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23145173? ago

and what does this have to do with QRV ?

23146789? ago

Shills are out and desperate ๐Ÿ˜‚

23147896? ago

Are people who mock furries desperate too? You get shit because you people are fucking morons who got sucked into a cult where you claim to have ludicrous beliefs. Aliens! Free power and life extension for all! Baby eaters! A secret plant! Everyone not in our cult is PANICKING! jew mathematics reveal secret truths! The list of your cognitive failures goes on and on.

You're literally Walter Mitty types in real life, characterized as "an ordinary often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs".

Yes, you're part of an underground organization with secret knowledge. You recognize each other by your coded language and cult paraphernalia. Your real lives of mundane ineptitude and failure will become a thing of the past when all those successful people are taken down to your level according to your communistic ideals.

Can't speak for the others, but I'm certainly panicking over your degree of mental illness. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

23150421? ago

Is that you Mike Rothshit? Did you know walter mitty was actually played by a jew? Your capacity for idiocy is boundless. You're scared and you damn well should be.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

23150520? ago

Your desperation to characterize non-cult members as "scared" is funny. Go look in the mirror and shout "YOU'RE PANICKING!!"

23150874? ago

That's why non-cult members such as you keep lurking in this place - of all places? amirite?๐Ÿ˜‚

The cognitive dissonance is strong in you.๐Ÿ˜‰

23154133? ago

We're going to have our platform back. In the meantime, mocking you retarded cult refugees is amusing. Think of it as an investment in the future. When your cult collapses, and they toss you morons into the trash, you'll recall all these times you rejected the truth. I know you can't even imagine it now, but things change. :^)

23156059? ago

๐Ÿ˜† Invaded voat?... Who's clueless now?

You're just a simpleton and your flaws couldn't shine brighter because of the limits on the light-spectrum.

Go stuff your face with hotpockets and toilet paper.

23156329? ago

๐Ÿ˜† Invaded voat?... Who's clueless now?

You and your fellow cult members.

23156908? ago

You tried.

No point in being sour now.

23158375? ago

I know, but we'll still have the sovcits, the moorish-Americans, the furries, the Godless 'skeptics', and more. Good luck with your next incarnation.

23159149? ago

You won't have to wait that long; we'll be sure to get you a ticket to the party That's brewing right this moment๐Ÿ˜‰

23159477? ago

From what I've seen of the party organizers, it looks like they might have misled you about the type of party they've planned. Not exactly like those 'police sting' party events where the attendees are arrested as they walk in the door, but a similar concept.

It's been advertised as a "get the baby eaters and pedophiles" party. This party appears to be coming to us in our own homes, and anywhere else we might be.

23160022? ago

To be misled you'd have to be blindly following someone first; what you're experiencing in these-times is a result of a collective that predates anything on this board - and even what you refer to as 'Q'.

This is not just about bringing justice to an enemy.

This is bigger than what you might think.

We patriots stand firm.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

If you have nothing to hide; you have nothing to fear.

23160189? ago

This is bigger than what you might think.

What if I think Trump was installed as the final piece in the (decades+ in the making) plan to openly enslave all of humanity. I'm skipping the details, but I don't believe in the aliens with free power for everyone. I can imagine that, and more, but I don't expect or believe it's that big.

The "baby eaters! and pedophiles!" have worked out as an effective distraction, but it's unclear why they thought that in particular was necessary.

23166733? ago

Aliens with free energy?... Only heard about this from people trying to discredit.

The President is wildly misunderstood as it is; but know this- he is not a politician, he is not a psycho, he is not perfect; But is most certainly a patriot - ultimately though he's part of movement - not the only part.

What is transpiring today has nothing to do with enslavement, this time the chains are coming off - world wide.

As i said bigger than you can imagine.

23169542? ago

he is not perfect; But is most certainly a patriot

What is clear from his previous life is that he's 'not perfect'. That's an interesting way of characterizing it, but okay. As for his acting skills, I'd put them up there with his IQ and command of language. If you're watching the show and taking it at face value, then you might come to different conclusions. As for the show itself, I'd give it a solid 10/10.

but this is not just about them--As i said bigger than you can imagine.

You're clearly alluding to have imagined more than anyone else, or at least somewhere into the details I've skipped... Are you going to share?

I've only directly read a few of the riddles, and have likewise limited my exposure to Trump's hypnotic language skills. But I've followed the effects on those who have for years now. What do you believe I've missed by not succumbing?

23172760? ago

I've said "Bigger than you can imagine" and that is purely a deduction given the statements and arguments you've made which underpin (seemingly) your entire outlook.

Your focus is on the leaves when it should be on the roots (I'll say this though: you do come off as someone with a respectable iq why not use that on your own and look deeper into the matter at hand and what I've already said.)

23173205? ago

There was a point when I was considered to not be a total idiot, but I've taken my share of damage along the way. Now I mostly look at reality from a distance.

Before I go, I have a QRV thread recommendation for you. Those almost certainly aren't all "shills". - Note to all newbies, flat Earth posts are to discredit QRV

Thanks for the conversation. It wasn't entirely satisfying, but there was some enjoyment. Cheers.

23192899? ago

Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize - there is a patriot inside you after all.

Cheers to you!

23193079? ago
