in buying things. Food isn't a problem but getting a replacement part for a shower is!

23331036? ago

The BBC which by the way is in full gov propaganda mode published an article today with a mori survey. It said 25% believed the conspiracy theory the virus was created in a lab. That's way more than I would have expected. So apparently 1 in 4 people in the UK is a conspiracy theorist! Or is it 1 in 4 people have been taught to do their own research?

23330571? ago

Who will spread this truth and when? MSM has shut out the truth.

23330520? ago

UK too - N.W. England.

The media are 'doubling down'. I listen to Nigel Farage's radio show and that is all; even he seems to be caught in a 'fear frenzy' recently but at least he is opposing this police-state push.

P.M. Johnson's words on recovery will be interesting...

23330420? ago

UK Brit Lady here. No way am I or my family having any vaccines. I red pilled my husband who thought the whole Q thing was stupid last year. Now he sees that there is truth to what is happening in the world. He asks me questions and I point him in the directions to go read for himself whereas this time last year he would have accepted the narrative. Keep plugging away - it IS making a difference as people ARE waking up to the BS the media, etc are spouting.

23330143? ago

I'm also in the UK.. I do watch the news here to see what they're reporting to the public. It's helped me to be able to ask people to watch out for 'something' and compare it with what's being reported on TV. I find that people I talk to are beginning to see through the MSM and ask questions. Instead of dismissing, they say let's see what happens which implies an open mind instead of closed mind..

It's slow but it does seem to work.

23330116? ago

UK here same, no TV etc., no way will I comply with Gates' agenda. Three petitions on Change.org against ID2020 have been taken down, the last hours ago. Each was heading towards 200,000 signatures in a short space of time. No coincidence Gates invested millions into Change.org. These shits control everything.

23330003? ago

Same here, in Australia. But it only takes a few of us to change the world, bit by bit.

23331617? ago

Q followers constantly being fed FALSE Information and Faked Cannibalism Pictures.
