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24240101? ago

Same with Mao and China CCP installation, young were brainwashed into attacking old and the 5000 year old Chinese culture and statues... same old playbook

24241351? ago

You aren’t reading very clearly geezer. The Nazis arose as a REACTION to Bolsheviks. They were not the Bolsheviks themselves.

Honestly I’m starting to agree with the idea that you brainwashed motherfuckers really are hopeless.

24242076? ago

Don’t be retarded. The British Israelites did not fund Bolshevism across Europe only to see an unpredictable response go out of control and very nearly topple all their plans.

Hitler and the SS were a controlled reaction. The righteous anger of German patriots was yoked, and marched into the Russian winter.

Hitler, for his service to the crown, retired to comfort and anonymity in a land that resembled childhood home. Just like Napoleon did in exchange for marching French Revolution patriots into the same Russian winter.

What aspect of Nazi philosophy appeals to you? Is it the paganism? The exaltation of brutal ethno-religious states in Tibet and South America (whi were also pagan sun worshippers and who nazi archaeologists identified as “aryan” though they were manifestly not white)? The writings of the likes of lucifer worshipping “madame” blavatsky and von List?

Out with it! Did you even read anything about the nazis at all?

24242281? ago

When you start with the false presumption that all historical factions were working together secretly behind closed doors, then you write utterly retarded nonsense like you just did.

By the same reasoning, all factions today are working together, whatever cause you think you might organize is hopeless and you’re probably borderline paranoid schizophrenic.

24242462? ago

Read more, faggot. I can tell you haven’t.

(Begin copypasta on sauce)

Once you’ve understood this work, you’ll recognize the enemy’s face everywhere.

If you want to get hooked, read or listen to the last episode, “darkness”. But the entire work is essential and very well sauced.

EZ listening:

PDF transcripts:

Bill's impressive bibliography, including many contemporary sources, is in the PDF.

24242496? ago

Tell me what page bib and footnotes are on because all I see is unsourced and casual rambling.

And yes I went to the last pages and that is not a fucking bib.

24242793? ago

Part 17.

It was a radio show, not a website. Bill read it all out on the air.

Go get those books. It’s a fuck ton of reading, it’ll take you months. They’re good shit though, anon, and each has further jumping-off points to examine further.

Read enough about the mystery schools throughout history and you’ll recognize their modus operandi. Bill summarizes the traditions of a few of them, but he only scratches the surface. You’ll recognize the mystery schools in works like Gary Jennings’ “Aztec,” or Epoch Times’ excellent 9 part series on the cult of the communist party of China...

Q explicitly calls these people out. This is not about the joos or whatever race you want to scapegoat. This is about an invisible supra national, supra religion, supra racial enemy, hidden amongst us for millennia, whose plans for another mass human sacrifice are presently being interrupted.

It’s all just sun worship. Even the nazis.

24247341? ago

First you tell me the sources are in the PDFs now you tell me it was on a radio show and I have to go read for months, even though you are an obvious retard who can’t even correctly tell me what is in a link that YOU posted.

You will obviously never put in the effort you demand of others, so instead of being an ignorant ass all your life, why not just kill yourself?

24248661? ago

First you tell me the sources are in the PDFs

They are in the PDFs. Section 17. Like I said.

now you tell me it was on a radio show

Mystery Babylon was a radio show put on by Bill Cooper. The PDF I linked you to is a transcript of the radio show. Section 17 of the transcript is the episode in which Bill provides a bibliography. My meaning was that the bibliography is not a linear list of books like at the end of a college research paper, Bill just had a stack of books and started listing.

and I have to go read for months

You do. It's clear you haven't even a rudimentary understanding of these topics. It's not something you can pick up in an evening of browsing white supremacist forums, anon.

You will obviously never put in the effort you demand of others

But I have read Bill's work, and am working my way through his bibliography. You couldn't even be bothered to flip to section 17 of a PDF I linked you, to see that it is the bibliography and it is right where I told you it was.

In fact, the issue is that you disagree with what I'm saying, and all of this is just pilpul.

Q has linked antisemitic things multiple times already and you are a brainwashed leftist Jew cock sucker.

I note you failed to refer to even a single one of these things. Start now?

Praise Moloch faggot! That’s your god.

I'm saved by Jesus Christ, son of God, who died on the cross for my sins. Yours too, though you probably won't admit that.

Take your Hebrew bible references, stuff them, and read the new testament.

24251280? ago

So the "bibliography" isn't an actual bibliography at all, but a transcript from a guy rambling on the radio about some books he read.

You are obviously too goddamn stupid to understand why sources and citations are important in the first place, or else you wouldn't try to pass off this horse shit as acceptable research. You might as well link me to fucking InfoWars as a reputable source.

As far as Q calling out the Jew?

Start here and educate yourself dumbfuck:

24251360? ago

You still haven’t looked at it? It is a bibliography.

I was offering a possible alternative explanation for what was obviously your laziness in having missed it for not having looked at all!

And what is your excuse for still having not looked?


24251449? ago

I went to the section labeled "bibliography" and it's a fucking transcript you jackass. You are just straight up lying to me at this point, or else you really are medically retarded. I'm beginning to think you don't even know what a goddamned bib is at all. And they don't replace footnotes anyway, asshat, which is something that is obviously totally lost on you.

Let me put it this way. Anyone could go on the radio and ramble and then have someone type it up. You are supposed to cite sources in footnotes in actual (GOOD) research, which can be traced back down and re-verified. Please stop me if I am going too fast for your little pea brain to handle okay?

Did YOU look at the Q posts I linked to about the Jews? What happened you dumb motherfucker?

24251614? ago

Did YOU look at the Q posts I linked to about the Jews? What happened you dumb motherfucker?

This retard thinks calling out Mossad = calling out muhjoos.

24251632? ago

How about the long nosed caricature of a Jew standing up to his waste in gentile blood and wearing a Star of David?

I bet you took one look at those links to antisemitic Q posts and ran away in disgust, because you are a pussy and can't handle reality. Go somewhere else faggot because you aren't meant for this shit.

24251978? ago

You clearly don't know how the chans work lol. That was from someone Q was responding to, Q didn't post that image.

24252258? ago

Q has thousands of posts to pick from and he intentionally chooses ones with antisemetic imagery and language? Repeatedly, for no real reason?

At the very least Q is obviously not ashamed of drawing attention to antisemitic memes and language without criticizing them. Maybe you are not such a coward that you can at least admit that much.

24252380? ago

Maybe, could also just be guilt by association. A good portion of chan post are full of shit like that. I see a concerted effort recently to attach the nazi / white supremacist tag onto to Q recently though. I think the only concrete thing he said on the matter (correct me if I'm wrong) was that Israel is last.

24252451? ago

Guilty of what, faggot? Racism? Can you tell me which US law is violated by being racist? Do American citizens not have the RIGHT to be racist you cowardly little puke? You are a soft sagging pussy and should just go kill yourself already.

24252535? ago

Noted. English isn't your first language since you can't recognize or understand a commonly used phrase and then you get super emotional towards the end there, interesting.

24252558? ago

Maybe I just understand English so well that I realize that the word "guilt" is associated with wrongdoing. I assume you're about to present me with a moral argument as to why racism is inherently wrong, faggot?

24252574? ago

So you aren't denying it then?

24252605? ago

I think you are so stupid that you think that the phrase "guilt by association" exists independently from the meaning of the individual words, which you don't understand.

I also think that you've derailed our conversation onto this trivial and meaningless babble because you are an utter fucking moron and couldn't handle real shit. You are a little pussy afraid of racism who still thinks the Nazis were the ultimate evil. You're pathetic.

24251597? ago

It’s a transcript of Bill listing sources.

Your complaint is that it’s not formatted correctly, and therefore the sources listed are invalid? Yet you call me retarded? Kek!!

24251759? ago

Formatted correctly? If it's just a simple formatting issue then I should be able to pull any of his claims out of that PDF and you'll easily be able to figure out which source he drew that information from, right? Let's play the game and find out faggot. Ready?

24251943? ago

Yeah maybe. Too bad he makes you do your own digging. And too bad you’re obviously not the type.

24252302? ago

No, I only did it for years already for a history degree so yeah I definitely couldn't do that. Project more dumbfuck, since it's you that doesn't even know what a goddamn bibliography is or is for. Link me to another transcript of a radio show and claim it's a bibliography you dumb fuck.