23234215? ago

Of course we understand it, that's why the smart people are here at voat!

23239011? ago

But you are right. So many dont that it is almost any of us people.

23235279? ago

Again as I've said to several, fair enough, I should've said Many not Any.

23227897? ago

Obama's EO 13603

Was setup for HRC except...she lost!

23225098? ago

Would love to see the CCP go down. They are psychotic as fuck. They are like a jews wet dream.

See, jews like to do all this shit in secret. China commies are wide open about their psychotic tendencies.

Jews at least have the decency to disguise their filth in a costume or dress it up nice so you can’t tell you’re in deep shit.

Chinese will straight up go full fucking retard and all their citizens will be so scared shitless they don’t do anything.

23224691? ago

Nailed it (OP)!

I believe Obama's EO 13603 has already been triggered, which means my President could be a Tyrant but hasn't, let that sink in.

23224568? ago

So does this make him in charge of allocating the funds from that absurdly overinflated stimulus package?

That would be a good thing.

23224374? ago

Obummer was also. He just didn't know what meant since it wasn't an AK or big mikes dick. Not necessarily in that order in importance.

23224121? ago

I think yours is a good and cogent analysis. I have disagreed with those who said that China had been neutralized and was 'on our side." Having done business with China since 1980, I can tell you that just because one of their leaders says something doesn't make it true. They look you straight in the eye and lie to you. Not much different than the Islamists. Lying to a non Chinese is a badge of honor. So yeah, I think Putin and Trump are both trying to destroy the DS in their own way. They have the Brexit and now the Italians and others who are leaving the EU. We are living through history Patriots. And it won't be easy. Keep your powder dry and your wits about you!

23223799? ago

The Flag has Gold Fringe on the top.

23223336? ago

China is working 'with' Trump. So is Iran. He's talking about the cabal attempting to attack not China.

23223673? ago

A faction within is still China.

23223678? ago

Is still the CCP

23223062? ago

God will not be mocked.

Genesis 50:20

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”

King James Version (KJV)


23223051? ago

Trump is effectively Cesar right now (not the man but the title)

23222611? ago

War Time President == Commander in Chief

23222446? ago

just waiting on those Wartime Firing squads...

23222280? ago

China will not create war. The DS in China might try but will be squashed by the White Dragon family. They have been at war with the DS for centuries. They are one of the most powerful families on earth. They want peace which is why they invited Trump to the Forbidden City. They have made a pact with Trump. Anybody suggesting that the Chinese Government will start war, think again. They have too much to lose at this point. However, the DS in China may have other ideas as a last ditch effort to defeat Trump.

23230000? ago

Please elaborate... is there a book on the White Dragon family that you recommend? I had forgotten all about them...

23238679? ago

Very little is written and known about them since they have been sequestered for so long. My sources have been mainly online or YT videos from different people. Sorry I cannot give you sources. I consume so much info online reading or listening that if I tried to document it all, I would have no time left to find the info. Benjamin Fulford has a lot of info on them. I suggest searching him out on YT. Anons here bad mouth him because his sources and info are sometimes questioned but it doesn't negate everything he says. My experience on QRV is that if anons don't agree with 100% of what someone says then they bad mouth them. I ignore anons and check it out myself. Many anons on here are very naive.


23245152? ago

thank you!

23222408? ago

Who controls Chinas central bank? The CCP? No the same people who used control out Fed until Trump took it over, I've yet to see the CCP take control back from the True communists the World Elite, please point to me where they have if I am wrong. I don't think I am and so the CCP will do as it's told by those above Xi, at least a portion of the bureaucracy will and is that a larger portion than Xi's, well I personally think it is because I think the Chinese military is fully in Globalist hands..

23222748? ago

You just made my point. I said the DS will try war because they are the CCP and also the Chinese Military not Xi or the White Dragon family. I think Xi has either turned or was installed by the Dragon Family to fight the CCP and Elite who own the banking system there as well. I can't quote sources because I don't save what I read but the White Dragons have TONS of gold harbored in the Forbidden City. They have been sequestered and out of sight in China since the Globalists took over. When I said they are powerful I meant in terms of their Gold Power and gold is everything. Now they are in agreement with Trump and the Globalists will be defeated in China. Just my opinion based on sources I read.

23230018? ago

this is really so exciting to have a front and center view of these historical moments. Amazing that most of america tuned in to watch Game of Thrones and here we have a real-life GOT and they are sitting around whining that the President tweets too much. Idjits

23222154? ago

Why do you underestimate us by saying us Voaters don't understand its importance? This is one of a handful of places people DO get it.

It is obvious to most here that Nancy Pelosi is war-gaming— just look how she deliberately dragged out a hoax impeachment to give the China Virus enough time to gain a foothold to take down Trump's economic progress. She is thrilled silly that he cannot have campaign rallies. That is not a "normalcy of Congress." It is an enemy within.

23224876? ago

Serious question: what would happen if someone took her out and claimed the 2A as their defense? She is a domestic enemy. What would happen if someone tried that? Mind you, this is strictly a "what if" , but I ask because if that is not a "valid" defense against her or any of America's very blatant enemies within, what is the point of having a 2A in the first place? These people SHOULD swing for their crimes. They are blatantly trying to hurt our country and her citizens. Why does our President or military not act?

23242577? ago

Where he/she did it and who got jurisdiction would be a major factor. Some judges probably would not even accept it as a defense. Another problem would be showing an imminent threat. She'd have to present a life-or-death threat in-the-moment.

Most of Pelosi's crimes fall into two categories. 1. Stuff that harms us so incrementally over time that it's difficult to draw direct cause-effect evidence. 2. Stuff that is so evil but spread over such a broad population that the court would say he/she didn't have standing... They'd say Pelosi's crimes hurt everybody but no one else pulled a gun on her.

Throw in what the MSM would do and it would not matter if the defense is valid; they'd make justice impossible.

No one person can be Avenger for the Nation. She must face state or federal charges.

23242619? ago

Thank you for answering me. You are the first. The fact that a judge would not accept this defense shows that they need to go as well. What is the point of having a 2A then if it cannot be used validly?

23222209? ago

As I said to another, fair enough, I should have said Many instead of any.

23221555? ago

Fortunately Trump's m.o. is America First, and to remain peaceful until provoked beyond what is reasonable.

He strikes back many times harder and then tends to stand again on an even footing in wait.

Hopefully this is universally understood around the world, and that there are consequences with every action against us.

23223063? ago

But he cowers at the feet of Israel

23224790? ago

I don't think he cowers at the feet of anyone, to be honest. He's been diplomatic thus far, but that may well change. Steps need to be taken first. They have nuclear abilities....

23221007? ago

Well the democrats do! They keep saying yesterday and today it is now the perfect time with this 'epidemic' to establish their agenda! Meaning the one world government! War has been declared and recognized by both POTUS and our domestic enemy! Freedom and Liberty!

23220742? ago

BUT- Although I heard POTUS Trump loud and clear when he said he considered himself to be a war time president does that carry legal authority? If congress doesn’t declare this a war against some enemy does POTUS Trump have the power?

23220767? ago

EO 13603, the National Emergency was all he needed.

23220656? ago

13603 also includes a provision to give the executive branch the ability to take control of the voting process and monitor procedures all to ensure fair and equal voting for all eligible** voters.

The vote is safe. I read that somewhere.

The beauty is, It was all Obama's making.

23220582? ago

Well said OP. I think you are on to something here.

This is strongly related to what you wrote, and for everyone here and interested to learn more, is very much worth reading:


23224140? ago

For all of the newfags, Sorcha Faal's whatdoesitmean.com site is a well known Clown disinfo site from even before 9/11 - operated by an old white man

23226656? ago

you forgot the ((( )))

23220590? ago

Quote from the above link:

While waging the greatest war ever witnessed in modern times to destroy the existing world order, this report details, President Trump is using the current global coronavirus pandemic as his cover to carry out his masterplan—as the indisputable facts prove this pandemic is nothing but a “red herring” device (something that distracts attention from the real issue) meant to distract the public’s attention away from what is truly occurring—facts which include the truth that the total number of coronavirus deaths to date in the world are still less than the total number of flu deaths in the United States this flu season—the Imperial Collage expert who predicted 500,000 deaths in UK admitting he was wildly wrong, and his expecting this pandemic to peak in two weeks with less than 20,000 deaths—the top virus expert for the CDC concurring and saying the pandemic will peak in another two to three weeks—top White House Coronavirus Task Force scientist Dr. Deborah Birx further concurring and saying the initial pandemic death toll claims “Were Wildly Exaggerated”—all joined by lead White House Coronavirus Task Force scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting the truth in his research article published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine wherein he conceded that the coronavirus mortality rate may be much closer to a very bad flu.

As of 28 March 2020 at 12:34 hrs GMT +3: United States total of 104,837 coronavirus ill patients and around 1,500+ coronavirus deaths still come nowhere close to their nation’s 29 million flu infected patients and 16,000 flu deaths from a month and a half ago.

While effectively using the coronavirus pandemic as his “red herring” distraction device, this report further notes, to understand what President Trump is really doing one needs only to fully understand why top Wall Street Journal journalist Jacky Wong posted about 48-hours ago his warning Tweet saying “World War 3 during a pandemic wasn’t something I expected”—a warning issued at the same time Trump ordered the US Navy to sail a combat ready warship through the Taiwan Strait in defiance of Communist China—and was a wartime order issued by Trump immediately after he signed into law Thursday night, 26 March, the TAIPEI Act—which pledges full economic and military American support to Taiwan and vows to punish countries that side with Communist China on this issue.

While directly and deliberately targeting Communist China with this wartime move in support of Taiwan, this report continues, President Trump then made another wartime move with his order to refineries in both the United States and Europe to begin refusing all deliveries of oil from Saudi Arabia—which led to the dire warning being issued that declining oil revenues may lead to an “unthinkable balance-of-payments crisis” for Saudi Arabia and end that country’s decades long policy of pegging its currency, the Riyal, to the US Dollar—otherwise known as the Petrodollar System whose Petrodollar Warfare global chaos Trump is now attempting to destroy at all costs.

The global and domestic environments any American leader would need before even attempting to take on and destroy the Petrodollar System, this report explains, are as complicated, interconnected and so farfetched to believe in, no one in the world ever seriously considered such a thing a possibility—as first the United States would have to overcome a globalist-socialist onslaught of environmental laws, rules and unending lawsuits to become the world’s largest oil producer and no longer needing Middle East oil—next the United States would have to achieve and maintain for at least two years the full employment of all of its citizens in order for them to provide for themselves an economic buffer—then the United States would to have interest rates at 0% or below, while at the same time maintaining an inflation rate of less than 3% to keep their currency from collapsing—while the world itself would need to have so much excess oil there’s no place left to store it—when the final attack is made against the Petrodollar System, it would have to see an entire world bunkered down in wartime mode—and most critically of all, would have to be led by an American leader having no fear of pumping trillions-of-dollars into the American economy to keep it afloat while the war raged—who in its aftermath, also, would have to back a new gold standard for America.

But like the rarest of celestial alignments that occur once in a lifetime, this report continues, President Trump now sees himself against all odds presiding over a United States that’s the largest oil producer in the world—achieved and maintained full employment for his citizens for over two years—has a national interest rate of 0.01% and an inflation rate of less than 3%—today sees the world on the brink of running out of places to put oil—today sees the entire world bunkered down in wartime mode because of the coronavirus pandemic—yesterday saw Trump signing a rescue package whose total worth of $6 trillion will be pumped into the US economy to keep it afloat—and is the same Trump who’s moving to reinstate his nation’s gold standard.

Virtually unknown to the American people currently living through the most existential period in their lifetimes, this report concludes, is that the most pivotal date in their nation’s history that future historians will write about is 17 February 2016—and was when then candidate for president Donald Trump vowed to all of his country’s citizens that if elected: “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center”—a date on which the price for an ounce of gold was around $1,100, versus the $1,627 an ounce of gold costs today—an over 37% increase in the price per ounce of gold benefiting both Russia and China as both knew this currency war was coming—and along with every other sound mind in the world, knew that Trump’s vow about 9/11 was an all-out declaration of war against his nation’s globalist-socialist Deep State—specifically the US intelligence and military communities, who for decades had used the Petrodollar System to wage their global hegemonic wars—and would destroy without mercy, like President Kennedy, all who opposed them, as well as think nothing about killing thousands of innocent American civilians to start another war, like on 9/11—a ruthless warmongering cabal President Dwight Eisenhower warned Kennedy and the American people about on his last day in office when we famously declared: “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex….The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist….We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes”—and when first meeting the leaders of in the Pentagon after taking office, and where they believed they would overpower him, saw President Trump “blasting them to their faces while calling them a bunch of losers, dopes and babies”—and as one would expect from a fearless wartime leader who knows his enemies better than they know themselves, and is ruthless enough to win any fight of revenge for his nation and its peoples he finds himself in.

23231302? ago

Soooo it's not about eating babies in the tunnels then I guess.

23221400? ago

is nothing but a “red herring” device (something that distracts attention from the real issue)

^^^ This entire script is copied from Sorcha Faal's whatdoesitmean.com site. They always explain idioms.

23220404? ago

" believe Obama's EO 13603 has already been triggered, which means my President could be a Tyrant but hasn't, let that sink in." Same thing I thought after the national emergency was declared. I was like, he could really push his power with this if he wanted. Bring them tech giants to their knees.

23220186? ago

China wouldn't risk war 2 years ago at the height of their power and influence...they won't risk it now especially with thier coffers starting to empty and their influence waning worldwide. Compare 2016 China to 2020 China.

23221340? ago

That’s exactly why they would risk it. As Trump is turning this ship around, China is only getting weaker and America is slowly getting stronger. It’s shit or get off the pot for China. Very dangerous situation indeed. Trump and China are engaged in a game of chicken, and he is in the process of getting as many concessions out of China regarding trade, tariffs, etc. as he can without bringing this to war. He’s bringing back manufacturing, kicking out all of the Chinese nationals who have been spying on America, dismantling DC and getting rid of the swamp creatures, putting an end to drug trafficking and human trafficking, protecting America from potential DS attacks as they try to burn the fucking house down on their way out, the list goes on and on. Ho lee phuk! I can’t even imagine, if this man and patriots manage to pull this off my hats off to ‘em...


23222454? ago

That’s why I think Gen. Milleys comments about cartels trying to kill Americans and the follow on SOUTHCOM campaign in the Caribbean is stopping more than just drugs. I think a spited Chinese Communist regime is trying to get a more lethal strain of novovirus into our country. Hence the extremely high (in the millions) predictions when we’re only in the 5-6K range right now. To have millions of deaths would mean a rapid ramp up in a very short order.

23220165? ago

He's been ramping up to this for a couple of years. He is Commander of Chief of the entire Executive Branch and every Department that falls under it.

23220113? ago

If he determines we've reached a state of catasrophe, which we have, he will be our king until he dies, resigns, or decides the catastrophic state is no more.

23219931? ago

I am praying that Trump is in fact on our side.

23224235? ago

he's had way too many opportunities to take this the other direction if he isn't. I hear your concern, but I do think we are in good hands. And if not, what is the alternative?

23224834? ago

The alternatives? Deepening enslavement to the globalist bastards, boogaloo, or both.

23221471? ago

I have no doubt Trump is on our side...it is so obvious...he would not have awoken so many of the sleeping masses if his plan was to lie to us...that would make ZERO sense and only cause way more problems for him in the long run...unless his goal is to wake half the country...turn on us and create the largest most well armed insurgency this planet has ever seen...

23227257? ago

Hitler was created for the same reason. I don't see why it's so unbelievable.

23230881? ago

Getting a chance to worship Hitler again without the need for time travel and you don't do it

Dissapointed in you all Goats

23221560? ago

Your reasoning makes sense, and I will continue to pray that it represents the truth. I am just going stir crazy here in lockdown, following everything that is happening and viewing it through a Q lens. I need something solid and concrete to point to and say, "Yes, it is happening!".

23222431? ago

I just gave you the most concrete evidence there is that proves without a doubt Trump's intentions...he has woken at least 50% of the population....and countless more around the world....he exposed the MSM...the Deep States number one most effective weapon used against us since WW2...2 actions someone tying to fool the sheep in following him would never do....I have waited 30+ years for this to happen...there is no doubt in my mind he is the real deal...3+ years ago much of what we know today as FACT...was a crazy Conspiracy theory....all would have got you laughed off the internet and you would be lucky to find anyone willing to agree with you for fear of ridicule...today it is the complete opposite...I know cause I was a supposed conspiracy theorist before there was internet...and since Trump EVERYTHING has changed...the majority of the sheep are awakened...now the shills are treated like the crazy conspiracy theorists... I watched the change before my very eyes...but it is hard for the young recently awakened who just recently jumped on the wagon to understand as they didn't see what it was like before Trump...shit is going down.

23222595? ago

I am neither young nor recently awakened. I have been following and aware of so called conspiracy theories since September 11th. I wish I had your steadfast optimism, but I still see too many ways for this to go south.

My biggest fear is that we are underestimating our enemy. They have been watching as more and more people became aware of their lies and false flag events even before Trump was elected into office. Perhaps they knew that in order to bring their ultimate plans to fruition, they had to bring along the growing undercurrent of people who saw through their deceptions. In doing so they hatched the Trump/Q plot to make us believe things were going our way while they further consolidated power and extended the reach of our own slavery.

The above is pure speculation, and not even a story that I believe myself. I hope and pray that it is 100% wrong. But it it still a fear of mine.

23229947? ago

anon - for all your concerns, you give the DS waaaaaaaay too much credit.

Yes, they probably saw this and wish they could do what you propose. And perhaps I'm being naive in believing that you are not one of them.

However -- think about this: For probably 100+ years [their] nefarious plans have worked. The media went along with every lie and the internet sort of helped that along, even though it helped our side as well, much to their chagrin.

Now, think about how generational power works. First generation is on fire and making things happen. Next generation might be as powerful or even moreso. But by the 3rd generation, the Power Junior is watered down a bit. By the 4th - they get fat and lazy. Used to being in power and without the fire in the belly grandpa had. So insulated and sure of themselves that they don't know what they don't know.

Think about Prince Charles. His mama has been in charge for so long the dude really is clueless about a lot of things. Tyrants like Ceausescu held on to their power with an iron grip. His kids were complete morons and so perverse and perverted they could only harm people but didn't understand how daddy got that powerful. It happens throughout history. I think Alex Soros thinks he's as badass as his daddy, but I doubt it. He knows how to hobnob, may have learned at George's knee, but he's a tool. Same goes for the Rothschilds. (Hi Mikey!) Dad and Grandad and especially Grandma are/were vicious and took no prisoners. I doubt that any of the current generation have that ability.

I'm basing this on someone I know who had some direct contact with these fucks. He assured me they really wouldn't be able to actually pull off a "take over the world" scenario because of all the infighting and power moves. Each of them believes they should be the god of the New World Order. But he claims they don't have the cojones for the job. Look even at a James Comey or an Adam Schiff. These guys jerk off to their fantasies of power, but they are idiots. None of them hold a candle to the cojones of our President. He has to use a wheelbarrow to carry those ginormous things around! They've never met anyone like him. And they're just flummoxed at how he does what he does. They have to whine about his tweets (which he creates just for that effect) or that he - gasp- plays golf... never thinking that a game of golf is a perfect meeting place out of earshot of people, and it's a well-known business tactic to find out what someone is made of.

So my point is - don't give those fucks in the DS any more credit than they deserve. You are assuming a James Bond level of strategic thinking and right now they are in panic mode. All of them are operating on past experience and we've never had a President like Chuck Freaking Norris Trump. Don't believe everything you think!

23230639? ago

Let me see if I got this right:

* Hard times for jews make strong jews

* Strong jews make good times for jews

* Good times for jews make weak jews

* Weak jews make hard times for jews <--- you are here

23230078? ago

God bless you anon, that was an inspiring and comforting read.

23228807? ago

My biggest fear is that we are underestimating our enemy.

See: The Q psyop.

23224745? ago

I've pondered this idea too....

23224863? ago

Thank you for continuing to point out pieces of the picture that point to the white hats being in control.

23224941? ago

You're welcome. I'm as baffled by all of this as anyone, but I DO think the President is on our side and doing his best to help. Our enemies have made no secret who they are.....If anything they are standing proud in the fact that they are against us. Quite eye opening!

23225088? ago

I just want to see something happen that makes it crystal clear what the truth is. With everything that is going on (and everything that might be going on) right now, it sure feels like the shoe has to drop soon. I am going slightly crazy waiting for it!

I think the worst possible outcome - even worse than it becoming clear that the evil bastards are actually in control - is this secretive breadcrumb Q show going on indefinitely with no satisfying conclusion.

And so far, that's exactly what its done. But it's not over yet.

23225155? ago

We ALL want that. Hopefully soon. I've often questioned if Q was meant to calm people who otherwise would have raised a militia and acted by now. The natives were screaming for blood when Q came around and placated many. I've also wondered about the "you won't believe who you are talking to here" part and in my more paranoid of times, allowed my mind to race with the possibilities, ALL the possibilities . I keep going back to the President's actions, and the fact that he wants us armed, informed and prepared. I have to trust in that for now because, well, that's all we have ATM. Stay vigilant., calm and ready We will get to the other side of all of this one way or another....

23221267? ago

He's on our side. The reaction from the establishment, the deep state, the congress, the controlled media etc tell me everything I need to know about Trump. (((their))) increasingly desperate actions against him have told us this isn't part of (((their))) script.

23228829? ago

...tell me everything I need to know about Trump.

Jump on the Trump train before it's too late, goy.

23221287? ago

I really hope you're right, and that (((their))) desperate actions are not another part of the deception.

23219950? ago

Fair enough, but he could have been a Tyrant from day one and hasn't.

23232070? ago

unless youre anyone i know. i love our guy but literally every one i know thinks he is evil and tyrannical.... its fucking ridiculous. i cant wait to rub it in their smug faces

23219969? ago

It could still go either way at this point. Stay vigilant.

23219915? ago

Close! Islamists aren’t aligning with commies though, you are thinking of Jews

23219811? ago

Once again, the DS plan backfires in spectacular fashion.

23219782? ago

Is there a War on OPEC or are we just teaming up with a few States (Russia and Saudi Arabia) to deliver a devastating blow to Venezuela as part of our overthrow of their government?

23222318? ago

Two major conflicts, Syria, and Yemen, have Saudi allies on the one side, and Russian allies on the other side. A major part of this conflict has become a proxy battle over the oil market between two of the largest oil producers on the planet.

Both Russia and Saudi Arabia have economies that are largely reliant on oil sales. The current oil price war is a direct result of Russia and Saudi Arabia refusing to agree on a price for oil, and the production cuts that would go with them. Both countries are spending large amounts of money supporting a two front war.

The covid crisis, and it's massive drop in the demand for fuel, has only compounded an already precarious situation in the oil market. The price collapse was well underway even before the covid crisis began.

That's why Trump is saying they need to reach a deal. Right now they are refusing to even talk. They can both keep this up for a long time. Both are dumping oil at bargain basement prices to any and all buyers. The problem now is, even at basement prices, there are only a few buyers. China and the US, for example, are using this to refill their national reserves. There is only so much oil storage available on the planet, and most of it is already full.

23229992? ago

Don't forget the piece about Energy and Nikola Tesla that everyone is missing. POTUS is working on free energy for all using Tesla's model. He almost needs for the oil barons to lose this battle, lose all their money and global power, and leave the people screaming for relief. OPEC is probably in an end game. They had a nice run, tried to destroy the world, and -- oops - checkmate mothertruckers!

23230959? ago

Perhaps, but America is one of the biggest oil players in the world. It's not just the pumping, it's also the refining and shipping. Exxon is the largest oil company in the world. Many of the very top companies are American companies. A lot of the oil gets shipped through American built pipelines and on American owned ships. The money involved is the largest industry of any industry. Trump is a rich guy, and he hangs out with a lot of other rich guys. He is not anti wealth or anything like that. He's pro wealth, and pro big oil.

I do believe America does have the free energy, and the anti gravity, and a bunch of other technologies as well. America is also sitting on a massive stockpile of unpumped oil and coal.

If free energy is released planet wide the oil industry would be gutted. America would feel that pain strongly.

23221304? ago

All we need to defeat Venezuela? Send more recalcitrant container ships down there, kekkity!!!

23219935? ago

I think OPEC is a play and probably in part is Venezuelan strategy but also I think lowering Oil to bring down energy here at home and refill reserves cheaply are other prongs of it's use as well, probably more I haven't thought about or know about.

23220247? ago

They are about to announce the free energy.

23223057? ago


23222368? ago


23219767? ago

This is why he literally made our Military the strongest in the world again. All the latest and greatest stuff so we can kick ass.

23219720? ago

Maybe some variant of the Malthusian trap, but China’s one-child policy definitely created a demographic time-bomb. Don’t remember the specific numbers, but in addition to Chinas rapidly aging population, there’s something like 40-50 million single men with no prospect of ever getting married (called the ‘guang gun,’ bare branches). Because they could only have one child, the Chinese killed their girls to have boys, creating this gender imbalance. The well-off families typically come out all right, but the question is the lower-class. Historically, when nations have a surplus of military age males, they need to get rid of them, lest they have a bunch of dissatisfied young killers hanging around with nothing to do but revolt. Following the Reconquista, the Spanish and Portuguese got creative and sent them out to explore/conquer the new world. Others launch wars against their neighbors.

Which is what the Chinese will probably be forced to do. I’ll bet a nickel that the Chinese workers sent to Africa are all guang gun. There’s no where left to explore on Earth, so military action is a possibility. Another significant possibility is that the ChiComs will go full totalitarian to maintain control. Instead of battling large hoards of rebelling guang gun, the state will instead coopt them into their internal security forces. These unmarried bachelors will be given preferential treatment to help fully oppress the entire Chinese population.

23229958? ago

Space is the solution.

23227243? ago

The one child policy was created by the Rothschilds.

23222158? ago

Or they can release plagues that kill off large numbers of them.

23221331? ago

What happened to “China is 1bil people”?

23221027? ago

Historically, when nations have a surplus of military age males, they need to get rid of them, lest they have a bunch of dissatisfied young killers hanging around with nothing to do but revolt.

Historically. With the current levels of polution, soy and plastic in the average chinese guy's life, he's only half the man his ancestors were.

23229377? ago

He may be only half the man but, compared to his ancestors, he's got way more firepower.

23221467? ago

At least we won't be battling an army of Jackie Chans.

23231119? ago

And Bluce Ree

23220240? ago

So theyre unironically using an incel army? This demands memeing

23229246? ago

Just because someone doesn't marry does make them an incel, retard.

23231114? ago

shut up it was funny

23229967? ago

Satanic nonsense. Humans mate for life. Apes and chimps are unable to.

23230746? ago

ok goy, march right into that divorce rape machine, then comment again afterward

23237318? ago

Choose carefully. Happily married 25 years here.

23229295? ago

Chinese incel ant communist triggered

23224054? ago

I second.

23221288? ago


23219677? ago

He is...but we do understand :) Cheering him on with all the special options that designation allows. God Bless POTUS!

23219754? ago

To be fair, I should rightly have said many, instead of any.

23220294? ago

:D no offense taken, just wanted you to know you aren't alone.

23220387? ago


23219612? ago

We are at World War right now, : at war with the Communists/Deepstate

why are you so anti-jewish? what, are you some kind of nazi? if we get rid of the jews, all of our porn will disappear! oy vey

23219500? ago

I’m fully aware and have been telling my wife very carefully the implications but I don’t know that she nor many people outside of this forum truly understand these implications. Everyone who is concerned and law abiding has a gun and a motivation to protect their family, this is understood, and I believe for now being actively aware and seeking information is the best an ignorant, well intentioned person can do.

If things go south, more information will need to be communicated (and will likely be more easily accepted due to circumstances), but that is for you individually to disseminate amongst your well intentioned peers if and when that time comes — people need local leaders and in your circle that leader will be you.

No one here is calling for unifying into an organized militia and we don’t need to — the good men and women of our Armed Forces are doing their job, one which many here have too casually dismissed as an overseas affair.

Again if and when the time arises, the patriots of this nation will unify, but now isn’t that time, though you’ll know if you need to begin making strategic acquaintances. God help all of us if that becomes a reality.

But I’m hopeful we will not need to rally.

23219477? ago

There is no formal, legal, or agreed upon definition of ’Wartime President’.

The title ’Wartime President’ confers zero powers to the President.

A Congressional ’Declaration of War’, or a Presidential ’Declaration of National Emergency’ does definitely grant POTUS a host of special powers.

23220244? ago

That already happened post 9/11... and those powers have never been rescinded. The US is still legally in a "state of war". Some of Kavanaugh's questioning revealed this with Lyndsey Graham bringing up the Johnson v. Eisentrager precedent regarding what is considered and enemy combatant.

23229224? ago

we have been in a perpetual state of martial law since Lincoln assassination

and have not had a constitutional sitting congress since that day (sine die) no quorum

23225657? ago

Indeed, we are functioning under several declarations of national emergency.

23219363? ago



23219350? ago

Trump = Cool and steady hands

Dems = Confused and trigger happy

23223540? ago

Trump currently holds more power than any leader in all of history.

23225861? ago

That's because he actually is a leader an not a puppet.

23224395? ago

That's AWESOME!!!

23232353? ago

Unless a DS puppet gets back in office and assumes all those same powers.

23223018? ago

Tubby Trump = Fat and thin skinned

23223929? ago

I’d bet he’d snap your neck in a street fight.

23223940? ago

LMAO. I doubt he can move much. He’s soo fat that he can’t even walk his own golf course. LMAO fat as fuck with a cheap orange fake tan

23227944? ago


23223120? ago

Shills like you = Braindead and retarded

23219325? ago

He also had a couple of members of his administration at his press conference yesterday who called him a "wartime President".

23219373? ago

Now go lookup 13603.

23229395? ago

It's a good thing that the gay nigger isn't POTUS anymore.

23222421? ago

Yeah, that's like Obama was making an EO in Year 5 of the 16-year plan so that it would be in place for the final take-down.

I remember this being a great concern in the news for a couple days but then time rolled on...

23224165? ago

I think in the wrong hands it's very dangerous. Now look at the ways the Dem Governors are reacting to this crisis. Virginia Gov has locked his state down till JUNE! Good LORD - this after trying to completely gut the bill of rights. Many more like him -- Michigan Gov, CA gov, NY Gov who's trying to be Prez. It's very interesting to watch these rats show their true colors. Also very telling they are part of the DemocRat party

23220757? ago

So basically POTUS is using their own executive orders against them. What are you trying America or allowing HKillary to destroy America with that when she took over. Never thinking there was going to be a different outcome now that is a #Boomerang

23224179? ago

Love it. He is also using their Alinsky stuff against them. This is righteous

23221192? ago

ha ha ha fuck em. Good always wins in the end! WWG1WGA!

23220533? ago

Very. I was watching this closely in 2012, combined with the NDAA. I could see big problems coming our way, which is the real reason I've not had to leave the house since this started. We were preparing for HRC and could see the combo of these 2 documents leading to a full out dictatorship and ultimately to the death (or worse) for those that did not comply. We now have this ammo w/ Trump, and (((they))) know it. This is a big part of why they are shitting their pants IMHO.

23221204? ago

And they didn't get to cement their NWO, good!

23219246? ago

Yes. I so remember 13603 when O passed it. It would have given Hel immense power which encouraged me to prepare. They never thought she'd lose and this power would end up in Trump's hands


23224223? ago

Thus why they are sooooooooo pisssed and triggered. Haaaahahaha - fuck you hillary and obummer! May you all rot in GITMO

23219882? ago

Shoot fire! I would upvote this but I've exhausted my supply for today.

23219265? ago


23224228? ago

Or - as the Chinese Say, "Egggzacktree"

sorry, been working long hours... kek

23224486? ago

Forgiven, kek.

23219227? ago

POTUS says "war" often in his press conferences. We know what he's talking about by an invisible enemy. One that will not stare you in the face.

23219907? ago

do we really know what he's talking about? who or what is the invisible enemy? what is underground?

23221684? ago

On it now. <

23219044? ago

Chinese armed forces outnumber the U.S. by 2.5x but I think Putin would side with the U.S. and Russia has unbelievable military technology. I don't think we'll go to war unless the decision is made above Xi's head. Trump and Xi are working together as I understand it, to defeat the globalists. Q has indicated that China is owned by....? Rothschilds maybe? If that was the case then team Q will hand China back to the Chinese people, the way the U.S. is being handed back to Americans by POTUS.

23219241? ago

Don't forget India. They have 1.4m to USA's 1.3m troops. Also the US just made a number of arms deals with India.

23220315? ago

$3B in high tech equipment and helos.

23220013? ago

And they LOVE our POTUS it seems

23219772? ago

U.S. has the largest small-armed force in the world thx to 2nd Amendment. (Patriots)

23219359? ago

Modi is on our side, is as happy to be done with the Chinese Communists as I believe the rest of the world is.

23219231? ago

chinks are weak fighters. they dont have a true military. every man is forced into training for two years. most do it against their will then go on into other fields. 10 years later half probably cant remember how to load a gun. china is a lying dog. they tell the world how big the military is and count everyone who ever served. but are they real soldiers? fuck no. our military is made up of willing patriots who WANT to fight. they are a weal military. and they will of course tell you its strong. appear strong when you are weak sun tsu.

23222616? ago

That's why they were building the robots. They stole the Atlas robot plans, but we blew up all their work in those mysterious Chinese warehouse explosions in Tianjin.Those weren't chemicals. It was part of their US invasion plan. Just think what only ONE of those robots could do in one night: silently move door to door killing people in their homes and then use the power in the homes to charge up. Then moving house to house clearing out a whole neighborhood in one night all by itself. Now picture hundreds or thousands of those going from house to house under the cover of darkness.

23219797? ago

We will wipe the floor with China. It'a a no contest.

23220992? ago

kek! I used a similar expression recently, our male cat wanted a belly rub and as I was doing so, in the kitchen, vigorously -- he was, on his back, helping me clean the floor!

I told my wife, now if someone offers, "I'm going to mop the floor with you!" I can respond, "Why thank you, it was getting a little grungy, and I could use the help!" :)

23219146? ago

You simplify the Chinese system of Governance greatly, Xi is but one faction in the CCP a powerful one but not all powerful, he is reliant on other factions support, support that because of the Malthusian trap he is not assured.

23219036? ago

did russia send snowden?

23224811? ago

Is he physically IN Russia, or is he just hiding out at a consulate (technically Russia but on our soil) like Julian Assange? Just wondering.

23219823? ago

Do we want him or something?

23219010? ago

Agreed anon.

Good post.

23218929? ago
