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23142976? ago

You cannot tell me that the entire health care industry on the front lines of this thing are lying. We know our jobs. That would mean every doctor, every nurse, every health care officer, every scientist, every researcher, and every lab technician are all in on the "hoax." And if we are not involved in a "hoax", you are therefore accusing us of being stupid. We know this is not the seasonal flu. You can think whatever you want, you have a right to your opinion, but you are wrong.

23143063? ago

They do a test that shows positive then act accordiugly they don't make the tests

The first test was rna test. They didn't have enough ingredients for the third marker so they said two out of three counts as positive. First two months of test were this batch. Then antigen and antibody tests which don't show if you currently have the Corona Virus and also could be one of many strains. Now rna tests are good to go. We will see that as tests numbers go up lethality goes down.

Also, fag, the giveaway is the pandemic bonds the world bank issued that expired March 23rd, so the hoax is clear.

23144161? ago

Pandemic bonds? Make it simple, please.

23147809? ago

World Bank releases pandemic bonds to investors who buy them. To the tune of 400 million or so.

If you are an investor, you get a dividend. Unless a pandemic is declared by neutral third party org, WHO, in which case investors get nothing.

If pandemic is declared World Bank keeps investor money but also triggers clauses in agreements with member states where member states pay up. 14 billion or so depending on the death rate. This is why they need the death rate to be as high as possible.

RNA tests are high on the false positive scale. More so for covid19 because of lack of materials for the PCR kits. Antigen and antibody tests also with high false positives.

If the test kits are even at 1percent false positives... optimistic since HIV PCR tests are 3 percent... Then there are potentially ZERO deaths due to covid19 and only false positives.

23148100? ago

I saw $320m - this is one hell of a scam / hoax for a relatively trivial amount of money

23148166? ago

The real payday is when the pandemic is declared the world bank gets billions from member states on top of pilfering the investors. Keep in mind that is just one round of bonds. We can probably expect to see this scam again and I will have to go look back to see if Haiti and Katrina were mixed up in this.