23148471? ago

Does anyone here remember the Qpost(s) referring to vampirism? I remember seeing them and have done searches and scanned through all from the start but cannot seem to find it or them. Can anyone help? Some in the movement insist Q never mentioned Adrenochrome by name, which may be true, but Q did post at least one collage of graphics suggesting blood drinking and vampirism. Even if you recall keywords for me to search I'd be grateful.

23143207? ago

How exactly does adrenochrome consumption cause high iron levels? How exactly does high iron content in the blood affect the effectiveness of those medications?

23142860? ago

need more celebs to drop

23142785? ago

you can remove high levels of ferritin through bloodletting...

I have a blood disease called hemochromatosis and I get blood letting to do exactly that.

If you don't, iron deposits into your organs and such, liver disease etc.

If this is a side affect of adrenochrome, they would likely have blood letting sessions to prevent that

23141375? ago

Thus the wacked out twats.

23141253? ago

“not effective in treating COVID-19”

Sauce please ...

23140965? ago

Interesting, hm. #filmyourhospital

23140655? ago

Blood transfusions don't exist?

23141179? ago

Keith Richards says otherwise.

23140420? ago

This is assuming the only way to get high iron content is solely through adrenochrome consumption.

Not true at all.

If you eat more red meat than average, eat tons of leafy vegetables or use cast iron cookware you will generally have high iron levels. My iron levels are consistently on the high/very Hugh levels because of all the above.

23141238? ago

You are thinking of iron levels for a normal person. I would suspect that their iron levels are probably off the chart.

23141399? ago

That doesn’t make sense.

23139720? ago

So, stop taking Geritol!

23140327? ago

Damn do they still make that crap?

23139316? ago

I want them exposed and I don't want them to die before then.

23140268? ago


23139778? ago

I get that. But maybe they get the Jimmy Savile treatment: It all comes out after they are gone.

Do we really need to see their crocodile tears? (Have you seen the Hamstead Kid's father? He got a platform to spin it and nothing happened to him.) The media would spin it in the evil doers' favor, using PR, censorship, intimidation, etc. Do we want any chance of feeling sympathy for them, their WHYs: they had been abused, that's all they knew, they had been ensnared in blackmail? They are living on borrowed time (blood). Every second they are allowed to abuse and murder and get away with it is another second without justice.

Just thinking/writing aloud.

23157286? ago

I totally see your point, but if they aren't forced to show their face as the facts are laid out, history will repeat itself and many people will think they were murdered and become martyrs.

23158191? ago

That's a good point too. We can agree that either before or after their demise we absolutely need to know the extent of their crimes. Jimmy Saville is not seen as a martyr, he's seen as the monster he was.

23180109? ago


23139193? ago

Quit parroting and think for yourself.

None of those kooky "celebrities" in supposed quarantine have died.

23139942? ago

Kathy Griffin bitched that she wasn't able to be tested for Covid-19 but thankfully it turned out she just had diarrhea from visiting Mexico. Colton Underwood lied about having it. How many other "celebs" are faking it?

23140083? ago

They are faking it and going into isolation to protect themselves. Any exposure could be fatal. To them.

23139149? ago

Question - I have heard of the connection with Adrenochrome, but would the same be true for those who had either consumed blood or had regular transfusions of youthful blood as some wealthy seem to do?

23140283? ago

Blood transfusion doesn't cause abnormally high iron levels.

Iron is especially highly absorbed by consuming blood, it's basically the only way, due to the way it binds (so I've been told by my bio chemist friend). So, if you haven't consumed blood recently, it wouldn't harm you. In other words, those getting the HIV sickness, likely means the person consumed human blood within 30 days - think about that for a second. It's not just that they are satanic pedophiles... it's that they did it within 30 days ago. Fucking sick.

23141032? ago

I still find it hard to believe even though I believe what you are saying. Q posted some pics suggesting vampirism, didn't he/they? I cannot find them doing a search. Any clue?

23141190? ago

I should be clear. I don't know anything as absolute fact, so let's get that straight. I'm just here, like everyone else, trying to research. Lots of speculation.

Q's job is to get people to research for themselves. He has pointed to Red Cross, amongst others, and pointed to peddlers of ritualistic child abuse (rachel chandler, epstein island rituals, etc). Q also sent people here to voat, to learn more. Q has posted many times about child abusers, and pizzagate topics.

If you want to learn more about vampirism, I suspect that's why Q sent people here. The jewish cabal is real, and worth learning about, if you haven't already. If you are truly new to the topic, happy to help.

23138827? ago

Sauce? I want to believe this.

23139011? ago

Anyone talking about adrenochrome is LARPing.

23139095? ago

Anyone talking about LARPing is SHILLing.

23139173? ago

You are shilling your own narrative and have no evidence for any of it. LARPING IS SHILLING.

23138820? ago

Its because of the HIV attachment, which causes the virus to infect the blood of adrenochrome users. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3734629

23138814? ago


23140602? ago

Flatliners. Good movie about the idea of Karma.

23138807? ago

Corona is a hoax. So there’s that.

23141141? ago

The virus isn't a hoax. It is real.

The media hype and sensationalism is a hoax.

The claims that ventilators are short in D controlled areas are a hoax.

The numbers of people dying from the virus are a hoax.

While the virus is real, for normal healthy people it isn't any more dangerous than the flu virus. For older folks with multiple issues, its going to hit them hard. This virus is probably on the same level as H1N1.

23141449? ago

The virus is a hoax. The MSM lies. You pretending like this is the day they quit means nothing. H1N1 was a hoax by the way.


23144364? ago

That does not explain the high death toll in Italy.

23586612? ago

Well well, that does explain it. Since i posted this a month ago i am now seeing how every type of death is being reported as a covid death. I just needed more information.

23150070? ago

Do you know how lying works?

23143343? ago

Funny, I caught the H1N1

My parents have coronavirus

It’s real

23150099? ago

Funny. I somehow always meet people directly effected by hoaxes. They’re always anonymous people on the internet that are pushing the MSM narrative.

23155463? ago

You think I'm pushing the MSM narrative? LMAO.

I think the MSM is pushing mass hysteria and fear. They are making this out to be a pandemic when it is not. They are also trying to push those numbers up through false reportings. They are claiming deaths for coronavirus that have nothing to do with it. They are claiming people are dead who are in fact alive. This is the modern equivalent of "War of the Worlds" 1938 radio broadcast.

Make no mistake, both H1N1 and Coronavirus are very real. Of the Coronavirus, there are two strands, one is extremely deadly and responsible for people ended up in the hospital. It causes pneumonia and thickening of the lungs to the point you suffocate and die. The other one is a less deadly version of it. I believe they are calling it L and S strands to differentiate between the two. My parents have the less dangerous form but both are in their mid to late 70's with other issues so it is hitting them hard. My father is still in hospital and my Mom was in for IV fluids.

If you think the virus is fake, you need your head examined. If you think the hysteria is fake, then I'm right along with you on that one.

23156024? ago

You think I'm pushing the MSM narrative?

Yes. And you’re doing a shitty job considering the fact you think unsubstantiated claims is enough.

H1N1 and corona are hoaxes. Your claim doesn’t pass the bullshit test. Post proof of you got it. If you don’t, I’ll continue making the assumption you are just repeating the msm.

23158936? ago

Both my parents are exhibiting the symptoms of flu like virus.

One has been confirmed through testing to have coronavirus.


A co-worker and I came down with the same thing. She went and got checked and was confirmed to have Swine Flu.

I didn't have insurance at the time so I went to a "minute clinic" and got meds to help but there are no antibiotic type meds to kick it. Its viral.

I had flu like symptoms for a week followed by feeling lousy and less than 100% until 4 weeks later. This happened in 2009 so how the fuck would I be able to prove it. I know it happened to me.

So kindly go fuck yourself.

23158973? ago

I can see you didn’t read my link. You’re a faggot shill getting frustrated that the hoaxes are being called out. “Boohoo my mommy had H1N1.” You’re such a faggot lier shill. Go fuck off somewhere else with your msm hoax propaganda.

23159415? ago

Lol you are a moron

Go play elsewhere shill

23159437? ago

You post unsubstantiated claims and defend the msm narrative. You’re a retarded shill if you don’t realize you’re glowing.

23159451? ago


Keep going moron

23159465? ago

Ohh please tell me more about this huge pandemic that’s big enough to shut down America. I don’t think cnn is covering it enough.

23138793? ago



23140957? ago

CoV - iron (fe) - Ferretin (fe)

23140311? ago

Fe fe synthetic andrenchrom

23138980? ago

That won't change what I call my morning cup of covfefe!

They do have two methods of iron reduction, but it takes time to do the job, more than they might have. If they are drinking blood, they will have high iron. There is lots of iron in blood.

However, there is no iron in adrenochrome C₉H₉NO₃.

Too much Adrenochrome in the body (through drinking blood) can increase the iron count in the blood and can prove to be fatal as the body cannot deal with the sudden increase in the ions.

23140100? ago

The two (adrenochrome, ferritin) are related tho!


23141222? ago

The paper says that ferritin is the catalyst for the reaction that converts adrenaline to adrenochrome at 7.4 pH (which is close to the pH of the body). Makes me wonder if all the excess iron in their bodies is from drinking blood or if they actually took additional iron in order to oxidize the adrenaline to adrenochrome. A catalyst is not consumed in the reaction so it would likely build up in their bodies over time.

23142559? ago

Thank you. I posted it but fuck if I understood it!

23141404? ago

The iron-catalyzed oxidation of adrenaline is increased 10-fold by the presence of the iron-chelating agents.

23141351? ago

It also says that adrenochrome at pH 7.4 is rapidly converted to melanin-like pigments.

23139057? ago

they do drink blood as well.

23139486? ago

I was thinking blood was akin to the poor mans cheap whisky whereas adrenochrome is top shelf like Chivas Regal. It would be far more convenient, for those who can afford it, to have adrenochrome handy than having to find, extract and drink blood.

I suppose if their adrenochrome supply was cut off or tainted and they are addicted, they will be desperate for whatever they can get, blood being the only available option. Even those that did not have high iron because they mainly ingested adrenochrome will be drinking blood, driving their FeFe higher. All roads lead to PAIN.

23140413? ago

The ending of the movie "Limitless" featured the hero drinking the blood of the villain he had just dispatched, to obtain the "super-powers" from the pill.

God said "don't drink blood".

23140524? ago

Loved that movie! I could use some of those pills for these Qdrop decodes.

23139922? ago

did you notice how despite corona being respiratory, the red cross suddenly needs a lot of blood donations?

23140745? ago

LOL you fucking idiot... There is a shortage of blood donations since people are staying home and quarantining LMAO! This is why they need blood donations. Patients for things other than COVID-19 need donations... I can't with you people. I have to make sure I never get caught associating with some of you tards.

23141019? ago

LOL you fucking idiot... There is a shortage of blood donations since people are staying home and quarantining LMAO! This is why they need blood donations. Patients for things other than COVID-19 need donations... I can't with you people. I have to make sure I never get caught associating with some of you tards.

explain why a respiratory disease needs blood donations.

23145523? ago

COVID-19 is not the only disease that exists, I know MSM makes you believe that, but people still need blood, car accidents happen, surgeries happen etc etc

23145725? ago

COVID-19 is not the only disease that exists, I know MSM makes you believe that, but people still need blood, car accidents happen, surgeries happen etc etc

objection: treating all those other diseases, and all non-essential surgery is currently cancelled to fuck.

all medical usage that does not treat covid just got shut down by 80-100%

right now, all those other cases need less blood, not more blood

23146212? ago

You are only giving part of the data and statistics of what is going on, therefore you are wrong. My SO works in HEMOC, they still need blood and even bone marrow. People are still getting treatments who NEED them. Yes, non-essential appointments have been cancelled, many people have essential reasons to be getting various treatments. There is a SHORTAGE AND NEED for blood since there is a drought of donated blood. There was never enough blood, even before COVID-19, but since people are at home hunkered down they are not donating like they usually would. You can object all you want, but you aren't reflecting all the data points.

23146231? ago

Yes, non-essential appointments have been cancelled


23146439? ago

LMAO!! I come here with facts and first hand knowledge, but muh blood donations go to the "elites who drink blood like wine" LMFAO, listen to yourself. Clearly you have no hobbies or skills... other than trolling and shilling from your mother's basement... SAD. With that $1200 you're getting, finally make your dream come true; Move your operation to a tree fort out back, remember measure twice, cut once and get long CAT6 cables, repeaters if needed!

23146508? ago

Clearly you have no hobbies or skills... other than trolling and shilling from your mother's basement

explain your fucking presence here then, mate.

23148872? ago

My presence here in a nut shell: Constitutional Independent Trump Supporter. Highly educated, highly successful, an open minded individual, questions everything, even what you are trying to portray while you're selecting only partial data points which serve your mission. I love god, my family, lifting, eating healthy, my country, guns, freedom, liberty, facts, data and science. I have been following alternative media since I discovered AJ back in 2007, dug way too deep into the Podesta emails on wikileaks in 2016, was right there with everyone on 4chan when pizza related maps on a handkerchief were discovered, $65,000 in hotdogs by the obama admin, and of course spiritcooking always = spiritcooking. I saw James infant fuckers instagram while it was still public. I have followed Q since day one in 2017 right after Las Vegas attack... even before that while FBIanon was lurking amongst us in /pol/ on the Chans. I am well aware of the white rabbit, adrenochrome, frazzledrip, wieners laptop, Epstein island etc etc.... I also still wonder what the FOOK actually happened during the Las Vegas shooting... Don't you? I am well fucking aware mate and extremely privy to all this shit. Regardless, people still need fucking blood donations. There is always a need for this in the medical field and there has always been a shortage. NO One is donating right now, so there is an extreme shortage, even with procedures needing blood down. Blood donations have been cut even smaller than the number of procedures. It's important as we go through all of this crazy bizarre information that we are able to keep one foot on the floor, grounded in reality so we don't get the spins and loose touch, where everything becomes a lie and a conspiracy. I believe much of this to be true, but not everything is so black and white, and not everything leads to blood sucking inter-dimensional vampires. You feel me? You feel what I am putting down? I am real as fuck, dude... Most likely I'd be one of your favorite allies in life if we ever crossed paths... Got a great sense of humor, even still after all the horror I've seen surrounding this shit... but still you're gonna need to get out of momma's basement bruh LOL. Don't lose touch and stay grounded, be vigilant and question your own connections you are trying to make. Be logical.

23140380? ago

Yes! But I don't think everyday [calm] adult blood will have much adrenochrome in it. These sick adrenochrome addicts want terrorized screaming kid blood.

If they are extracting it from adult blood ... they will need a lot.

23140986? ago

Monsters Inc.

POTUS has been busy over the last 3 years breaking child traffic rings and destructing DUMBS has led to finding and saving 10's of thousands kids...supplies are running low.

23141265? ago

... and it could be that some/all of the synthetic stock got tainted with wuflu. Oh darn.

23138842? ago

Covfefe Decode > Translated from English to Hebrew and back again Covfefe = Covid Xix (Covid19)


Sean Hunt Qster - Decode - Follow The White Rabbit 'o-o' < Part 2


Adrenochrome Chemical ID Decoded = COVFEFE = QANON = DORIAN


FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: Fresh Air And Sunshine - Q Proofs/Decode 'o-o' <
