23290709? ago

anyone ever traced his bloodline back?

23302328? ago

23289081? ago

Would be nice if right after that picture was taken, everyone in that room was massacred. The world would be a little better place today.

23288817? ago

better question is why he hasn't been fire yet for pushing massive virus fraud prognostication with "god-like" presumption of authority

a complete deep stater shit stain, ass wipe

23287615? ago

Gates Sr to his right in the back

23287527? ago

Fauci is one of (((them))). You can hear it in the way he talks. Trying to be so personable and relatable... it's like Elizabeth Warren trying to suck on that beer bottle.

23287983? ago

Burning Eyes. Pentagrams, the Pyramid? www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4342304/pg1 , https://www.thelantern.com/files/2016/05/feature.jpg, https://voat.co/v/QRV/3724988/23059377 Fauci ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3746585/23244663 , https://www.thelantern.com/files/2016/05/commencement11.jpg , aminutetomidnite.com , lunaticoutpost.com/thread-179098-page-3.html

23286897? ago

That old woman has a pentagram pinned to her dress.

23290651? ago

Baroness de Rothschild seen wearing a bull headed necklace or goat head jewelery or she sometimes wears baphomet pendant, Freemasonic Order of National Order of the Legion of Honor or Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur https://files.catbox.moe/hlyz1x.jpg

23286246? ago

....hmmmm Trump doesnt?

23286087? ago

Is that bah bah wah wah in red?

23285523? ago

Because he sold his soul to the devil.

23285296? ago

So fucking obvious. Skippy Podesta's long lost brother needs to be exposed. Ha! Fauxci's dismissal of quinine/zinc/arythromicin and his push for pos Gate's vaccine is doing the job.

23285219? ago

Certainly surrounded by the "elite"

23285365? ago

and by elite you mean the tippy top Eugenicists on the planet.

23284861? ago

Is that Dr. Birx standing next to him?

23285374? ago

Judy Woodruff, fake news, mockingbird.
