23158893? ago

Trump said 100,000 to 200,000 could die. His team originated that, not the MSN.

23157674? ago

My wife works at a children's hospital. They are getting ready to take overflow patients from other full hospitals in the area.

Because they are full.

23157550? ago

I get it. "The midterms are safe"... This all makes perfect sense. "Trust Sessions." "QRV is about thinking for yourself."

23156936? ago

Very few Qanons on this post. WE STAND UNITED AND PROUD. WWG1WGA

23156902? ago

The mark of the beast or the guillotine, off with my head

23154635? ago

I can confirm the hospital my wife works at has very few patient in it. Theyare awaiting the many covid patients that are not arriving. So far not many have arrived yet. There are some people with the virus in there, but not many.

23154342? ago

'Patriots in control' + 'think mirror' = ???

23153658? ago

23153448? ago

The problem is, you gotta treat the virus like it's the worst thing you've ever seen if you want to survive because there's no telling what the truth is yet. Nothing else matters and we can come to conclusions later. In the meantime, obviously the world's eyes are on China.

23153398? ago

If it's the opposite why is Trump giving credibility to it every day?

23153176? ago

Majority of cases so far are concentrated in a few states like New York, New Jersey and Michigan is now surging in new cases. So it makes sense that a majority of hospitals will be relatively empty. They are turning people away that don't have certain symptoms.

23155127? ago

Here in Louisiana, we're in a crisis situation. This is real.

23155439? ago

God speed.

23152221? ago

Trolls must be getting hungry. Don’t feed the Trolls.

23151466? ago

Isnt Birx Spouting that 200,000 people will die?

23151459? ago

Hydrochloroquine will kill you. There is no virus. Pharmaceuticals/vaccines should be avoided at all cost.

Don't fall for the fear.

23153225? ago

Earth is flat too? Dumbass.

23155882? ago

Show me a "virus" that has been properly isolated and fulfilled Koch's postulates. I'll wait.

23155917? ago

Didn't read.

23155931? ago

Learn to.

23156030? ago

Teach me, daddy.

23157419? ago

Good luck with that

23151311? ago

An interesting side benefit of this whole scene is that we may actually see a huge drop in other infectious diseases. This is a checkmate for many diseases that routinely show up in cold weather. Southern states, especially the dry ones, will see a drop as soon as temps go above 80. This gives POTUS and team until about October 1 to prepare for any potential renewal of the virus. But now we'll have the malaria drug on hand to kill it.

Now - This is also a good time to remind people about this connection made in another Voat thread --

Interesting Covid-19 Biomarker for Adrenochrome theory. These people really are sick! (


So - think mirror with this as well. We plebes are being flooded with fear porn about the virus, but it may be that the ones in real danger are the adrenochrome addicts. Is that why they are posting so many things online? Remain relevant? Or do they believe WE are the ones in danger and they are protected by their handlers?

Man, I wish I could get Anonymous and that hacker team to dig into some of the comms between the DS folks and find out exactly what has been said and planned. Imagine if that made it out to the normies. Some "accidental" livestream of convos between those cucks. Like when Hitlery said democrats are really stupid people, or when Obummer told the Russians he would have more 'flexibility' after the election?

just a fantasy...

23151232? ago

Love this guy. He always has great tweets. thanks

23151101? ago

POTUS (as Commander in Chief) sent Mercy and Comfort to LA and NYC. Does the 'mirror rule' apply there, too?

23150902? ago

The Occult Law of Reversal - the simplest and most juvenile strategy that actually works,,,,, unless it is recognized.

23150853? ago

OP - so many shills. LMFAO - you really hit a nerve.

23150595? ago

"Its always the opposite", just like the bills enacted into laws. "The affordable Healthcare Act" and every other act passed in the last 40 years.

23150097? ago

You understand that there is absolutely no reason for hospitals to be overflowing right now? There's 140,000 total cases in the entire nation. Only like 3k are serious or critical. Im pretty sure our entire healthcare system can handle 3k ICU patients without the crazy hospitals packed videos.

When there is a pandemic, you prep for AHEAD OF TIME. These field hospitals, increased workload, etc are for the coming weeks.

I am a Qtard from the start, but fuck guys. Q didnt give you magic powers to see the future. Some of you have also taken this so far that you think literally every single thing that happens is fake. Sometimes an apple is really just an apple. Sometimes a bioweapon attack from China, is just a bioweapon attack from China.

Trump would not be sacrificing our entire economy if this virus was not a real threat. The amount of financial damage this is causing to the middle class is eradicating it. Do you think Trump would have multiple companies pumping out tens of thousands of ventilators and millions of n95 just for the fuck fun of it?

Q has taught you to use logical thinking. This is one of those times. Listen to Trump instead of thinking you have any insider knowledge at all. You do not. You have the crumbs Q left you that will make sense when this is all done. That's it. Anything else was outside comms by chan and voat posters with THEIR INTERPRITATIONS.

23162474? ago

''Listen to Trump'', you got this right. As for the rest, there is a real threat but it is only partly a Medical one. There are Political and Geo Political battles going on right now that will change the world as we know and for the better with the help of God.

23159787? ago

Good points.

23154393? ago

Save your breath. These retards don’t want real information or informed opinions. Remember your audience; flat earth, anti vaxxers who think there is going to be a massive purge of liberals and Hollywood elite because secretly the most famous and powerful people on earth (or anyone they don’t like) is a baby eating cannibal pedophile based on not a single scrap of real evidence. These people represent the dumbest 1% of the internet.

I seriously cannot wait for this pandemic to end and watch them move the goal posts AGAIN as to why this was not the STORM! Lol

Stupid LARPing boomers

23153016? ago

Tell Shlomo at mossad that we're coming for him.

23150778? ago

Nice try tard. A legitimate Q follower would not label himself a 'Qtard'. No way.

23157297? ago

I'm a Qtard! That's hilarious. Shill or low T

23157035? ago

Easy now. You know that only liberals don't like other ideas and thoughts. He makes a few good points. I dont think he renounced Q or his followers at all. He's just saying sometimes a spade is a spade. Thats it.

23179605? ago

Agreed. He did have some points. Use logical thinking anons. No such thing as coincidence.

23152060? ago


word choice always give these idiots away.

23151453? ago

And wouldn't need to announce it anyway. Faggot ass shill.

23151233? ago

We do here all the time. Are you fucking retarded? No boomers allowed faggot

23151137? ago

"fellow Q followers" ...

23150716? ago

Some of you have also taken this so far that you think literally every single thing that happens is fake. Sometimes an apple is really just an apple.

Finally SOMEBODY else speaks up about this! The level of retardation I've been seeing lately is off the fucking charts and I, too, have been a Qtard from the start.

23151257? ago

Isnt it insane? Everyone has run with like 3 phrases like "think mirror" and try to apply it to LITERALLY EVERYTHING although they never even understood the original meaning.

The level of retardation I suspect is MOS, and on purpose, to discredit us with an actual brain.

Then you also have the over 60 boomers and under 18 kids here too which muddies the waters terribly.

23200493? ago

I suspect the same thing.

23150524? ago

Q didnt give you magic powers to see the future.

Then how do you explain this: https://qmap.pub/read/3587 ?

23150406? ago

You are not factoring the Fed, Seized Assets, money going back to the people, the new economy that will come from this, and all the comms falling in line with 4/10/20.

Oh, and martial law without actually imposing it to keep FF events at bay while everyone is rounded up.

In a work, which this all is, you have to appear like it's being handled legitimately. Who the fuck cares If workers are creating ventilators? We can't use them later and have them in stock?

Fuck this shill.

23151356? ago

You don't need to get hostile, anon. I don't think you and the OP are on different sides. We're all factoring in different things that we understand.That's why we're here comparing notes. You both make good points, IMHO

23151216? ago

I'm factoring in that all of that is a virus response for a pandemic.

Nothing happened to the fed. It was not merged. That was an anon larp. Prove it if you disagree (you cant)

What and whos seized assets exactly?

Money going back to the people is legit communism. That's redistribution of wealth. Taking in taxes and distributing it back out "equally". Dont be so blind. Who the fuck wants government hand outs and payments? Are you that cucked?

What new economy? That's pure speculation. Come back to reality for a second, and see our economy is literally crashed. Unemployment through the roof.

And you really think the greatest military minds would be so simple to put it in plain sight like that? THERE ARE NO COMMS. You dont even have the basic understand of what Q is supposed to be. He does not give dates. He will never give dates. Hes stated that, but date shills love that garbage.

Martial law without imposing it? Wtf are you talking about?

Who cares if factories are being forced by the government to make secondary products? Are you full?


23151312? ago

This infighting really makes it seem like things aren't going so well. Must be irritating to have all these fundie idiots messing with your little cult though. I agree with you that people are overreacting to the point where they're treating this like fortune telling.

Sorry but why would Trump kill Americans and damage the stock market? Sometimes a virus is just a virus. If Trump had KNOW it was a bioattack, which I don't believe it was, why did he call it a hoax? He is responsible for a number of deaths here - even Fox is getting jittery about being sued; he should too. If it was a genuine attack, why did Trump cause early deaths by pretending it was a hoax? Or is it ok for him to get a little American Patriot blood on his hands in order to effect a lockdown? That doesn't make sense - what does make sense is the fact that he straight-up got this wrong, played it wrong, made the wrong decisions, and caused the death of a couple thousand people - he is 100% responsible for that.

23151960? ago

We see right through you trying to divide, may you be infested with crabs and arms to short to scratch

23152020? ago

Eh, you guys kind of set yourself up for it with all this foolishness. I can have an opinion on it if I want to. If it's divisive, I guess you're pretty easily divided.

Also didn't crabs pretty much go extinct?

23151008? ago

Not a shill but also not expecting anything on 4/10/20 because those are POTUS initials.

23150367? ago

You're absolutely right. People don't understand exponential growth. How could they? There's nothing in your daily experience (or that of your ancestors) which works this way other than viruses and bacteria. You have no "innate" understanding of how it works.

Here's a great video with an example to explain it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc6fJIRV7KI

Anything you do retroactively will be too late!! If you wait until your hospitals are almost full, it's too late, and you will never catch up. Watch the video.

23152099? ago

ignorance of Christian values always give you (((guys))) away.

we're not worried about your 'viruses' and 'bacteria'.

23153506? ago

there's nothing in my post that runs contrary to christian values. Why did you think that? It kind of sounds like you don't know what christian values are. Yes, indeed. ignorance of Christian values always give you (((guys))) away.

23155224? ago

It's called fear porn

23156307? ago

"fear porn" isn't in the Bible. Jesus will bring you the peace that passes all understanding, and if you believed in Him, you wouldn't be so threatened by the truth - there'd be no such thing in your mind as "fear porn"

I think you need to get right with God. I'll pray for you.

But getting back to the issue at hand, everything I said in my post is absolutely true, and you have not a single word to say in rebuttal against it.

23150255? ago

Q has taught you how to use logical thinking

Lol, good one. As you noted, most people here are utterly brainwashed contrarians who don't actually think about anything. Nothing is ever real.

23150726? ago

like thinking a secret q team is gonna fix everything ie brainshwashed.

23150243? ago

Well said.

23150034? ago

Great truth right there OP.

We are preparing for worst case scenario and praying for the best while msm is running around with their hair on fire.

23149973? ago

Hospitals are overwhelmed in some areas. They aren't pulling in the Navy Med ships for nothing you dweebs.

23155192? ago

Exactly, but we need one in SE Louisiana more than LA. Currently we have more cases and more deaths than CA, and so far it doesn't seem to be slowing.

23149926? ago

Satanic inverted reality

23153444? ago

YUP! Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

23149716? ago

Well I sure fucking hope so, but that's the whole problem...nobody knows for sure.

23149318? ago

I believe the meds work, but why Trump mentioned he is aiming to keep the number of death under 100,000. If the meds work, shouldn’t the number will be far less?

23150848? ago

I wouldn't think so considering how many die annually from flu complications.

23149670? ago

I heard one stupid reporter ask him last week how many deaths he considered "acceptable". He replied saying "none." I don't watch every minute of all of the press conferences, but I've never heard him give a number.

23149638? ago

Think mirror remember? He's saying he's aiming to keep the number of survivors under 100,000.

It's all so obvious

23149223? ago

How about this mirror think: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3735774 , the last human city in the matrix was called Zion, meaning satanic hellhole whee [they] keep slaves and abuse them?

23149171? ago

I don't know. The media is saying the schools are closed, and I can assure you, the kids are definitely home, lol...

Other than that I agree.

23148740? ago

Okay, let's talk mirror

Check out a true Anti-Zionist breakdown of all this at Know More News:

youtube [dot] com/watch?v=DAuoId2RMj0