22895166? ago

why do you think he stepped down?!?

22884229? ago

Why aren't we looking into links between Bill Gates and the Bill Gates Virus?

22883803? ago

Depopulation is a good idea

22883159? ago

Thank you for bringing this topic to everyone’s attention!

22882645? ago

Because the POTUS said it came from a Open Meat Market in Wuhan China, that is why.

22882617? ago

His foundation was involved with the John Hopkins - corona simulation back in October. Our dear friends at the Central Intelligence Agency were involved too.

22882558? ago

Because the Chiners did it.

22882410? ago

Maybe all the conspiracies about him were just.. wrong

22882125? ago

Maybe somebody is looking into it. Maybe that's why he resigned.

22882912? ago

double resignation in one day! like double-secret probation! :)

22882066? ago

He is into vaccines also. And has expressed desire to use vaccines to reduce Earths population.

He said so on Ted Talks.

22883162? ago

By two BILLION people.

22882046? ago

We are!!

22882040? ago

Do you happen to have the video link where he talks about depopulation of the Earth?

22881906? ago

Because it was China.

Catch up

22882223? ago
