23122421? ago

That's a stupid perception of accessory before the fact. for instance, you said you were going to blow your dog. i didn't believe you. then, you went ahead and did it. so you now think i'm an accessory before the fact that you blew your dog. yeah, no...don't think so. that's dumb.

23122299? ago

No, knowledge of a crime is not enough. An accessory before the fact is a party who ordered a crime to be committed but did not do it.

23118262? ago

and if you witness the act of treason, and keep silent are you also in violation?

23117187? ago

Is it otc in Mexico like a lot of other meds that need Rx in USA?

23116021? ago

It was in Oct 2019 when she banned it along with many other homeopathy products. But that does not matter all these virus breakouts are pre-planned. Gates warned about this similar virus in Oct 2019. They just don't think people will connect the dots because media is controlled by them. People mean NOTHING to them but as a means to control and gain more power.

23117550? ago

She's also the one that made 11 vaccines mandatory for young children. Before that, there were only 3, and the other were recommended, not mandatory. The media in France is fear porn every single days since this started. I've stopped watching.

23114609? ago

Who is she? I'm guessing an official in France? And what's the Wuhan P4?

23114287? ago

So many bad things lead to Jews.

23115449? ago

Are All Jews are Bad? Or only certain Jews are? if certain jews are then what's different the bad from the good?

23114004? ago


23113887? ago

Whi is she?

23113782? ago

Guys, I'm French and the MSM are defending themselves and Buzyn saying the decision to put hydrochloroquine on the prescription list was taken in october 2019 AND NOT january 2020. So be cautious about the info.

However, in october 2019, Bill Gates' Event 201 was taking place...

23116276? ago

That is even greater foreknowledge. The event 201 people have been consistently trying to make it worse:


I am also beginning to thing that the whole "Project Zyphr / Pogo" was a psyop against Trump to cover their actions.

23113774? ago

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23113407? ago

The globalist attack scenario comes into view.

23113198? ago

Oh fuck thanks for sharing. I thought this sub was just a boomer trump praising circle jerk

23113157? ago

yes. it's the filthy jew once again.

23113014? ago

THIS POST should be stacked near the top.

23112266? ago

Kill the boomers.

23114962? ago


23115103? ago

Boomer fag, die fast. One less leftist cult vote.

23112504? ago

Satan has entered the chat.

23112628? ago

A bit different ild say.

23112622? ago

The punishment for sin is death.

23116099? ago

funny i was reading something (The Mystery of the Serpent) just now that put forth that when Satan entered this realm, he was bereft of life. He was, literally "dead". He is sin; and, he is "dead". Very interesting to then see your words, which I've seen before; like "absolute power corrupts absolutely", "absolute sin is absolute death."

23116759? ago

Then satan is AI. Intelligent, but not alive.

23116501? ago

Old testament. Best I got for ya. And i might not be right. A Bible fag should show soon and set us up, ya know there is enough around.

23112233? ago

Great find, great thread.

23112072? ago

Of course they're dirty stinking jews.

23112057? ago


23111989? ago

KNOWINGLY. It’s going down Brothers and Sisters!

23116056? ago

knowingly knowingly knowingly knowingly

they're about to scream

23117108? ago


23112292? ago

@Tallest_Skil brother-in-law get in here.

23111783? ago

Great find. Another swamp creature. After the pedos and traffickers are rounded up and these CEO's resign or wear red scarves too long, I have fantasies of Bill Barr with 45 Marines standing behind him pointing to these swamp people one by one and saying, in true harpo fashion, you gotta go and you gotta go and you gotta go 45 times. Click click click of the handcuffs.

Start with Congress so they cant block anything, move on to Obama and his administration, FBI, DOJ, CIA, Governors, Media. 45 every day for 45 days = 2025 when President Trump can walk away with his head held high knowing he saved America.

23112201? ago

Most of the DAs and judges, too.

23111776? ago

That would apply to the white hats too then, I get it but i doubt anyone gets charged on those grounds

23112322? ago

The store would if they raised re price during a pandemic.

My store raised the price of eggs. Not much but it's gouging all the time for one reason or another. The egg market is a scam as much as the gasoline market.

23112760? ago

Get some chickens. Don't play their egg scam.

23112831? ago

Livin in the city now bud. Ild have to keep seagulls on top of Walmart.

23116044? ago

There are birds that don't make noise. I forgot which but their eggs are tasty, and smaller, something like 3 make one chicken egg equivalent.

23116515? ago

Okay, so only eat the eggs from the quite seagulls, got it.

23113006? ago


23111712? ago

It's called misprison of felony.


Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

23116002? ago

So all of us not reporting Hilldog for frazzled.rip are guilty?

Makes sense. Only evidence of a crime which is illegal to possess is -- evidence of elite crimes.

23126672? ago

If you watched it, yeah. I have no first hand knowledge, as a witness. You would have to admit you watched it, downloaded it, and that in itself is a crime. So you would need to bargain some immunity before confessing to possessing a snuf film.

23112274? ago

Great! Now do it for England.

Let's see a UK judge even here the case.

23113069? ago

I don't do shit for England.

This is Ama'Ru'Ka land of the feathered serpent.

23113294? ago

I got my money on the Turkey. https://youtu.be/oalW_IDQu4U

23113116? ago

United States of Liability

23113126? ago

Title 28 section 3002 part 15 (a)

It's plain as day, they don't even hide it because they know you'll never look.

23114177? ago

Senator Wayne Stump letter is more valuable then gold for those that are awake it is instructions for restoring our great Republic one patriot at a time.

23111666? ago

Follow the wives.

Follow the wives.

Follow the wives.

23113147? ago

Follow the Jew.

23114786? ago

Which ones?

23112347? ago


23111788? ago

Wow. Double trips @.@

23112452? ago

Look again. "Ooh baby, a triple!"

23111756? ago

Wow! Yeah!

23111589? ago

Horse faced pony soldier....

23111364? ago

She made cholriquine a prescription after 50 years OTC. (((They))) knew.

23114285? ago

Follow the wives.

23113959? ago

JewHan Flu.

23112744? ago

Doesn’t it usually go the other way around? Prescription > OTC. I’ve never heard it reversed until now.

23114166? ago

That is a perception of the era you were born in. If you lived in the 1800s, you could have had nearly anything OTC. It was the early-mid 1900s that started taking options away from us and forcing control via prescriptions. 'Just another example of everybody giving up freedom for "safety" because a few are too stupid to make good choices.

23115871? ago

Makes sense.

23112421? ago

Do you have a source? Cant find one on google and it wont translate the french articles for some reason. I want to share this with people.

23114808? ago

Saw it here. I cannot pronounce her name. Her title is Health Comissioner of France

23119205? ago

Abbreviation -

On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.

On March 16, the Macron government orders a partial lockdown. There’s not a peep about chloroquine. Police initially are not required to wear masks; most have been stolen anyway, and there are not enough masks even for health workers. In 2011 France had nearly 1.5 billion masks: 800 million surgical masks and 600 million masks for health professionals generally.

But then, over the years, the strategic stocks were not renewed, to please the EU and to apply the Maastricht criteria, which limited membership in the Growth and Stability Pact to countries whose budget deficits did not exceed 3% of GDP. One of those in charge at the time was Jerome Salomon, now a scientific counselor to the Macron government.

On March 17, Agnes Buzyn says she has learned the spread of Covid-19 will be a major tsunami, for which the French health system has no solution. She also says it had been her understanding that the Paris mayoral election “would not take place” and that it was, ultimately, “a masquerade.”

23112489? ago


23112066? ago

Is she jewish? If so, what are her ties to Charles Lieber?

23113291? ago

Yes she is and the husband too, Yves Levy.

23112374? ago

She is a holocaust descendant, and Wuhan ties Lieber and her together!

23116662? ago

holocaust descendant

Because it's completely normal for people killed in the holocaust to go on and have children.

23116169? ago

I want to see pictures of her and Charlie together. If we can get that then we have a story that will break the internet

23112514? ago

holocaust descendant


23111763? ago

Very important point. I hope people upvote your comment. Should have been in the meme.

23135305? ago

We are aware of the France thing, it's been reported on a fair bit lately. The elites, the powers that be actively search out psychopaths for these positions, usually from Satanic clubs etc. Mark Passio knows. No person with morals could do this type of shit. It's incredible.