23139023? ago

That was the best video I've seen on the subject. I have known about DUMB's since early 90's and what goes on there. What was jaw-dropping for me was the sheer scope of it all. I have seen various maps, but this really gives you a feel for how extensive the tunnel network is. Multi-level network. I sincerely hope that all will know how narrowly we dodged pure unimaginable evil, so they will turn to the Lord. He alone is God and our only salvation.

23145511? ago

Thanks for the reply brother I agree !00%. Almighty God gave us reprieve and time to wake others. If the witch and her handlers got into the white house Nov 2016 our world would have changed big time for the worse. Christians and believers would have been hunted with nowhere to go. The cabal controlled the EU, Canada and the middle east. Thanks God for DJT and the patriots that are around him. Stay safe. The return of our Lord and Savior is coming.

23126868? ago



Kuru is a very rare, incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Kuru is a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by the transmission of abnormally folded proteins, which leads to symptoms such as tremors and loss of coordination from neurodegeneration. The term kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria, due to the body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease and kúru itself means "trembling"

23126635? ago

Wow, the dude says when the ear lobe is attached to the face instead of free hanging, it is a sign of a clone....22:30

23125761? ago

The Fight in the DUMBs is real


23125615? ago

Cheyenne Mountain Complex? That's not exactly a secret. Remember that "War Games" movie in the 80s with Matthew Broderick?

23126321? ago

What did you just watch like 2 minutes of this and blow it off? Much more information than the picture of Cheyenne Mountain Complex....check it out