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23305716? ago

lazy op

23306429? ago

Those of you spreading the cannibal club website, that's fake too. It's stock photos:

23306628? ago

It was real, verified, and now waaaaayyyy latwr you come in here and say that? Go away shill.

23307759? ago

Nope. Saw it debunked a while ago.

23308994? ago

Q just posted a web link. Show us what you saw or, shut the fuck up.

23309080? ago

If you really give enough of a shit to be so rude find it yourself, dick.

This was all over the place a year or two ago. It was debunked as some kind of vegan activist project. The performer never changed, the site was never updated, all the photos were stock.

Don't be so sensitive, faggot.

23309110? ago

Prove it or fuck off, asshole.

23309153? ago

Like I said, if you care enough to be such an oversensitive ass about it, research it yourself.

It's not news. It was debunked at least a year ago.

23309488? ago

It was debunked at least a year ago.

Prove it, fuckhead. Quit making excuses. You made the claim!!

23309725? ago

You being lazy isn't an excuse. Apparently it's pretty accurate.

Spend 10 minutes looking into it.

If you're so positive, prove it's real. Show us all the info that helped you reach that conclusion.

Fucking numb nuts.

23310234? ago

Nope. Saw it debunked a while ago.

Your claim. Support it!

23309509? ago


23309748? ago

SNOPES?? You gotta be kidding??

23314251? ago

Pictures don't lie, why would the people portrayed on that website come from STOCK PHOTOS?

23317625? ago

Seriously?? Are you that simple minded?

23306683? ago

23307136? ago

Cannibals are real regardless. Which was obviously the point. How do you pick and choose when you believe something written in the media? When it is convenient? Don't get me wrong, that looks like a real respectable news source.

23306910? ago

Surprise - there was one in LA, real, and why it is now a "fake" on this thread?

23307780? ago

It was debunked, by numerous people, a long time ago

23309028? ago

"It was debunked" is a really easy bullshit line to use. Who debunked it and where is your proof??

23324253? ago

Kinda like"settled climate change science " based upon fraud? Yeah, proof 910

23306927? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out.

23306775? ago

human farming facebook group also posts vegan stuff.. crazy.. they can be vegans cannibals and satanists all at the same time. some people are just naturally good at multitasking i guess

23306802? ago

The Cannibal Club Website Is Part of A Marketing Campaign for The Movie, Cannibal Club. Again This Was All Debunked Years Ago By Pizzagate Researchers

23309519? ago

The most disturbing thing is that Q posted it

23309732? ago

Since he's not doing any real action, he needs to set the "disgust" level higher and higher to keep the followers hooked up.

  • Experiment has revealed the profound power of disgust, showing that this emotion is a much more potent trigger for our behavior and choices than we ever thought.

  • The results play out in all sorts of unexpected areas, such as politics, the judicial system and our spending habits.

  • The triggers also affect some people far more than others, and often without their knowledge.

23314258? ago

Using hoaxes to achieve this does more damage than good.

23307601? ago

Remember Monster Inc?

23306816? ago

"Nothing to see here guys, don't bother looking. I've looked already and checked under every single stone"

23306849? ago

lmao, please, please don't look nothing to see here.