23327565? ago

No surprise candidate can beat Trump.

He would annihilate them at the debates and if they jump in after,

he will take them apart like a professional boxer.

23316299? ago

Enter Big Mike. Oh, wait, wut did I just say?

23315669? ago

I say they're bringing Barak Obama back.

23315573? ago

Big Mike and Klobochar, no question. It is the ONLY thing that makes sense from a Rat pov.

23315512? ago

Translation = Big Mike will be the nominee.

23313051? ago

Because he's dead

23312918? ago

I pray every day for this corona virus to end, I will not be robbed of my debates. I life with no DJT vs. Joe live debate is a life not worth living anyways.

23313649? ago

There will be no debates ...

23313984? ago

Take me to your nearest bridge, there is no point in living another day.

23312701? ago

okay i like to dream wild... for 2 seconds, imagine the new dem candidate is JFK JR... Hhahahahaha

23312637? ago

Here is a weird idea:

One of the R's ( Rhinos) changes his party affiliation and runs on the dem ticket.

Who could that be then?

23311970? ago

They are going to slide the skank in at the last second. She is not capable of campaigning for more than month!

23311954? ago

Remember Joe Biden crying with onion juice while being decorated?

23311692? ago


23311664? ago

https://ibb.co/LnYr3xS I know that you know that I know that you know...

So Obama knows something that we-all dont know but Trump knows and no one else does... and this will be interesting. Did I do that right or do I get the Iocaine powder?

23311449? ago


Bad. Ass. Mother. Fucker.


23313659? ago

Love our Mother Fucker

23320644? ago

The best.

23311137? ago

Durham probably knows.

23311832? ago

Barr probably does too

23311105? ago

Joe's going to come down with COVID

23311027? ago

JFKjr. will come out of hiding and run against Trump.

23311754? ago

The R ticket... KEK.

23310516? ago

Joes out. They are holding a back a surprise candidate trying desperately to keep POTUS in the dark. Hoping he will not be prepared. How wrong the Dems are. they're desperately trying to change voting rules in this country everything from voter fraud to doing away with the electoral college where California and New York would effectively elect the president. They are using covid-19 as the basis of their push to get these voting rules changed. Leveraged in the next funding package for coronavirus. Don't let them get away with it at the federal or state level! Fight like hell. This party of Dem monsters must be stopped!

23310408? ago

Did Obama catch Joe Biden fucking a baby to death in 1990 israel?

23313673? ago

Omg no

23310167? ago

They're going to assassinate Biden and hope the country rallies around the Dem party out of pity and shock.

23309779? ago

What if Obama runs again...

23311842? ago

Obama first lady

23316301? ago

I know, but my wife is seeing posts on her twitter feed where Barry is the hope of the left.

23311799? ago

Big Dick Mike Obummer...

23316330? ago

Maybe, but Barack O'barry would be their strongest checkers move (they don't know they are playing 3D chess yet).

23309478? ago

Sub-moronic Dems okay with the absolute fact that their vote does not count within their own party.

23309248? ago

We know too...BIG MIKE!

23309154? ago


Trump won’t run against Biden.

23310418? ago

Non-American here, what does that mean?

23311746? ago

It means we will win... no matter what. Stretch out and hydrate.

23311660? ago

If you had consulted the Duck, it would have given you thus: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brokered_convention

23309092? ago

clones cannot be President

23309218? ago

Especially defective clones.

Joe Biden is an old broken down clone. Lol...

23308357? ago

Economy is at an all time low, but all he wants to do is shift attention to sleepy joe and obama....kek, your leader sucks and is ruining our country. Hell Mike Huckabee would have been better at this point

23310430? ago

Nice try shill

23310525? ago

Remember when he was tweeting about "muh stock market" KEK

23308290? ago

Speak of the Devil....just read on The Hill,

“Democrats salivate over Obama coming off sidelines”

The decision by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to suspend his campaign means former President Obama is about to get back into the political spotlight.

Sources close to Obama and Biden say the two men have spoken “quite frequently,” as one put it, in recent days as Biden pivots to the general election. Obama has also spoken to Sanders in recent days, according to two sources with knowledge of the conversations.

The former president has stayed out of the Democratic primary, but sources say he is anxious to endorse his former vice president, Joe Biden, and become an active player in the general election campaign against President Trump.

23308279? ago

I believe they setting up for Newsome

23330491? ago


23308179? ago

We Know

23313696? ago

So frigging awesome. I'm really gonna miss these Corona Briefings when they're over....addicted to him.

23312128? ago

Corn Pop was a bad dude. And he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did and back in those days – to show how things have changed – one of the things you had to use, if you used Pomade in your hair, you had to wear a baby cap. And so he was up on the board and wouldn’t listen to me. I said, ‘Hey, Esther, you! Off the board, or I’ll come up and drag you off.’ Well, he came off, and he said, ‘I’ll meet you outside.’

My car this – was mostly, these were all public housing behind us. My car – there was a gate on here. I parked my car outside the gate. And I – and he said, I’ll be waiting for you. He was waiting for me with three guys with straight razors. Not a joke. There was a guy named Bill Wright Mouse the only white guy and he did all the pools. He was a mechanic. And I said, ‘What am I gonna do?’ And he said. ‘Come down here in the basement, where mechanics – all the mechanics – where all the pool builder is.’ You know the chain, there used to be a chain that went across the deep end. And he cut off a six-foot length of chain, and folded it up and he said, ‘You walk out with that chain, and you walk to the car and say, ‘you may cut me man, but I’m gonna wrap this chain around your head.’

I said, ‘You’re kidding me.’ He said, ‘No if you don’t, don’t come back.’ And he was right. So I walked out with the chain. And I walked up to my car. And in those days, you remember the straight razors, you had to bang ’em on the curb, gettin’ em rusty, puttin’ em in the rain barrel, gettin’ em rusty? And I looked at him, but I was smart, then. I said, ‘First of all,’ I said, ‘when I tell you to get off the board, you get off the board, and I’ll kick you out again, but I shouldn’t have called you Esther Williams, and I apologize for that. I apologize.--

23328387? ago

Gather around everyone, so I can tell you about the Legend of Sleepy Joe and Corn Pop.

23313762? ago

Excellent thank you...I saw it live. Unbelievable but true. Every word.

23310983? ago

Thanks for that link...DJT at his finest.

23311772? ago

Did you notice he said "I'm sure he's gotta come out at some point" in referring to obama?

23328337? ago

Yes, I took it as coming out to support Sleepy.

23328665? ago

Maybe he meant Obama is gay and it will be known

23307170? ago

POTUS should write the news teaser for every one of the top - story - of - the - hour news feeds.

23307162? ago

Joe is a clone.

23307592? ago

So all this time his dummy mummy has been having brain farts? Lol

23307049? ago

so let me get this right? "Sleepy JOE Didn't Kill Himself" ???

23306790? ago

Biden is the most compromised POS out there.

23306572? ago

Hillary. And if indictments come, she will say they are politically motivated, without just cause.

23306387? ago

Sleepy Joe is going to be the Dem nominee. That would be Big Mike.

23330500? ago


23307128? ago

It'll be a Kennedy

23306306? ago

Biden was never going to be the candidate. He's just the placeholder for the one they're grooming and getting ready to introduce last minute.

23314859? ago

Big Mike comes at the last minute, news at 9

23311943? ago

think it'll be Cuomo, Fauchi, Gates or HRC ?

23308129? ago

It doesn't matter, we don't have an official law/Constitutional based country/Republic... it's all fucked.

23307540? ago

That's why Bernie is holding on to his delegates

23311274? ago

Is he being arrested for being hottest guy in the House? Rahr. If not, he should kick back and read:


See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

Is he being arrested for being hottest guy in the House? Rahr. If not, he should kick back and read:


See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23308017? ago

I haven't figured that piece out yet. What does Bernie holding on to his delegates signify? Does that mean Bernie's delegates will go to the mystery candidate whence they appear?

23313342? ago

Yes, I was leaving room in my thinking for the same thing. It's either that, or he wants to extort extra goodies and the more delegates he gets, the more goodies (houses, cars, money...).

23309580? ago

For DNC, delegates don't matter. Only super-delegates matter.

23310767? ago

They have been reduced to 16% since the last election.

23308913? ago

What does Bernie holding on to his delegates signify?

Nothing. Candidates don't really drop out before the convention, they merely suspend their campaigns.

23309200? ago

I believe that if they drop out of the race then they must return any unused campaign funds.

If the suspend the campaign, they get to keep the money after the election?

Too lazy to source and cite, but if you want to know...

23312748? ago

thats some dirty fuckin shit

23308829? ago

The delegates will go to wherever "the Big Club" the DNC tells 'em to go.

23308617? ago

Yes. Expect "unification" behind some other candidate. Who knows who it will be. Bernie is a sheepdog and tool of the DNC. Didn't do a good job unifying in 2016 so this next one will be more believable. Who knows who it will be.. Killary, Big Mike, Buttgig? Hawaii girl is the only one Bernie fans actually like.

23309600? ago

Buttplug is CIA, just like Obama, so he will probably re-appear at convention.

23306396? ago

It's going to be hard. There's deeper dirt on anyone they'll chose and know the Q team has the intel to release on them.

They've been worked into this position by propping up the WORST Dem candidate ever. It's amazing.

23312745? ago

holy shit its a poem... thats some Dr Suess shit right there...

It does amaze me that Obama,

hasn't supported Sleepy Joe.

He must know something,

that you don't know...

and I think I know,

but you don't know......




It'll be interesting."

23319793? ago

That actually is amazing.

Nice catch.

The only poetry I've ever up-voted....

23325245? ago

one of the many reasons I do so adore DIRECT PRESIDENTIAL COMMS.

What a guy o7

23310229? ago

This is how we got governor Arnold in California. Seems like the same playbook.

23312085? ago

See all Wins of the Day


Latest Wins of the Day (April 8th)

TOTAL deaths in the US this March, from all causes, is 15% lower than each of the last four years. Weird. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/strange-total-us-deaths-march-2020-actually-15-average-prior-four-years/

NY Gov Cuomo used to panic that he needed 30,000 ventilators and the 3,000 sent to NYC by the feds wasn’t enough; NYC is using about 100 of them and that number is declining https://nypost.com/2020/04/08/de-blasio-nyc-only-using-fraction-of-ventilators-of-what-was-expected/

US Army field hospital assembled in Seattle for expected surge of hospitalizations will be dismantled because it was not necessary after all https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/coronavirus-daily-news-updates-april-8-what-to-know-today-about-covid-19-in-the-seattle-area-washington-state-and-the-nation/

Boris Johnson improving https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-boris-johnson-improving-and-sitting-up-in-bed-says-chancellor-rishi-sunak-11970630

Schiff outed for leaking letter about intel to the media before sending it to DNI Grenell https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/07/dni-grenell-schiff-politicizing-intel-community-by-leaking-staffing-changes-concerns-letter-to-press/

Sanders finally drops out of race, putting all the focus on Biden https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-suspends-presidential-campaign

Socialist Bernie Sanders wasted $160 million on his campaign https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/04/08/bernie-sanders-money-wasted-failed-presidential-campaign13115452/ but his wife got rich reaping profits off every ad he placed https://nationalfile.com/bernie-campaign-funneled-millions-to-company-connected-to-bernies-wife/

Swing State voters pick Trump over Biden to deal with COVID-19 matters https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/zogby-majorities-important-swing-voters-say-trump-more-fit-biden-handle

Just 6% believe Biden is the best Dem to deal with COVID-19 crisis; 2% pick Schumer; 7% pick Pelosi https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/warning-biden-former-vp-near-bottom-survey-ranking-democratic-leadership-during

Trump Admin is the first admin to name a white supremacist group a terrorist organization https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-administration-first-in-history-to-label-a-white-supremacist-group-terrorists

Trump daily approval poll shows 3% uptick this week https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_apr08

23309321? ago

Perhaps they want to introduce someone close enough to the election that nobody has time to find dirt on them.

23310782? ago


23309763? ago

Agreed. They had a "sleeper" attack planned. They were going to try and pull a fast one. - Not gonna work.

23330451? ago

Gavin Newscom.

23312046? ago

Michael and killary

23313785? ago


23310367? ago

My theory is someone new that we've never seen before. Will require everyone to make a hasty decision with no time to weight the choices.

Hell, at this point it could be Bill Gates! Nothing would surprise me.

23312055? ago

Wasnt this a premonition of nostradamus? Something about a walk on candidate before the antichrist

23314984? ago

In Revelation it mentions a first beast that will give power to the second beast and cause all to worship it.

23331248? ago

Hildabeast-> Chelsea east?

23310902? ago

Another "Macron" out of nowhere.

23310467? ago

lol holy shit - That is insane. Never even considered that.

23308519? ago

Maybe Q is Trump's personal security/oppositional research company.

23306277? ago

Biden busted for China etc and Obama doesn't want anything to do with it because he's already fucked from SpyGate and Hillary cover.

23306151? ago

He plays the Media like a fiddle.

23305945? ago

Hillary is coming.

23312005? ago

Bernie supporters are already on the fence for Biden, Hillary would destroy the Democratic Party forever. The leadership of the Dems would rather lose with Biden than lose their Party.

23309115? ago


23307266? ago

Dems don't even like hillary.

23309214? ago

Doesn’t matter what the rank-and-file Dems think. The Party’s owners call the shots. In short, they get the candidate they pay for.

23308632? ago

Sadly many do.

23312812? ago

I doesn't matter who does or doesn't like her. It's who the cabal wants.

23307659? ago

They like her more than Biden.

23307558? ago

Just wait for it. she is the only logical choice. Hated or not.

23306286? ago

Hillary or Big Mike.

23309477? ago

But when Mike is coming, you get a sore ass.

23311730? ago

Like George Soroass?

23309953? ago

Sore Anus

23308662? ago

try ex Disney executive bob iesner…..hillery and mike to much dirt.....that is the reason he retired. he is going to come in at the last possible Minuit so as to limit the damage that Trump can do to him through op research and name branding. the guy reputation wise is about the only big name they have left that would create interest.

23308029? ago

My money is on Cuomo.

23330437? ago


23312803? ago

Cuomo has too much baggage. Barely able to keep himself out of prison in NY.

23312822? ago

He doesn't look like he's having trouble staying out of prison to me. He's the Governor of New York!

23308271? ago


23306719? ago

Hillary AND Big Mike

23308688? ago


23308177? ago

Hillary or Big Mike are the dumbest fucking candidates besides Biden & 3 house Bernie. Never gonna happen, just think about it for like 1 fucking minute.

23311720? ago

So who then? Chelsea Hubble? no wait.. the Weiner-Holder ticket?

23308828? ago

It’s going to have to be someone special. Someone that America already loves.

Oprah maybe.

23308685? ago

Yah, but, these people are stupid.

23307498? ago

Big Mike is coming on Hillary and Joe gets to watch.

23311708? ago


23311059? ago

Pete is in the footlocker in the Gimp suit

23307169? ago

I bet they're shaggin'. Only Big 'Sewer Cock' Mike would want to shag that hag.

23307532? ago


23307525? ago

'Sewer Cock'


23311464? ago

You know s/he'd (to add too much punctuation to one pronoun) put that big ol' Wang in anything he could...

23306255? ago

For sure in my mind.

23306372? ago


23307719? ago


23305765? ago

Biden is fake. It's either a doppelganger plastic surgery job, or they cloned his ass.

23306965? ago


He's a clone for sure bro.

23310289? ago

Is that the reason for the misfires confusion and the like? Note his response to Bernie dropping out was flawless. Very strange.

23311443? ago

He won't be President for more than 5 mins IF he wins, and of course he won't.

23307752? ago

Cloning tech is best used on 80yo men with only a few winters left.

23305762? ago

Pence/Pompeo 2024

23307980? ago

Jr. & anyone

23310679? ago

Blek, nope.

23306166? ago

It'll be Pence/Haley

23306648? ago

Rather have candice and eric trump

23327725? ago

Candace is an idiot who says mass migration advocate Charlie Kirk is the smartest person she's ever met

23306273? ago

Da fuck no

23306302? ago

Pompeo is a fat slob from kansas, he will do nothing to help pence win a general election

23306740? ago

You must not have watched him today.

23306136? ago

Fuck Pence

23307662? ago

Pence might be involved to PEPFAR.

23306283? ago

He is doing a good job with the task force. Besides he is not my type

23305716? ago

lazy op

23306429? ago

Those of you spreading the cannibal club website, that's fake too. It's stock photos:


23306628? ago

It was real, verified, and now waaaaayyyy latwr you come in here and say that? Go away shill.

23307759? ago

Nope. Saw it debunked a while ago.

23308994? ago

Q just posted a web link. Show us what you saw or, shut the fuck up.

23309080? ago

If you really give enough of a shit to be so rude find it yourself, dick.

This was all over the place a year or two ago. It was debunked as some kind of vegan activist project. The performer never changed, the site was never updated, all the photos were stock.

Don't be so sensitive, faggot.

23309110? ago

Prove it or fuck off, asshole.

23309153? ago

Like I said, if you care enough to be such an oversensitive ass about it, research it yourself.

It's not news. It was debunked at least a year ago.

23309488? ago

It was debunked at least a year ago.

Prove it, fuckhead. Quit making excuses. You made the claim!!

23309725? ago

You being lazy isn't an excuse. Apparently it's pretty accurate.

Spend 10 minutes looking into it.

If you're so positive, prove it's real. Show us all the info that helped you reach that conclusion.

Fucking numb nuts.

23310234? ago

Nope. Saw it debunked a while ago.

Your claim. Support it!

23309509? ago


23309748? ago

SNOPES?? You gotta be kidding??

23314251? ago

Pictures don't lie, why would the people portrayed on that website come from STOCK PHOTOS?

23317625? ago

Seriously?? Are you that simple minded?

23306683? ago

23307136? ago

Cannibals are real regardless. Which was obviously the point. How do you pick and choose when you believe something written in the media? When it is convenient? Don't get me wrong, that looks like a real respectable news source.

23306910? ago

Surprise - there was one in LA, real, and why it is now a "fake" on this thread?

23307780? ago

It was debunked, by numerous people, a long time ago

23309028? ago

"It was debunked" is a really easy bullshit line to use. Who debunked it and where is your proof??

23324253? ago

Kinda like"settled climate change science " based upon fraud? Yeah, proof 910

23306927? ago

Pizzagate researchers debunked the cannibal club website years ago. No matter what you people try to do the truth will ALWAYS come out.


23306775? ago

human farming facebook group also posts vegan stuff.. crazy.. they can be vegans cannibals and satanists all at the same time. some people are just naturally good at multitasking i guess

23306802? ago

The Cannibal Club Website Is Part of A Marketing Campaign for The Movie, Cannibal Club. Again This Was All Debunked Years Ago By Pizzagate Researchers


23309519? ago

The most disturbing thing is that Q posted it

23309732? ago

Since he's not doing any real action, he needs to set the "disgust" level higher and higher to keep the followers hooked up.

  • Experiment has revealed the profound power of disgust, showing that this emotion is a much more potent trigger for our behavior and choices than we ever thought.

  • The results play out in all sorts of unexpected areas, such as politics, the judicial system and our spending habits.

  • The triggers also affect some people far more than others, and often without their knowledge.

23314258? ago

Using hoaxes to achieve this does more damage than good.

23307601? ago

Remember Monster Inc?

23306816? ago

"Nothing to see here guys, don't bother looking. I've looked already and checked under every single stone"

23306849? ago

lmao, please, please don't look nothing to see here.