23308147? ago

So this plan was hatched in 1992 right at the bush clinton power handoff

23308310? ago

Mack McLarty bridges Kissinger and Clinton.

23307783? ago

The recording that that quote's supposedly from has never materialized.

23305733? ago

... weird news

23305609? ago

Check This Anons : https://voat.co/v/QRV/3754313

23307316? ago

Is it ok to Troll a sub-shill thread?

23305810? ago

^^ shillbot going around spamming a forums sliding post.

He is trying to gaslight everyone into focusing on the graphics instead of the service being provided.

Sorry shillbot, you glow..

23306861? ago

Definitely a shill.

23305960? ago

Of course, in Q Fantasy Land Facts and Reality are forum sliding! LMAO!!

23305549? ago

Henry and Bill Gates must be hanged at Gitmo.