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23151311? ago

An interesting side benefit of this whole scene is that we may actually see a huge drop in other infectious diseases. This is a checkmate for many diseases that routinely show up in cold weather. Southern states, especially the dry ones, will see a drop as soon as temps go above 80. This gives POTUS and team until about October 1 to prepare for any potential renewal of the virus. But now we'll have the malaria drug on hand to kill it.

Now - This is also a good time to remind people about this connection made in another Voat thread --

Interesting Covid-19 Biomarker for Adrenochrome theory. These people really are sick! (

So - think mirror with this as well. We plebes are being flooded with fear porn about the virus, but it may be that the ones in real danger are the adrenochrome addicts. Is that why they are posting so many things online? Remain relevant? Or do they believe WE are the ones in danger and they are protected by their handlers?

Man, I wish I could get Anonymous and that hacker team to dig into some of the comms between the DS folks and find out exactly what has been said and planned. Imagine if that made it out to the normies. Some "accidental" livestream of convos between those cucks. Like when Hitlery said democrats are really stupid people, or when Obummer told the Russians he would have more 'flexibility' after the election?

just a fantasy...