23308558? ago

So they knew even earlier than they're saying and still did nothing?

Rock on q team!

23306176? ago

Is January 15th a special day for the Luciferians?

From OnThisDay.com for January 15th: 588 BC Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem under Zedekiah's reign. The siege lasts until July 23, 586 BC. Is something like this relevant, why they'd want to their coordinated attack to start on this particular day?

23304738? ago

That, I believe, IS a coincidence. How could anyone have known that person was infected beforehand, unless it was preplanned to infect them?

23305322? ago

QANONS have heard about Project Looking Glass. Have you? No coincidences.

23322149? ago

I have, and while I generally DON'T believe in them in the personal sense, coincidences happen all the time.

23305277? ago

Pelosi held it until first case confirmed in the U.S. reread the drop.

23304776? ago

Unless it was preplanned to infect them? I'm thinking germ warfare. People in Wuhan are purposely infected and sent to America - either knowingly or not. AND The Dems were in on it and planned their distraction for just the right moment.

23304340? ago

Hopefully hard hittin' Tom Fitton is going to come to the rescue.

23306126? ago

23305623? ago

Check This Anons:


23305818? ago

^^ shillbot going around spamming a forums sliding post.

He is trying to gaslight everyone into focusing on the graphics instead of the service being provided.

Sorry shillbot, you glow .

23323724? ago

its one of (((sbbh))) potatoes

23305942? ago

Of course, in Q Fantasy Land Facts and Reality are forum sliding! lmao!!!

23304199? ago

Holy Shit, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles AND more Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Saving The World, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Invisible Arrests, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles...

23304656? ago

Q is just aggravating at this point.

Posting to tell us all what we see with our own eyes and already know.

What is actually being accomplished is the question left unanswered.

23305128? ago

Bunch of dick pulling at this point

23306501? ago

when the difference between a "slient war" and "absolutley nothing happening" is a few message board posts it makes me feel a certain way.

23304394? ago

Maybe you would prefer a coloring book? One that is already colored in.

23305197? ago

That's the title of Q next post: Riddles and Coloring for my Parrots

23306473? ago

Thank you....come again!

23304416? ago

Some days.

23304522? ago

50 cent trolls...they are quantity over quality....and still complete and utterly incapable of dividing us or our Trust in the Plan. They’ve failed again.

23304181? ago

https://archive.ph/VHhw2 :

M3thods on Twitter: "What are the odds? #QAnon


t.co/zbUZdwyKEn… "

This has been an automated message.

23304078? ago

Hopefully the truth comes soon and shocks the economy back to life.

23304007? ago

Wow! This info shows the Q is currently saving the World!!! LOL

23304061? ago

No. What it shows is the extent to which Democrats and the globalists / CCP will go to destroy the world. This is eye-opening and interesting to me.

23304128? ago

Do not Fear, Q is in full control. Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Saving the world, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Invisible Arrests, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, AND?

More Riddles, Riddles, Saving the world, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Invisible Arrests, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles.... repeat till death.

23304205? ago

Shills like you are a major Q proof for me and many others so thank you.

23304233? ago

Saving the world with Riddles, Riddles, Riddles...

No action but he's got more Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles, Riddles...lmao

23305358? ago

Yeah no action, just ignore those two jews, one jailed and the other dead.

23303919? ago

Edit: It didn't save my message. Oh, well. Not much lost. No coincidences! Damn this is getting interesting.


23304401? ago

Like watching paint dry, grass grow, steel rust....

23304533? ago

Yet....here you are..division shilling away...hmmmmm now I wonder why that would be. Maybe it’s cuz nothing is happening...yeah that’s got to be it.

23304414? ago

All those are options available to you. Enjoy.

23303897? ago

Insurance policy?