23324981? ago

There's a lot more weirdos here.... It's not your imagination. Their purpose is to make it so difficult for us to have real conversations that we give up. They also flood the sub with nonsense so sincere posts get lost.

There are also many people just finding out about Q. I don't direct them here but other people may. The ones I've talked to are believing every idiot they see posting on Facebook and then passing that information to other newbies.

Now they all think they are experts on Q and what is "really" happening.

I'm old.... I was here when the Internet was new - before GUI and browsers. We knew that at certain times of the year we'd be flooded with idiots who all got "Christmas modems".

We're experiencing all the newbies ... Even shill newbies who have no skillz for shilling or forum sliding.

23327492? ago


23323978? ago

Nothing would surprise me anymore.

Pelosi turns into a lizard live on tv...saw it coming.

Flying monkeys like the wizard of oz. Come flying ass out of Antarctica...that's cool.

Alien invasion in the sky...no prob, not real.

Sit here for fucking nothing...priceless.

23324313? ago

Thanks for making me laugh

23321589? ago

^ Ironically, this is why 'women are never on the internet'.

23321512? ago

It's you.

23322745? ago

I was hoping it wasn’t me. ;)

So are you a tunnel kid enthusiast? Thanks for a empty comment. Keep hiding. I used to like it better when people at least knew not to open their weird mouths

23321570? ago


23321224? ago

Ya'll? and you say we are weird!

23322771? ago

I was born in the Bronx! I picked that up at jump school b4 the 82nd. Fuck all y’all’s!

23323270? ago

Normally we get stupid fuktards on here....sorry Patriot! Thank you for serving our country and with that....you can say anything you like here! USA🇺🇸

23323857? ago

Love my country thanks

23326707? ago

No, Thank You Soldier! My family loves you! Our Country loves you! You are a hero to us. I know this may feel uncomfortable to hear but you do deserve it ALL of our countries great Soldiers do! Keep on keepin on Patriot.

23321213? ago

Q has yet to delivers the goods, but the real shills always give me hope that they are putting in a lot of effort to put off newbies... ignoring Q would be the real answer if you had zero faith.

Thank you real shills! And resect to those that question Q too - you have the right mind set. Let the proof lay where it lies.