22838579? ago

On top of the scheme sits hi level Rabbi's

22834948? ago


22834685? ago

Sounds like a bunch of faggots playing dress up and jerking each other off.

22834742? ago

You don’t even want to know how they open their third eye KEK

22836796? ago

Egyptians anus book of the dead ritual

22834086? ago

  1. Sovereign Master of the Mysteries, or Shepherd King of the Hutz(1849), or Adept Eulogist(1856), or Sublime Sage of Isis(1862).

Shepherd Kings = Hyksos = Jews.

Nothing we didn't already know.

22833583? ago

Sounds like the scam backfired and the con artists at the top needed to keep adding ever more levels for the dupes to aspire to and not realize they were just retards getting scammed.

Fucking adepts never learn. Here's the thing retards, this is the original and literal pyramid scheme. YOU'RE ALL GETTING SCAMMED!

22833635? ago

Not really. Higher levels gains obedience from the adepts below. Who in turn have fingers in most every industry pie. With access comes power.

22836037? ago

Never thought of it like that - a pyramid scheme where resources into society are the prize instead of money. Makes so much sense.

22834301? ago

With access comes delusion. With grand access comes delusions of grandeur.

22833503? ago

22833126? ago

There are Masons all up in QRV. They wont attack over stuff like this because it is too ambiguous to cause the average Mason any trouble.

Post something that is true and makes them look bad, they will swarm you like wasps. (Or bees?)


22833961? ago

Killer beeeeeeezzzzz

22833353? ago

the Masonic symbols in hollywood? https://tweetsave.com/tiff_fitzhenry/status/1234624709255401472 Hollywood royalty

22833104? ago

Those degrees sound more interesting when you put the word anal in front of them

22833384? ago

and do they link to the Fabian society....they are a fucked up cult? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/243493114/ Sabbatean Frankists. They believe in redemption through sin. I think college is their summer camp boot camp for withstanding brutal initiations to keep secrets, aka, top See Eye Aye making skull and boners, and of course, dropping the soap. None have great childhoods as a way to rudely initiate them into their ways of deception. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3613279/22157014 That said, many are abused and don't go on to abuse, more then not, so it's all in the dna to snap or not to snap, that is the gene pool of it all.

22832999? ago

In 1919, Crowley issued a manifesto for his branch of the O.T.O. called the Mysteria Mystica Maxima in which he stated that "the O.T.O. is a body of initiates in whose hands are concentrated the wisdom and the knowledge of the following bodies":

The Gnostic Catholic Church

The Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost

The Order of the Illuminati

The Order of the Temple (Knights Templar)

The Order of the Knights of St John

The Order of the Knights of Malta

The Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher

The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail

The Rosicrucian Order

The Holy Order of the Rose Croix of Heredom

The Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch

The Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry (33 degrees)

The Rite of Memphis (97 degrees)

The Rite of Mizraim (90 degrees)

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry (33 degrees)

The Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry

The Order of Martinists

The Order of the Sat Bhai

The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and many other orders of equal merit, if of less fame.

22833051? ago

who are Jesters, what are the Shriners praying to? https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3638559/22373262