23144828? ago

How do I save this for further reference?

23148324? ago

Click "save" or download the information for yourself into a folder.

23142784? ago

Is there an easy way I can download all these images instead of clicking one at a time?

23140074? ago

Muh joo faggits all


23139681? ago

Based thread. Fuck kikes. 911 report and their models were full of BS. The three towers were brought down by controlled demolition. The firefighters know.





TRUMP knew Truth on 911, maybe he can do something about it.





The destruction of WTC was an occult ritual.

the Twin Towers represented Boaz and Jachin, the columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon

Boaz and Jachin represent the two key energies: ying and yang, male and female, strength and beauty, north and south, up and down (duality - like the Star of David)

WTC builder, Rockefeller, says the buildings are the perfect combination of "utility and beauty"; he also owns Jerusalem museum housing remains from Temple of Solomon

Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies

Twin Towers destroyed in consciousness altering event at start of millenium to usher in this new era of transhumanism

Replaced by Freedom Tower where both towers are combined, one up and one down, like a Star of David

2001: Space Odyssey is about man's evolution to transhumanism - he touches the black monolith and transcends human form to a space baby

9/11 happened in 2001, next to the Millenium hotel designed to look like the black monolith

madrid bombing was 911 days after 9/11

sept 11 is the first day of the coptic calendar, first month is named after Thoth

2001 was the start of the new millenium not 2000 (there was no year zero)

33 years from groundbreaking to destruction pentagon groundbreaking sept 11 1941

Fuck kikes


23139594? ago

I want to spread the word - follow @EntheosShines on twitter. Seems to be Q before Q. Posts even back to 2014 referencing JFK.

And this from MAY 2017:

β€œ Mark this date: 5-29-20 (3 yrs from now). At that time you'll see all new justices, collapsed MSM, & 1000's in prison. An #AmericanReset”

No joke.

23153408? ago

I found this https://24ahead.com/u/entheosshines

Do you have the twitter link?

23138369? ago

great job

23138280? ago

Goddamn what a fucking epic post.

23137886? ago

Q literally called out white supremacists. Shill harder, goat bitch.

23139627? ago

1) Calling out the Jew/Israeli influence over US politics.

2) The idea that White people are the most superior race.

Explain to me again how these ideas are the same, shit-for-brains.

23144923? ago

Most of the world can easily understand why your post is about jews not government, why can't you?

23144953? ago

Speak a little more clearly. How is White supremacism synonymous with calling out Jewish influence?

I don’t know how people as stupid as you even find this forum unless you really are legitimately a paid Jewish shill.

23146496? ago

Lazy response. "He doesn't believe my bullshit, so the only logical conclusion is he's a Jew".

This is why you will never, ever be anything but an internet troll.

23137831? ago

Mossad is comped big time for sure but it is only one element of this whole thing.

23137860? ago

Follow the web. What is the web? Who forms the "network"? Many points but common threads.

23137687? ago

We've known it for awhile....Israel is saved for last.

23137652? ago


23137473? ago

That rat faced kikle in the sea of Slavic Christian blood is when I knew this was no mosop

23137340? ago

Muh joos...muh jooos

23139688? ago

Baby wants some juice? Go nappy.

23139824? ago

You seem to know all about juice faggit

23139946? ago

I heard you calling for juice and a tit to suck on.

23139810? ago

You seem to knkw all about juice fagfit

23139959? ago

That's right, I knkw ALL about juice, fagfit.

23137448? ago

Yep! And they must he stopped.

23137513? ago

Try hollywood

23136714? ago

Growing up we always knew the blacks with the sloped foreheads was always the most violent. They literally stare at white people until they look back at them, which immidiatley would make the monkey hostile

23139130? ago

God damn I wish someone explained this to me as a kid. I never understood why it would always get a hostile reaction

23136713? ago

Look at all the kikes on the thread trying to shit on Christianity. I don't say this ever but....

Over the target. Get fucked, rabbi. Your time has come.

23136772? ago

We can settle the mist of unraveling hidden history and timelines AFTER the keepers have been dealt with. White Unite.

23136474? ago

No, the Q drops don't "prove" that Mossad is at the "top of the global misinformation campaign". Q strongly suggests that the Mossad has a major role in the cabal, but nothing beyond that.

Asserting anything more than that is just engaging in antisemetic faggotry that the usual shills around here engage in when they're not guzzling the circumcised cock that they secretly crave.

23139697? ago

You're a shill for stupidity and are too stupid to even know it.

23141432? ago

No sir. I'm significantly above average intelligence. Have the paperwork to prove it. I'm just not addicted to chugging jewish cock and consequently don't need to compensate by talking about how evil the Jooooooooss(!) are.

23141874? ago

I have the paperwork to prove you're a dumbass and it's posted right above.

23136759? ago

antisemetic losers that haunt this board.

Q brought you where, exactly?

23136445? ago

............ Whites are the true Israelite's (The House of Israel) ........those who live in Israel today and all who practice Judaism are Edomites, decedents of Esau

23139593? ago

What you say is half right because the real Israel isn't where modern Israel is, either. They only put it there to stir up shit with the Muslims and get the oil.

23136749? ago

The audience to which the message is addressed lacks the patience for nuances such as these. Nomenclature aside its clear im trying to say "white peoples", and no i don't include Italians.

23136190? ago

Mossad is controlled by the Jesuit Order. You lack understanding

23136711? ago

nice try rabbi. Baby killers never change faces underneath those masks.

23137051? ago


23136163? ago

If that's true, then why do Nazifaggots despise all Jews, not just the ones who are in control of the Israel government and Mossad?

Or MAYBE ...

The Jews in charge of the Israel government and Mossad actually employ Nazifaggots to divert the attention from themselves to the entire Jewish population?

Mind blown.

23141147? ago

Literally all of the nazifags are mossad or useful idiots. It's to shutdown information dissemination and promote "jews are wrongfully persecuted. "

Assuming you mean people who actually promote natso or nazism. Criticism of jewish crimes and behavior, of course, does not make someone a nazifag.

Put it this way, without jewish evil and jewish crimes, hitler would have died a painter.

23143023? ago

Criticism of jewish crimes

If you think crimes are attributed to someone because someone else with the same genetic makeup committed a crime, everyone is guilty.

Crimes aren't "Jewish". They're specific to every individual who commits them, it has nothing to do with race or identity politics.

There's no "Jewish" crimes any more than there are "white" crimes.

23139647? ago

"iF jEWs ReALLY ConTRoL tEh gOVERnmeNT thEn HOW COme PEoPLe HAtE thEm?"

"DUURRRR i iS smArt"

23136685? ago

Correct but its more than that if you don't mind the elaboration.

Those who know have grown tired and this is our playpen. The nomenclature is a token and to what is perceived as foul and uninviting serves both guardian and cathartic release. You'll reject and therefore not waste our time on more sensitive matters. That being said on the subject at hand, is it really all jews or a handful of elitist rabbi? How tempting it would be to settle ones mind on this matter and never give it much thought again (as is usual when one reaches a conclusion) however it would be useful to some i suppose to have it written out for them and give a good wrestle.

First. History and the official timeline are all a lie designed to give credit to Sumner to restrict and (act as a blinder to a horse) limit the available bandwidth of information (time) regarding human history and development. Basic research into megalithic data shows the corruption of truth by attribution their credit to the most loyal state. Wars are and always have been fought over their control.

Second. Read the Talmud. Understand its views on the morality regarding the murder and rape and sacrifice of gentiles and their children. "You are cattle" "you are sheep to them" "breeders". Slaves.

Third. They have been sacrificing children in mass for thousands (longer) of years, who do you think they learned it from.

Pizzagate, on the surface level (how many?) is nothing more than the ritualistic insest-sexual abuse of children inside a hidden ring of world society whereby witches breed witches, sacrifice their first born (useful list to make) and practice dark arts which may or may not garnish real/repeatable results (don't seek it out). They feed on the harvested adrenochrome and blood letting and the lesser evils participate in the rape. MOSSAD is directly involved in the world wide trafficking and blackmailing and disruption of these levers/ assets.

Much in the same way the celebrities (do you think you'd be shown anyone who wasn't controlled?) are molested and molest their own inside these circles (breeding/harvest circles) to create isolation and unity. Its their secret club and you are not in it, their social norms and standards are completely different than yours and in this same fashion the jew has created its own special unique club of traumatization of their members. You cannot separate pedophilia and Judaism. You cannot separate human sacrifice and Judaism. Child gentile rape is a prevalent belief system within Judaism and only went away from the public eye with the advent of the radio and television (scrutiny verses mythos;).

Tribal/ Cultural suffering and cohesion created and maintained by a prevailing and dominating belief system. Its powerful once created and if done correctly can be left alone to perform its task unsaddled. So who do you blame? The jewish rabbi biting the penis of an infant and sucking its blood? The jewish parents who teach a tradition of victimization? The men who wrote the fables to empower their cult/ culture/ tribe knowingly to promote itself in a more "faith aspiring" fashion rather than reality? The young jew who grows up loving his race and heritage and by being faithful view the goyim as nothing more than cattle to be sacrificed?

It is by the constant small and large contributions by a populace as a whole they achieve their means and when one compares their accomplishments and desires one can be sure in their judgment. I've made my judgment. Have you? Do you still view the masses of fence sitters as innocents or will you one day realize that it is a collective responsibility to seek after these things? When will you take pride in your own people as a whole and see who has been after their extermination?

23139235? ago

What do you think of life outside Earth? You have any viewpoint?

23149053? ago

I have a view point and no one would like it.

23141166? ago

You know the answer if you read the bible and literally every ancient culture known to man. The answer is in plain site.

23137523? ago

Basic research into megalithic data shows the corruption of truth by attribution their credit to the most loyal state.

Then what makes you think your version of history is correct?

Second. Read the Talmud.

How small is the subset of Jews who actually believe your interpretation of the Talmud? If you took your worst interpretation of the Talmud and lined 1000 Jews up in a row and asked them point-blank if they believe your interpretation, how many do you think would actually believe it?

I don't know much about the Talmud. But I do know the Bible, both old and new testament. Someone, with a straight face, could walk up to anyone, ask them if they're a Christian and if the answer is yes, say ...

Oh, you believe it's ok to have multiple wives because King David and Solomon and many others had multiple wives and concubines. You believe the Bible, ergo you believe that is ok to do.

Assuming you were in Utah, 100% of 1000 Christians would disagree with you.

You could also say ...

Oh, you believe that people should be put to death if they work on the Sabbath, because Moses commanded someone to be put to death when they worked on the Sabbath.

We live in a different dispensation of time, as Christians we are not under the law ... but this subtlety will be lost on atheists.

Likewise, if you were to ask 1000 Jews if it's ok that a rabbi with herpes chews off and eats a baby's foreskin, they would all likely vomit and adamantly say "hell no". Funny thing about that, I see so many Nazis using this as one of the foundations for their hatred of muh jooooos, when in reality the circumcision by herpes rabbi is being done to another joooooo. So much hatred for jews and yet so much compassion at the same time?

So how big is this subset. Not all Jews are practicing Jews. Not all practicing Jews are Orthodox Jews. Not all Orthodox Jews have the same interpretation as you have of the Talmud. I don't know how big that subset is, and neither do you. It's probably less than 1%, but even if it's 50% of them, why blame the other 50% who aren't involved in it?

Why, when you have a Trump victory margin of around 100k votes in 3 battle ground states, would you try to shrink the MAGA voting block by telling minorities or Jews that they're not welcome? 25% of Jews voted for Trump. Without them, we'd probably be saying madam president right now.

23137832? ago

Strawman fallacys and uneducated jibberish. Refute the points rabbi.

23138393? ago

Wow. I thought you were going to argue your points. I guess you were just copypastaing.

You gave up pretty easy.

23138608? ago

You brought up strawmans and again uneducated jibberish, you have yet to present any counter.

23138632? ago

A strawman is where I build a hypothetical and burn it down, pretending that hypothetical was your argument, but in reality it wasn't.

What specific hypothetical did you disagree with?

23136130? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @smokratez.

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23136094? ago

Great collection of information OP. Thanks.

23135599? ago

make a pastebin please

23135073? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @smokratez.

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23135058? ago

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23135048? ago

Freaking nice!

23137458? ago

They are the Russian Mafia you stupid faggot. Just like they're the Italian mafia in the US.

For fuck's sake they even rub your nose in it in the closing scene of the wire where "the Greek" admits he isn't Greek.

Your time is up, Rabbi. Repent.

23134756? ago

Where did Q call out Jews? If you could just list the drop # and not all the extra fluff it would be cool.

24251289? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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24254275? ago

so, never?

you cant list ONE drop # ?

23139610? ago

Did you get the answer you were looking for asshole?

23142048? ago

No. I thought it would be simple to list a simple drop # but apparently thats asking too much, pal.

23144908? ago

You can’t read huh? I saw the numbers just fine. You don’t belong here.

23145962? ago

Ok, so prove me wrong....just list ONE drop #

23146343? ago

You were already proven wrong but you apparently think repeating yourself over and over means it never happened.

OP already posted you a long list of drop numbers with references to Jews and Israel.

The first one he mentioned: Q drop #998.

Q quotes another 4chan/8chan poster's anti-Communist cartoon showing a Jew who has murdered Eastern Europeans asking why everybody is always hating on him.

I've seen another Q drop that quoted the "happy merchant" meme, but this one is even more graphic and explicit. Q drop #998. Are you a shill or in serious and sad fucking denial over your erection for a foreign country?

23147629? ago

998 - Lets start there.....if you can't tell that this is referring to the literal Synogogue of Satan "Jews" then you are retarded. He directly relates it to the POPE!!

23149036? ago

So you're going to give me some big theological sermon to explain your warped and twisted thinking?

He didn't quote a picture of the Pope with a dagger in his hands, responsible for the murder of millions of White Eastern European Christians. He quoted a caricature of a Jew, oy vey'ing.

He didn't have to quote an image with such obvious "anti-Semitic" imagery. Why did Q do it then?

23134676? ago

Yo OP.


That area I. The middle . It has crime more just never reported. That outlying circle around down town is the area were people stay to care about crime.

23134669? ago

Understanding Alex Jones...

Alex Jones = 20+ million listeners - major Trump supporter - helped put Trump in the White House.

Early Q, maybe 5000 participants, (if we are generous.)

Alex Jones "attacks Q."

Q "attacks Alex Jones."

Followers visit other site to see what is going on.

Q followers grow to several million overnight.

Marketing 101. Q+ knows all about marketing.


Think it's just Q?

Jones has done this repeatedly.

Alex Jones trashes Joe Rogan.

Joe Rogan trashes Alex Jones.

Jones visits the Rogan show for the 911 broadcast.

Rogan show shatters all previous ratings.

23135129? ago

So does that mean that Q and Jones are in cahoots, so to speak, boosting each other on purpose to root out the Cabal?

Or do you think that Q is literally accusing Jones of being Mossad?

23140901? ago

No. Alex is mossad. But Q knows how to leverage the enemy by using their own tools and infrastructure against them.

23135622? ago

He is literally mossad. Please watch this. NARRATIVE.


23135230? ago

I would say cahoots.

23135588? ago


23135090? ago

No, you don't understand the situation. Follow the NARRATIVE. Who writes it? Who follows?


23134632? ago


Trump supports Israel.

Told ya Q was bee shite.

23135802? ago

Friends close, enemies closer.

23134944? ago

"israel for last"

"fear is real"

He has removed their fulcrums from which to leverage the world.

23144724? ago

love that dual meaning there! (leverage)

23134615? ago

These are great posts. Please repost at least once a month for newbies.

23136723? ago

Sticky it

23137555? ago

If I could make a sub ild stick it.

23134553? ago

Always loved the Kansas City crime grid, round these parts it's called, "the Troost Wall". If you move to Kansas City, MO don't move east of Troost.

23135493? ago

Lol...i hear ya. Blue springs here

23134347? ago

All true.

23134241? ago

They are going to pay for their crimes against us.

All of them.

Including the murder of Jesus Christ.

23134450? ago

Why do you care that they murdered a fellow Jew centuries ago?

23136684? ago

You can just fuck right off.

23136505? ago

Because threads like this are an excuse for the shills and a handful of antisemetic faggots to paint the entire Q movement with this kind of hatred and bullshit. It's just shills being shills and a handful of people with pathetic lives who desperately need someone to blame for those pathetic lives.

23140868? ago

Why do jews require special vocabulary to protect them from any and all criticism? A vocabulary literally created by jews and exclusively weaponized against white European nations and Christians?

Do you hate whites? Do you hate Europeans? Do you hate Christians?

23137358? ago

and a handful of people with pathetic lives who desperately need someone to blame for those pathetic lives.

Wanna know how I know you're a jew?

23138549? ago

I'm leaning towards only 30% chance he's a Jew, 70% chance he's a Boomer.

23139367? ago

I'd take that bet.

23135334? ago

A lot of Europeans care. Are you a Jew or an idiot?

Infighting over religion while Jews are still in power is what they want.

23134629? ago

Jesus wasn't a Jew. He was a galilean judahite.

23135114? ago

He was an essene, who were ethnically jewish, but far (almost opposite) from the pharisees. No relation to many jews of today. Remember, the synagog of satan are those that call themselves jews, but are not.

23134798? ago

He wasn't a European so his stupid little religion, in which he is the prophesied Jewish Messiah, is a bunch of bullshit and has no place in European hearts.

23135263? ago

Guess where your ancestors lived at the time of Abraham?

23135340? ago


23136118? ago


23138534? ago

None of my ancestors were from anywhere other than Europe. I did the DNA thing; I can say with confidence that I'm all ethnic European.

Stop being an idiot.

23138565? ago

Europeans controlled those areas since the beginning, ding dong.

Ever heard of the Roman empire? The Egyptians?

Stop being an idiot.


23138722? ago

The only way you can be as stupid as you are is if you're a Boomer.

Egyptians are Hamites, not Europeans. The Levant is full of Semites, not Europeans.

European blood long predates written history. I think, if we were having this conversation in person, I would legitimately spit on you and ridicule you for being a fool.

23138937? ago

Egyptians are Hamites, not Europeans. The Levant is full of Semites, not Europeans.

DNA says otherwise, sorry fag.

You still didn't explain the Romans. lol

23139105? ago

DNA says otherwise, sorry fag.

False. Hamites and Semites are Caucasian like Europeans, but just because we're all subdivisions of Caucasians does not mean we're all the same. Or even close. It just means they're closer to us than they are to Mongoloids or Negroids.

Repeat after me: No Africans are Europeans. No middle-easterners are Europeans.

You still didn't explain the Roman empire that extended to North Africa until the 7th century.

What's to explain? A group of Europeans used military force to spread their political influence. Do you think being governed by Europeans magically transforms your non-European DNA into European DNA?

This is not up for debate, you can learn this in any history class.

Who are you? I'd like to know because you are, unequivocally, the stupidest user I've ever interacted with in my almost five years here.

23141920? ago

False. Hamites and Semites are Caucasian like Europeans, but just because we're all subdivisions of Caucasians does not mean we're all the same. Or even close. It just means they're closer to us than they are to Mongoloids or Negroids

The ancient Egyptians were Northern European, as were the North Africans in the Roman empire. King Tut was Northern European...sorry charlie.

Who are you? I'd like to know because you are, unequivocally, the stupidest user I've ever interacted with in my almost five years here.

Here's a thought...go fuck your mother, dipshit. lol

23135454? ago

FACT: Megalithic data when studied with an honest and truth seeking interest will reveal much to anyone willing to unravel the mystery of this place. Everything is controlled and all world knowledge exists in varying levels of intentional distortions the most obvious being the attribution of megalithic sites to "loyal" states within our official timeline with Sumner at its center. All aspects of a slave education are meant to prevent liberation attempts and to minimize their success. You can't win the real battle if you have no idea where to put forth your efforts to begin with and it is this final war that concerns me the most.

23135414? ago

Eroupeans are the lost sheep of the House of Israel, inposter jews have stolen their lost identity and want to genocide the White race out of existance.

Think Mirror.

23141342? ago

Read galatians. It is jews who are cursed by god and lost sheep.

23135468? ago

You're retarded.

23135620? ago

You'll find out soon enough.

Hitler and Goebbels knew who they were

23138475? ago

Hitler advocated Positive Christianity. Look it up. It's essentially Christianity with everything Seimitic deleted.

23139118? ago

What was the holy Roman empire?

23139189? ago

A bunch of Christcuckery.

...do you not understand that Christianity is Judaism? The only difference between Christianity and Judaism is that Christians believe that Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef was the prophesied Jewish Messiah and regular Jews disagree. Otherwise it's 100% the same fucking religion.

23134708? ago

Christianity was born out of envy of the Jews. Steered by Jews to make the goyim serve Jews.

23140468? ago

Sorry kike. We know about you. And everyday it’s easier to tell others of your sins.

23135271? ago

You're thinking of Judaism

23136247? ago

Council of Nicea was a bunch of people building a bible to best serve the interests of the Jews.

23136741? ago

Christianity had already made it to the British isles.

Try again faggot

23134262? ago

What about individual Jews who have done nothing wrong?

23140449? ago

You can be a kike somewhere else(hell).

23135404? ago

In general they are self absorbed assholes who say things like "what about Jews who have done nothing wrong"

So do brainwashed goyim say that, so I can't be certain what you are.

I only want my enemy dead. If there are Jews who aren't supporting HIAS or ISRIaid or any other Jewish NGO or media psycological watchface center trying to ethnically cleanse my people and destroy my Civilization then they aren't my enemy. But they, in general, don't give a flying fuck about the European struggles of today. Good Jews are not the priority, ending European Ethnic cleansing and fighting the psycological warfare waged against us is.

23137608? ago

Jews: The Original Dindus

23137396? ago

Good vs evil

This is known. Your actions make you evil...not your thoughts or beliefs.

23137378? ago

What about POTUS' closest family being Jewish?

23141436? ago

Read all the comments here. Already indirectly answered several ways.

23137442? ago

1 they could be Bobbie Fischer tier Jews

2 keep your enemies closer

3 he is going to betray us to Zionism

One of those 3

23135211? ago

"moderate muslims"

23134556? ago

What does it matter if poisonous snakes haven't bitten anyone yet?

23137367? ago

That is the dumbest thing I have read all day

23137597? ago

Found the retarded kike who doesn't proofread their slide comments...

23138012? ago


Try harder divisionfag

23138057? ago

Try harder divisionfag

Says the kike who literally was being a divisive kike faggot. Don't worry, your time is coming. My only regret is that I'l never get to see the look on your face or the faces of your family, as the reality of what's about to happen washes over you for the last time.

23138153? ago

Assumptions make you look VERY stupid, especially when you couldn't be more wrong.

Our leader has spoken and people like you do NOT represent our country or movement.

Even harder now...I shall wait

23138411? ago

Your pilpul is showing Schlomo. Who is your leader? What have they said? There you go kiking the argument up with pilpul and -wait for it- ASSUMPTIONS! Well done!

I'd say have a look around kike, people like me, who are tired of kikes like you are exactly who make up this movement. You really think when the Q operation is exposed as an actual military op that they want people saying they pushed for hatred towards the kikes? They can't have that. It's subtext and it's there, and yes, we're going to eradicate the kike problem. They're not telling you to pray because they love kikes, they're signalig they're people of the true God, and what you know in the true bible about kikes is the actual truth. They didn't accidentally forget the centuries of kikery that has got us here.

Low IQ kikes gonne do low IQ kike shit, I suppose -oh wait, lemme guess, NUH PROJECTION again. You fucking little hats are fuckings tupid when you're not protected from reality.

Now tell me why I'm wrong kike. I'll wait.

23134325? ago

Whatcha doin there, rabbi

23134317? ago

Deny your Talmud and we'll call it good.

23136543? ago

Correct. The talmud is the most vile piece of filth ever written. And anyone who follows it should die slowly in a fire.

23134228? ago


23134191? ago

Q calling out the Jew, it's all true!!

23141268? ago

Where is tallest homosexual expert shit stain poster mossad shill? Notice he anyways lies, claiming these threads don't exist?

23145727? ago

Tallset is Q

23141241? ago

From another thread...

The first one is moloch, a jewish, pre-pharisee god. Part of a trinity; moloch, Minerva, and baal. Moloch is the god of child sacrifice. This is why abraham was willing to sacrifice his child - as it was the norm for jews.

The bible speaks of them. Jews acknowledge they are their gods, calling them a cult following.

Are these gods still worshiped? Yes. As an example, the Chicago Trade Building is a tribute to baal and Minerva.

23140869? ago

It’s true Q IS a Jew.

23140763? ago

Notice homosexual tallest expert shill poster always ignores these threads. Rare occasion he doesn't, he kikes about it.

23137853? ago

Q never called out Jews. He called out Mossad among many various organizations.

23141322? ago

Imagine being this retarded.

23140349? ago

Mossad ARE jews. What, you think Christians or chinks are gonna be Mossad?

23136483? ago

I've been telling all you dumb ass boomers this for years... but Muh Israel! Greatest ally! Only friend in the middle east!

Fucking suck it you brainwashed assclowns... Wake the fuck up finally.

23135612? ago

Not the first time hes done it. One of the things that gives me hope.

23135608? ago

The Phoenicians have been doing this since the dawn of time. That's why their power seems to be everywhere, and why they seem so stupid. Just because you can influence things because you bought your way through marriage or money doesn't make you omnipotent. But it is imperative that everyone realize that all history has been edited to fit their narrative. All. Of. It.

23138380? ago

Wait a second...

Phoenicians - https://www.bitchute.com/video/uL9U2BhyZzYz/ - land of the purple people, tyranny purple from Eastern Med. sea snails, dye used by royals, used in temple of God in Jerusalem, Tyrans and Israelites (not Jews) built the temple together, Jews and Israelites are two separate people, two kingdoms divided (Israel and Judah), Assyrians and the power shift, Bible says Israelites were dispersed amongst the Greeks...etc.

23140585? ago

This will shed light on what you're missing. The bible isn't wrong. http://mileswmathis.com/phoen4.pdf

23141628? ago

How does Miles Mathis contradict the video I linked?

23141621? ago

Of course the Bible isn't wrong. It is the interpretations of man that are wrong.

23136817? ago

23135935? ago

Megaliths and who they attribute credit to prove it. Goes past Phoenicia and Sumner, cycles without end. Pizzagate arrests and light are just the start and i refuse to accept anything less than 100%.

23134563? ago

Calling out jewish deep state. Not all jews, like the family down the street ( assuming they aren't in banking, politics, or media) Probably is fine. Always remember the elite want the people to strike out and kill 6 million jews cause that is key to bringing back the mosiack anti-christ.

23134686? ago

If they don't denounce the holohoax, they're part of the problem. To many use that to excuse their shitty behavior.

23141058? ago

Everyone is part of the problem. We've been told lies just like everyone else. Only every group gets different lies to divide us and promote hate and self interests.

Their lie is they are wrongfully persecuted. When in fact it is complicated. Jewish evil does things. Mossad screams all jews. Other jews know they just got up and walked their dog and didn't do anything wrong. Thereby confirming, in their mind, jews are wrongfully persecuted. In turn, evil jews using them as sword and shield of evil jews controlling the world.

The "wrongful persecution complex" is then used by mossad to promote goys to empower evil and support their wars, extortion, theft, murder, child sacrifices. Anyone speaking out only validates in their mind jews are wrongfully persecuted. Mossad's most powerful weapon is promotion of hatred of all jews; because the evil is in fact primarily jewish.

You find mossad equally loves pushing nazi shit too. Because they know it brings more support and protection of evil by validating jews are "wrongfully persecuted." The biggest nazi movements are always fbi or mossad. Always. Fbi is controlled by mossad. Just like the cia. Cia papers confirm JFK was murdered by a wealthy jew.

You can't blame all jews any more than you can blame all whites. Of course, mossad doesn't hesitate to disagree.

23134873? ago

They are brainwashed just like we were. Trauma based mind control. Offer the truth first.

23137497? ago

Lies, it's all a secret passed down from father to son, mother to daughter, kike to kike. They're all complicit and all need to go. It's not only whites who want them gone, it's everyone. Leave them in their little sandbox, surrounded by the enemies they've made, and let them deal with the outcome of their kikery for once. It'll sort itself from there. I have zero sympathy for even the quiet kikes down the street, who would fuck you over in a hearbeat for a shekel. They're all garbage, top to bottom. End of story.

23137636? ago

Yeah, I agree mostly, but I know a messianic Jewish family and they don’t share any of the traits. Then there are also truthers out there that are jewish and are out exposing their own, what about them?

23137857? ago

Sucks to be them, but hey, as the kies like to say, there's always gonna be collateral damage. I have no sympathy for the kikes who keep quiet, because they're just as bad for knowing and doing/saying nothing.

Obviously we're never gonna round up all the kikes and dispose of them properly, but once the truth of their subversions get out, they'll have had ample time to go to their "homeland" and be among their people. If they choose to stay, then fuck'em, that's their problem. Doubt life will be easy for any kikes once the truth gets out, and rightfully deserved their fate will be. Kikes can pilpul all day, but at the end of it, we know their tricks and their parasitic ways. Their smug belief that it would never end poorly for them is their problem, not mine.

23134650? ago

I know a jew who is a professor of journalism. He hates Project Veritas. You think he's involved?

I know a jew whose kid went nuts and they had to send the kid to a special retreat place. Their other kid lived rent free at a goy's house and the jews never offered anything in return. Think they're involved?

I know a rabbi who sucks baby dick. Think he's involved?

Not all not all not all not all but most!

23134859? ago

He hates Project Veritas.

That's not necessarily a mark against him. Project Veritas was known for producing intentionally misleading bullshit before they became journalists of last resort that people started leaking good info to because no one else was willing to publish it.

23134894? ago

Wow another jewish liar. Go fucking kill yourself.

23134687? ago

Shared agenda, not shared level of power to act equally to those goals. But as abglobal community they do their part by and large as they are able.

23134895? ago

Tribal and cultural warfare never changes. Neither does history as the only change is in the telling of such, if you control the information en-mass by means of education/authoritative narratives you could in theory outright LIE about certain events and instead give the population a false and opposite narrative to the objective truth. Generational ignorance due to acceptance of and putting trust in, the status quo wholly unchallenged.

Is not truth and reason found by its merit in challenging it?


It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.

Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.




Jews are behind trafficking and sacrifice gentile children for their rituals and holidays.




23135461? ago

Thank you for your service

23134709? ago

And everyone part of that agenda should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their participation, up to, and including, execution for treason and sedition.

The minions are needed in order to push the global power. "I was just following orders" carries a death sentence, remember that.

23134442? ago

Q calling out the Jew, it's all true!!

I disagree

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant β€œUSA”, β€œFour More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer β€œLouis” Scheiner, the audience cheered β€œFour More Years” and β€œUSA” as Trump took the podium.





"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

Website β€’ Twitter β€’ Facebook β€’ Instagram β€’ All Videos

#JEXODUS β€’ #BLEXIT β€’ #LEXIT β€’ #WalkAway

23134630? ago

I can't believe you don't know jews lie.

23135481? ago

no we dont

23134609? ago

You always disagree.

We don't care

23134431? ago

Thank you OP. Great thread.

23134478? ago

The actions of a few does not negate, nor represent, the actions of the majority..

23140618? ago

No, it doesn't. But you support evil by prohibiting discussion of evil on earth. In doing so, thou support child murder, communism, and global slavery.

Should humanity be freed and jews shamed and put in their place? Or should we allow people like you to serve and protect evil? Making you the hands of evil. All real Christians disagree with your position. If you disagree, you need to read the damn bible. There is good reason churches no longer teach the bible and have been subverted. Guess who subverted them. It's no accident the catholic church openly worships satan.

23140415? ago

Go be a kike somewhere else.

23142045? ago

No thanks. I’m not telling you to be a hateful retard somewhere else.

Suck it, faggot.

23157113? ago

110 incoming. You filthy kike.

23139535? ago

"The actions of a few does not negate, nor represent, the actions of the majority.."

So then you agree that if the majority of Jews have contempt for us "goyim," the few good ones won't redeem the rest?

23142033? ago

The majority of Jews aren’t even religious you donut.

The ones that call you goyim are a very small number.

Use your brain dude.

23144927? ago

The number I talk to at all is very small because they don’t even like to associate with goyim.

Use my brain? Why, because all of the relevant information is inside my head like everyone is born an encyclopedia on Jews? I bet you don’t know a goddamn thing about them. You just want to virtue signal how stupid you are.

23137482? ago

Kys kike

23142041? ago

It’s ok to be Jewish.

23143276? ago

Rev 3:9

23145240? ago

This should be given a post of its own. Perhaps load it into dropbox or scribd people don't care for pdfs

23148387? ago

I dont care what people like or want

23138539? ago

1188 holy crap!

23135244? ago

All jews are evil. Otherwise you wouldn't be here covering for them

23135381? ago

They all have the potential for evil

23135903? ago

They all ARE evil

23142014? ago

No we’re not. Trump 2020.

God bless America.

Let the hate go, Amir.

23135065? ago

niggers gonna nig.

23134981? ago

yep the 3 or 4 'good jews' can never make up for 6 gorrillion lying scheming back-stabbing nation wrecking kikes hell-bent to enslave all goyum

23135368? ago


23134675? ago

The majority of jews hate trump.

So you can gas yourself with your fucking lies, jew.

23142002? ago


it’s ok to be Jewish. Yeah mossad manipulation sucks,

But saying all Jews need to die cause 33% support President Trump (it’s more like 50%) just shows you’re a larping retard

23144235? ago

Keep moving them goalposts, kike. It's not going to work anymore you evil fuck.

23134014? ago

MOSSAD = Kike = China

23136580? ago

Don't forget muslims

23140439? ago

Muslims would never be a problem if it weren’t for kikes letting them in. If you have cancer, you don’t treat the symptoms. You removed the cancer. And that cancer is jews.

23142000? ago

So just leave some tumors in the body if you don't think they are cancerous?

I guess I'm talking about who needs to go, not powers that be. But ALL of the above need to be dealt with and hung and or kicked out.

23157141? ago

My point is that one most look at the root of the problem. You can deal with muslims, pedophiles, or drug dealers without dealing with kikes.

23135619? ago

I too have been feeling this way.

23134746? ago

And that competes the kikle

23134306? ago

So nice to see others making this connection.