23182640? ago

And this is the problem we have with all these 'bible' people. Good intentions, sure. Praying for the cause, good. But it's their way or no way. Very self centered people. Against what they preach. I can't stand them.

23178484? ago

Flat Earth post play devils advocate to a fake conspiracy to teach people about debate and logical fallacies. If you can't even handle a flat Earther how will you handle the world elite?

23178237? ago

The Qult does a fine job, a terrific job, discrediting itself without any extra help.

23177974? ago

I would respond to this but the spinning of the earth makes me dizzy. Also I’m on the bottom of this ball, so I’m standing upside down

23178924? ago

"We are with you. Hold on tight as we hurl through this Galaxy. Call Captain Picard, he may be able to save us !"

After we finish this, we can also play Indians & Cowboys.

23179081? ago

I am certain there exists a Unicorn Planet!

23177446? ago

One of the best digs on the fake moon landing https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/

23176820? ago



23174754? ago

Who actually bothers to even read that Flat Earth crap?

23174697? ago

The head honcho of the flat earth society says they are organizing a big conference and members are coming from all around the world to attend. :-))

23174850? ago

Hahaha good one!

23174691? ago

Nah, you cunts do that on your own.

23173217? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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23171048? ago

Moon is made of cheese?

23173301? ago

That's why we never went back. Big Dairy wants to maintain its monopoly.

23170830? ago

I hadn't even seen one of the flat earth freaks in many months until you posted this thread.

23170800? ago

Sorry OP, but you can clearly see the people who believe in the Q psyop ALSO believe the earth is flat...

  1. "Q" is a jew psyop and is associated with "the best friend Israel ever had".
  2. The earth is in the shape of a ball.
  3. 90% of human beings are fucking morons.

23170795? ago

FLAT EARTH IS THE BIGGEST SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


23170732? ago

Please tell me how the hell time zones work on a flat earth.

23172888? ago

23172052? ago

just like a clock put a clock face directly over a flat earth picture and you have you time zones 8)

23172083? ago

But then the sun would never set.

23170503? ago

IF the earth was flat the sun would rise at the same time for all of us. Boom 🤯

23172873? ago

Not if it runs circles around the plane.


23175042? ago

Hahahahaha..... the sun ☀️ rises up from the horizon. It doesn’t appear from off in the distance and get closer. Go shill somewhere with your bullshit

23170417? ago

I believe "science" durrr

23170325? ago

Fuck off, how do you believe that the earth spins 1000mph while rotating around the sun at 66,600mph and that we’re expanding even faster than that. Come the fuck on, look out a window and you’ll be able to see it’s not true. We’re surrounded by ice and there are more continents and land further out, admiral bird talks about this. They’ve been lying to us about everything important, wake up.

23169743? ago

Holy fuckballs. I thought the antivax stupidity was the height of qtarddom, but if you idiots think the earth is flat, please stop using oxygen.

23169717? ago

To all the Bible toters... all religions are man made to control the masses. We are eternal multidimensional higher beings. Spirituality and religion are not the same. The earth is a sphere. Dumbasses.

23169386? ago

No they aren't, space is fake and gay. Stop being blind.

23169255? ago

There have been BILLIONS of East / west circumnavigations, but only SIX North / South ones. All done by masons.

What gives?

23169236? ago

If we're going to question everything that maxim exists OUTSIDE the fear of being called "kooks." I don't mind if people discuss the hypothetical shape of the Earth.

23168991? ago

Don't be so closed off to the idea of flat Earth. Obviously nothing is what it seems. We know that 'they' change history, create their own narratives constantly. I believe that it's definitely not a spinning ball. So begs the question, Where are we? It's hard to say what it is, unless you go into 'space' and look down and see it for yourself, with your own eyes. Until then you're only believing what someone else says.

23168840? ago

Whether you believe "flat Earth" or not, it is completely irrelevant to Q and to the task at hand.

Anyone who wants to discuss that should start or join a forum with that topic.

Anyone posting it here should prepare for downvotes. Wrong forum.

23168869? ago

ABSOLUTELY!!! THANKS!!! For once, a voice of reason.

23168583? ago

Gotta say, they are the most entertaining of the shill posts. I appreciate creativity...

23168501? ago


23168412? ago

Sorry OP, looks like they are winning. You got shut down hard, and all the pro flat earth comments are +15 upvotes all the correct comments are negative.

Nothing but flat earther's over the horizon here.

Abandon all hope, because Q's movement are people too stupid to look out the window of an airplane while they take a flight.

23169663? ago

You can't see the curve in an airplane. Or ever. It does not exist.

23168155? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I disagree with this. the flat earth people end up being believers in god because they been lied to in their minds by the atheist scientist. owen Benjamin was one of these people. 137 Iq comedian concert pianst who absolutly believed globe earth. he was going to debate against flat earth and the more he researched the more lies about globe vs flat. I have not gone down the rabbit hole I like to think we live in a round earth and there is a vast universe butbthere are some fundamental things that just dont add up. why dont airplanes traveling against the 1000 mile per hour revolution not travel slower then the oppisite?

anyways Q does plenty to discredit it self and is getting a little cultish. I hope Q is right if they are wrong we are heading towards an orwellian dystopian future full steam ahead.. if the fucking clintons and bush crime family are not arrested before thebelection Q is a JEW larp or mossad psyop.

23167918? ago

Flat earth is an experiment against us.

23167732? ago

They are going to shut us down if some of us believe in flat earth? They won’t laugh at us for adrenochrome or frazzle drip or any of the other crazy Shit we believe.. don’t knock another mans truth.

23167389? ago

Who gives a fuck. More important things to worry about.

23167023? ago

Agreed. The earth is a sphere. End of story. Now if you want to say it’s hollow, I will entertain that theory based on admiral Byrd’s testimony. Flat earthers need to take a hike.

23166924? ago

Flat Earth----Kek. Looking at the moon and other planets would seem to knock that BS in the head!

23166604? ago

" Boomer", "Flat Earth", UFO's" = guaranteed hooknose shill

23166484? ago

This thread fell flat on its face OP. As you can see, there are many of us who are heliocentric model skeptics. You're in the minority, fortunately for free thought.

23166563? ago

Yeah, I know, that's why my post has 160 upvotes as of this writing.

23166595? ago

Up votes mean nothing u stupid boomer. Duhhhhh. Read the fucking comments dick head. Only faggots like you care about internet points.

23168276? ago

If I post 5 comments on this thread, it doesn't mean that 5 people have voiced their opinion.

Also the level of retardation and cult like behavior on this thread is so bad, that I simply don't even want to engage. And any sane person will do the same.

23169900? ago

Ahh, you're the one I keep running into all over this subverse. You're here 24/7 calling us cultists. You really care that much, hey? Come on man, give me a break. Sometimes I wish this place wasn't anon and linked back to your real identity.

23179057? ago

from what i've heard, it will soon

23166544? ago

poor Shlomo.

23166210? ago

while true FE would do harm to q.. because of mass retardation would lead to immediate dismissal of any information associated with it.

but make no doubt. Earth is indeed flat... a plane...

23166145? ago

"Flat Earther" ---> 10+ years ago - a person who was hopelessly stuck in conventional thinking.

"Flat Earther" ----> Today - Literal life on a plane

We are devolving

23179055? ago

Nivana had a song, "On a Plain", kek

23178894? ago

"a person who was hopelessly stuck in conventional thinking."

History is stuck in conventional thinking. You're stuck in hubris.

23166109? ago

First of all, you're wrong.

Pythagorean Theorom mathematics proves otherwise. Don't discredit something you know nothing about. Remember what Q said about free thought? Well you're exactly what he was talking about. You're not the thought police, so fuck off.

23165985? ago

I like flat earth. I don't think it's got anything to do with Q, but I like it.

23165970? ago

Flat earth has nothing to do with Q or QRV.

23165826? ago

yes this is a standard tactic. I once told someone that I was a "fan" of conspiracy theories because if nothing else many were very entertaining. This person said "What, you believe the earth is FLAT?" I was taken aback. What? Flat Earth? Is that even a thing in #currentyear? No, I'm a fan of the conspiracy theories that make sense, FE is just stupid.

David Icke and his reptilians make more sense than FE, because even Icke explains himself that what he calls interdimensional reptilians are what Christians call Demons and the Muslims call Jinn.

See, that makes SENSE.

23165759? ago

I am an ardent q and Trump supporter and know that the Earth is not a spinning ball.

23165756? ago

Fuck OP, you don't speak for all of us. Q encourages truth seeking, who the fuck are you to tell us not to investigate something?

23165708? ago

Prove it’s round without a paid scientist from the illuminati royal science society. Everything has been a lie, except GOD.

23173190? ago

You worship a pile of scribblings by a pack of baby-dick-eating parasites.

23165752? ago

I don't have to prove anything to you, you are free to believe whatever stupid idea you choose to. Begone with ya'.

23165568? ago

Ball worship is Baal worship

Even the elect will be deceived

23173140? ago

If ball worship is Baal worship, what is the BBW fetish?

23165425? ago

OP is obviously a shill for posting this just to cause the obvious fighting that would ensue.

23165695? ago

He has to get his 0.50 sheckels per post somehow.

23165646? ago

Don't you think the mods know exactly who all the QRV posters are? As a result of this post, people have gone on record, stating overtly who they are and what they believe. ....and who they follow.

23165699? ago


23165222? ago



23165220? ago

The biggest conspiracy of all. You've been brainwashed since youth. There's 2 things you are brainwashed at a young age: ball earth, and the Holocaust

23169609? ago

Holocaust waits a bit later, but they start pushing ball earth and dinosaurs (no coincidence they are reptiles) the second you leave the womb.

23167133? ago

And nuked and dinosaurs

23166440? ago

What are satellites?

23170949? ago

High altitude balloons.

23174486? ago

Oh totally. They move so smoothly across the sky and can be easily seen and predicted

23169641? ago

Ground stations that reflect off the firmament, to appear to be in space (think HAARP), and balloons. They have levitation technology too.

23165450? ago

Don’t forget that you came from a monkey, God is fake, and everything just magically exploded from a random accident big bang!

23167171? ago

Nukes are fake, dinosaurs did not exist (as depicted). There was a worldwide flood.

23171105? ago

You should keep fake nukes on the DL, it's a great ace up the sleeve for the West.

23165216? ago

The earth is not flat exactly. It is a contoured con vexed realm that is separate from the realm of the spiritual. It isn't a ball or globe as you may think either. For thousands of years we knew what the shape of earth was going all the way back to the Sumerians.

Not until the 1500's did this concept change.

As a believer in all things spiritual. I believe what God pointed out in many Scriptures. The earth is not a ball or globe. The globe narrative is a deception. Pure and simple.

And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

https://cdn.biblexfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/19135335/Ancient-Hebrew-view-of-universe.png Depiction of the Ancient Hebrew Earth.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament of Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

There are over two hundred verses that say the earth is stable and fixed.

https://ericdubay.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/7eedb-15936438_1583744678309142_7149514618986702858_o.jpg **More Ancient Depictions of Earth.

NASA scientist's admit we cannot get through the Van Allen belt. Thus we never went to the moon.

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/20/01/1d/20011d11c253fba2091fc4dd69c82104--bible-truth-hollow-earth.jpg Depiction

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AncYYUHOp6o It has not been scientifically settled

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPMoIv1lxI NASA Admits We Never Went To The Moon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WogsSOrr0l8 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies (2018 Documentary)

http://convexearth.org/ Convex Earth Documented By SCIENTISTS

Believe what you wish. There are those who know the truth.

23171053? ago

What do you think of this? https://youtu.be/DhTagWzkjHk

23165091? ago

They don't just get posted in qrv, they post that shit all over voat.

23165639? ago

Almost as if the truth gets posted all over voat huh

23165045? ago

Do Flat-Earth-Tards believe the moon is flat too? How 'bout the sun? Just curious how retarded they are.

23167598? ago

You can see half of the Sun and the Moon. Do they look flat to you?

23167303? ago

LOL. Don't get them started. I am really amazed at the FEers retardation as it is.

23164975? ago

First rule of flat earther's is NEVER argue with a flat earther!!

( It just makes two idiots.)

23165654? ago

Nothing dumber than an atheist faggot

23171357? ago

Strong belief in God, three children and one grandchild. Pick up a book that was printed in the last thousand years and you can find out. Nothing worse than a bible-thumping retarded faggot!!

23171409? ago

Write it in your diary. I don't care.

23171422? ago

Nothing worse than being wrong AND ignorant...I will pray for you

23171517? ago

You pray to jews, nigger.

23171786? ago

You are quoting old testament and saying I am the jew?!?!? You are literally fucking retarded and have NO IDEA what you are saying. Piss off child

23171816? ago

I did scientific research. You also can't read.

23164823? ago


23164719? ago

FE is a C_A psyop that was started around 2013.

23164678? ago

All of these are slide posts:

  • Abject racism

  • Flat Earth crap

  • Lord Steven Christ crap

  • Porn posts

  • Concern/worry posts

  • "I know someone with corona" posts

  • Doom & gloom posts

  • 5G Concern posts

  • "Call to arms/action" posts

  • Anti Q posts

  • FEMA Camp/Martial Law panic posts

  • Q is JFK Jr Posts

  • Aliens/Bluebeam/etc off topic posts

There's more but I'm lazy today. Just watch for patterns in post consistency and actual authentic comment chains. It's not hard to observe and recognize the junk posts. You'll also notice a pattern that these tend to drop off on weekends, holidays, etc. Shills dont shill for free. Some do, and they are useful idiots unknowingly working under the tutelage of paid shills: i.e. Top Minds of Reddit, Soapboxbanhammer/Soapdoxbanhammer, Qult Headquarters, etc.

23165901? ago

Abject racism

Flat Earth crap

So you mean to say you don't enjoy truth?

23164612? ago

Earth being a spinning ball was made up by baby raping, shiteating cannibals. It's also scientifically impossible. For one, all wind would only blow in one direction.

23173244? ago

baby raping, shiteating cannibals

You're on Voat. It's okay to just call them "jews".

23164575? ago

Here is a simple proof the earth is close to a sphere:

All the flat earth models talks about a disk with the North pole at the center of the disk.

This means travelling from west to east (or vice versa) on the same parallel would take longer and longer more south you are.

However, on a sphere, this will get longer and longer until you reach the equator where then it takes shorter and shorter.

If you look at air plane flights time from New Zealand to Sydney Australia, it takes about the same time as from Orlando, FL to Albuquerque, NM. Both of these trajectories are at the same distance from the equator, one North of it and the other South of it, and both have the same timezone crossing to deal with. If the earth was flat, it would take the longest time to go around the earth when you are near the South pole, but in reality it is just as short as when you are near the North pole.

CHeck it out, the flight time for these flights and then wake up.

23166460? ago

Look at emergency landings to know the truth. They only make sense on a flat earth.

23171331? ago

Please expand.

23171617? ago

Simple. Look at typical flight paths, then compare with emergency landing situations on both a globe and a flat earth map. Reconcile.


Do this on your own too. Find your own, map it out yourself and see.

23204265? ago

Well, since maps are 2D, they are not accurate to depict what is the shortest path.

Take a globe and use a string and check what would be the shortest path from Taiwan to LAX

Here it is using google earth

Globe shortest link

23164643? ago

Earth is an oblate ovoid, meaning that because of centrifugal force it is somewhat wider along the equator than it is North-to-South. Sort of like an egg, just not as extreme.

23164784? ago

It's not. You're a dumb faggot.

23165480? ago

That's the kind of way libtards reply - no counter proof, just denying blindly.

I provided a proof: flight time - travel time - implying same distance. And this is your counter argument?

23167227? ago

You did not, you just said " flights are longer" that is not proof of anything.

23168053? ago

Let me rephrase it so you get my point:

Take a globe and a disk. Travel on the same longitude on both between 2 identical latitude (timezone related)

On the disk, the further away from the center (North Pole) you are, the longer it takes to travel.

On the globe, at first, the further away from the North Pole you are, the longer it takes to travel, but then reverse once you are at the equator.

Now, pick 2 cities in the Southern Hemisphere, and 2 in the Northern hemisphere that satisfy this and check the flight time.

I have given you 2 cites, but correction, it's not Orlando but Atlanta to Albuquerque

Atlanta, GA -> Albuquerque is equivalent to Auckland, NZ to Sydney, Australia (or reverse the direction of flight to get the best one - favorable wind direction for both)

You will notice the flight time are about the same.

Also, if you pick 2 other cities near the equator, you will notice that they have longer flight time than those 2 above.

2 cities:

Colombia, Sri Lanka <-> Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia



23178868? ago

rephrase all you want but without, y'know, actual flight times, you're just talking, not proving!!!

23183698? ago

Well you can easily do that yourself, but lucky for you, I did this a while back to provide this proof.

But don't have to trust me, check it out yourself.

Flight time

23165676? ago

You posted a non factual copy pasta. I replied with as much respect that that deserves.

23164710? ago

Yes indeed, not an exact sphere, that's why I said "close to a sphere", but that doesn't change anything about my statement.

23164737? ago


23164554? ago

Satan inverts. Or am I just making that up?


23171051? ago

You Aussie globber.

23171008? ago

"Aww Naww, we gunna fall ..... h....e....l.........."

23164536? ago

Pin this post

23164529? ago

Flat Earth is the truth you filthy fucking talmudic kikeposter. Proving our earth is flat is easily provable using basic tools available to the average person. Ball earth belief is not easily provable to the average person, and relies purely on believing jewish media and jewish/jesuit “science”. OP, you are a raging faggot who will definitely be burning in a lake of fire and worse for trying to push your satanic lies on this forum.

23182679? ago

Eat shit you tub-o-lard bible tard.

23165638? ago

Disproving it is as easy as using the eyeballs you were born with. You can't see more than a few miles because the Earth is round. And if you go pay 100 bucks for a ride in someone's Cessna, you can easily get photo evidence. At least fucking try you dirty kikes. Thinking people are retarded enough to buy into this shit large scale is just another example of why your plans always fail and 110 is coming.

23172891? ago

They're not all jews. A lot of these are your fellow Qult members... What do you think about the "shills" now? Is it time yet to take a look at all that uncomfortable psyop evidence you've been trying to ignore?

23178834? ago

You two shills are not QAnons, so it's only justified you should be called that.

23173548? ago

I'm not a qfag I just come here to drop redpills. And call out faggotry like your flat Earth bullshit.

23175151? ago

I was pointing out to the Qultist that his fellow cult members are the believers in flat earth.

23171777? ago

According to earth's measurements, we lose 8 inches of altitude every mile. Every. Single. Mile. You should not be able to see more than 6 miles before things start to disappear. Yet we can disprove ships crossing the horizon by using a simple ZOOM on a camera. You should not be able to see the other side of a 10 mile lake, you should not be able to see the skyscrapers of a city 60 miles away, and you should not be able to see the northern stars from parts of Australia.

23178851? ago

love your Digits but its 8 inches per mile squared. So 10 miles would be 8 * 10 * 10 = 800 inches, not 80.

23179442? ago

Thank you for the exact measurements, I couldn't be bothered looking it up, but I knew it was 8. My thanks patriot.

23173557? ago

If the Earth was flat I could see Mt Everest with a decent telescope.

23178330? ago

If the telescope was powerful enough, and if you were on an elevation high enough so that everything in the way wasn't blocking it, yes actually, you would see it.

23186917? ago

That's not possible and it's been proven. Like are you people actually serious? Gravity wouldn't even work as we know it if the Earth was flat. And you can literally circumnavigate the Earth in ANY direction. The amount of insanity required to believe this shit is just laughable. Crackpot shit like this makes legit theories look bad.

23189958? ago

Gravity is a lie. I know it's hard for you to see, you have been told lies your entire life. I pray that God will help you open your eyes.

23192882? ago

Why would He need to? If there was an edge to the Earth, someone would have found it a few hundred years ago. Also, God made literally every other celestial body a globe, what makes you think ours is different?

23197037? ago

They call it "Antarctica".

23197326? ago

Except even if you can't cross it, the distance around it is less than the distance around the equator, and then the distance around the Arctic is then less again. If your theory were true, the Arctic would be a tiny island in the middle, and the distance around it would be less than the equator, and then the distance around the Antarctic would be far greater. Or are measurements just an illusion now too?

23167387? ago

Yeah, let's assume the human eye is supposed to see infinitely far.... smh

23166783? ago

Even Neil degrasse Tyson admits you can’t see the curve from an airplane. This is so basic. It’s clearly you know nothing about the ball earth we grew up learning, let alone Flat Earth science and research

23166199? ago

This is false. You don't understand perspective and how it works at all. You're a groupthink, thought police, boomer, moron.

23166719? ago

Your kinda cute. Like a spiky stupid hedgehog with its head shoved up a groundhogs ass. I think I may keep you as a pet. Your name is now Kikeyspikey. Welcome to your new life!

23166410? ago

And you're so convincing: "you just don't understand"

23166569? ago

Well if you could actually understand, you'd be a heliocentric model skeptic, instead you buy the jew freemason ball earth bullshit like the funny you are.

Pythagorean Theorom mathematics proves the earth is not a ball.

23165122? ago

Show me one working proof. Please.

23166789? ago

Here are 3: There is supposedly this complete vacuum "up in space" yet air, so light you can inhale it through a straw, does not get sucked out into this 'matterless' void? Why do fountains fall straight down if we are spinning at a thousand miles an hour? Why did Wernher von Braun refer to the firmament on his tombstone?

23167134? ago

Science doesn't know what gravity is and can't explain it, believer.

23167447? ago


23166943? ago

Okay. In order. Gravity, inertia, dont know, inertia, and gravity again and inertia again.

23166169? ago

Go study Pythagorean Theorom and use the working measurements of the earth using Google maps. Find land masses that should be below the curve from a certain distance and see if that holds true. Make sure to account for atmospheric lending due to moisture in the air. There are tests to see what effect that has too.

Basically, think for yourself and figure it out on your own.

23166420? ago

Exactly. No working proof except "use math". You know theres lots of people on the other side of the argument who say that. But then they go do it and show you...

23166540? ago

I'm saying to apply the Pythagorean Theorom to real life, not just use math.

I'm giving an actual experiment to try. One can go to the ocean and bring a p90 camera and zoom in on ships that have appeared to go over the horizon.

23166652? ago

Well i guess ill have to give that a shot.

23166770? ago

Fortunately you don't have to, many others have done all of these experiments.

There's even a world record for longest distance caught on camera. See what that distance is, then see if that matches up with the ball earth math and what the curve should be.

23166071? ago

Try drinking out of a ball.

23170919? ago

Not the same Anon, but intrigued. Concave Earth Theory ?

23165588? ago

The wind would only blow in one direction on a spinning ball.

23165908? ago

Shit ill give it a try. You know the air is spinning with the ball right? Inertia, etc.

23170108? ago

No it's not. Walk outside and look up for once....the clouds will go right by you, so it is not spinning with the ball.

23171924? ago

Jesus christ. This is seriously like arguing with 5 year olds. The entire thing is, on average, rotating with the surface of the earth. It still flows faster and slower in places relative to the surface of the earth. Like eddies in a river.

23178828? ago

Like eddies in a river.

"Is he, is he", sagely.

23178798? ago

"This is seriously like arguing with 5 year olds."

That's because you were indoctrinated into a Globular Earth at around ~5yrs old. You were told to disregard logic and your senses at that age.

23179208? ago

Looool. No you really dont understand basic science.

23167908? ago

If air were spinning with the ball, then a helicopter would have a very hard time hovering in one spot.

23167978? ago

No... no actually the oposite of that. If the air were not spinning with the surface of the earth THEN the helicopter would be unable to hover. Its retarded levels of stupidity like this that ensure me i dont actually need to prove that the earth is round. Because the people who think it isnt LITERALLY do not understand basic concepts like inertia. Its sad really.

23172126? ago

^ Dr ASTRO aka Scott Ferguson visiting from Godlike Productions ^

23172580? ago

Lol who?

23170151? ago

That's retarded. Helicopters hover because the rotary wing is creating thrust.

23171872? ago

Yes but if the atmosphere were not spinning at the same speed as the surface of the earth there would be 1000 mph winds accross the surface of the earth. Helicopter would not hover in that.

23168122? ago

so the air spins with the earth and it's next to an infinite vaccume, how does the air not escape?

23168205? ago

Much like the way the pressure builds as you dive deeper underwater. The same goes for the atmosphere. The "vacuum" effect of space is actually just a pressurized canister being opened in a less pressurized environment.

23178782? ago

"The "vacuum" effect of space is actually just a pressurized canister (space ship) being opened in a less pressurized environment (vacuum of space). Just like a propane tank being opened on earth."

That was a lot of nonsense for not much explanation.

"Just like a propane tank being opened on earth."

What happens if you open the valve to a [pressurized] propane tank here on earth ? What happens if you close that valve ?

Where is the 'valve' to the this 'space ship' called Globular Earth ? Can one close that valve ?

23179204? ago

Ugh. Im not gonna waste the effort on this. Its clearly way beyond you.

23179412? ago

Oh, I thought you were the Illuminated One.

23179440? ago

Im just a guy who has always inately understood basic physics. Well enough to know that flat earthers dont inderstand fluid dynamics, air pressure, or a number of other phenomena that are entirely proven to exist.

23181388? ago

Move along, waste no effort, Mr. «inderstand fluid dynamics».

You'll find your own way to this truth.

23181481? ago


23168191? ago

Because it is held to the earth by gravity. Which i know you dont believe in. The vacuum of space "sucks" things out of space shuttles because they have air pressure inside them. As you leave the earths atmosphere the pressure lowers and lowers until you are no longer under any pressure at all. That pressure is a result of all the air around the planet trying to reach the center of gravity of the earth. Idk why im wasting my breath on this. I know you dont believe in gravity but your explanation makes absolutely no fucking sense at all and does nothing to disprove the official explanation. All it proves is that you have ZERO understanding of where atmospheric pressure comes from at all according to the official narrative. You completely failing to understand something does not disprove it.

23165852? ago

Wow. It really is hard to argue with flat earthers. Not because you make good points. But because you make points so poor that they indicate your lack of comprehension of numerous levels of physical reality. I would have to educate you through elementary, middle school, and highschool physics to explain why that sentence is retarded.

23170211? ago

No, your points are BS. "spinning air makes helicopters hover" "the earth exists in a vacuum because it's like being under water" "atmosphere is held by gravity"

23171858? ago

God. Its amazing that your understanding of science is so incredibly simple. Have you ever had your IQ tested?

23164524? ago

Hey OP. Did you know that many in the Q movement are actually flat earthers?! Kek.

23169323? ago

this is the truth. the globe is a satanic lie. Trump is also referring to these satanists when he uses the term globalist. because the globe is a satanic lie.

23165185? ago

The supporter does not necessarily represent the point of view of the movement or individual that they support. There are good people who support the democrat party. There are racists who support Trump. Neither of these statements mean a thing, and your argument does not mean a thing either.

23165606? ago

It means that you can support Q without being a satanic slave atheist who believes in religious fairy tales jews call science.

23164538? ago

Don't care, whatever the number is it's too many.

23164703? ago

Why don’t you come eliminate us then pussy?

23164748? ago

Q will handle that in due course.

23164792? ago

Q will kill you kikes last.

23164586? ago

It’s because contrary to the OP, the Q movement has a lot of freaks and weirdos.

23165144? ago

Funny how Qtards, flat earthers and christcucks have massively overlapping demographics. It's almost as if they are all related by a shared mental defect.

23165626? ago

You are randomly grouping groups of people together. That's probably because you are a braindead atheist faggot. Nothing dumber than an atheist.

23166914? ago

Could be because they're all the same group.

23164494? ago

Bible says earth is flat. Are you smarter than the Bible? Didn't think so. Checkmate, globetard.

23164478? ago

I've never seen any evidence that I live on a flying, spinning, orbitting globe that exists in and endless, ever expanding space.

23164411? ago

Who gives a shit what shape this realm is?

And what makes you think anyone knows?

23165075? ago

It’s actually quite easy to prove the earth is flat. There is no curvature. This topic is the key to unlocking the minds of the sheeple. This lie alone leads many into a life of satanic deception and destruction. So that is why it matters you fucking shill.

23164393? ago

all official globe measurements are freemasonic symbolic numbers ... its a fabrication...an idol...a shrine..... an image of the beast

23164381? ago

Just ignore the nitwits and the bigots.

23164801? ago

Ok, you're ignored.

23171805? ago


23164363? ago

I see the flat earth theory as a litmus test for dipshits. A great screening method for people I tend to avoid at all costs.

23165310? ago

I also use flat earth as a litmus test. If you cant figure out basic truths like the fact that you are not an evolved monkey, or that you don’t live on a spinning ball, then you are basically retarded and I dont give any shits about anything else that you say.

23165942? ago

  • Divergent descendant with a recent common ancestor of the APES, not monkeys. You stupid fucking nigger.

Yes the Earth is flat. Yes jews control all sciences. but lets at least be accurate.

23164760? ago

Atheism is an anti science cult that worships jews.

23164292? ago

Who made this dipshit the King of VOAT?

Earth is flat. It's called using your eyes and brain.

You should probably go back to your VHS tapes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I bet Woopie's character is your favorite.

23172914? ago

Lol, the crazies eating their own. Pretty clearly, you fall into one Qult, you've got a deficit that makes you susceptible to them all. Qultists BTFO.

23165677? ago

My eyes can only see a few miles in any direction because the Earth is curved. The advice you offer only disproves you, faggot.

23171064? ago


23167499? ago

You'll figure it out when you're dead then. Too bad.

23167494? ago

Your eyeballs are not supposed to see further than they do.

There is no curve.

Welcome to the Earth plane.

23173573? ago

Why can't I see Mt Everest with a telescope then?

23175986? ago

See it from where?

Same limitations exist in lenses & tools & still your own eyes.

I suppose if you had a strong enough telescope & the perfect line of sight on it with no obstructions you could see it.

I heard there is still a convex shape to the plane too.

Who knows?!

I haven't been to space but I'm also smart enough to not take what I'm told by the powers that be at face value.

Knowing about the esoteric & gnostic past of humanity also helps with understanding.

Always keep an open mind.

23186960? ago

You can circumnavigate the Earth in ANY direction. You crackpots make legit theories look bad with your insanity. I'm more keen to believe in aliens being in area 51 or the existence of Bigfoot. At least those are fun and don't make you sound like a 40iq waste of flesh that would believe up is down if the right person told them.

23192171? ago

Alright non-productive, waste-of-flesh, insult buddy... you, the aliens, and Bigfoot go back to your orgy.

23192817? ago

Still a better chance of that happening than the Earth being flat.

23167090? ago

Ever used binoculars? A telescope, a high power camera? The simple fact is that you CAN see the base of objects at distances that are too far for the curve formula. 8" per miles squared.

23173593? ago

Plus you have to take elevation changes into context. Not even Nebraska is flat enough to expect perfect results. Anyways. If the Earth was flat, anyone could see Mt Everest with a telescope. that isn't the case. Plus I've been in an airplane before. The Earth curves.

23170448? ago

He's brain washed, they don't wake up.

23166825? ago

Your eyes only see a few miles because of your EYES they are designed to only see a few miles away. Go grab a pair of binoculars and you’ll se clearly again for miles.

There are videos on YouTube that show the curve doesn’t exist and objects appear 10,15,20 miles away

23166221? ago

Nope. Do you understand atmospheric lensing? Humidity and everything else in the atmosphere has an effect on how far you can see.

You're obviously new at science, so I'll spare you a tongue lashing.

23166752? ago

Tongue lashing sounds like a sex move... so what you're saying if I'm understanding you correctly... is you're a faggot?

23165382? ago

I guarantee the OP is either a jew, freemason, catholic/jesuit, or a faggot. At this point, if he isnt trying actively deceive gullible sheeple, then he is an absolutely retarded useful idiot pushing his master’s agenda.

23164212? ago

Also, GOD is not flat either. :P

He's Robust.

23173286? ago

GOD has the biggest rack around?

23173648? ago

Once one has fallen in love with a Goddess, women become less relevant.

23164161? ago

Q 2622

23164993? ago

Q said earth is a ball. Easy proof that Q is a satanic faggot!

23167545? ago

Disinfo necessary.

I believe this is to slowly disclose truths one at a time.

I don't think the normies of the World could handle the knowledge of the Satanic Cabal in our governments Worldwide AND flat Earth all at once.

23167010? ago

Q also said JFK Jr is dead in the same Q & A.

23166335? ago

No he didn't. Someone asked if the earth was flat, he said no. That doesn't mean it's a ball you fucking retarded troll.

23164140? ago

Everyone has a right to their own research. Unless you and your own eyes see what the heck the actual earth is then you have no right to force your belief on someone else. History and science has also been changed by the cabal/Free Masons, for centuries. I have read more posts on this thread that can be considered “conspiracy theory” than flat earth beliefs. Each to their own. You posting this thread says that you don’t accept any free thought. Q says think for yourself. That also means everyone else has a right right to think for themselves also. Readers can discern for themselves. Your the shill I think. You want to start an argument that doesn’t have a purpose at this time.

23164413? ago

You call reading a few kook websites "research"? Bwahaha...

23169138? ago

Sounds like there are more flat Earthers here than you thought faggot

23170775? ago

We are not flat Earthers, we a realists

23167116? ago

I used my own fucking eyes, faggot. Ok and some binoculars. Either the earth is flat or the 8" per miles squared formula is wrong. It can't be both. If the formula is wrong, then every formula based on "gravity" is wrong.

23164827? ago

Go back to sucking black pseudo science nigger's dick you npc faggot.

23164129? ago

They can't eliminate the signal, so they flood it with noise.

They're antithetical to truth, and vice versa.

Speak the truth!

Those who encourage fear, hatred, stupidity, dependence, centralization, and any other weak, negative, enslaving, things, are definitely not your allies, and possibly your enemies (possibly useful idiot tools of your enemies, too).

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

23164029? ago

Same with the nazi shit.

23164736? ago

Nazis were normal white people who fought against satanic degeneracy. jews started calling them nazis as a slur. Nazis were and are the good guys.

23164936? ago

I can accept this. The rabid calls for violence I cannot. Trust the plan, faggot.

23164559? ago

No, many genuinely believe that we were on the wrong side of the war in WW2.

23165796? ago

Just like many genuinely believe the earth isn't a sphere in space.

23164174? ago

Yup, so many topic sliders here...but there is a way to avoid their posts, just set your bookmark to the "TOP" or "HOT" tabs, and those idiot posts rarely make it through the anons' filter.

23164744? ago

You are the shill, you pedo faggot.

23164635? ago

You know what, fuck you. Your post is bullshit and you’re prolly recently woke and a sanctimonious pos. “Flat earth” doesn’t mean what you think it means a lot of us are Biblical earthers and for you to post something like this really ticks people off.

23164634? ago

I’m curious what it fels like to be a souless evil NPC like you? Do you have feelings at all? Or is it just like a script that executes in your tiny “brain”?

23170693? ago

He's a shill sowing division. Probably jew also.

23163970? ago

Flat Earth was a jewish psy-op to check and see how dumb the sheep are. It worked perfectly and jews sit back and laugh their asses off.

23164838? ago

Nope. If you believe you are on a spinning ball, you're the dumb faggot.

23164879? ago

One of Owen's bears, I presume?

23165883? ago

Owen is a little bitch. Fuck you and fuck owen.

The earth is not a Globe and you don't need some faggot like owen to tell you that.

23165710? ago

I don't follow jews, unlike atheist faggots.

23164065? ago

don't forget the tranny and (((sbbh))) goons

23164096? ago

I used to like those guys but not anymore.

23164474? ago

What's interesting is their name is a play on Patriot's Soapbox (and their inception here was around the time cbts_stream changed to PSB). That tells me sbbh, or sdbh, or whatever they wanna call themselves today is just the same as TMOR (Top Minds of Reddit). A bunch of sad incels who feel better about themselves by lambasting and pointing out the shortcomings of others led by mods who the greater community think are just like them, but in fact they're paid to rabble rouse the useful idiots.

23164450? ago

they're a group of degenerate liberals and jews . @madworld had it documented https://voat.co/v/whatever/3701507/22885564

23165863? ago

That is some hilarious shit and its even funnier that you still don't get it. You'll only ever hear one side and forget how he took over GA and why GA exists. They made themselves a target and thats the whole fucking joke you utter (Moo Moo Moo) morons.

23163898? ago

...but aliens are ok!

23164849? ago

Atheists have to believe in aliens. That's how jews programmed them to think.

23164945? ago

nanoo nanoo

23178761? ago


23163876? ago

Flat earth posts are an inversion peversion.

23164107? ago

Quite. The universe is electric.

23165546? ago

Earth is flat and yes the ether exists. Everything in this earth is a permutation of the ether, the electromagnetic spectrum, so yes, electric earth in a sense.

23163863? ago

If the media never cracks down on the elite rings then you will always be kook conspiracy theorists.

Unless there really is a military operation going on under the media.

The media makes our reality.

23165637? ago

Q fags believe in every retarded psyop conspiracy that is fed to them, yet they refuse to accept truths like flat and stationary earth. Fuck you Q fags, if your saviour Trump doesnt deliver soon i guess its over for you. Oh, he pushed out the virus hoax another few weeks, so he can execute the plan better right? I will keep believing in my saviour Jesus Christ, almighty God.

23163820? ago

Same as the moon landing hoax theory! It is designed to push people in the opposite direction of the truth, hidden tech and secret space programs!

23163801? ago


The earth is not flat. Only a retard would believe that.

23165663? ago

Go make a bonfire and jump into it. Good practice for the bigger fire you are headed for.

23164863? ago

You are below 100 iq, guaranteed.

23174810? ago


23163671? ago

Ok numb nuts explain how I can see the big dipper every night of every month for year after year. When we are supposedly traveling around the sun at a distance of 93 million miles away, 6 months from today we will be on the opposite side of the sun... So fuck off shit eating shill, or are you just not awake?

23163961? ago

Even a modest reading of Astronomy 101 texts would inform you how that happens. But then you would have to understand big words and....

23172930? ago

Fuck your words bro,.. Math speaks for itself.. 93 millmiles + 93 mi.. m = 186 m..m in the opposite direction I (6months from now) EYE SEE the same fucking stars dip shit.. Smarten the fuck up..

23164686? ago

Who writes those books asshat?

23164884? ago

jews. That's all atheism is. The religious worship of jew fairy tales, pretending it's science.

23163955? ago

Go take a timelapse and watch as we rotate around. You can clearly see all sources of light moving just as if the earth is rotating....

This isn't hard to wrap your head around if you have slightly above average intelligence.

Don't reproduce.

23164901? ago

You're an atheist incel, so you have already taken your own advice.

23174801? ago

Learn to read

23178455? ago

Accept your beating like a man, faggot.

23163766? ago

Either a great troll or epic retard.

23164877? ago

You are both a troll and a retard.

23164953? ago

Jesus loves you and wants you to accept him as your personal Lord and savior.

23165007? ago

Satanists made up Jesus being the Son of God with superpowers. He's meant for you to cuck yourself to. Why doesn't God give you superpowers and let you come back from the dead? Because he loves Jesus more than you. Now get on your knees and suck that Jesus dick, boy. Like the good little faggot you are.

23165114? ago

You seem really angry. Let the blood of Christ wash away your sin. Come join us.

23165121? ago

Satanic faggot.

23165157? ago

Jesus is Lord

23165283? ago

According to jews and other satanists. Enjoy not going to Heaven for worshiping a false god.

23165371? ago

It took a while for you to get back to me this time is it shift change in Tel Aviv?

23165421? ago

I was finding the scriptures that say the Earth doesn't move, for another anon. I'm not a jew.

23165471? ago

That doesn't sound like a Jew thing to say at all.

23165848? ago

jews love using sarcasm

23166353? ago

I will pray for you.

23166472? ago

I'm not the jew slave. You're the satanist. Unknowingly, but still.

23166983? ago

i am really surprised that i have managed to occupy this much of your time. happy trolling.

23167004? ago

I am glad you were happy trolling. God loves all his children, so I can't ignore any either.

23167065? ago

just out of curiosity are you saying all Christians are satanists? if so how do i stop being a satanist?

23167117? ago

That is what I am saying. I worship God without organised religion. There is no man between me and my Maker. That is my way. I hope it's the right way. At no point in time or place does a magical son of God enter the equation.

23167332? ago

fair enough thank you for your response.

23163643? ago

Read your Bible. Open your eyes. Pull your head out of your ass.

23171677? ago

THANK YOU!!! It's flat. God's beautiful earth is flat, and his throne is right above us. He has always been there watching us. God bless patriot.

23168860? ago

Not relevant to Q.

23168174? ago

why didnt god tell us the earth was a globe with 8 other planets? from what ive seen the bible is more aligned with flat earth then globe... the heavens above? doesnt say heavens all around us

23175882? ago

I'm just going to play devil's advocate here and say that maybe because the bible was written by men who, at the time, believed the earth was flat? And therefore the heavens, to them, were only above?

23176740? ago

from: doglegwarrior

true. I think many cultures had that thought. look into the theory that they figured out the earth was round because sails went down in the distance over the sea. now go look at videos from flat earthers who basicaly prove mathmaticaly the water is not curving the amount it should if any at all. I think you shouldmt be able to see chicago across the great lakes but you can.

note I am not a flat earther i literaly stopped watching the videos because they made to much sense I will keep believing we are on a globe

23177136? ago

Honestly the globe stuff makes a lot more sense to me than flat earth, but then again that could just be because I haven't done enough research into the science behind it. I used to think I had the world figured out, but have since realized everything i thought i knew was wrong. Since then, I've given up my preconceived notions and opinions made from brainwashing and bias, and I've started to rebuild my knowledge from the ground up. Flat earth is something I just haven't gotten into enough yet, but I plan to. Now, the electric universe theory, that is my current fascination.

23177187? ago

yep. you would like owen benjamin maybe. he has gone a little born again christian for me. but overall he is a seeker of truth and smart guy. tesla I think believed in the electric universe theory or made it I cant remember.

dude the flat earth videos showing the horizon where it shouldnt possibly be will fuck with your globe perspective

23177309? ago

Can you link me to a video with the horizon thing? I'd be interested to see.

Ill have to look into Owen Benjamin, I dont think I've heard of him. I don't know that Tesla was alive in time to see the EU theory, maybe I'm wrong though. I think the EU theory uses Tesla's work to back up some of their claims. He did believe in free energy though and his work got shut down by JP Morgan bc he wanted people to be dependent on paying for electricity through him.

23177379? ago


might not be the best one. do a litte research and you start to just think what the fuck the math doesnt add up. the one that got me is the guy uses a video from someone trying to disprove flat earth and the horizon is about 30 miles past the thing you shouldnt be able to see making it even more rediculous. makes me want to buy a high powered telescope and do my own experiments

23177474? ago


23167881? ago

Agreed. Bible says there is a firmament. God created the sun to light the day and moon to light the night. Moon light is a few degrees cool than in the shade. (Youtube videos for it). Bible says Earth is round, not a shpere.

And with our own eyes (and a P900 Nikon), we can regularly see too far. (Beyond the supposed curve.)

And don‘t look at the ISS mistake videos. Dead giveaway.

Antartica is mostly closed off to us. Expensive tours to one spot and you need permission to go closer than 100 miles in a boat. Save the Penguins!

23165678? ago

Consider the resolution of the human eye and its ability to distinguish two points at a distance. This is observed by the converging lines of perception forming a "false horizon" and easily proved by laying on your stomach in a field and watching someone walk away from you (you could use a camera too). Your angle of view determines the convergent point for the false horizon. This phenomena would be observed on both a sphere model and on an infinite plane model.

When a ship disappears bottom first, it is because of the ocean waves between the observer and the bottom of the ship are two points that no longer become distinguishable from eachother and hence they "converge" into a false horizon. This is proved by watching a ship disappear with your own naked eyes, only to be brought back into view with modern viewing equipment.

How could modern viewing equipment do this? Resolution of the equipment verses the resolution and biological limitations of the human eye. The equipment as a higher resolution and as a result it can distinguish two points with greater clarity. All of this is observed at a range well under the needed distance to get the SAME effect out of the actual curvature of the earth.

Meaning; most people attribute the "bottom up" effect to the actual curvature of the earth where in fact it is actually due to their perception alone. The height required to actually observe the curvature of the earth is over 40k ft. All arguments saying the curvature of the earth is proven by x object disappearing are false conclusions.

If you can understand the above, Congratulations you understand the basic concepts of vision. The argument of things disappearing bottom up is the first permutation of logic where people get it wrong. If they can't get this right they will get everything else wrong and its why they think flat earth is so easy to disprove when in actuality they are just ignorant of how ignorant they are.

show me one single repeatable measurable experiment that conclusively demonstrates that gravity could be the only and singular plausible explanation.

show me one single example of matter inherently attracting matter without medium by gravity that could not otherwise be explained.

Show me an iota of dust being attracted to anything due to gravity alone without any other plausible explanation.

Density mechanics explains observations.

Video backups

https://invidio.us/watch?v=UCMPLgvwHmE :

Simple Proof that the ISS is Nothing More than a Hollywood Production - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=DdAg-3GF8rg :

The ISS Exposed - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=ZXq0Pf1vVV8 :

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=4ZtXkV8jlfs :

7 Rockets Hit Dome! - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=bIGQ2k5vuRY :

Flat Earth Awakening ~ Fake Space Documentary 2019 - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=0i0UA4wF4s4 :

Are We Spinning? - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=Qr6Vcvl0OeU :

Astronauts Gone Wild - YouTube

The have the capability to fake it with the sets already made. But they wouldn't do that would they? Child fucking and eating satanist jews wouldn't lie to the goyium about space would they? They control history and science. Learn.

Tom buy my tshirts delonge coms

The lie starts with two for one experimentation. You are living in a world reflective of mathematics alone and completely void of all basis in actuality.

Space is fake and gay.

Gravity is fake and gay.

NO spin, NO curve.

Who is behind the "aliens" narrative?

Who opposed Tesla and the knowledge of the aether?

When was the Aether "disproved"?

Who is Albert Einstein?

Is he a kid fucking jew?

Does the theory of relativity and gravity counter the theory of the Aether?


Tis unconceivable that inanimate brute matter should (without the mediation of something else which is not material) operate upon & affect other matter without mutual contact; as it must if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential & inherent in it. And this is one reason why I desired you would not ascribe {innate} gravity to me. That gravity should be innate inherent & {essential} to matter so that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum without the mediation of any thing else by & through which their action or force {may} be conveyed from one to another is to me so great an absurdity that I beleive no man who has in philosophical matters any competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent {acting} <7v> consta{ntl}y according to certain laws, but whether this agent be material or immaterial is a question I have left to the consideration of my readers.

Thats from newton himself.






24209360? ago

Great comment. I definitely believe we are being lied to about the shape or nature of Earth.

24213996? ago

Exact same people with the exact same MO, emotional appeal too. Space creates a nihilistic society and watch the kikes come out of the wood work when you question it. Same as the holocaust with a stronger cognitive dissonance.

23178710? ago

Thanks anon! And, man, I used to like Blink 182. How sad. But then, I do know, all my heroes... (except my first superhero, Jesus!)

23171738? ago

Beautiful, thank you. It gives me hope to see so many patriots on here who believe in God's flat earth.

23170463? ago

Thanks Anon, excellent collection.

23168486? ago

This is hilarious...and tedious all at the same time.

23168077? ago

You rock anon! We are indeed on God‘s green Earth and she is demonstratably, obseravably FLAT!


The Great Awakening is a bit more than many anons think.

23172839? ago

Classic Qultist. I'd say this whole thread leaves any intelligent people in the Qult in quite a dilemma.

POW! Right in the intellect. Maybe they'll be willing to step back and objectively look at the facts now.

23178925? ago

You are distorting things. 99% of people into Q are into it for the right reasons - removing evil from our world.

Now, we have also been lied to about what we live on and where that is. (As stated in the long post above.)

That is going to be a very tough pill to swallow as the end result is - IF the Earth is Flat = There is a Creator = God.

Did anyone expect Q to answer that the Earth was flat? We will need time to heal first from the evil being scooped up. Then people will be open, right now it is just too much and it would discredit the movement for many.


23184966? ago

That is going to be a very tough pill to swallow

You are correct.

23165118? ago

In movies, whenever you see a snowglobe or fishbowl, it symbolizes The Dome.

23164721? ago

IF you believe in the moon landing. You MUST defend this.



23173136? ago

We landed on the moon. They just showed you some fake shit to cover up what they really found.

23175675? ago

what did they really find?

23170444? ago

Space might be the final frontier but it’s made in a Hollywood basement. All the while there are THOUSANDS of underground bases that contain technology beyond our wildest dreams. You can even see transport tunnels all across google maps. Hawaii has a bunch running to it, same with French Polynesia. Been trying to discuss this stuff with people but they assume I’m either retarded or crazy.




23170565? ago

I'm gonna take my sea horse down the seabed road!

23166705? ago

I love how the camera zooms out and pans up to track the vehicle so quickly. At that distance, with radio waves from earth, there would be a delay.

23167547? ago

Pan Up. Lol

23167345? ago

There is a roughly 1 second delay between communication at Earth/moon distance. Do you really think that wasn't factored in? The engineers back then were actually quite smart. And that was Apollo 17. They had five other moon landings prior to this one. It was by far the most content-heavy of the bunch, they by then had the camera work down, the communications perfected, etc. Also, it's even possible (I can't remember but for sure we had the tech to do this then) that a wire ran from the lander to the camera gimble and provided timing signalling to the servo motor. There's nothing in this video that was beyond the technology of the early 1970's. People back then weren't going "Wow, that's impossible!"

23172833? ago

1 second

Factually incorrect.

23182305? ago

The moon is about 240,000 miles away (it varies from 225,000 to about 252,000). The speed of light is 186,000 m/s. So it's about a 1.2 to 1.35 second delay. So about a second. Now you're going to be pedantic after basically ignoring straightforward science and engineering?

23169837? ago

Amazing that you are down-voted for simply being scientifically literate.

23172796? ago

Yeah, I really don't understand either but have seen it many times on the interwebs when it comes to this subject(s).

23167174? ago

They couldn't even do that on Earth back then.

23165225? ago

You know radio waves were invented before WWII, right?


23165326? ago

send me some video on your ham radio please.

23165405? ago

You ever watch a video on your phone, dumbass? Ever use in-flight wi-fi? Those are radio waves. The moon landing used expensive non-consumer level equipment that was specially made for the mission.

23167969? ago

And unfortunately we lost the technology! You know, being that it is higher and all.

23165419? ago

But they can't do it again.

23165489? ago

Says who? Not being able to, and not having a reason to are separate things.

23166833? ago

Says NASA themselves. We lost the equipment, we can't rebuild it, we copied over the tapes, excuse after excuse. We didn't go to the moon dude, it's not really a big deal once you accept it.

23169528? ago

Sure it is. Think of how much they have robbed from us.

23170271? ago

I mean, it's not a big deal mentally once you see the deception. It's freeing.

23166776? ago

Professor Crazy-Eyes is talking about Saturn-V rockets (which were largely craftsmen-made by hand with processes that don’t translate to modern manufacturing methods so cannot be replicated) as well as antiquated tech that is no longer functional. There isn’t “manned mission to the moon” equipment because there hasn’t been a “manned mission to the moon” on the itinerary for decades. NASA isn’t going to put their minuscule budget towards maintaining that equipment if they don’t need it. That doesn’t mean the moon landings didn’t happen you colossal fucking retard.

23167581? ago

27 million a day. That is a tiny budget. Without arguments of authority. Prove to me it is round.

23165288? ago

Do it again smart ass. Go back if it's so damn easy.

23165744? ago

Your (((Adrenochrome))) withdrawals must be suicidal.

Suicide weekend will silence the voices. So trust the Flat Earth narrative and just do it!

23165926? ago

What if it does the opposite? I think it's hilarious here how so many people are like don't trust the jews! except the space jews... we can trust those ones.

23166156? ago

The Vatican no longer controls the Space. By all means blame the scapegoats of the oldest bank on Earth.

One who has the Oldest Secret Police still active, even before the Son of Man was born.

The Jesuits have been called many things, today it is Mossad. Tomorrow will back to the CIA. Yesterday the Vatican called them MI6. Names are all you have to deflect for.

23166334? ago

My professional field is terrestrial lidar. I have never seen or measured a curve on this earth.

23166616? ago

May God Bless you if you try.

How is that adrenochrome habit treating you? Ask me if you want the voices to stop.

Pretty busy, but our suicide weekend still has openings.

23167048? ago

Do us all a favor and pray to Jesus (yeshua) for humility, discernment, and truth. He will show you truth if you ask for it.

23167738? ago

Protecting or even deflecting for Pedovores would expose you as a Groomer.

You really want to go there?

Think of (((Adrenochrome))) and (((Young Blood))) abusers suffering a God inspired plague.

With a little helps from his friends. (wink)

23168105? ago

Looks like the CIA seven drwarf type bots are here.

23164825? ago

Because the video camera was left on and was live streaming the video back to Earth. Just like when they were walking around on live TV taking video jumping, collecting rocks, and driving the moon buggy. The video technology of the time was just barely up to snuff to do stuff like this. Interestingly, it was not good enough to fake footage by taping the video and then editing it later. That technology simply didn't exist, but live transmission tech did exist. That was literally how all TV was back in the 50's, 60's, and most of the 70's actually. How can you seriously not know this?

23167821? ago

You're regurgitating the "response" others have given as an explanation to this question. Here's another question: why did NASA lose/destroy the technology to get to the moon in the first place?

23172783? ago

They didn't "lose it", but they did "destroy it" in that there are fixtures and other equipment that were obsolete. When that astronaut said we used to have the equipment to go to the moon but we don't anymore, he was talking like an engineer would. Sure, we used to have those fixtures to machine parts for the Saturn V rocket engines, but not anymore. They are obsolete and useless. And we're not building rockets currently that can take men to the moon (at the time he spoke.) We know how to though. We're just not doing it right now. That's all he meant. It's not that hard to understand really. Any modern moon rocket would be very different from the Saturn V, which was amazing for the time but totally not the most efficient way to do it today.

23167233? ago

Footage fake but moon encounter real

23172727? ago

I totally disagree on the fake footage part. There is one main telltale that would have been easily debunked had that been the case. Radio telemetry. The USSR, China, all the western countries like AU, NZ, CA, UK, FR, GE at that time could easily track the location of a radio source, in real time, and verify where it was being transmitted from. And it was coming from the moon. And we didn't have the technology back to actually fake that footage, tape it, then transmit it from the moon. It would have been far far easier to just go there and do it live, like they did.

23165154? ago

Give me a break. 384,000 km Live streaming signal. Remember when you had to put a cord from your TV into the wall to get all of the channels? It is all connected by wires. You think all of the worlds internet is all satellites? It's not. Here is a map of the submarine cables connecting the web.

23172669? ago

Yes, it's called radio waves. Electromagnetic waves that propagate at the speed of light. Analog TV was sent over the air for many decades before there were wires (like cable TV), it's super old tech and very reliable although not exactly high definition and is prone to interference and artifacts, mainly due to terrestrial reasons. Line of sight is very important, and the atmosphere can really mess with signals. But from the Earth to the moon is easy. Big dish, plenty of power, directional signal. The hard part was making a light-weight battery operated color television camera. That was the technical hurdle they really had to overcome. The other parts were actually pretty mundane and just a matter of doing the math/engineering using very well known science.

23175703? ago

So easy! So lets do it again!

23164659? ago

Many of the posts of migrants causing havoc in Europe and US are also coordinated shillposts.

NOTE: these are happening, and are really bad, and the goal is to stop these things from happening, just like false flag mass shootings!

BUT, shills use them just like deep state uses flase flag events, the shooters, and in this case the brainwashed migrants are just the pawns to try and control the narrative, probably some or many of these attacks are deep state coordinated. They want to clogg up the QRV news cycle with this, try get people angered and frustrated.

23165082? ago

Found the nigger loving race traitor

23164599? ago

Bible says Earth is a non moving plane. Not a spinning ball.

23180907? ago

Where does it say that?

23180970? ago

Look through the thread. I posted the video a couple of times

23171297? ago

Book of Enoch (used to be in it) says it's round fuck off retard.

23174385? ago

another common core retard^^^

round and spherical are not the same thing.

23171694? ago

Actually it says it's a CIRCLE. Is a circle a ball? No. A ball is a ball. A circle is a flat circular plane. It's flat. Everything you know is wrong.

23182934? ago

Have humans never circumvented the "plane" with ships and aircraft? Wouldn't they have had to turn around when they reach the "edge"?

What about being able to clearly so the other planets as they rotate like spherical objects? Ir is earth the only flat circle place in our solar system.

It makes zero sense. The Bible got that wrong...along with many other things.

Your kind does not represent our movement. Your thoughts and ideas damage our movement.

Your view of reality is completely false...intentional or just a simpleton?

23190011? ago

  • both ships and airplanes use maps that are based off a flat plane.
  • Cameras are so good you can literally zoom in ans see a star for what it is. Spoiler alert, it's not what you were taught.
  • My thoughts and ideas are just as valid as anyone else. There are all kinds in this movement. Patriots know no race, no religion. You are entitled to believe what you think, and so am I.
  • If you did some research, really looked into it, I think you will find that it is you who has a completely false view of reality. I'm not a simpleton, no. I'm someone who has questions, which is what this movement is all about. God bless.

23194043? ago

Go visit an observatory then come talk to me

23194031? ago

This is the dumbest shit I have ever read. OP was right, you people are idiots.


Go research what projection mapping is.

23182841? ago

Try harder

23171398? ago

Keep believing jews, monkey boy. See where that gets you.

23171040? ago

what does it say about the moon?

23171715? ago

Several fun things - that it is a light, not a physical object. It is set within the same heaven as the sun, and is the sun's opposite (a dimmer version of the same thing). In Enoch it even goes so far as to explain the passage of time and the seasons.

23171063? ago

It's not made out of cheese.

23165643? ago

The old Testament is metaphorical and not literal.

Furthermore, in the New Testament and at times; Jesus speaks in Parables.

Science has no issue with scripture anon. For instance:

Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) : astronomer

a devout Christian who saw not a divorce of religion and science but only a healthy marriage: "God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word"


23175820? ago

You're speaking to people who have been too brainwashed to accept what you're saying. They accept the literal interpretation of the bible as the only interpretation. The truth can be found by those who actually put in the work to find it. Those happy with fairy tales and brainwashing will be lulled into inaction. I'd like to think that everyone is capable of waking up, but sometimes it seems like the brainwashing goes too deep. I'm not a Q follower but I appreciate seeing someone else who understands that aspect of the Bible.

23167910? ago

Agreed. The jew created religion of christianity has pushed the heliocentric model for centuries.

Fucking christcucks.

23169998? ago

Jews created Christianity? Lol.

No, those who follow the teachings of Jesus created Christianity, and maintain it today. It's not a religion.

23170188? ago

yeshua bin yosef was a rabbi.

The bible was written by jews, christcucks worship YHWH, a jew desert demon.

"It's not a religion" How fucking retarded are you?

On a scale of 1 to 10.

23166661? ago

Galileo - More deceptions by yet another Luciferian Freemason.

23165792? ago

Galileo was a satanist. Anon. You either go with God or jews. So far you are not with God.

23166280? ago

Get some of your life saving T.P. - you are drewling on your keyboard!

23166318? ago

Atheists fear the truth.

23166826? ago

light (truth) casts no darkness.

Atheists need some loving light in their dark world!

God made us all!

23166847? ago

Atheists are simply misguided. I am harsh to them to wake them up. Not because I don't care for them.

23167053? ago

Atheists are simply misguided


I am harsh to them to wake them up. Not because I don't care for them

'Tough love' - I get you Anon.

23167140? ago


23165267? ago

If the Bible is your metric for truth then you lack the ability to think for yourself. Would God want you to blindly follow the words of people long since dead or would God want you to use judgement, reasoning and evidence as an approach to finding the truth?

23165319? ago

If the Bible is your metric for truth then you lack the ability to think for yourself.

Bible backs up the science.

Would God want you to blindly follow the words of people long since dead or would God want you to use judgement, reasoning and evidence as an approach to finding the truth?

I found the science behind the truth myself. You can do the same. That's what makes it science. It's reproducible.

23167208? ago

Nwo rewrote the bible

23167311? ago

Correct. Hug your enemies and turn the other cheeck is jew faggot shit meant to turn white people into cucks. As is Jesus, who was a cool dude who hated jews, being the magical son of God. Worship this dude, that God loved more than you because he gave him superpowers and you nothing. The Earth not being a spinning ball can proven with science. Don't even need the bible for that one.

23167384? ago

Whats with the whole jews fixation

23175733? ago

Riddle me this. Jews only account for a small percent of the population. How is it that they control most major industries? Hollywood, banking, government? Statistically speaking, how probable is it that that occurred naturally?

23167652? ago

jews are the leaders of satanism, the death cult that controls the West and some other parts of the Earth and jews are behind white genocide. Good enough reasons, faggot?

23167931? ago

Sure as long as that is in fact the case and not something you made up or just accept without evidence

23179844? ago

Read the Talmud....all the evidence you'll ever need

23172079? ago

There is more evidence that jews are the source of the majority of earth's problems than there is evidence that the earth is a spinning ball. 109 expulsions can't be wrong.

23166262? ago

The best scientific evidence that you can reproduce at home points to a globe earth, whirling around the sun.

23166328? ago

Nope. What is the scientific experiment that you did yourself, that proved it was a spinning ball then?

23167199? ago

I have observed the shadow of the earth as it crosses the moon during a lunar eclipse. The shadow is always circular, evidence a spherical earth. I have compared star trail photos from each hemisphere that show stars revolving in circular arcs around each pole, a phenomenon which would be not happen if the earth were a flat disc, is further evidence for both the shape and the spin. Now that I know the earth is a sphere and the stars and sun and planets and everything outside the earth seem to rotate around us, I can deduce that either the entire universe is revolving daily around the earth or the earth itself is spinning. Occam’s Razor cuts the more complicated explanation away and we are left with we are on a comparably minuscule spinning ball in a vast universe that is potentially boundless.

23167264? ago

evidence a spherical earth.

A circle doesn't have to be a sphere. Brah.

I have compared star trail photos from each hemisphere that show stars revolving in circular arcs around each pole, a phenomenon which would be not happen if the earth were a flat disc

Why not? The stars can be spinning above the Earth. Doesn't have to be a ball for that to happen.

Now that I know the earth is a sphere

Lol. Sure. Now that you tell yourself it's a spinning ball, is more like it.

the stars and sun and everything outside the earth seem to rotate around us

This is true.

I can deduce that either the entire universe is revolving daily around the earth or the earth itself is spinning.

You are going off a false premise.

Occam’s Razor cuts the more complicated explanation away and we are left with we are on a comparably minuscule spinning ball in a vast universe that is potentially boundless.

Sadly you took a few complicated detours and ended up with less than the truth. You are able to see the truth. Keep trying. You will get there, if you really want to.

23168556? ago

A full moon happens when the sun and moon are 180 longitude apart, a lunar eclipse happens when the separation is 180 degrees longitude and 180 degrees latitude, meaning the earth is definitively between the two. Circles don't have to be spheres, but spheres always cast circular shadows. The shadow cast by the earth on the moon is always circular, so we can deduce the earth to be spherical. Don't believe me? Start taking daily position measurements of the sun and moon, using a theodolite or a sextant. Do this well enough and you will be able to predict the positions of each celestial body and even eclipses, down to the minute, like astronomers do.

I think you're missing my point about star trail photographs. If you take a star trail photo of the little dipper, the stars will form circular arcs around the north pole. I'll give you this would happen if the earth were a flat disc with the north pole in the center. However, if the earth were a flat disc with the stars rotating above, as you moved further from the center and more toward Antarctica, the arcs drawn by the stars would become wider and wider, arcs of larger and larger circles. Travel as far south as McMurdo Station and a star trail photograph would show the stars trace nearly straight lines. However, this is not the case. Star trail photographs from the southern hemisphere pointed south show the same kind of circular arcs as seen in the north: concentric around the pole.

A further point about Antarctica. If the FE model were accurate, then the sun would only be visible for a short time every day regardless of the season as it zips around, suspended above, oscillating between the tropics. Get out your FE map, and locate Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America. Let's just say we are standing at the closest point of Antarctic land to Cape Horn, some 650 miles away. And for fun let's say it is the start of the southern summer, the Solstice, December 21st. The magic sun is tracing the tropic of Capricorn from east to west throughout the day. At our local noon, the sun will be visible somewhat north of us, but 12 hours later it will be right above Australia. It should then be quite dark, as the sun is at its furthest yearly point from our position.

However, the observed phenomenon is that the sun revolves around the Antarctic horizon during the summer, barely setting if at all for weeks on end, just like it does during the northern summer. The observations are the similar because the conditions are similar because the Earth is a spinning ball.

23168785? ago

because the Earth is a spinning ball.

It's not. I only read that last part, because I am not going to read the boring lies you convinced yourself are true.

23168877? ago

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.

23169409? ago

Yup. There is no helping a dumb faggot like you, because you don't want to drink anything other than jew cum.

23165106? ago

Where does it say that? Would like to read that. Thanks anon.

23173848? ago

Asked for scripture reference. Not a video.

23178458? ago

It's a video about scripture. Watch it and then go read what they showed you. You sound like a 4 year old.

23179441? ago

Don’t have time for a video. Just send one scripture reference.

23179820? ago

^waaaa...mommy I want it now!!!!

Do your own research you lazy fuck

Stop demanding to be spoon fed

23186589? ago

You don’t have any. Probably never read the Bible. Just one reference is all I ask of someone that is moar enlightened than me.

23180944? ago

Says the faggot who considers watching YouTube videos “research” . Fuck off retard.

23184609? ago

You stupid dumb nigger, the video contains a list and shows the scriptures. You watch the video you fuck. Then you read your bible you nigger.

23179967? ago


23170659? ago

That moron needs to learn English. They clearly fail to understand how words work.

23170709? ago

Stop jerking off to trannies, you anti science atheist faggot.

23165105? ago

A Pedovore is compelled to say this. As a distraction to (((Adrenochrome))) shortage.

I hear the withdrawals are to kill for. Suicide weekend is the only cure.

God bless you, my child.

23169077? ago

Actually Sigma Aldrich is having an adrenochrome sale. I can send you the link if you’d like? Most people don’t believe you can buy it online

Edit: https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/a5752?lang=en&region=US

23165447? ago

I'm a white Polish guy who believes in God. I am trying to save atheist faggots like you, so that you stop worshiping jews.

23164592? ago

I 100% agree with this statement, save for the sneaking suspicion you are making the asinine claim that the Bible supports flat Earth theory.

23164657? ago

Doesn't support the spinning ball theory.

23165259? ago

Which chapter(s) and verse(s) are you referring to?

23166347? ago

A handful of passages saying "the earth does not move" does not a flat earth proof make. And it doesn't disprove the nature of reality (that earth is a globe, you dolt) either.

23166494? ago

You can lead a tard to water, yet your dumbass will die of thirst on a non moving Earth, before you are willing to stop lying to yourself. Because you've never learned how to grow as a child, so you still can't grow now that you are older. Good luck. You need it.

23167058? ago

Don't think I blindly follow mainstream science. They don't know shit, or if they do know anything it has been suppressed for decades. But you are way off base with that flat earth stuff. Here are a few breadcrumbs that might hopefully set you on the right path.



23167130? ago

Don't think I blindly follow mainstream science.

You do if you subscribe to the spinning ball lie.

23167455? ago

You are too far lost to help.

23167626? ago

Implying you are right about anything in your life, or that you are in a position to be able to help others. Lol. Your life is a mess. Help yourself.

23167864? ago

You don't know anything about me. And you are in no position to judge the mental state of others.

23168282? ago

I do and I am. Help yourself. Stop sabotaging yourself. Be your own friend.

23168438? ago

Listen to your own advice.

23168750? ago

I did. That's why I am no longer an atheist jew dick sucker.

23169043? ago

As I said you don't know a thing about me. I am not an atheist, nor a friend of any Jew.

23169380? ago

If you believe the Earth is a spinning ball, you suck jew dick.

23169447? ago

And you are a raving lunatic on the internet. I will judge how much jew dick I suck (none) for myself, thank you.

23169873? ago

I'm normal and sane. You suck religious fairy tales out of jew dick.

23169971? ago

You can keep telling yourself that, but it wont make it true.

23170078? ago

Excellent projection. Your subconscious knows the truth.

23170130? ago

Do you see how this flat Earth issue has us divided, when we would probably otherwise be in agreement with each other.

Flat Earth is a weaponized lie designed to confuse and divide us. Be careful what you believe brother.

23170255? ago

Atheism has divided you. Atheism is a jew cult. That's where evolution, big bang, globe Earth and tons of other nonsense comes from.

23170354? ago

I believe in God and follow Jesus. Stop calling me an atheist.

23170370? ago

You don't follow God. You worship jews.

23170424? ago

That is false.

23170695? ago

Word of God: Earth doesn't move. jews: It's spinning. What side are you on?

23170756? ago

You are twisting the word of god. That is a sin.

23170783? ago

It's in the bible, you dumbass.

23170813? ago

You are misinterpreting it.

23170931? ago

The Earth doesn't move. There is no other interpretation. You are not following God. You are following jews. Enjoy not getting into Heaven. I warned you. Whatever happens now, is on you. Have a nice day.

23171011? ago

You are a sad and pathetic individual. How dare you presume to comment on the fate of my immortal soul, based off your hair brained theories.

As to the interpretation issue, I would ask you this. What is the original word that was translated into "Earth" in the English versions? What is the full scope of the meaning of that word in its original Hebrew or Greek?

23171077? ago

Kill yourself faggot.

23171130? ago

Careful, your schnoz is showing.

23178545? ago

yeah and not much else this is one character wide!

23164306? ago

In order to truly extricate your cranium for your rectum you need to cease being steeple and stop taking fictional books as fact

23164628? ago

Do you believe you can go to space, and that aliens exist?

23164910? ago

We certainly can go to space and it's a mathematical certainty (as close to one was you can get without direct evidence) that life exists elsewhere in the universe simply because of the shear size of it. Whether aliens have visited the Earth? I personally think they have but it's certainly not a requirement for "going to space" for humans, because we do it all the time just saying. It's not really all that hard as long as you have something that can boost you into low Earth orbit.

23164977? ago

We certainly can go to space

Lol. Nope.

it's a mathematical certainty (as close to one was you can get without direct evidence) that life exists elsewhere in the universe simply because of the shear size of it.

Nope again.

Whether aliens have visited the Earth? I personally think they have

Braindead mongoloid confirmed.

Atheists are the dumbest faggots alive.

23165074? ago

yeah, first of all I'm not an atheist as if that has anything to do with your moronic beliefs.

23165244? ago

Bible says the Earth is a non moving plane. If you believe in God, you can't believe in the spinning ball.

23164573? ago

I hope Sheol is a fun place for you.

23164447? ago

The "fictional" book that accurately describes the earth you live on, but whose true nature you deny in your foolishness? That book?

23165109? ago

You referring to The Incredible Unbelievable Adventures of Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef: Rules for Gullible Goyim, or the Torah?

23165525? ago

Which one of those has the spinning ball and the aliens?

23166939? ago

Neither specifically mentions niggers, but we know they exist. Absolutely smoothbrained.

23167410? ago

jews are niggers

23164039? ago

Wtf do you also believe there was a physical tree representing knowledge of the difference between good and evil?


23165665? ago

It is a Hearts and Mind thing. Only it goes the scorched Earth route.

The best one was Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church Psych-Ops.

That CIA front man did more to militarize Homosexual activist while making the Christians look and act like insane or intolerant booby-heads.

This was by design. His "family/Church" are not all Pedovores. Sooner or later most have been controlled by one.

23165184? ago

(((Adrenochrome))) is the poisoned apple.

How are the withdrawals treating the Pedovores right now?

I blame Orange Man Bad.

That glorious asshole and illustrious racist is to blame.

Best asshole I ever voted for. And I threw away a vote to the one we must not name.

In my defense, it was against Obama. Not for the Songbird.

23164112? ago

You tell me, Vatican Ball Believer.

23164319? ago

Death to catholics

No exceptions

23164520? ago

We should delete everyone who follows a Seimitic religion.

23166043? ago

Is that so the Secret Jesuit societies can rule Earth once more? Good luck with that. We know.

23166214? ago

Jesuits are Seimitic and would be deleted.

23164649? ago

That would include all atheists.

23164772? ago

Nah, to cleanse Atheism we just delete all of Judaism and all ethnic Jews. Without them around to push their moral nihilism, it'll fade away.

23164035? ago

the church was wrong about a geocentric solar system. I don't consult the bible for data collection and the scientific method.

23164588? ago

Wow, big surprise since you are a member of the Synagogue of Satan.

23164095? ago

Nope. You're just too dumb to recognize truth staring you in the face.

23164145? ago

Get mad, JIDF

23164331? ago

Get tinfoil buttplug

23163886? ago

The Bible is not 100% truth...the devil has been corrupting ALL it can since the beginning of time.


23166842? ago

And denying your god-given eyes will not encourage God to bless you with wisdom and understanding.

23174759? ago


I am not denying them...only your ridiculous claims

23164650? ago

It's only a book till the Spirit opens the heart to receive it

23164560? ago

Wow, I’m so shocked that a Qtard would also be an antichrist. Go suck a babys bleeding dick you sodomite filth.

23174835? ago


Try harder divisionfag

23164312? ago

It's 100% fake news

23164456? ago

100%? I don't know about that. I feel like it has tons of truly great stuff in it that everyone should at least try to live by. To me it is common sense and I have been an athiest for 24+ years of my life up until a few years ago.

23164079? ago

You believe you live on a ball in spite of the evidence observed through your god-given eyes.

23174890? ago

Repeating something doesn't make it anymore true

23164661? ago

Cause they said so.

Many love defending they

23164216? ago

I have observed the evidence for 20 years and everything I see and know goes against flat earth.

How about some actual substance from you?

23165498? ago

You are lying to yourself about it being a spinning ball. Only you can stop yourself from doing that. You have to save yourself.

23174790? ago

I have been higher that you will ever be. I also fully understand orbital mechanics and they reflect my known reality better than the claims FE makes.

23165058? ago

Measured shadow with a yard stick in school, in two places, calculated curvature of earth within a few hundred miles of the accepted size.

Radio signals blocked by curvature.

Pilots see curved earth.

80 day balloon ride guy.

23164422? ago

Actually, everything you see supports the Biblical description of the earth you live on, but you're too dumb to acknowledge it.

23174844? ago

Wrong. You know nothing that I see.

23178505? ago

Well, I suppose you might 'ave 'ad a go-pro lens stuck to your cornea all this time, sure

23164165? ago

I know a faggot shill post when I see one.

23163570? ago

Just flat Earth posts?

23163641? ago

and the 5g ones. I don’t remember q mentioning that one

23163899? ago

Trump supports 5G. The danger isn't the tech...it is the risks involved with using CCP controlled tech in America.

23164073? ago

that’s a rational concern, unlike the “5g is gonna activate covid” meth pipe bullshit

23164089? ago

Thank you! Fuck!!

23163934? ago

I really wonder.i really do.

23163984? ago

Always good to remain cautious of new tech....but just as the internet brought us together with Q and unlimited free information...5G will simply expand that to pretty much everywhere.

My concerns are the security and privacy questions.

23164356? ago

5G is not about expanding coverage you fucking idiot, compared to 4G its nodes have a much shorter range. How is internet coverage an issue in any way? Everything is already covered and it costs dirt cheap even in 3rd world. It's hard to imagine what an imbecile would genuinely present such thing as an argument, if only you knew what you're doing you stupid, stupid fuck.

23174877? ago

Yet you give zero substance...

Your post makes you look more like an imbecile compared to op...an emotional imbecile


23165103? ago

5G is about different frequencies for different purposes, long range included.

23166671? ago

Yes, it's about a wholesale full spectrum bombardement at the whims of those controlling the tech.

23164043? ago

My concern is the frequency and the through put. Humans will be getting slammed with the radiation

23164099? ago

We are being slammed with more radiation right now than ever before in human history. Is 5G really that much worse than previous tech?

23164822? ago

5G uses higher frequencies that don't penetrate stuff, that's why the fearmongers came up with the story that it changes viruses in the air and makes them lethal.

23163598? ago


23163916? ago

Just porn and flat Earth?

23164179? ago

No, there are also posts of scaremongering, ridiculous shit, “arrests or GTFO”, concern fagging (what if Trump really is DS). Like that.

23163517? ago

No sauce on hand, but I recall hearing here and hearing there that the seeds of the Flat-Earth Movement were engineered and planted by the Clowns for the precise purpose outlined by OP.

23169549? ago

i heard your mom likes to be seeded by clowns.

23169940? ago

Killer clowns from outer space....

23168283? ago

It was started on b/ on four chan as a trolling and mocking of conspiracy theorists. Only the people who forgot to take their meds picked up on it when it went viral as a meme and its been insanity every since.

23169963? ago

No, people have been questioning the ball theory ever since it was created over 500 years ago. 4chan did not invent it.

23178498? ago

Thank you so much for that! I will use that stream of words in future!

23164713? ago

I don't understand how people don't see this. The concept of "flat earth" is so ridiculous that any time discussing flat earthers is a win for the CIA.

23165578? ago

I don't understand

They count on people of below average intelligence to perpetuate the spinning ball lie. You are their useful idiot.

23167001? ago

I have never met a person who researched flat Earth with an open mind remain a ball earther. I thought it was absolutely the stupidest thing I had ever heard before I started researching. I have seen across water too far for the globe curvature formula with my own eyes. You can do this yourself on a calm day on any body of water over at least a mile across. Lay down on the beach on your stomach with a pair of binoculars, look across the lake at the furtherest distance at your disposal, even at 1 mile, the docks on the other side would be covered by 8 inches of curve. But this is never observed. My own experiment was using about 4 miles of flat water. I laid down and could clearly see every single dock, even underneath them from 4 miles away with binoculars, which were resting on the ground. Not possible on a ball.

23167189? ago

It's that easy. Another one normies can wrap their mind around. The world land speed records on the salt flats. The salt FLATS. It's flat for so long that you can set speed records there. If there was curvature, this would be impossible. They have seen the videos of the cars setting the records. They already know what the truth it. They simply have to stop lying to themselves, and set themselves free.

23167322? ago

It really is freeing.

23164688? ago

The flat Earth society was started by an atheist pedo. That's right. A ball believer kiddy fucker.

23169885? ago

Well, they are a shill organization to make people like you associate the idea with them then fail to research for yourself. If you stopped because of them, they successfully controlled your mind.

23164083? ago

Yes, just google "Cass Sunstein cognitive infiltration"

Sunstein was an Obama appointee who launched a program to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement by seeding it with false conspiracy theories (flat earth, etc) to discredit all as lunatics. He even wrote white papers detailing the entire plan!

And then hundreds of thousands of useful idiots fell right into it.

23164699? ago

And then hundreds of thousands of useful idiots fell right into it.

Millions of dumb faggots believe you can go to space, that aliens are real and that they are spinning on a ball.

23165553? ago

If you are really so fucking ignorant you can't put two and two together that the reason you can never see more than a few miles on even the clearest of days means the Earth is round you should just off yourself. And anyone, yes anyone, can easily disprove you with an airplane ride and a camera.

23165833? ago

I am really so fucking intelligent that I was able to find the truth on my own. You can't do the same, because you are a nigger tier iq mongoloid. Usually I tell people to do the research, however for you that wouldn't do anything. lol

23178487? ago

man this post is sucking up all my upvotes, here have another :)

23178493? ago


23164821? ago

Try actually going to school and learning something.

Scientific illiteracy is NOT noble.

23165047? ago

Avoid Astrophysics and Astronomy if you want a nice smooth brain for Flat Earth theory to take root. lol

23164940? ago

Atheism is the anti science religious cult ran by jews. Do some research. You get taught about fake gravity in school. Bet you've never figured that out. Atheism is jews telling mongoloids like you that you are smart for believing their fairy tales. Like a braindead npc, you fell for it. Sub nigger tier iq. Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you. You have nothing to live for.

23165451? ago

"You get taught about fake gravity in school."

Good lord, now gravity is fake.

Why don't you jump off a 20-story building to prove to us how fake gravity is.

Get a friend to video it.

We are waiting....

23165545? ago

Lol. You have no idea of physics. You have no idea of anything. You have no we. You are a lonely atheist faggot, because your cult demands that you isolate yourself.

23165602? ago

Someone who is insisting that the earth is flat and gravity is fake - is telling an engineer that he has no idea of physics.

Okay, boomer.

Go back to reading "The Cat in the Hat" and your other scholarly sources to edumacate yourself on physicks and all that other science stuff.

23165812? ago

I am fairly certain you are older, and dumber than me. I am a genius. I know more than you. That's reality.

23168035? ago

The upvoats clearly indicate that you're a shill and this is just an psyop.

Also I've met quiet a few smart people in my life. Not a single one bragged about it.

Usually only morons and idiots are the ones who brag about how smart you. You know, overcompensating for their lack of.

23168267? ago

Write it in your diary faggot. I don't care.

23168340? ago

You did reply to my comments which means you took time out of your day to post a reply.

Yup, you do care. Not only are you dumb, you're also a liar. I expect no less from the FE movement.

23169824? ago

No he's right, you are a brain washed idiot. You got a shiny bauble from them, then start acting like a pet.

23168766? ago

I don't care about you. You could kill yourself and I wouldn't blink. There is no fe movement. There is reality and lying to yourself. You are lying to yourself, and I am living in reality.

23164188? ago

Did you think Obama was just a nigger? He's a kebab nigger.

23165095? ago


23164076? ago

Started by MI6 to discredit scientists and get them under control before being shut down, and then the CIA picked it up.

Notice any MSM "anti-science" hit piece will be titled something like "From Anti-vaxxers to flat earthers..."

Discreditation by association, and they're the ones forcing the association. So they came up with the most idiotic thing they could think of.

When they started pushing it online in the 1990s it seemed to be targeted at the UFO community. "Hollow Earth Nazi's" was the other one, which is not what anyone was talking about. People were talking about Deep Underground Military Bases in man made and natural cave formations run by the Military Industrial Complex aided and facilitated by the Nazi's via Operation Paperclip and effectively run by the CIA.

No coincidence that almost 3 decades later we're back at the same spot and they're pushing Flat Earth, again.

23164715? ago

Keep spinning anti science faggot.

23165182? ago

Yep, the moon is as big as the sun and the wall from Game of Thrones is Antarctica that spreads around the entire planet.

Keep smoking crack flat earth faggot.

23165263? ago

The Sun is bigger than the moon. You can see that with your own eyes. I am a man of science. I don't do drugs either. Nor do I watch jew tv. You sound sub nigger tier iq.

23165484? ago

You are the perfect Jesuit.

You lie with experience based on Sadistic programming.

You lack empathy and compassion. You have a superhuman heighten instinct to survive at any cost.

You were manufactured by legal guardians to be a suicide murder weapon.

To be aimed at soft targets. As in woman and children.

Suicide weekend is open and taking names.

Good luck.

23165563? ago

I'm a religious white man of science. I live in reality. I don't worship jews. You can't say the same.

23165704? ago

Triggered. At least you know I'm not Jewish.

23163865? ago


It would make sense that [they] would engineer theories that make legit questions seem crazy.

The kind of people who fall for the psyop aren't the brightest people...I have seen many of them and they make legit truthers look stupid and/or insane. Encourages regular people to call you a conspiracy theorist/flat earther if you try to question anything out of the normal.

23164726? ago

Nothing dumber than an atheist.

23174828? ago

Agree to an extent

23166742? ago

A Vatican Globe atheist is dumber.

23166797? ago

Satanists have controlled the vatican since the 1450's. The same satanists who also control atheism. I appreciate your post though.

23163802? ago

Clowns engineered the horizon? They made it too far away? Cool story bro.

23163429? ago

Agreed +1