23312051? ago

White supremacist groups are terrorists? Wow, guess we should label black men as terrorists since they’re responsible for most homicides

23315630? ago

"One" white supremacist group labeled as terrorists.

23310052? ago

My daily read. Thanks.

23309645? ago

You are doing a great service for your country🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

23307578? ago

These posts always put a smile in my face. Thank you, Patriot

23307115? ago

Bad news for Biden. People believe nervous Nancy could handle CV-19 better than he could.

23306406? ago

Thank you, Patriot! 🙏 ❤️🤍💙

23306373? ago

Thank you!

23306253? ago

You need to make this a website!

23311781? ago

It's a good idea. I will try to do this.

If I do, I think I'll keep posting it here as well just to make sure we have the widest possible audience. What do you all think?

23319402? ago

Good idea, or speak with LatestNotables Q follower site https://wearethene.ws/ and then you don't have to make the site, just provide the info to them.

23312289? ago

Excellent idea! I’ll be your marketing director and spam the hell out of it all over twatter, Voat, gab and 8kun.

23307971? ago

I too would like these aggregated into a website

23311617? ago

Exactly, almost tempted to do it myself, but not gonna steal WinAnon’s thunder. Come on WinAnon, do it! (Shia_doit.gif)

23306179? ago

Great news Trump is starting a war on whites. Fits in with his wannabe kike persona

23305686? ago


QAnon was just proven fake in my eyes. The Facebook page he linked to with the cannibalism is from the video game company Capcom promoting Resident Evil 6.

23306370? ago



All fake!!!!!

23305800? ago

^^ shillbot going around spamming a forums sliding post.

He is trying to gaslight everyone into focusing on the graphics instead of the service being provided.

Sorry shillbot, you glow.

23305860? ago

Facts are forum sliding in Q Fantasy Land!

23305875? ago



23305847? ago

If you point out ANYTHING that goes against the Q narrative you are a shill. You aren’t THINKING FOR YOURESELF, by questioning anything that Q says

23305866? ago

If you blah blah blah, my tampon is soaked, blah blah blah


23305900? ago

Your a shill if you say stuff I don’t like!

23305826? ago


23305857? ago

^^ Uh oh, shillbot malfunction


23305676? ago

Mr.WinsAnon 👏👏👏🇺🇸

23308076? ago

You have been found guilty of the crime of gender assumption. Off to the gulag for you!

23308837? ago

At least the attacks are getting more civil in here. Someone wanted to decapitate me last night.

23305667? ago

Thanks WinAnon!