23329916? ago

Praise God!

23327392? ago

How long was in in IC? 1 day? Maybe 2? Probably HCQ, and will wake up a lot of zombies.

23324697? ago

Q confirmed that he is a larp yesterday:

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out.


23324403? ago

Go get 'em, Boris.

23323585? ago

I didn't get my check

23323317? ago

I wonder if he got the Hydroxychloroquine?

23329028? ago

AND azithromycin if Trump Cure

Its a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, and NOTHING else and is over 99% effective.

All other uses of hydroxychloroquine, since 2005 (yes 2005 papers) show only 90% are saved.

To get over 99% efficacy you need azithromycin , its the real Trump Cure.

The third massive 1000 person Trump Cure paper by Didier Raoult is almost out (Tomorrow? Monday?)

His First Two papers showing ability to reach over 99% efficacy, not mere historic known 90% :


2nd paper :


3rd Paper (same doctor, over 1000 patient trial) :

Tomorrow or Monday.

23324477? ago

Considering it normally takes weeks to recover from when you're at the point where you need intensive care, I'd say it's a given.

He might've received a similar drug though, I recall there's another one being touted that also causes cells to uptake zinc.

23326533? ago

Amodiaquine? I think I read a comment about it yesterday, or some name sounding alike

23323457? ago

So does the DS. They pray everyday that he doesn't make an announcement about his treatment cure.