23330331? ago

I was going to mention how “Racoon” is an anagram of “Corona” and this clip


But then I re-read your and saw there was a Part #1. Both things were mention in your part 1.

So here are some things that have not been mention yet.

  1. The Main antagonist of Resident Evil 4 is a cult called “Los Iluminados“. (A.k.a. Iluminati in Spanish)

  2. The symbol of the Los Iluminados is also the symbol of Baphomet.

  3. Speaking of symbols, the symbol of Umbrella is also the symbol of the Knights Templar.


23327369? ago

Back channel comms are through the games.

Q has pointed us to this particular game.

Time to dig a couple levels deeper.

23326550? ago

Not sure if anyone here has seen Neon Genesis Evangelion but it's loaded. NERV, The Elites, are presented as the good guys. Their headquarters is an underground pyramid. All decisions are made by three supercomputers, The Magi. They have eliminated 99% of the population and the remnants are forced to live in Orwellian supercities. They bad guys are 17 angels who are trying to destroy NERV before they can complete the Human Instrumentality Project.

23325676? ago

There are thousands on video games full of red pills. If you understand the underlying message in most games and storylines you soon realize that EVIL is eveyrwhere, it has infiltrated every small aspect of daily societal life. It is up to the user to discover, root out, and relinquish Evil in all of your surroundings. First you must have a strategy. then You test your strategies against others, and go with what works.

23325628? ago

Satan put it in front of us for our children to see.