- There are NO reliable tests that can accurately test for COVID-19.
- Because of that, any tests being done are done for cornaviruses in general, not specifically COVID-19, and then it is being diagnosed officially as COVID-19.
- Coronaviruses in general are so common, that most people have them to some degree at any given point in time, even though they are perfectly healthy,
- It is not enough to have a virus, it is crucial to know the viral load, because the viral load needs to be high enough for someone to get sick from it. The viral load is NOT BEING TESTED AT ALL.
- There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia patients in hospitals all over the world at any given time.
- Many patients are "presumed" to have COVID-19, without any test whatsoever.
- NOBODY is documenting actual cases of COVID-19.
"... all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn't actually exist."
People are getting the regular annual flu and other Winter illnesses, but these cases are being diagnosed without proof that they are COVID-19.
In reality, COVID-19 does not exist.
- This is why it is old people dying (as they do every year).
- This is why most people dying have "co-morbidities" (they are dying of something other than COVID-19).
- This is why the cases are worst in China, Italy, and Iran ... and now USA. Northern Italy has the largest Chinese population in Europe, and there are a lot of Chinese going between China and Iran, as well. The USA is now "testing" more people than anyone else in the world, and what do you know ... they are finding more people with coronavirus (ANY coronavirus) in their system.
EDIT: Here is another article from an expert in global infections, and he arrives at the same conclusion:
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23142976? ago
You cannot tell me that the entire health care industry on the front lines of this thing are lying. We know our jobs. That would mean every doctor, every nurse, every health care officer, every scientist, every researcher, and every lab technician are all in on the "hoax." And if we are not involved in a "hoax", you are therefore accusing us of being stupid. We know this is not the seasonal flu. You can think whatever you want, you have a right to your opinion, but you are wrong.
23146416? ago
Really, our daughter works in the lab at a large urban hospital and they have 1 inpatient with covid19. No lines for testing. No elective surgery. She is sitting at home on call getting paid. Why do hospitals go along. MONEY. Staff are told the worst is yet to come.