I decided to do some research into Capcom and the Resident Evil series since that Cannibalism page Q linked to had the Resident Evil picture. Anyone else find the plot suspicious? (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3756284?
Umbrella Corporation are the elites in the series who use bioweapons to terrorize the worlds nations. They plan to end the world using a bioweapon to take control of it and create an NWO.
In the new Resident Evil 3 remake look at the intro of the T-Virus destroying Raccoon City. Does this not remind you of Coronavirus?
23325648? 4.9 years ago
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23322481? 4.9 years ago
Been thinking this all along.
23322378? 4.9 years ago
‘Racoon’ is anagram for CORONA ...
23550513? 4.9 years ago
Yeah if you spell Raccoon with one c
23322710? 4.9 years ago
its real or fake? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3754279/23318859
23322276? 4.9 years ago
Interesting.. the cannibals take reality and turn it into a video game so the sheep think its all fake.
Do you think the sheep are ready to hear this yet? And not just hear, but be shown evidence that it is true?
Do I hear the cries of "DEEP FAKES" coming soon? kek
23323268? 4.9 years ago
What do you think movies and television is?
A big chunk of movies are put out to discredit actual things they do. Other chunk is Propagandized social engineering.
Think Jason Bourne.
Think Taken
Think Man on Fire.
They glorify and promote what they do Us right in front of us and call it fiction.
23322202? 4.9 years ago
The Umbrella Corp has a huge underground "hive". Bad ass game.
23322465? 4.9 years ago
Underground DUMBs.
23322112? 4.9 years ago
Great dig, anon. This is what Q wanted us to find.
23322025? 4.9 years ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=H4OXkoT81Jw&t=36s :
GLOBAL WARMING, OVERPOPULATION - Dr Isaacs end the world scene (HD) - YouTube
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=B3Qj6DArQOU&t=41s :
Resident Evil 3 Remake - Opening Sequence - YouTube
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23325648? ago
This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.
Posted automatically (#103498) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
23322481? ago
Been thinking this all along.
23322378? ago
‘Racoon’ is anagram for CORONA ...
23550513? ago
Yeah if you spell Raccoon with one c
23322710? ago
its real or fake? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3754279/23318859
23322276? ago
Interesting.. the cannibals take reality and turn it into a video game so the sheep think its all fake.
Do you think the sheep are ready to hear this yet? And not just hear, but be shown evidence that it is true?
Do I hear the cries of "DEEP FAKES" coming soon? kek
23323268? ago
What do you think movies and television is?
A big chunk of movies are put out to discredit actual things they do. Other chunk is Propagandized social engineering.
Think Jason Bourne.
Think Taken
Think Man on Fire.
They glorify and promote what they do Us right in front of us and call it fiction.
23322202? ago
The Umbrella Corp has a huge underground "hive". Bad ass game.
23322465? ago
Underground DUMBs.
23322112? ago
Great dig, anon. This is what Q wanted us to find.
23322025? ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=H4OXkoT81Jw&t=36s :
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=B3Qj6DArQOU&t=41s :
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