22888252? ago

It occurred to me that DS will have a much harder time finding rooms full of unarmed people to False Flag if everyone is at home, babysitting their guns and practicing social distancing.

22887211? ago

For the last 3 years, we've all been waiting for this moment. However, I think it's going to catch even us off guard. This is going to be a serious storm.

22886905? ago

No rush, Justice should last forever.

This is a tsunami, subtle energy.

It will build and slowly overwhelm the evil.

Overwhelming covering everything. Evil will flee.

Everything and everyone will be covered.

There is no stopping what is coming. Believe It.

22886690? ago

Spam is gone. No more to be had.

22886471? ago

what else can one do with leftover TP? Well I do some pretty nice sculptures with it!

22885927? ago

Yeah sacrifice 1400 bucks to get tested for coronavirus

22885533? ago

Goyim, you will suffer but us jews will live like kings

22883285? ago

S/T sacrifice: ground-to-butt-dragging wipes.

L/T gain: neighborhood respect 🙌

22883220? ago

LOL HILARIOUS stupid shit posts as usual by you mental defectives!]

You imbeciles are all excited! IT'S HABBENING.....again , for the 97th time.

What are you STUPID HILLBILLY FUCKS gonna say when NONE of this idiotic Q shit happens?

Now, the reason I come here ( beside just laughing at you yokels), tell me I'm scared, gonna be sorry etc.



22884937? ago

You mad, bro?!

22883494? ago

Someone’s worried...

22883125? ago

In which means that we will have to distance ourselves and put up with all the FAKE worry and FAKE news and FAKE concern over a non Pandemic Event like in 2004, lol

Restaurants shutting down.

Theaters shutting down.

Sporting Events delayed or cancelled which means no XFL damn it!

Being Quarantined

Spring Break cancellations over seas.

Travel bans.

Lack of Toilet Paper guess we'll have to use our hands or corn cobs or maybe just a wash rag.

Lack of disinfectants

Food shortages

And just plain Civil Unrest and a bunch of CRAZIES spreading Conspiracy Theories on the net. Oh!! The Q-tard's come to mind. lol

22882111? ago

Not me. High functioning autistics pretty much live in quarantine year round. You know, a world of people like me exclusively would be pretty nice once we got organized into job functions and logistics was sorted out. We could ALL run around with trailers full of coal fired spotlights and robotic waving otters and the environment would be FINE. Root for that outcome!

22881826? ago

anyone else catch him mention "one thousand, seven hundred" (1700)

22881727? ago

Pentagon source told me they caught a pedo within the Pentagon. No mention of ongoing ops against the Deep State for obvious reasons.

22881661? ago

meaning we all eat a shite sandwich while the "elite" ride it out in luxury in a bunker. when the smoke clears. there will be way less of us and they get to continue ruling. Georgia Guidestones = 1...Humanity = 0

22892672? ago

Downvoated for concernfagging.

22893068? ago

sorry you cant see clearly. got some trump in your eyes.

22881324? ago

The storm isn't here until Q or Q+ says it is. So far, neither one has.

22882430? ago

Correct. By sacrifices he means no more basketball games.

22880903? ago

Ahahahahahaha are you that S T U P I D and GULLIBLE or what?

No it's not happening.

No the storm is not here.

How many times have you Q-ultist's claimed it was happening and the storm was here? Too many times to count.

Meanwhile Obummer, Clinton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them.

22883538? ago

Obummer? (cringe)

22881805? ago

Gates : Gates, who gave up the chairman role in 2014 and hasn't been the active leader of the company since 2008, stepped down from the board to dedicate more time to his philanthropic priorities.

He will continue to serve as Technology Advisor to CEO Satya Nadella and other Microsoft leaders.

MS-13 has been getting busted for three years. Nothing new.

Hillary is just playing the appeal game like Trump does.


22881865? ago

What a weak reply. Try harder.

22881901? ago

Cognitive Dissonance as usual.

22881211? ago

Panties in a wad little girl ?? Change them, bet they are wet. Behold the self-destruction of shills. GREATEST SHOW ever and the Deep State is declaring Martial Law; to take the heat off of POTUS... He works on the details, like closing their escape routes. Cruise Lines just one.

22881148? ago

This time it's real you stupid idiot.

22881248? ago

Wanna bet? You stupid Q-tard Kool Aid drinking SHEEPLE.

22881219? ago

No its not.

22880574? ago

Hunker down Patriots.

22880498? ago

He looked a bit distracted but could have been an act. He's a fucking genius strategist.

22885561? ago

He's probably not getting his Aderall because of a shortage

22881338? ago

He looked like he was feigning concern about something that's not real.

22880454? ago

We are going to see such a fantastic show between now and November that we should have to buy tickets to get out of bed.

22880451? ago

He also said two words specifically and highlighted the use of those words. I believe he said something like “people say it will be washed and flushed,” when referring to the presence of the virus.

Any thoughts on this?

22881808? ago

no he actually said, that a doctor or someone at CDC or whatever big corp, told him, "it will flow through" (and something else like wash) and he said he thought it was interesting, and he repeated it... i noticed it too, sounded very spiritual

22883200? ago

Exactly. Not necessarily gematria, but too specific to be an accident.

22880765? ago

So we will really need all that toilet paper? Shucks, I should have fought for some.

22880359? ago

Sacrificing our elderly to the overseer of finances who will bless us with a decreased Social Security deficit. yeah we've been playin up to the baddie here boys, time for a reevaluation of your beliefs. We cheered him on for his trade war plan "shake things up a bit" we all thought. don't worship the false idol

22880351? ago

bovine feces

22880286? ago

I just have to say it. “News” reporters are s—t heads. That is all.

22880533? ago

You're allowed to say "shit" here.

22892692? ago

Oh shit. Really?

22880187? ago

Everyone staying home a lot longer = baby boom

22881114? ago

Bow Chika Bow Wow!!!!

22880790? ago

Way to go!

22880594? ago

Patriotic duty to replace the boomers sacrificed by Covid-19. Cocks up Gentlemen!!

22883965? ago

The number of boomer deaths could change the 2020 election: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/09/behind-trumps-victory-divisions-by-race-gender-education/

Gen x seems to be split between dem and republican, and gen x leans right or left depending on the polling company.

22884710? ago

Gen X here - yeah we're a bunch of easily manipulated fags. Sorry. I'm not. But they are. Fuck them. I've made this awkward. Proof I'm gen x.

22880571? ago

Can confirm this :) :)

22880463? ago

You assume all those people have relationships

22880752? ago

Adam and Steve do...

Oh... wait.

22880111? ago

no its not

22880009? ago

Sounds like Kissenger's "the New World Order is a better world but many will die before reaching it"

22879905? ago




JFC people... kill me know, my balls are black (blue->purple->frostbitten

22879859? ago

Everyone is still panic buying. Went to the store today. No TP.

22887323? ago

I haven't used toilet paper in almost ten years!!!

22886221? ago

First the hand sanitizer sold out, then Clorox wipes and then on to toilet paper. Now people are hoarding milk. WTF. I don't understand the panic buying.

22904593? ago

I think it is because they don't really know what to prepare for.

22880592? ago

Today at Walmart where I buy my weekly supply of paper towels and rubbing alcohol. No rubbing alcohol so I bought alcohol mouthwash for disinfectant. No paper towels so I just let it off the list since I have two rolls left and plenty of old clean towels I can rip up. As I'm leaving I see people who are coming out with baskets full of toilet paper. WTF people? It's not a damn shitting disease. How often do you shit?

22880817? ago

TP is the new emotional pacifier of modern day dimbulbs. Its the blankie for grownups.

22884880? ago

How pathetic we have become. Insanely worried we might have dirty assholes. The damn hand sanitizers too , as if soap and water just stopped working. Oh, and those imbeciles with face masks, as if it's an airborne disease, and those damn reporters having an orgasm thinking Trump might be infected, hoping he's infected and those damn fools wanting to shut down the economy to stop the Trump reelection.

22880423? ago

Lowes has lots of toilet paper. Pallots of it

22880825? ago

Pallets of cash.

22880512? ago


22885668? ago

‘ Shallots‘

22880727? ago

Ok...spelling Nazi...usually that is me. Thanks

22884074? ago

One day, you'll realize Hitler was right and you'll quit using the jewed epithet against his people.

22880251? ago

Same. Fucking crazy people. An entire cart of TP..

22880855? ago

Maybe these are Move On.org or Antifa types following the memo orders for inciting fear and panic?

22880486? ago

OfferUp has some rolls you can buy for $50....

Anyone want to take the time to troll these fucks that over-buy with the intent to re-sell?

22882160? ago

Price gouge! That should be illegal.

22883920? ago

Like I told my wife, you're not quite grokking capitalism and the supply/demand curve.

22884616? ago

Yeah.. I hope it doesn't get too third world here.

22880805? ago

I'm selling sheets of tp for $2 each on Ebay. buy now! Cuz you know that TP stops every virus known to man. It's like lysol but in paper form. Yayyyy!

22880864? ago

Lol, are they cocaine infused sheets? Gettin' people the blood-flow assistance they'll need after their legs fall asleep on the shitter?

22880920? ago


22880306? ago

Amazon seems to be out, too.

22882181? ago

That they are. Back order or currently unavailable

22879641? ago

If Q team is going to make a move, it’s now or never. There will never be a time better than now when people will be ok with the military going door to door for “health checks”. Not everyone will be ok with it but the majority will. 10 days of darkness makes sense now, no more internet/news to report the arrests to tip off the deep state. All flights are grounded, no escapes.

If all of this passes and not a single damned deep state arrest has happened, a massive number of people will seriously reassess the authenticity of Q. The scene is literally days away from being perfectly set for immediate deep state arrests.

22899221? ago

No arrests are coming.

22888259? ago

I look forward to watching you guys back peddle with nothing happens.

22886141? ago

This entire shitshow makes zero sense if Q doesn't make a move now. The entire planet is shut down (the parts that matter anyway) for two weeks for what amounts to the cold. I mean what the fuck?

22885581? ago

Jews will remain in control of everything. No change.

22885585? ago

What’s the problem with that?

22884025? ago

if no arrests, no Q followers

There's no way anyone could verify arrests if they did happen. At best, you'll be told. No visits, no authentic paper trail, no circumstantial evidence. Nothing. Completely blind. Maybe some players will never be heard from again, but you won't know if they're at Gitmo, Israel, or underground. Q followers will rely on trust and hearsay, just as they do now.

Nothing will change, but everyone will experience goods shortage and chimpouts from alien races infesting America. The National Guard will either help or hinder Americans from these locusts. Local manufactured goods must come online quickly and the Fed nixed to minimize bloodshed.

22883650? ago

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22883448? ago

Very well put, anon. This x 1000.

22882554? ago

Have to agree

22882033? ago

Q needs to make some moves or he is actually a day larp. That isn't out the realm of possibility

22881311? ago

I think the sealed indictments will be opened on all the smaller fries. I don't think the big ones will go. But they'll realize all their peons are in custody, hence SUICIDE WEEKENDS.

Also, check qmap, March 15th, 2018 is when he went on that "BOOM BOOOOM BOOOOM!" posting event.

22880925? ago

The Military is not going to be going door to door you stupid Q-tard. Buwahahahaha Do SEE a PSYCHIATRIST Immediately.

22881392? ago

They did in China. For completely different reasons, but people just stood by and recorded it while it happened. Not saying it’s going to happen in the US, also not saying it won’t, very few people really know what will happen.

22881066? ago

Psychiatry and psychology are jew creations

22881079? ago

Read my words carefully. The Military is not going door to door. Get it? Got it? Good.

22880146? ago

I agree! Have been thinking the same.

22879940? ago

Instead, they will come for us while we are tucked safely in our houses

22880085? ago

Who will come for you?

22881985? ago

The government will eventually come for us all

22884683? ago

Well sheeeeeit! Might as well just off ourselves now! I don't wanna get come for n sheeit!

22880047? ago

Found the Commie Traitor faggot!

Seriously, don't worry. It's to stop the DS FF bullshit once the narrative starts failing and the MSM will be held accountable for their terrorism.

22881851? ago

But bill Cooper agrees with him.

22879821? ago

Of course it would be perfect. So perfect that if it doesn’t happen the black hats will think it will never happen. Thereby, letting their guard down so that they’re no longer prepared for the real strike. It would be more likely to occur post election.

22881836? ago

That spin was so professional you could work for Democrats.

22882103? ago

Except this wasn’t spin. Just humbly looking at what different strategies might be.

22880308? ago

Pre Election >>> when Podesta is arrested in public just before the election, and HRC will be frog marched... then you'll know it's time, the rest is just fun and amusement for the MI and Q+

22880100? ago

Why not wait until the next democratic president gets elected? They won’t even see it coming then. Plus I’m sure the public will totally ok with going into total social isolation again, or not be alarmed and remain calm while the military floods the streets arresting people.

22879949? ago

And then, when it doesn’t occur post election they’ll let their guard down even further, and when it doesn’t happen at all during his second term they’ll think they’re completely in the clear, giving the perfect opening to strike after trump leaves office.

22879877? ago

We can't wait for post election at this point, California conservatives won't survive another summer burn.

22879721? ago


22879672? ago

What martial law?

22889719? ago

The Marshall Law EO Trump signed in March of 2018.

These are the new amendments to it. You didnt know that? Why not.

22890994? ago

Because following this stuff daily, there is too much for any one anon to read and remember.

22881309? ago

All of the national guard has been activated - deployment imminent.

22885589? ago

Based on what Trump and Pence have said, they will be coming after the ebil white supremacist anti-semitic Nazis.

22889228? ago

That'd be ok, although they are only part of the problem.

22889282? ago

No. Jews and niggers are the problem. America is a white nationalist nation. It is the future. and for those who don't like it, they can move to africa or mexico.

22890260? ago

^^^ Ignorant!

22885659? ago


22881136? ago

The one(Martial Law) the Deep State is creating, to allow for their own round-Up Q remined us again and again 'they' are STUPID

22880014? ago

Better than marital law

22883829? ago

yeah, no need for chastity belts then!

22879850? ago

Anyone know if arms and ammo sales are suspended during martial law? I would guess ,Yes.

22880947? ago

It's not Martial Law dim wit. Man you fucks are S T U P I D.

22880671? ago

nothing is suspended during martial law

22879777? ago

Its coming soon. Pentagon just told my wifes Company, My friends who work on the hill said its coming too. both sources say within 2 weeks

22886613? ago

Actually I heard the same from a pentagon-related acquaintance. They said next week. When I read your post, I knew they were right.

22885629? ago

Your cousins tweeker homegirl from Riverside California told you this information?

22880987? ago

Datefagging again.

Though the trips do give me pause.

22880932? ago


22880680? ago

Fake and gay

22879992? ago

Source: dude trust me

22880058? ago

My friend’s uncle.

22880482? ago

Bob's yer uncle.

22881638? ago

Bob also makes a good burger. He even has a restaurant.

22883816? ago

Wait, what about him?

22879448? ago

This crisis will end. Hope to see you all on the other side.

22888213? ago

There is one phrase that captures it perfectly sir,

WWG1WGA Where We Go One, We Go All

Proud to serve with all of you! I'm suited up and ready to roll. We will ALL get through this TOGETHER!

It will be GLORIOUS on the Other Side!

To God be the Glory, the battle is His!

22880501? ago

I'll still be looking for toilet paper.

22887709? ago

Use a bidet, you barbarian

22887983? ago

I use the bidet to chill my wine.

22881229? ago

Just be like a Muslim and use your left hand

22883806? ago

never saw the movie Jarhead, but I know not to shake their hand!

22881647? ago


22879767? ago


22879425? ago

This definitely caught my attention

22879423? ago

Alright lets fire up those ovens and start cookin those jews time to purify our country

22879693? ago

Nah, just humanely transfer them all to their wonderful ethnostate with no further aid from the West, just as their DEW satellites are taken offline, ending their world wide blackmail.

Then trust the Semites around 'em handle the details.

22879737? ago

Ive always liked that idea. Protect the white countries, and let the niggers sort themselves out so we can get back to inventing things and making art.

22879855? ago

Now that we know what they all think of us, I totally agree.

USA for whites, and the Blacks who love liberty and whose ancestry goes back to the founding and settling of the nation since they're a totally different caliber than the recent imports and overeducated low IQ racist haters.

22879998? ago


Good luck, most don't know who their father is.

22880179? ago

Those aren't the sane Blacks I'm referring to.

22880888? ago

What reason do whites need them?

22882004? ago

I don't think in those terms when it comes to expulsion of Blacks - if they're clean as far as criminality and all 4 of their great grandparents were born here that's sufficient from my perspective.

22882601? ago

So even if they provide nothing of value but meet the patriotic requirement and great grandparent requirement they can stay?

22884580? ago

So even if they provide nothing of value but meet the patriotic requirement and great grandparent requirement they can stay?

Patriotism is something of value; low IQs are no problem when not herded into insanity by jews. Without jews, American Blacks can contribute and not fuck everything up.

22893092? ago


Is not something of value, it should be expected. Even then in a country that is not an ethnostate, "patriotism" becomes the kalergi plan whether it be on purpose, or by accident. Once all the 100+ iq whites are gone via race mixing, they're gone. I don't know if you're Christian, but if you are why did GOD make all the peoples of the world different colors? Why not just all brown/black?

by jews

Why have Africa/Middle East/South America always been such violent shitholes? Human sacrifice, genocide, rape, you name it. I mean talmudic jews have only been around since roughly 200 ad, that's a lot of time beforehand. Not to mention they didn't really have much power until they started banks in European countries around the 1700's I believe. That's another 1500 years mate.

22879401? ago
