22890092? ago

He is 1000 yrs old. He needed to retire. May or may not be related to anything other than "it's time to retire". Jumping on every piece of news as though it is related to a larger picture, when it turns out that most of those events are just normal, can only frustrate and exhaust others that are easily influenced by false news. So the sensational summation of "HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO" is over the top, and conclusory in a manner that the news item does not warrant. Pull on the reigns.

22889307? ago

Normies, circa 2016: "I hate you Trump people!"

Normies, 2018: "Die or I'll kill you Trump people!!"

Normies, 2019: "@#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Normies, 2020: "....." (silence)

Normies, 2022: "Wait, uhm, there really is a GOD?"

22888381? ago

And ((He's)) Off !! The rabbit is on the run!! Release the hounds !!

22887750? ago

Read through the comments. NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON can speak to the implications of Gates stepping down, what it means, or why it's significant in the context of the great awakening. Face it, you're all just believing vague bullshit, you can't actually speak at any length about this shit. Q is a horoscope.

All of you are like, "it's happening!!!" What? What is happening? NONE OF YOU CAN SAY.

22887374? ago

Bill Gates resigns.... Then an avalanche of faggotry...

WTF is wrong with you turdfaggots?

The s)Snow Ball is picking up steam.... Get out of the way and help others!

22887297? ago

Gotta duck out to his bunker for his stockpiled adrenochrome and whatever other satanic resources he has hidden.

22886632? ago

The unshakable....shook. Tick TOCK

22886365? ago

Thank Mr. Durden

22886140? ago

Is Billy up on his shots?

22885878? ago

The Gates just opened folks: Friday the 13th?!? It's gonna be a very exciting 30 days!

22885637? ago

Distancing technique.....vaccine boy.....discovery on his comms would be awesome.....

22885432? ago

Are they spraying dead baby juice on us via chemtrails?

22885228? ago

In MAGA psychic Utsava's last youtube video, she mentioned that Gates will go to prison in two years.

She also predicted Mitt will be going away, too.

22885027? ago

Didn't he brag about the fact that he had all the Corona virus test kits ready? I think I read that somewhere. So Trump chose to have someone else develop a new test kit, from the sound of it. I bet you he got a call from Trump in the last few days. He is fucked and the general population will know about it soon. Good riddance evil pedo!

22885623? ago

dont throw around pedo so loosely, if not backed by evidence or strong clues....makes us look like leftists...

22886207? ago

No one succeeds in that business unless they are. (((They))) wouldn't allow it unless he was one of them and he made all those vaxes to depopulate the earth. Get with it.

22886477? ago

Gates is not in Hollywood....sheesh....

22884876? ago

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22884726? ago

He resigned as ceo 20 years ago .. not sure how much time a board member even spends

22884278? ago

I just want him to hang. FUCK THIS EVIL PRICK.

22884261? ago

Connected to the Clintons via the Clinton Global Initiative.

Providing vaccines to third world countries.

22884000? ago

Also Michael Savage's son sold his Rockstar Energy Drink company to Pepsi earlier this week for several billion.

The people in the know are cashing in and bugging out.

22883660? ago

Good Job. He's a very sick and demented individual. <If that is what he is. I cant wait to see what his Houdini Trick will be.

22883403? ago


22882834? ago

the shill butts are hurting here.

22882724? ago

Makes sense. His main focus for a long time now has been on his foundation. I don't think he's really cared about Microsoft anymore for years.

22882719? ago

He funded partially Pirbright UK that holds a patent (why have a patent on a contagious virus?) on the Coronavirus. Could he be involved in this 'pandemic' as in depopulation agenda? Being a globalist is not a great personal quality.

22882580? ago

To be blunt….



22882219? ago

Anyone got a link to the dig connect bill gates and CV 19? Needing it for a red pill atm.

22882990? ago


22881744? ago

All these billionaires losing first all their money via Executive Order. Then their life via swift justice.

22881734? ago

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22881616? ago

My thought exactly. Anyone gone to qmap.pub lately and looked at all the resignations?


22881519? ago

Anyone notice how much Bill Gates resembles Woody Allen the longer he goes without adrenochrome?

22886458? ago

Skinsuit drying out.

22884360? ago

That's the goblin jew coming out.

22881484? ago

Oh no, Bill Gate resigns....who....gives....a....fuck!

22883563? ago

kek, I saw "Oh no, Mr. Bill" in there :)

22884399? ago

Heh, the only time that Saturday Night Live was funny.

22881471? ago

Gates, who gave up the chairman role in 2014 and hasn't been the active leader of the company since 2008, stepped down from the board to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities.

He will continue to serve as Technology Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella and other Microsoft leaders.


Sorry .. No Here we don't Gooooooooooooooo

22881464? ago


22881426? ago


22881494? ago

Gates, who gave up the chairman role in 2014 and hasn't been the active leader of the company since 2008, stepped down from the board to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities.

He will continue to serve as Technology Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella and other Microsoft leaders.


22881479? ago

Gates, who gave up the chairman role in 2014 and hasn't been the active leader of the company since 2008, stepped down from the board to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities.

He will continue to serve as Technology Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella and other Microsoft leaders.


22881425? ago

Fuck me. This is big stuff. I am lost for words and almost can't believe it.

Is this the big name Q was referring to, which would be next to fall?

Gates is going down for the release of this "Virus", and crimes against humanity.


22884180? ago

Viruses in his shit MS product and virus in real life

22884005? ago

It is BIG ! It's happening hard and fast now! And, Q team are silent running cause we don't betray our moves and they are taking care of business!

22884034? ago


Bill Gates and Hanx connection.

22891440? ago

BIG as in BI..G//ates

22894498? ago

Wow. The movie BIG ciphers Bill Gates. Amaze balls brother.

22884994? ago

Yes! I saw this earlier and was reading the links!

A brilliant find... they barely hide their coded messages!

22883106? ago

I wouldn't be surprised if these viruses are part of what they talk about at Bilderberg. "means to an end" sort of thing

22885116? ago

I still think Gates had a hand in establishing the Georgia Guidestones. The verbiage on them sounds like something he would support.

22886413? ago

William was anally incepted with the virtues of population control before the Georgia guide stones.

22885830? ago

I suspect Ted Turner on the guidestones, being that they're in georgia. J.s.

22886012? ago

Well it was a consortium so they both could be in on it.

22885697? ago

Wonder why Georgia was chosen.

22888130? ago

I think it should be destoyed asap to change this timeline for good !

22888218? ago

Someone destroyed them before and they were replaced.

22888241? ago

I am far far away,

if not, I would do it again, each time...

then dig a big hole in that place or plant some exxxx

member that rampage dozer detroying the small city

22884878? ago

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22882028? ago

Bezos will be close behind in the domino chain.

22883550? ago

Funny, that the "JEDI" contract is now being revisited! It was awarded to Microsoft (Gates) but Amazon (Bezos) complained and it's being re-reviewed.

22881397? ago

Moving from poisoning our minds to poisoning our bodies.

22881388? ago

Shills? Oh shilly, shill, shills. Hello! Pedo-shills, where are you?

22881367? ago

Even the skeptics like me are falling silent. It would be intellectually disingenuous to claim nothing is happening at this point. Although my complaint is always that not enough is happening. But this sure looks like acceleration to me.

22887200? ago

Who has been arrested?

22888705? ago

Still true but at this point can you honestly look around and day NOTHING is happening?

22889285? ago

Nothing Q said. Until hillary is arrested, nothing is happening as far as I'm concerned

22889833? ago

Well thats your choice. In my opinion theres way too many things that fall way outside the normal spectrum of occurances to call it nothing. Is it satisfactory? As you said, no, not until pedophiles are hanging it isnt.

22886507? ago

from: doglegwarrior

here is a simple one Q could have done trump could have done any one with a fucking brain would do.


circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

22885700? ago

Think of a snowball rolling down a hill. Starts small and slow, but once it gains ground, it grows exponentially.

22884926? ago

Being a aceptic is why most of us are here. Here's hoping.

22887306? ago

Some here for the hero worship sadly.

22886394? ago


22883003? ago

I'm not sold. He's getting older, has been progressively less involved with Microsoft for the past 20 years, etc. That cash cow is tapped out, just ask MS shareholders.

22884672? ago

That cash cow is tapped out, just ask MS shareholders.

I agree. The demand for Windows hosting products started going downhill in summer 2019. Back then Microsoft announced that their Windows Server product called "Azure", sold more Linux products on Azure, than Microsoft products on Azure. In other words, Microsoft core clients are in progress of shifting from Microsoft to Linux. This tells you were the demand is going.

Source https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-developer-reveals-linux-is-now-more-used-on-azure-than-windows-server/


22884851? ago

Azure's problem is that it's a billing nightmare and a solutions labyrinth. They should have kept it simple.

22884167? ago

Yeah, but timing....why today? Why minutes after POTUS said we know where virus came from?

22886910? ago

Exactly - why today?

22886578? ago

When did he say that? Link?

22884843? ago

POTUS said we know where virus came from?

He said this? I didn't hear it, was it during his speech today?

22884350? ago

On March 13, 1976, Microsoft became a public company. Its founder and CEO, a 26-year-old Bill Gates, took a seat on its board of directors. Forty-four years later—exactly to the day—Gates is stepping down.

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/bill-gates-steps-down-microsoft-board/

22887304? ago

Wow did it start on Friday the 13 also?

22887872? ago

No, it was a Saturday. Strange day to start a company. You'd have thought the offices would be closed.

22883050? ago

If he was even close to the only one, i would agree.

22882711? ago

They are ready to move to Antarctica where they will watch the rest of the world die.

22886398? ago

No, red castle is there. Tough titties.

22881938? ago

Im also doubtful just cause i know trump is allied with isreal but i have no idea whats going on now. I want to be wrong so badly

22888265? ago

I feel your pain. I can't count how many times I've been called a shill for having questions that didn't follow the signs. I was just wanting someone to logically refute my doubts, but a I got was reeeeeee.

22893143? ago

I have my own doubts. I keep em reserved for appropriate verses. Like v whatever. I get it, is is a sub for people in favor for, and doubting brings down the energy. Thats fine, i enjoy the high energy here. Trust your gut and family first and foremost

22884995? ago

I bet you are really good at checkers.

22885597? ago

Im pretty good at apples to apples

22887903? ago

Pretty good at apples to anvils.

22893306? ago

Im only ok at apples to crackers

22885399? ago

He's wicked at battleship ...

22884363? ago

Art of war.

Keep your enemies close.

Saving Israel for last.

22885465? ago

Saving Israel

22886380? ago

Drop 2 words and alter the semantic meaning of the post replied to, for .75 “whole” shekels?? Sign you up!!

NF says what?

22886460? ago

Still ignoring the extreme pro-jew policy.

22893620? ago

Lacking a strategic mind I see.

22893711? ago

You guys have no idea how limited your vision is.

22883757? ago

He looks allied with israel, but first things first. Fear not.

22884205? ago

His whole family is practically jew now, first things first is Israel first.

22883053? ago

God im with you.

22882118? ago

He lives and breathes "America First", there is no doubt where Trump's loyalties lie.

22885462? ago

Yes, that's what his act calls for, but his actions scream jews and israel.

22883717? ago

He is a wall wailer. Shift of power within the elites.

22883374? ago

Israel should have been nuked week 1

22881416? ago

thank you, doubtfag for becoming less faggy.

22881452? ago

I was never being a fag. There wasnt enough happening to use the phrase "its happening". There finally is.

22887823? ago

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

22881670? ago

don't get butthurt now.

22883062? ago

Im just saying. If you ask me the fags were those getting butthurt over reasonable skepticism.

22883383? ago

c'mon man, brush up on your culture. everyone is a fag here.

22885082? ago

And proud fags at that.

22884676? ago

That is true. I can niggerfaggot with the best of them.

22886362? ago

Ohhhh he said it he said it

22881633? ago

Yeah you were and you still are. Just less so.

22883069? ago

How dare i espouse reasonable skepicism in the face of your guaranteed rightness.... faggot.

22881967? ago

Totally, this is like the bikers in South Park not understanding that they were the new faggots in the world and it didn’t mean flamboyant gay male anymore. He’s not calling him a fag directly, just that he was being a literal ‘doubtfag’. As there are datefags, namefags, all sorts that are not necessarily bad people and may not be intentionally trying to sow doubt, but shills occasionally impersonate and intentionally do these things in a feeble attempt to demoralize

22885237? ago

also planefags, lawfags, biblefags etc which has a different connotation

22885071? ago

Don’t forget the naive newfags.

22888253? ago

Or the always classic Niggerfaggot.

22887679? ago

Just don’t be a namefag like dogdickwarrior.

22886357? ago

The ones who think coronavirus is real or believed even for a split second that the US started it in Wuhan?

22883022? ago

Look, everybody thinks we're cool!...fire 'em up BllahBllmmmBlllaahBlllmmm

22881571? ago

You don't understand the fagging meme, but that's ok.

22883081? ago

I mean i get the joke. Ive been a faggot for years. But still. I just hate that this community is so certain that skepicism equates to shilling.

22886332? ago

Because ain’t none of you done the reading we done, but you’re all happy to pretend we ain’t neither. In fact, you’ve all just unfairly been projecting your tendency to hardly dig at all onto us.

God damn it feels good to not have doubted it once. Buckle up doubtfag, you’re gon wish you had TP!

22888715? ago

No... some of us just understand how easy it is to make random statements and let the future prove them true.

22893485? ago

Is that what you think has happened?

If so, you ain’t done your digging.

22894662? ago

That is a potential explanation for much of what has happened. If you dont realize that then you dont understand how large datasets work.

22884286? ago


22881348? ago

focusing on climate change...

22881541? ago

It's a more tropical climate in gitmo

22884081? ago

Bwahahahaha! Too right!

22882034? ago

Gates will still always wear his signature nerd sweater.

22881331? ago

Well, destroying 7/8 of the world population is a full time job you know.

22881268? ago

OMG! This really is happening! Incredible!

22885490? ago

Really? You really think this is something significant? I guess they picked the right demographic to target...

22886443? ago

Yeah, Bill has nothing to do with coronaviruses generally or with simulations of the current coronavirus pandemic conducted months before the supposed actual coronavirus pandemic unfolding before us now. Nor anything to do with vaccines, which apparently are about to exist somehow.

So sleepy!

22886540? ago

Okay, now relate all your theories to Bill retiring being something significant. Like, what effect is that supposed to have? How is it the big deal some seem to believe? Was he fired? Is he penniless now? Washed up? Does he no longer control tens of thousands of people around the world, and have billions of dollars to effect his will?

This looks to me like desperate reaching in order to make the cult claims still seem real. Looks sad from the outside. But if you have plausible answers to the above questions, go ahead and present them.

22888299? ago

You won't get any logical response to your questions. Believe me. I've tried. However, you will get inundated with much Shill Reeeeeeing.

22893441? ago

This cult is both fascinating to watch, and appalling to fellow humans. But it's the first cult that's available to inspect over the internet. My cult experiences were all in real life, which made propagation more difficult. I sat in a room with about 50 people when Wiley Brooks did his first Breatharian talk. My God. They all wanted in, and this was just a hustling street nigger from NYC. "I took a shit and looked at that thing that came out of me, that's when I became a Breatharian!" It was an eye-opening experience. Similar experiences with the Sannyasins - Orange people everywhere...

22886762? ago

He is being given the opportunity to resign before he is charged. The courtesy is to the innocent shareholders of M$, not to Bill.

22886931? ago

How do you know the person who's giving him a chance to resign?

22893496? ago

It is a logical deduction.

Let’s hear yours. Remember that I said “logical.”

22893693? ago

He is being given the opportunity to resign before he is charged.

No, that's a claim. Not that I care in the least, but my theory is that Bill finally got to the point where he wanted to drop those responsibilities, probably related to the spread of the virus. Remember he's been involved with virus stuff the past few years.

22895370? ago

Your version of events is literally the news' version of events, which we can get anywhere. I find the idea that he's just one of an unusually high number of CEOs and prominent people who've resigned lately to be unconvincing.

Put another way, you might acknowledge that "tonight is different than other nights" but you decline to speculate as to why. You've added nothing, as this information is available on a prima facie examination of the claims that have already been widely made.


22895562? ago

you might acknowledge that "tonight is different than other nights"

How is tonight different than any other night? What have I missed?

22895746? ago

Rate of resignations. Why so many?

22895935? ago

Haven't spoken with a CEO in a long time, and don't know any of those people. But, I could probably come up with a list of 100+ potential reasons. If there's value in that kind of speculation, I'm not seeing it.

And yes, I'm sure the riddles allude to various reasons that fit the narrative.

22886074? ago

Shouldn't you be asleep right now, Rabbi?

22886423? ago

If I were a rabbi, it would be my job to keep you in the cult/psyop. Or maybe I'd need to be associated with the jew cabal group of billionaires that installed Trump as their front man. With Kushner as his handler, of course.

You're not going to be able to look into this and keep your cult beliefs.

22881251? ago

He resigned from Bershire Hathaway board - not the Microsoft board

22881931? ago

Isnt Hathaway a Buffet company?

22883326? ago


22881288? ago

Read the article. He resigned from both.

22885270? ago

Yes, I later came across a post that linked right to a Microsoft article announcing his resignation from their board too

22881244? ago

This is it brothers and sisters, behold the storm is upon us!

22886421? ago

Just bros tbh. No homo

22881223? ago

How many hundreds of CEOs are on the list?!? Well here's 1 MORE!!!!

22881218? ago


22881199? ago

But, muh nothing is habbenin ???

22880688? ago

This is being reported all over. So what does this ultimately mean ?

22881389? ago

Maybe they're on to him for the corona virus and he knows he might be going to Gitmo.

22883027? ago

See you in another year, still waiting for a single member of the deep state to go to gitmo

22881449? ago


22880567? ago

Thank you Austin.

22880646? ago

Silly goose