23341139? ago

DAMN! On our own NIH website. Tests show it can stop HIV transmission in babies - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2141601/

And it did have some impact on a portion of AIDS patients - but not entirely - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22820788/


Among HIV-infected patients not taking antiretroviral therapy, the use of hydroxychloroquine compared with placebo did not reduce CD8 cell activation but did result in a greater decline in CD4 cell count and increased viral replication

23331413? ago

AIDS is not a problem

23330680? ago

VOAT is on fire today.

23330469? ago

I would not disagree with the possibility that it does, but I think the Deep State/Leftists/Globalists/Democratic Party Establishment (really all the same entity) wants to keep us shut up in our homes and the economy shut down in perpetuity. So they will try to suppress any drug that offers a cure for COVID 19 that would ease people's fears of going out and back to work.

23330444? ago

It is worse than that, because these diseases are man-made and intentionally given to us. Make people sick, then sell them a treatment (they won't even sell us the cure), and often times the treatment just makes people sicker.

23330034? ago

Hiv is a harmless retrovirus which never caused 'AIDS' in the first place. 'AIDS' was originally named 'GAY Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome' for a good reason.

Homosexuals have unprotected sex with literally THOUSANDS of partners who deposits dangerous pathogens directly into the colon of each other. This compromised tgf immune system which are then even further compromised by heavy drug use, especially the use of 'poppers' or alkyl nitrites, a highly toxic chemical favoured by homosexuals due to it's rectal relaxing properties.

The gay mafia obviously didn't take to kindly to scientists pointing out all of this in the 80s, do they lobbied hard to have GRIDS renaled to 'AIDS', implying that this was a disease which heterosexuals could also get (they can't).

Billions of dirty slush funds were diverted into 'AIDS research' and as with all other charitable causes, these billions found their way back into the pockets of corrupt politicians and health officials.

The 'HIV Hoax' would go on to become the template for the much bigger 'Corona Hoax' used in a globalist coup worldwide that we are currently seeing usher in the total police state everywhere.

23329958? ago

Trust me, that shit is not the cure kek

23328328? ago

Remember many on the plane that disappeared in Malaysia were leading scientists in the fight against AIDS

23329021? ago

I’ve always wondered about that plane. I’ve never heard this. Can you provide links for curious minds? What happened to the plane?

23326910? ago

Big pharma would be fighting tooth-and-nail to keep any cures hidden. The big C, HIV, etc. are worth billions to Big pharma. It's just a revolving door between those who work for the pharmaceutical companies and those that go to work in the federal government at the FDA enforcing regulations. The whole enterprise is criminal.

23329030? ago

And the biological warfare vaccines are causing the big C. Corrupt.

23326529? ago

This is going to be a keg of dynamite. From what we have been seeing the HQ and some Zinc can kick the shit out of any virus. If this is true the pharma conglomerate is toast. You won't need insurance for anything but accidents and heart attacks. Most illness can be cured with Cold Ease and some tonic water.

23327382? ago


23326287? ago

Would this be why they're suppressing it and banning it in some states? Worried that someone with HIV will also happen to catch wuflu and in the course of treatment, cure themselves of the disease? This would REALLY rile up the sleeping folks on the left.

23325839? ago

Well, you should do an experiment to see if malaria patients are mutually exclusive from HIV AIDS patients etc.

23325113? ago

hiv is not aids https://archive.org/details/HivaidsFactOrFraud

aids is actualy gay aids caused by poppers and anal sex, hemophiliac aids caused by blood transfusions and immunosupressants, druggee aids caused by heroine and drugs, and africa aids caused by malnutrition

23324755? ago

What if it cures Lupus

What if it cures Crohn's

What if it cures Asthma

What if it cures Tuberculosis

What if it cures Arthritis...

You get the idea.

23341506? ago


I discovered that chlorine dioxide quickly eradicates malaria. Since that time, it has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of disease, including cancer, diabetes, hepatitis A, B, C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, high cholesterol, acid reflux, kidney or liver diseases, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction and the list goes on.


23346735? ago

I don't know the number by heart but malaria i believe, is killer no.1 in the world. (((they)))don't want a cure for this. It helps the agenda.

23327451? ago

yea ect and your welcome P=16

23324654? ago

Damn! Think of the lives that could've been saved if Q or Trump let this slip out 2 years ago! I guess the virus forced their hand? It's all a fucking game to these people & we're just pawns to them. It's all so tiresome.

23324409? ago

I don't wanna cure HIV. Or even treat it. Let it kill degenerates.

23324406? ago

Probably what magic Johnson takes

23324373? ago

But will it cure the Dem's

23323964? ago

HIV/AIDS is fake and gay. You "cure" it by not being a druggie and/or gay

23323829? ago

What if you could add cancer to the list?

23323478? ago

Even if this is true, let’s not get carried away and focus on this particular use of HCQ and the best protocol for treating CV.

If we wander off with associated uses, shills can plant fake uses for HCQ, discrediting what we know about HCQ for CV.

23323369? ago

Freddy Mercury. He was a faggot and that is how he got infected.

23323320? ago


23329590? ago

kek agrees!

23323038? ago

Zinc is the cure, Hydroxychloroquine is the necessary catalyst that delivers it to the cells. Z-pak is for secondary infections.

23341620? ago

Stewed green tea lets the zinc in too. Sorry no source.

23322690? ago

Didn't Trump say during a rally that he was going to cure AIDS?

23323358? ago

yes! something to the affect (paraphrasing) "aids/hiv would be gone in ten years"

23322644? ago

Even the gays would awaken

23323368? ago

some us already are!!

23322587? ago

Don't forget, Lyme and Multiple Sclerosis also.

23327366? ago


23322429? ago

Is HSV the same as HPV?

23323500? ago

HSV is herpes, HPV is human papillomavirus

23322416? ago

Bill Gates to be the first arrest. Everyone knows him. Most think of him as a "good guy" trying to help humanity. It will shock the world when they find out what he's been up to.

23324674? ago

That is what the sheep need....... To hear that one of their gods is evil.

23322014? ago

If it did that it would shutdown the medicinal Pot industry.

23322175? ago

I don't follow that logic at all.

23322127? ago

I everybody could grow their own pot, there would be hardly a need for it.

23322005? ago

When was the last time you heard about a famous person dying from AIDS?

I don't follow 'famous' people but I do remember Freddie Mercury, and Rock The Cock.

23321801? ago

Why would you want a cure? Let the faggots die off.

23321739? ago

And what if they knew the whole time?

23321701? ago

And cancer?

23321621? ago

i will not be surprised if hydrochloriquine will cure alot of things for us. sickening what gates and fauci have done to us.

23321556? ago

I have a feeling it cures a lot more than just Covid

23327397? ago

THATS NO FEELING. THE truth is that the medical industrial complex will be put to death.

23321463? ago

Its going to be biblical!

23321431? ago

It is true

23321310? ago


23321289? ago

What if the problem is that it cures AIDS?

That is a HUGE problem. AIDS is meant to kill off all the niggers and degenerates.

What we need to do is stop the pharmaceutical industry from profiting off of keeping niggers and degenerates alive.

23322477? ago

AIDS is caused by behavior not a virus. HIV does not cause AIDS. Recreational drug use, nilitates and the drugs that doctors prescribe for AIDS AZT cause AIDS.

23321253? ago

I was told to take quinine and zink to cure and if you can't get quinine drink tonic water (swebbs) it has quinine . Someone shared this info with me not sure about it

23321437? ago

Mix that with Gin and maybe some citrus. Now THAT's how you Quarantine.

23321420? ago

Quinine lowers fever, but you need the fever to boost your immune system when attacked. And then you'll want the virus go away fast, only Hydroxichloroquine is fast enough.

23321215? ago

Nobody dies from AIDS.

23321059? ago

You’re all fuckin stupid weirdos who just decide to believe your crazy ideas with no basis or proof. You jack each other off saying “thanks Patriots”. You’re Mental midgets.

Believing shit that isn’t true gets you nowhere.

Base your decisions on the truth. And the truth is we don’t know much.

Go ahead and call me a shill or joo or phag. It still doesn’t change the sorry fact that you can’t critically think

Nothing wrong with going on faith but c’mon. Use your brains

Buncha low IQ mutha fuckers

23321852? ago

You mean use our brains like trying to figure out how over 158 thousand sealed indictments in the past three years are nothing?

You are so smart. Tell us what those signify.... use your high IQ....

23322850? ago

They would have to unseal them indictments wouldn’t they?

Maybe Durham can give his report to President Biden or Bernie in 2021 or 2022. Why do the good guys play nice and take their sweet time ? Nancy and chuck you convict before they’ve even indicted

I’m not holding my breath

23322985? ago

That's the best your low IQ dumbass self could come up with and you are crying about others? You cant even answer the question. What a pathetic low IQ person you are. Do you think they adjourned 158k+ juries for the fun of it?

Come on...show us you at least have a little common sense....

23323263? ago

On 2nd thought I remember a great movie “Idiocracy“ where the idiots in the future think the only smart guy on the planet sounds “tarded”

If you want to drop all the pussy name calling I’d be happy to demolish you. But that’s not gonna happen because you know who I am and we know who you are

Let me have it. If I offended you with my original post good. That was my intention. Your reaction like a woman (maybe you are one) also makes me think that anyone watching us debate might feel sorry for you and that would be counterproductive

Thanks to anyone who chimed in and agreed

By the way my IQ without fail tests out around 135ish

I had a GT score in the army of 143 and was in the infantry and the troops thought I was undercover CID (criminal investigation dept) because I used words they didn’t know.

Back then I didn’t know I was gifted. I thought I was average. Now that I know there are really high IQ people on the planet it’s scary because unlike me they aren’t using it for good

Not that I’m a good person. I have a criminal mind and can get away with a lot and I see angles others can’t. But I no longer take advantage.

Maybe I’m dozing myself because anyone I served with would know me in a second.

Why the fuck am I wasting my time on here. I’m gonna go do something for myself today. I rarely ever do

Take care and maybe I’m being to harsh. It’s a free country and even idiots have a right to say what they want. I just need to change the channel

I do come here for news links and I just have to sift through all the BS more lately

23328242? ago

Does the second thought mean you don't want to role play as Trump and Biden as you suggested before? lol!!!!!!

23329157? ago

It just means I don’t take you seriously

A troll is a troll. And I’ve actually gotten a laugh out of your response.

It doesn’t matter what any of us say. It is what it is and I’ve seen death throes many times.

It’s to bad I’m not the numbskull you think.

Then at Least you’d have a chance

Even idiots are entitled to their opinion

You can’t take a Losers ticket to the winning window and your ideas are just dumb. Remember me when you get enlightened

Please continue on your present course. It’s leading away from reality

23336803? ago

Lol! Your high IQ helping you to make the decision to delete your previous dumbass responses? It's must be higher than I thought....almost 70 maybe...and yes. You have proven to me several times that idiots are entitled to their opinions...and apparently like political role play...and delete their idiotic responses all the while talking about how smart they are and how high their IQs are. Yet still running from the initial argument because they actually are smart enough to realize they cant argue the point....

I look forward to seeing your response of ....deleted...


23337836? ago

  1. You can only speculate as to my motivation to delete. I don’t consider deleting a decision by but he way. A decision is when you cut yourself off from any other choice.
  2. We both know my IQ is above 70. I envy people with lower IQ’s that have more smarts than me. Intuition and dumb luck and people’s good will and ones own good intentions probably have a bigger impact on happiness and prosperity. I’ve had a great life but I didn’t always enjoy it which is something I’m working on. Gratitude not attitude (you have to say that with Arnold’s accent) 4 I’ll admit I don’t know what political role play is but it doesn’t sound fun so I’m out! ;)
  3. To be honest I thought I made a good effort to address the initial point which 180,000 sealed indictments? That’s a really large number. I asked how many actual trials would there be? How many jury pools for each? Aren’t trials exspensive? Also they wouldn’t be spread out equally across all 50 states so I said if you remember 16,000 dead bodies and we can’t get them in the ground or cremated and you and me could dig a hole in 2 hours tops but 16,000 if that’s a big number say 10 man hours each body that’s 160k man hours. So how many judges bailiffs stenographers will it take for 180,000 trials

Or is everyone gonna plea bargain?

It just doesn’t add up.

Maybe you’re right

When you realize a trillion seconds is 32,000 years and most people haven’t had a billion heartbeats yet

Of course they buried 100 million people over a 2 year period during the Spanish flu but I’m sure everyone pitched in once the smell got bad enough and the rats to fat

I delete 100% of my posts for a couple of reasons When I got out of the service in the mid 80’s my friends threw a party with a banner “Welcome back to humanity”

I’m still not used to people thanking me for my military service. Or my 30 years as a fireman

I actually much prefer people like you. I get a warm fuzzy feeling all over when people like you remind me that “people are shit”

Also it doesn’t need to be proven that idiots are entitled to opinions. That’s a God given right!

I’d rather have a true enemy than a false friend.

Like I said before “ if you really think I have a low IQ then you’re either stupid or you’re lying”

Also if you’re trolling me then you should know

“Beat me! Bore me! Just don’t ignore me!”

You’ve spent 2 solid weeks 24/7 bent over tying your shoes by this point in your life!

Numbers add up. 180,000 sealed indictments? Plus all the unsealed indictments?

Why don’t you tell us about an indictment just one that they unsealed. And how long it took to complete the process.

So it’s also untrue I ran from the argument because i really feel like I’m repeating myself here

23353164? ago

So in other words, you can't explain why there are 180k sealed indictments....again. Your amazing IQ is unable to understand the effort it took to create those. You are having to default to the "Derrr well when will they be unsealed...der" to change the argument. Of course that argument is stupid as well because logically speaking (you know...using that outstanding IQ logically) you are basically implying they created 180k indictments under seal with no intention of unsealing them, further disparaging the purpose of the indictments. There is a reason they are sealed dumbass. They seal them on purpose so no one can see what's in them until they are unsealed. Right?

Did your tremendous ability of deductive reasoning and logic put any thought into that? Maybe your high IQ numbers are all working in tandem on one task? Unable to multithread? Can't put a few of those numbers...say 15 or 20 (since your IQ is so high) to deductive reasoning?

I can see you were able to come up with the 24/7 tying your shoe bit.

Let me help. Answer this question using some of those IQ points....Why do they seal and indictment and why would they keep it sealed until time of unsealing?

Take your time. Let those IQ points process those thoughts. Why sealed, why not yet unsealed?.....

Hold one of those USB fans to your ear to help cooling while your super overclocked processing is occurring...

23354107? ago

I suddenly felt like a teenager They say if you send a teenager more than a sentence in a text they tune out after one sentence.

I just don’t care what you have to say. I’m not saying you’re not right. I just think you’re a jerk and it’s just not enjoyable to read your words. Maybe that’s why you’re so hostile. It’s not your message. It’s the messenger. You’re just kinda repugnant.

I learned a long time ago that you can’t teach people anything. People can only learn. There are only two motivators in life reward and punishment and you seem to use the listen to me or I’ll attack

It’s much easier to wait for people looking for truth than to get on a soapbox and cast your pearls before swine.

This is just my opinion and your opinion of me doesn’t matter to me.

You’re just unlikeable.

I was thinking maybe someday when I can take a little negativity I could come back and read what you wrote and see if what you said made any sense or had a few good points amongst all the spit and venom. But I won’t. That’s a chance I’m willing to take.

It’s also why I delete my posts. Get em while they’re hot! If I post something people can read it or not but it’s a Limited time offer unlike the my pillow 2 for 1 deal

Not that you can check any more but I did address your indictments many times and you failed to see that since you were looking for a specific response and not my response. It’s not my fault you dot consider an answer an answer. It was in there each time and I won’t go into it again. Maybe you screenshoted it or copy pasted it. So go look at that if you want

I don’t care. While you may hate me I just have apathy for people like you. Especially you.

It’s sad that if you did have valuable content it was contained in your repulsive personality. None of my comments were meant to be insults. I’ve chosen my words carefully and if I’m anywhere close to hitting a nerve maybe it will ring a bell that will resonate long enough for you to find a new tone

If you’re telling the truth then maybe it’s more Joe you say it.

They say people won’t remember what you say but they remember how you made them feel.

I hope this helps.

I did think it was funny when I said “okay you win” you helped me make my point that sarcasm is lost on here

Also if you really though I conceded your point it’s proof your personality is yucky since you continued to attack and belittle someone you thought you defeated.

Some people like to continue to punch an unconscious person in the ufc

If you’re reading this sentence I’ve wasted at least a few minutes of your day. Me I have loads of time since I’ve been retired and independently wealthy since 2008.

I did address the indictments. You just couldn’t see it like that answer to the IQ question the 150’s see right off

Sure it makes sense after the fact and it’s easier to follow than blaze a trail

There’s only one electron. If true what does that mean and would you rather not know that?

Everyone wants to know how the magic trick is done but afterwards they realize life was funner before you got to look behind th curtain at the wizard

When I see road kill I’m reminded how it must feel for a doctor or surgeon who’ve all taken people apart. Or a army medic whose seen hacksaw ridge in real life

I know as a fireman every time I saw someone on fire I thought. It doesn’t look like that on the tv of the movies. It’s like human marshmallows

23354436? ago

Lol! TLDR. Read the first sentence or two where you stated you dont care what I say...the 50npatagraphs later you ended...🤔😅😅😅👍

23354786? ago

Did you notice it was mostly me just droning on and on to suck time ?

Let’s keep playing “try and upset me lol”

I guess I’m not emotionally involved. So have at it. You can’t really hurt someone unless you know them. We don’t really know anything about each other. Imagine if we did?

Here’s a hint. “I don’t care”

We have zero power to exert on each other.

I used to care once but I don’t anymore

Maybe I’m fixed

People reap what they sow. If they don’t like the results that’s their problem so don’t blame me or the weather or pests

Or do blame me. It wouldn’t be my first rodeo. I’ve been blamed for others incompetence before and that’s just a short term solution.

I’m not the cause or the solution to anyone’s concerns.

I’m untrollable. I can’t be fucked with. Please do your best. Lol

You are gonna like me eventually. You just don’t know it yet!

Not that I care.

You will learn that you’ve never really come across anyone like me before. Maybe you already know that

23339134? ago

Lol. What a triggered low IQ bitch you are. Apparently with the integrity of a sugar made buttplug in a rain storm.

First if you were so smart you would know that the 70 IQ was sarcasm...but perhaps you are autistic and can identify that...

Secondly you should know about the political role playing because it was YOU who suggested it but of course you deleted your posts...which takes us back to the integrity issue.

It doesn't take a genius ( you know..high IQ) to speculate why you delwtes your posts. You deleted them so you could play stupid and deny....because you are a low integrity having piece of garbage...who loves to talk about what a genius he is and how he would stomp me intellectually....lol!

How is that workingvout for you?

23339254? ago

Okay you win!

You saw right through me!

Honestly you made me laugh and it’s hard to thumb type while doing it.

Someday when they unseal all those indictments put my name in your comment and I’ll find it and we can chat

I go by “Retardo”

23353217? ago

lol, why are you telling me I won? You don't think I already knew that when I made the initial post? I don't argue points that are BS. It has to do with integrity. If you have integrity then you never find yourself in a position where you have to back pedal, distract, redirect, deleting posts, etc. like you have been doing.

23353798? ago

That was sarcasm.

23354447? ago

Yes. But mine was the truth.

23327899? ago

lol, shut up you triggered bitch. No one believes your bullshit..."I was tested in the army derrrp!"

BTW dipshit. If you were so smart you would realize I was trying to offend you as well. Go fuck yourself you self righteous dipshit....and stick your self defined IQ up your ass.

23329152? ago

Can I stop fuckin myself yet?

I for one believe me own bullshit.

I’m not sure why you think I was offended. I mean there’s a good chance I was trolling you so if you bought me flowers I would feel degraded l. But the good ol fo puck u self reenergixed me.

I invented a new word. Reenergix. To bad it’s my password on VOat.

Anyways thanks for your repsonze. It was super sweat a ya to reply.

Why is it that no matter how many IQ tests I’ve taken I can never score above 135?

I learned once that a 135 @ ten years old only means it’s relative to 10 year olds. A 50 year old IQ of 100 is smarter

It’s harder to get a 0% on a test than it is to get 100%. Did you ever consider that?

I think about stuff like that.

In order to get a zero you’d have to know every correct answer.

One time I took an accounting class. I cut school and never went to class much or turned in any assignments. But I was there the day the TA said the professor said if your grade is highly on the final then you get that grade. And if your final grade is lower than course work yiu get the course work grade

I was walking by the auditorium on final day and was gonna skip it and get the F so I could retake it. I was afraid if I got a C I’d be stuck cuz you need a D or lower to repeat and erase the D or lower

Anyway I went in and it was 100 questions. I didn’t know a dam thing in the first 20. So I decided to take the test backwards. I started with 100 and then 99 and then 98

I got a damn B+

The problem is that I still didn’t know shit about accounting

I was dating a nurse who dumped me cuz I would score higher than her in the nursing registry exams and she had a 4 year degree.

Being smart has its benefits and it’s also a curse

I usually evoke a hostile reaction from people like you since I make people feel like shit

If it makes you feel better I am super smart. But I didn’t use it for any great contribution so I pissed it away. I also didn’t scam anyone but I could have easily

Maybe my life had been ruled by my motto

Do what you should. Not what you could

And let’s face it. I’m no phony. I say what I think and it makes me feel good you’re trying to shut me up

Only certain people hate the truth.

You’ve probably accomplished twice what I have with half my smarts

So you got that going for ya

23323393? ago

If I may ask, when did you ETS mein neger? I got out in 2015 and I'm thinking about enlisting again. My GT was 142 but I got shit MOS options when I enlisted because of budget cuts/sequestration.

23323839? ago

  1. I was 11H. They offered me $50k to reup as a portable nuclear power plant specialist.

Big Nope!

I insisted on going”combat” So I never really saw my options.

But they did talk about a guy who used to be in the arms room who had higher GT but he went insane

23323101? ago

People who talk about common sense are usually referring to their own stupid ideas about things

If you say I’m low IQ then you’re either stupid or you’re lying. So which is it maestro ? Are you stupid or are you lying.

Let’s have a debate. I’ll be trump and you be Biden and everyone can watch my low IQ ass verbally stomp the shit out of you with my vexatious verbosity

23327999? ago

According to who? People whose common sense is being questioned? Make that nugget of wisdom up on the fly? Nietzsche state that?

Go fuck yourself. You are already at the losing end of this conversation. Even your whole, "Der you be Biden...I be Trump...let's debate!!!" is retarded and proof of your idiocy. I already gave your dumb ass something to defend but you keep running from it.

So let's try again idiot. Using your self defined tremendous IQ explain the deal with the158k+ sealed indictments....don't puss out and say ,"der but only good if they unseal em derrrrr.....did I mention my high IQ...derrrr...."

Common sense dipshit. Tell us why juries were convened, presented evidence, adjourned and decisions sealed 158k+ times if nothing is going on? Tell us genius....don't puss out like last time. Don't be a self aggrandizing bitch who runs from the argument while touting his self professed genius.

23329193? ago

I’ve heard of nitchy but it sounds kinda like some name mike Meyers did on SNL sprockets so I don’t like weird German shit. Good for you not being limited. Also saw it was 156k and not 180k

I’m gonna google if indictments ever get unsealed?

If not then I hope I get a sealed indictment. Shit I wish A good chunk of my life could be indicted and sealed hahaaha

So um I think the about covers it

Sorry if I didn’t answer your requests because I would have had to read your response and I just really decided to use that time to talk about by girlfriends ( did I mention she has huge tits too?)

I was never a boob guy and maybe I’m still not but they’re awesome. I hope you’re as blessed as me in life since there’s plenty to go around.

I’m not much for envy since that a Democrat thing.

If they raise taxes on the rich but mine stay the same what good is it. Some people get off on others misery. I hope you eventually get to a place where someone like me doesn’t bother you

Ill pray for you and that will either big you or make you happy

But that’s under your control


23329051? ago

I kinda skimmed through your response and the yawn factor was immense. First off my eyes glazed over mid 1st sentence. I kinda started to feel sad for you before I got to your first period. I could look back and reread but I, let me be honest, your tone just makes me loath to even take the time. Does this happen often?

While we’re off topic I’d really like to tell you more about myself and my sweet life

I have a really nice girlfriend and even though she’s like 8 years older than me she looks younger than me. She’s got a nice Pussy. She’s old school. Super orgasmic which kinda sucks cuz I’m good in bed and my skills aren’t required. I bet she’d even respond to you

I pay zero taxes. I make bank. I just looked up the 2018’s tax schedule and saw that they are robbing people. I piss away $20k more in write offs a year since I have so much free income.

I feel bad for all the taxpayers. I haven’t paid tax since before Obama took office and oh yeah. I had a really bad weed problem in my yard and after a bunch of years I finally said fuck it cuz the oncologist who lives next door told me the roundup cancer risk is total bullshit. Are you still with me? Cuz like we’re buddies now. Send me your cell and I’ll text you

So where was I? Oh yeah it was garbage night and I had an empty can so I raked up sum leaves and I also pruned a tree that was a Chinese elm but it had Dutch elm Disease and the stump regrew from the 5 feet I left. Like Lazarus. Anyway I was just outside and my neighbors and I chatted from across the street except the Korean oncologist came out and asked what I was doing and I told him” I’m doing what your told me to”. Unlike you he was happy since I took his advice and trimmed that tree up.

I told him he was a fAg if he had a special Cabernet Sauvignon glass but he said it wasn’t so he kept his man card

So I’m thinking about all your demands. And since I’m so smart I think i remember a Weally big number on indictments. They are unsealed. Did I mention my girlfriend has. Really tight pussy? I think I said it was nice but it’s nice and tight. All the pedo tunnel kids would envy me. So anyway with all those sealed thingys why come none been opened. Or maybe the proper term is unsealed.

Take your big brain bob and rather than quote figures be curious. I’ve been hearing about these sealed rings since there were only 30,000 of them.

Holy Schmoly I just multi tasked over to the calcumalator and computerized that with 180k that one for ever 1900 people in the USA

I hope you’re right since I know that many people so it means that I will at least no someone. I was also doing the math on my fingers and if 180,000 people are getting arrested by the government there’s a good chance I could get on the jury.

Imagine. 180,000 trials. Times 12 jurors and maybe 2 alternates. Hold on let me go computerize that and I’ll shows all ma work

Dang if they ain’t 2 million jurors which means a jury pool of 6 million

That’s a whole mess of people boss. I mean there’s a big fuss we can’t bury the 16,000 people that just died of Covid so I hope I get on a good jury

Maybe with all the empty hotel rooms we can get sequestered and shit which could boost the economy

That means we get take out right ?

How many judges are there?

180,000 indictments sure is a lot.

I sorta feel scared knowing this many criminals be runnin bout

Hopefully we got enough parole officers to do pre sentencing reports and then bail bondsman will go well. Plus stenographers and like the bailiff

Also ingot a parking ticket once on jury duty so that more revenue

It’s gonna be worse than the airport for security at the court house.

Boy if I was indicted I sure would be wishing that maybe I would get lost in the shuffle.

Do you think I should admit to the judge since I’m on QVR that I had advance knowledge thanks to you? Maybe that disqualify makes me?

What do you think? I’m asking nicely and not telling or barking orders like you.

Well if you made it this far I really do appreciates it. I mean without you I would not truly appreciate the magnanimity of the situation. I’ll look up that world later to see if I used it right. Words like that got me into a whole heap of trouble in the army since it convinced guys I was some phuckin word fag.

The army guys were smart. I only had to deck one guy at each fort for word to get around

Thanks for all your info. It has really made me reconsider my original position.

I’m gonna email Nancy and tell her in order to get all these indictments. Unsealed and convicted were gonna need all those DACA kids to be citizens.

I shore do appreciate a lien in the right direction.

I’m glad we’re both phuckin crazy now

Something tells me that you’re

Oh never mind.

23321829? ago

I'm with you here. I see no evidence of hydroxychloroquine curing aids...where does this shit even come from?

23322861? ago

These estrogen brained faggots think like chicks and whatever they believe is just true

23321579? ago

Of course you'll find people here searching for simple answers, snapping after red herrings like "it's not a virus, it's 5G". But many of us do what we have learned to do in the last years: digging. Now we learn to dig in scientific papers, and again we find some truth that was hidden because journalists don't do their job anymore.

23322912? ago

Agreed. Thanks for your effort. Whatever that thing where idiots are to stupid to know how stupid they are.

I have to sift through so much BS now to find something worth reading on here

Maybe that’s the shills plan?

See I said “maybe” but these idiots on here take opinions as facts and emotions as evidence

What a fuckin hen party

23323443? ago

It's the idiocy of the masses. Voat was better before the reddit exodus(es). Reddit was good before digg users migrated. Same shit every time.

23321576? ago

lol Q follows are all retards, why even waste your time. Seeing Q posts all over the front page is like seeing trannies or niggers on TV. They're everywhere, and they won't listen to reason.

23323152? ago

And yet here you are

23323036? ago

The only thing I thought was pretty crazy Q stuff was the noname “every dog has its day “ post exactly 30 days to the minute b4 he croaked

Also I do have Mandela effect examples like the berenstein bears” I never bought my kids the books because I was like “why do the bears have to be Jewish?”

Also mirror mirror Vs magic mirror and Roy Schneider’s

“”You’re gonna need a bigger boat”

And momma said life was like not “is like “ a box of chocolates.

I have a didactic memory so it’s unnerving

I have zero proof but if this is a simulation I’m ready for my respawn. Or get me a medpack.

I almost died 6 or 7 times in the last decade but all is well now since I got an update lol

I don’t work don’t pay taxes have no exspenses and live the life of Riley

This is all to biblical. Fuck that Chinese blessing “may you live in interesting times”

I’m ready for regular

Also I have Netflix Amazon Prime HBO and Disney plus and there’s nothing to watch. Every time I find a good show 2 guys start kissing each other by episode 3

I’m to straight for this century

23323479? ago

Rephrase that bit about Forrest Gump because I recall it differently.

23329215? ago

Just google forest gump Mandela effect and it will do an much better job than I can

Good luck and let me know if you get it.

23323241? ago

Every time I find a good show 2 guys start kissing each other by episode 3

The Gay Agenda has its hooks in society! Glad others notice as well, this is necessary in order to end it. An aspect of the GA I would imagine. A minor aspect, but an aspect nonetheless.

23321670? ago

im trying not to feed the pigs on this board.

23321019? ago

If I had any of those, I'd probably give it a shot.

23320959? ago

Gonna say it eases opioid withdrawal. If not HCQ, some other meds will be revealed that do that.

23320887? ago

Since the worst place on earth for AIDs is Africa and these drugs are used there the most for malaria I think it’s possible but just not likely.

I give it about the same chance as you’ll never say a stupid ass thing ever again. Possible. Just not Likely.

On the bright side I prefer reading stupid stuff like this 100 to 1 compared to those weirdo pedophile who keep talking about tunnel kiddies and the people who either eat them sez them or wear them

This place is turning into like a NAMBLA for flat earth anti Vaxer symposium. Let’s bring back the Iron lung since it’s Analog after the Russians set off the EMP over Indiana too ward off the fuckin UFO’s

23323528? ago


23329211? ago

Is based good or bad ?

23320765? ago

I've heard that HCQ + Zpk go to parasites.

If it comes out that not only does these drugs "help" (I am thinking cure) it would bring the "conspiracy" that HIV, AIDS, Cancer, Coronavirus, probably the flu are parasites that we are introduced to through shit in the vaccines, through shit in the air (chem trails) and shit in our food.

That would cause riots.

Those people would not walk the streets.

Knowing that people lost loved ones, especially children, those people would be attacked by those families.

23323371? ago

YOu sir are quoting my epidemiology !!! here the next crux of the matter


it just so happens to be sec 1.11 kek ^

The principle of one side (the parasite) taking advantage of the other (the host) applies to viruses, all pathogenic microorganisms, and multicellular parasites alike. This is why we often find that no clear distinction is made between prokaryotic and eukaryotic parasites. With regard to parasites, we usually do not differentiate between viruses, bacteria, and fungi on the one hand and animal parasites on the other; we tend to see only the common parasitic lifestyle

The term parasite originated in Ancient Greece. It is derived from the Greek word “parasitos” (Greek pará = on, at, beside; sítos = food). The name parasite was first used to describe the officials who participated in sacrificial meals on behalf of the general public and wined and dined at public expense. It was later applied to minions who ingratiated themselves with the rich, paying them compliments and practicing buffoonery to gain entry to banquets where they would snatch some food.


23322803? ago

I've actually read that almost everyone is full of parasites, and that ironically, the parasites are what ends up keeping them alive. Wish I remembered the article. It explained the connectedness between nanoparticles, autism, chemtrails, and parasites. The parasites eat the heavy metals that are thrusted upon us by our environment. So when we remove the parasites we'll actually get heavy metal toxicity. Even though having parasites is not good by any means at all... pretty insane

23325250? ago

Thats why I get good and drunk once a month. I’ve built my tolerance to alcohol over decades and I kill the parasites with alcohol poisoning. I just poop out the bad guys.

23323400? ago

Parasites to me are things like roundworms, tapeworms, liver flukes, and shit like that. We are full of bacteria and fungus.

23324702? ago

Malaria is caused by a parasite

23323947? ago

wrong those are parasites reread the posts below

23323289? ago

That is crazy. If you find it please post it. I would love to read it.

23324210? ago

watch the vid inside it he says a deal has been made!

23320844? ago

also anti parasitics Medendazole and Fenbendazole appear highly promising candidates for cancer treatment. another, Ivermectin, appears potent against CoV2

theyre all generic as fuck and have been around for decades

23337796? ago

Thought any drug ending with "zole" was an antifungal?

23328352? ago

Ivermectin is the wormer. We use it on our horses. Can be used on dogs for heartworm etc too.

23337841? ago

Only if they don't carry the MDR1 gene. Anyone with a Shepherd knows what I'm talking about.

23325224? ago

I’ve read the one study on ivermectin and covid that exists. We use ivermectin on the farm and it’s cheap as fuck by the bucket.

23324691? ago

Also Artemisinin. In fact, Artemisinin is more effective than HydroChloroquine against malaria.

Against cancer it acts as a smart bomb by attaching to iron molecules in the blood. As cancer feeds off the iron, it gets attacked from the inside. Boom!.

23321893? ago

I believe it's the fenbendazole that you can get for your pets.

23321796? ago

cancer cure is the big ticket item that will destroy big phama

23320994? ago

Ivermectin paste is available for purchase for pets as well.

23321839? ago

please dont encourage people to take animal drugs or fish antibiotics

23323211? ago

hello mrs. streisand! kek has your numbers

23320754? ago

They must have really not been a big fan of Queen.

23320737? ago

This is what they are hiding..."If Trump cured cancer the Ds would still hate him."


23323397? ago

because the law suits would break all countries financially when the public learns that this was done deliberately and with malice- Can you say unhinged !!

23321322? ago

Thank you for that link, I found it very interesting. My mother is 88 yo and battling leukaemia at the moment. At that age, anything is worth a try as her haemotologist has said chemotherapy and radiation are too damaging and would almost certainly kill her. She has comorbidities in the form of heart disease, kidney disease and GORD due to hiatus hernia.

23323768? ago

Your welcome...WWG1WGA is what its\'s all about. Trump gave us Right to Try for a reason. I can't imagine what else is hidden by FDA. Every day we find more truths.

23321917? ago

Try cannabis oil for your mom

23320726? ago

Fucki and Gates would be out of a job

23320717? ago

Well, we know that Magic Johnson doesn’t have it.

23321000? ago

1 in every 100 carries but doesn’t die from it. Like Typhoid Mary. She was a cook and it was in her gall bladder and she killed tons of people.

Every time they had an outbreak they knew Mary got a job cooking again when she promised to only do laundry.

They had to put her on a prison island since she wouldn’t consent to surgery.

Autopsy shows gall bladder was BINGO!

23342961? ago

Thanks I appreciate it.

23323188? ago

...and only 1 in 1000 gets your Digits! :)

23323536? ago

Faggot retard

23320712? ago

"it would mean Gates, Fauci, Birx and all the global funds and organizations have been collecting billions for a cure that already exists."

Without a known cure that these people are against means that they push the 'deadly' vaccinations that will fulfill the globalist depopulation agenda.

23320705? ago

And Fauci has known the whole time but it was too profitable killing people off slowing with the other stuff to tell the rest of us?

23320697? ago

Last week it was a cure for cancer.

Fucking stop with this shit.

23323564? ago

But muh suppressed technology and cures. Trump is going to defeat the chemikillz once and for all and no more vaccines and cancer ever again! Then he's going to release the Tesla technology for free energy and reveal the ET technology too. So much winning! Savior Trump will fix everything!

23320641? ago

What if this is the big secret. (((Big Pharma))) has had the cure for many things, but hid it from us so they could sell lesser drugs that prolonged illnesses and made huge profits. They murdered and tortured the human race for their own power. Now they fear for their lives and are flexing all their power with the lockdown bullshit.

23346682? ago

Big Harma

23337924? ago

Pretty sure this is the reality of things. "Modern Medicine" is a BIG business. When you have cures a lot of money goes away. Not just patients, but the colored ribbon business, societies, foundations with chapters in each state and different countries, "awareness months" and all the accompanying merchandise/ products (side eye at you pink Nike/ NFL in October), walkathons, telethons, speaking engagements at conferences....entire lifestyles for some who profit continually, whose best interests are not served by cures....

23320923? ago

To be honest, if that was happening it might have been the trigger that made the military put trump into power, as speculated.

Imagine finding out that medicine has solved aging, cancer, death, etc and its all just a way to extract funds from the population?

23323356? ago

If they solve cancer and death we really need to purge all niggers, spics and race mixers.

23326956? ago

Imagine what would happen to the world population if niggers couldn't make each other good?

23323347? ago

yes extract money but more importantly enslave us even more than we already are!!

23323170? ago

Neither shiva (who had nothing to do with email until the guy who really invented it died) not george webb (who did a stunt about two thugs in a hotel elevator coming to get him, which was fakery and drama) are people I would trust.

Then again I suppose you could find bad behavior from anyone at any time and say the same. But they both irk me, so I'll push back.

23324246? ago

Message over messenger. I know about GW rumors as ll as RDS. Right now, we need ppl like Shiva willing to spread his message - it's a good one. Most truth seekers who have been on this ride for 3 yrs have graduated to understand - trust no one 100%. RDS - Shiva - GW are unique in their niches. Find the truth or don't. Truths should resonate at this point. Cross reference.

23320542? ago

that would be amazing

23320516? ago

And we know for a fact those degenerates spread disease among themselves continuously

23320216? ago

When was the last time you heard about a famous person dying from AIDS?

Does anyone in the West die of AIDS anymore? They've pretty much cured it with a "cocktail" of drugs (that likely makes pharma companies rich).

23341196? ago

Like all viruses, HIV attacks those with pre-existing conditions and weakened immune systems. When AIDS first hit the country - the gays that died were ones that were drug addicts, malnourished and/or living extremely unhealthy lifestyles. But like COVID - it was branded and marketed (sold) as the bubonic plague that will kill everyone. Healthy individuals can fight off HIV and do.

My understanding is that boosting the immune system through Vitamin C, D and other therapies is extremely effective.

23326866? ago

But the cocktail doesn't cure it right? They take it consistently...I think the cure is the endstate and should be the endstate of all medicine but for some reason isn't. That's tongue in cheek.

23324671? ago

-cure +treat ftfy there's no money in cures

23322377? ago

Steve Jobs?

23324182? ago

Pancreatic cancer

23321658? ago

Two people on my block have died from AIDS. I'm in L.A. I found out about one of them after his friends hosted an estate sale.

Apparently HIV is just as prevalent, but the news doesn't talk about it like they used to. Unlike before however, it's possible to live longer with HIV without getting AIDS.

23322512? ago

Niggers don’t count.

23321960? ago

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I guess they haven't nailed it (which makes their efforts to decriminalize knowingly infecting someone else with AIDS all the more heinous).

23322245? ago

male I went to HS with died of complications with lung cancer, maybe one other type of cancer. Was HIV positive for over 20 years. 2016, I had to block him on facebook he was absolutely nuts with the anti trump memes, said Trump would kill all the gays, take away his disability payments (apparently , being hiv positive makes you disabled, although by appearance, he looked pretty healthy and buff from working out) I am sure his HIV + status was related to his death, as an underlying condition to his cancers. .

23321649? ago

only poor people have it now, they dont want to cure it cause its a huge 90 billion slush fund for Gates and Redfield.

23321068? ago

$100,000 cash, blended and injected directly into the bloodstream.

23321938? ago

I feel better already!

23321042? ago

Southpark covered this. You just blend pallets of cash down, and then inject it.

23321970? ago

Lololol. Gonna have to watch that.

23342228? ago

post the link when you find it please.

23320898? ago

Absolutely. When you are set to lose billions of dollars you would do everything in your power to prevent the loss of an entire market segment. I constantly see Pharma advertisements for pre-exposure prophylaxis AKA a daily pill for people who live lifestyles that put them at high risk of contracting HIV. You can google PReP if you want more information. So the pharma industry can prey on individuals before, during, and after infection.

23320879? ago

There is a south park episode about this, where the cure for AIDS is... wait for it... MONEY.

23324415? ago

$200,000, injected directly into your blood

23322013? ago

Lolol... they nailed it as usual.

23323785? ago

It's honestly about the only thing I still watch, I realize it's satire and comedy but I don't care - it's REAL, and it's not afraid to speak up. Love it.

23325294? ago

Rewatch early seasons. The Earth episode has greater humor after being here for a bit. Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants is another gem.

23328344? ago

Asssspen is my fav lol

23320674? ago

PRECISELY THE IDEAL M.O. for big pharma

23320439? ago

They do the reverse stats of coronavirus with AIDS. If they have aids and die it’s never from AIDS, they always list whatever it is not the overlying symptom .

23330289? ago

Yeah like how Freddy Mercury died of pneumonia.

23320587? ago


23322449? ago

kike every time.

Normal person: I am making a claim I think it makes sense.

kike: source

Kike: proof need sources and doctors to tell me

kike: science!

23322647? ago

Naw it's kikes that promote baseless claims in order to make the community more irrational and easier to subvert.

23323160? ago

from: doglegwarrior

yes that is kinda true. i think what im saying is they use it as a way to muddy the waters. I am all for truth and facts.

good point

23324487? ago

Has anyone ever tried miracle mineral solution? I drink mine highly concentrated

23330966? ago

Hows the halitosis?

23322227? ago

A lifetime of observation. Keep up

23323646? ago

4 years ago you didn't have to fucking back up what was considered common knowledge.

I thought everyone knew they just said theyd die of like pneumonia or some shit

23326875? ago

"You know how with a research paper you need to be the first name or it really doesn't count, you just get buried in the et al and no one learns your name? They bury it in the et al." is what I was told when I asked the right person the question: why doesn't anyone die or aids anymore."

No one dies of aids.

No one dies of hemophilia.

Except when the homo gets a cold.

Or when the hemo gets a cut.

They die.

HIV/AIDS are "managed".

Just like hemophilia can be managed.

So it's just a hell of a lot more likely that you'll die before retirement.

It's not hard to figure out the socialist cost benefit analysis on that one.

23320353? ago

Or that's the story but it's really inexpensive hyroxychloroquine and a zpak n zinc.

No money to be made thete... no donate now so we can find a cure...gravy train dries up.

23337767? ago

No colored ribbons to be worn. No "Awareness" month, no "Foundations".....

23320601? ago

They're going to be well and truly fucked if hydroxy is as good as it seems like it is.

23326934? ago

Follow the money, follow the patents.

23321664? ago

if they dont all go to Gitmo i will be truly outraged,

23323693? ago

Or hung by a noose until dead dead DEAD!!!!! Then lit on fire for good measure. FUCK THEM ALL THE WAY TO HELL!!!!

23322237? ago

If they don't start getting arrested before Nov my ballot will remain on my countertop

23323489? ago

Thank you, Been saying this too, i hope (and dont think this will be the case)

23320171? ago

I have found articles that wormwood (plant that is used to make hydroxychloroquine) cures cancer.

23322064? ago

Hydroxychloroquine helps to cure some cancers by cutting off the cancers ability to use autophagy for metabolism. It is not a total cure but is part of the puzzle. A good book to read for laymen on the theory of blocking cancer metabolism pathways is, How to Stave Cancer by Jane McLelland. Or google a specific cancer and you will in peer review papers discussions about metabolic pathways. Melanoma uses fat, then the amino acid glutamine, then glucose; in the end-stages, it will use autophagy. This is a very simplistic description of what happens. There are several off-label, off-purpose, off-patten drugs that will close or are hoped to close these pathways, metformin, mebendazole, atorvastatin, doxycycline. These 4 drugs are prescribed by oncologists working for Care Oncology Clinics in the UK and in the US. They are all cheap. There are also several supplements that can be used at higher doses artemisinin is one of many. Fendbenzonale also works and seems to give validation to the theory that cancer can be a parasite.

23327211? ago

Thanks for the information reply.

23321805? ago

Where the hell are you getting that? Quinine is from cinchona. chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are related to QUININE

THUJONE is from wormwood. Also Artemisin


23321797? ago

Hydroxychloroquine is of the plaquinine family of drugs found from the bark of a certain tree

23321715? ago

jeez stop with the low IQ misinfo ffs

23321628? ago

Stop trying to deflect away from the meat of the conversation. We see through your retarded subversion tricks. Wormwood doesnt have shit to do with the conversation.

23321279? ago

HCQ is the synthetic of Quinine, which is derived from the bark of the Cinchona tree.

Quinine is the "tonic" in tonic water (you know like Q tonic?)

23346701? ago

Quinine is known med against flu

23356179? ago

And maleria.

23321635? ago


a little Q for us.

23323931? ago

A LOT of Q for us... today!

23320935? ago

My brother got a hold of the real Absynthe(wormwood) one night. He said they played 3 hands of poker and the next thing it was 7am and the sun was coming up

These are not hash brownies! Now put your clothes back on white boy!”

23321672? ago

I have some Absinthe. Got it as a present a few years ago. This is not a joke. I still have it cause I can't drink it. Shit is too strong. Tried twice and each time got wrecked off of nothing.

23321291? ago

And after that... Play that funky music!

23323057? ago

We got da Funk!

23323840? ago

Give us the Funk - owww.

23320893? ago

And a lot of immune disorders apparently.

23321009? ago

Yes, it seems that way.

23325278? ago

Lyme disease. Corona with Lyme cured with one pill.

23320832? ago

Do you have a source for hydroxychloroquine being made from wormwood? I am not seeing any connection on my searching, and if that were true it would be fascinating.

23321690? ago

Wormwood and HCQ is incorrect, its a laboratory synthetic derivative of quinine which is the naturally occurring molecule in the Cinchona Bark. Wormwood is another completely different substance.

23320976? ago

Here is an article saying the Wormwood is a natural substitute for Hydroxychloroquine.


23320901? ago

It’s not. Artemisinin is though (another malaria drug)

23320876? ago

Here is the article I found about wormwood and cancer. Wormwood is used in artemisinin, which is a malaria drug too. I thought I saw an article about artemisinin being in hydroxychloroquine too. I'll try and find it.


23320738? ago

Wormwood is used to make artemisinin, not hydroxychloroquin. Those are two different antimalaria drugs.

23320803? ago

I thought I read that artemisinin is in hydroxychloroquin? I'll try and find that article.

23330671? ago

They are two different anti-malarials. Add Quinie to that as well. All are very helpful.

Artemisinin from Wormwood (Absinthe too)

Quinine from Cinchona Bark

23340504? ago

Okay, yes, thanks for the information. I was mistaken. Several people have pointed this out to me. Thanks again.

23320886? ago

Naw they’re two different drugs. They’re often used in combination to treat malaria, since malaria has become resistant to monotherapy (single drug treatment).

23320996? ago

Okay, thanks. I must have gotten them mixed up while researching.

23321656? ago

This should help with understanding how the drug works. Very good video, not too long.


23321129? ago

No worries! The two are frequently used together as a combined malaria treatment, they fill the same role.

23320579? ago

Is this the answer to "The end will be Biblical" clue?

23324263? ago

nope but THe gospel of Q might be a place you should start.


nice digits in the link eh^


23320614? ago

Could be. Who knows!

Here is the article I found.


23320544? ago

is that what absynthe comes from?

23321716? ago

absynthe comes from wormwood. the alcohol is soaked in it, similar to gin. its a botanical formulation.

23320605? ago

23320144? ago

sure would suck if that was the problem huh

23320088? ago

I'm sure we need "a few more years" to study the findings. Keep sending money, we still need it.