23309841? ago

I guess it never occurred to anybody that there may be a time when Q tries to bait someone into asking the question.

This seems like it could get big enough to get steam

23308653? ago

you will choke on this poorly aged post

23308007? ago

shut up @heygeorgy q wannabe

23307705? ago

Be specific. Exactly how can you show that this is "debunked"? I don't mean allegations. I mean proof - which is REQUIRED in order to proclaim something debunked. Is it from a video game, from a promotion of a Brazilian book, or an idiot vegan group producing political satire? How can you prove which of these and how they debunk it. You pedophiles have been living in "Snopes land" for too long and assume that intelligent people can be fooled just by making unsubstantiated assertions. That only works on you sheep.

23308059? ago

^^^ this guy literally believes there is a restaurant out there openly advertising their human meat menu on the internet. LMAO

23307654? ago

Trump said Easter. I'm curious to see if he does/says anything.

23307605? ago

Looks like Q has reopenned a supposedly "closed case" by the pizzagaters.

And boy did it trigger the shills.

These next few weeks should be very revealing as we dig a little deeper!


23307652? ago

Cannibal Club was debunked years ago. I doubt the shills were triggered.

23310139? ago

Ya just like Hillarys emails and building 7.

23311306? ago

Were you sent to see fake emails, and a fake building 7? Then yes. If not, then do the research.

23307707? ago

Yeah, I've read the post.

Nothing was debunked, just a bunch of "evidence" that pictures were fake.

Who gives a shit about whether the pictures were fake? There was an underlining business activity, and no, it was a few vegans playing a practical joke.

You libtards are Comical.

23307726? ago

Who gives a shit? Those of us who won't settle for less than the truth.

23307791? ago

You give a shit about whether the pictures are real or fake but not about the underlining business practice going on: cannibalism? Are you retarded?

23308626? ago

Q … is held to a high standard. He's supposedly a truth teller. He punked people, like you, who are too lazy to do the research.

It's a very bad day.

23308664? ago

The M$M... is held to a high standard. They are supposedly truth tellers. they punked people, like you, who are too lazy to do the research.

Think mirror.

23307940? ago

You're stupid as hell. A lie is a lie. Get that? What part of, "Q lied to you!", don't you get. He posted shit.

Truth stands alone. A lie is never more than a lie.

23307974? ago

Truth stands alone. A lie is never more than a lie.

The world is black and white, there is no gray... bleeep blooop bleeep...


23308602? ago

Don't edit my posts. You've exposed yourself as a liar. Before I just thought you were a mentally lazy, fucktard. Have a good night.

23307463? ago

what did "q" do ?

23307668? ago

He dropped a fake website, and a FB page with fake dead people.

23307570? ago

Q dropped some info on cannibalism. The shillbot has been pushing against it trying to gaslight everyone about fake pictures from a video game, vegans did it, etc., but he was going nuts earlier linking back to his posts trying to convince everyone it's a hoax.

Q is over target again.

23307331? ago

Holy fuck. Things blew up. What a day! ThankQ tards, this was and continues to be hilarious.

23307588? ago

^^^OP's alt account

23307614? ago

Hey it’s the ^^^OP’s alt account bot!

23307311? ago

April 8, 2020.

A date which will live in infamy.

23307323? ago

In Qfamy