22832636? ago

I sure the fuck hope so!

22831028? ago

You're stretching, dude. He knows this was his last gig with the show. Nothing more than that.

22831352? ago

Yes he has hosted many times and it has been several years since he hosted last, but it's Hollywood, the king of sequels and remakes so why would he assume this is the last time? Why burn your bridges like that?

22833775? ago

For all we know, he was told this was his last time.

22832879? ago

By choice....

22830903? ago

That would be nice.

22830747? ago

I concur. My deep hunch at the moment.

22830217? ago

You know I read somewhere ... Lord knows I read 8 hours a day... that this would be the last Easter...I even put it my calendar

22829371? ago

That's a very good takeaway, time will only tell, but its a good theory.

22828735? ago

Gervaia' comments that you referenced combined with some of the speeches, Tom Hanks' especially lead me to agree with you. Hanks' was almost like a eulogy to himself. I wonder if their deals included being able to give send off speeches like these. Either way they all came off as scared somehow in contrast to all the years prior.

22828520? ago

Yeah, you're definitely correct.

The game is up. Corona is martial law excuse/cover. Self-quarantine means bunker.

It's fucking on!

22828493? ago

Very Possible: The media played that off as "a joke": That dish was served cold and he had a very mean look in his eye . . . Ricky Speech and Pompeo speech to Governor's Conference is a clear signal that the worm has turned to those that take interest in such things.

22829889? ago

the satanic Charlie Sheen? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3691402/22783226

22831637? ago

I wouldn't latch onto Charlie news, he's a hooker heroine addict living in a dead career. I want someone that actually has an ego in tact to feel the pain, not a low-life POS like Sheen.

22832472? ago

Bob Saget?

22828439? ago

Funny, that's exactly what I was thinking the night he performed. He performed with a genuine distaste for the actors, hinted and topically described some of their criminal activities, as a comedian his skit was openly hostile to them. Either those actors won't be back or possibly the Golden Globes gets mothballed.

22834146? ago

Ditto that ^^^

22829859? ago

every rigged, even alt news? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3697421 Why did Alex Jones spend so much time with Charlie Sheen? Was infowars blackmailed and controlled??

22831293? ago

Alex Jones is Bill Hicks, freemason.

22832614? ago

Gonna say no, personalities and physique don't line up. I was a comic, once you find your voice you have it for life, these are clearly 2 different beings with 2 totally different styles imo. Besides why would Bill Hicks join the cabal? He was like Carlin, that would be the LAST thing he would do. Logical thinking...

22834162? ago

Bill Hicks, Carlin both murdered by the deep state because they were openly talking about the cabal (George) and the satanic pedo elite club (bill).

22828367? ago

That’s an interesting thought. You very well could be right

22828167? ago

Did he say: “Some of you made your way here on your own planes!” to suggest that some of them are child sex traffickers?

Sense several who probably are (which also he seems to single out for ribbing), but time for DOJ to name names, soon.

Honesty makes the best comedy.

Have always loved Ricky Gervais (no homo).

22828444? ago

c'mon...there's at least a whiff of homo in that comment

22828979? ago

Hmm: adding (no homo) IS suspicious.

I’ll have to reconsider EVERYTHING.

22828749? ago

He shouldn't have typed out "Ricky", that gave him away.

22830984? ago

He's female.

22828998? ago

Are you having a a laugh?
