22815568? ago

Now I feel bad for Foster.

Some of us were led to think that the world is innocent.

That was just a mirror.

It was a horrible, horrible fucking world.

22810105? ago

So he was into banging kids and ends up marrying a masculine tranny looking chimp? How....

22809415? ago

It's no secret that Bobby the Zero is scum.

22808999? ago

yep he is a scum bag

Those who scream the loudest!

22819510? ago

Corey Feldman should have gotten his story out the day he announced it. and for free. I am surprised he is still alive.

22808708? ago

I remember in the early 90's that Rob Lowe was accused of underage stuff and banned from movies. He must have threatened to say something or expose them or he refused to do something and they tried to bury him in a scandal.

22809904? ago

German eurotrash pedo apologist Film, a sick Jewish Austrian Director Sandra Wollner' Depicts Man in a Criminal Pedo Relationship with a 10-Year-Old Robot. People Walk out. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693199

22808094? ago

Those who scream the loudest

22807528? ago

This is really old news, anon, and Deniro got away with all of it

I don't get the fascination with rehashing high crimes that the perpetrators escaped punishment for

We could call it the Q Effect I suppose but it just seems like one black pill after another

22810936? ago

Rehashing them because some of us never even knew it happened. I honestly never heard of this, but then again I've never followed anything remotely "celebrity" so that's probably why. Glad the OP posted this, to be honest.

22808707? ago

and Corey Feldman?? they will be exposed? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3694754

22807402? ago

Tsk tsk De Niro... This is well before Trump campaigned for the presidency and Before Killary bumped off JFK jr. for her NY Senate seat. It's even Before 9/11, Hanging Chad Bush, Y2K, C_AFacebook etc al. Before Smart Phones and Before Macron, Yellow vests, and Before Epstein Didn't Kill Himself.

22809319? ago

Montage - JFK Jr his wife Carolyn Jeanne Bessette-Kennedy both of whom with her sister allegedly perished in a July 16, 1999 plane crash blamed on Hillary Clinton identified alive & well .. foreground figures are wearing MAGA hats which indicates the montage was assembled during the Trump Presidency in any case.

22807246? ago

from: doglegwarrior

nothing to see here goyim move along you would be in jail for life but our good kike soldier denero walks away a freekike.

22807242? ago

... and nothing happened to him. Sound familiar?

22806847? ago

How many children has that jew fucked to death then eaten?

22806835? ago

There have been many stories about him that you can find. Strange how they always get dismissed. I wonder if the "beard" for these child molesters is to make a mafia / Godfather type movie. They use the movie to disguise their true identity.

Never really thought about that before.

22807578? ago

Tough guys in movies, you are on to something. I never considered this either, until now. Recent “tough guys” include The Rock, Vin Diesel, John Cena, etc... I cant name many, quit watching their crap. Probably all pedophiles. Not probably, they are, anyone who gets a starring role is complicit/involved.

22811820? ago

Mad chatter about the Rock doing “favors” to get his current spot.

22807265? ago

Hero worship has romanticized the Italian Mob while distancing the fact the Vatican and Jesuits installed Benito Mussolini into power since 1922. Around the same time Italian Mob and the Catholic Church mind fucked the USA among others. Just like the pope did for Hitler just barely 10 years after the formation of the Nationalist Fascist (Italian) Party.

The Vatican had a well established International rat lines long before the USA stole the citizens gold for (The Fed) financial servitude.

Yet the Jesuits have always been masters of psychological warfare, since they are one of the worlds oldest Military Intelligence gathering organization still around to this day.

Is that not right Mr FBI man?

America's backdoor inlaws we know and love, OSS & the CIA father figures have some explaining to do.

22809515? ago


"Those from the circumcision subverted the entire house of the Society, as sons of this world who are shrewd in dealing with their own and avid of new things, they easily excite disorders and destroy the unity of souls and their bond with the Government." Lorenzo Maggio, Jesuit Curia in Rome, 1586. Link.

One of the more interesting aspects of Jewish group behavior is the presence of subversive strategies employing crypsis, often facilitated by a combination of deception and self deception .. that the blood purity struggles of the Spanish Inquisition during the 15th and 16th centuries should be seen as “an authoritarian, collectivist, and exclusionary movement that resulted from resource and reproductive competition with Jews, particularly CryptoJews posing as Christians." EducateYourself.org.

22806784? ago

Old habits....

22817372? ago

Corey Feldman is apparently naming some.big pedophile names tomorrow upon very limited release of his new doc https://voat.co/v/ClownWorld/3695683

22808295? ago

The two Coreys movie coming out soon .... and pedo Polanski?? King has a book full of pedo shit? did anyone read that 'IT' the god of masonic jester jabaalon clown? Steven King 'uneasy' over Hachette dropping creepo Woody Allen... Kevin Spacey and Lucas ....rumors of Tom Hanks... money on Spielberg? ...then Feldman said some crazy conspiracy stuff years ago .... heard him mention Charlie Sheen before (in relation to what happened to the other Corey). ... she is a 'Finder'? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3693456/22799602

22809343? ago

Freaky 'coinidences' man....there is now so much pressure building under the lid that when it finally comes off the whole world will know.

22806758? ago

Epstein arrested after his return from visit to Paris? What was he doing there? Meeting with Macron?.... Paris? Royals, scientists, artists, politicians, businessmen, connect to Avenue Foch. Tony Blair, Israelis, Moslem Royals, Bloomberg, Murdoch, Ecclestone, Jagger, Spacey, Naomi Campbell. Elie ... Paris Mural Artist Depicts Whites Getting Murdered, Raped, and Enslaved Money, restraining orders? Models, dirt, paris, Music, ? Elson had a two-year relationship with Raphael de Rothschild, who died of a heroin overdose in Chelsea, Manhattan, in 2000 ... https://infogalactic.com/info/Karen_Elson "In 2010, American fashion brand St. John announced that Elson would be replacing Angelina Jolie as the new face of their company.[3] In 2011 she was replaced by Kate Winslet. For the Tom Ford 2009 spring eyewear advertising campaigns Elson and male model Jon Kortajarena were photographed, for the first time, by Tom Ford himself."

Tom Ford is also a Person of interest associated with Epstein ... The websleuths dot com forums has collected hundreds of pages of posts in regards to Epstein, hollywood, the political elites, Dershowitz, New Mexico, Qatar, Paris, Maxwell, Prince Andrew. https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/ny-billionaire-jeffrey-epstein-arrested-sex-trafficking-6-july-2019-found-deceased-in-jail-3.468391/page-38 ... more news https://voat.co/v/QRV/3605680/22101174 The Rape of Swedistan? Picture from a year seven class in Sweden Isn't it amazing that the immigration people, social services, police and all the parents of the other kids go along with this charade? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3603661 Paris today https://voat.co/v/QRV/3596064/22025126 Over 30% of Prostitutes In Paris' Muslim 'No-Go Zones' Are Children Under 15 & As Young As 6 https://poal.co/s/insanity/113471 Tramp NightClub London, Studio 54, 'Les Bains' Hotel and Gay Pedophile Club in Paris? ...places where old men go to buy young human meat? ... Political elites would be at the one in London, Liz Taylor, Joan Collins, now its all Rappers and Drake Parties It Rihanna types, old Jagger was always at Studio54. There are also the Sin City destinations, Vegas, Thailand, Amsterdam, an urban area with illegal or legal (depending on area) or very bad illegal activities which are tolerated. Open bozzing and whores like the old French Mardi Gras festival, the sex-related services the drug addictoions, prostitution, strip clubs, sex shops, etc., gambling casinos, betting shops, etc. alcohol, marijuana, etc. consumption, and even excessive organized crime and gang activity. Bahrain Manama drinking, clubs, prostitution, Czech Republic Prague prostitution, organized crime, police corruption, Rio de Janeiro Brazil and once upon a time Weimar Germany and Babylon itself. Does anyone remember a French club 'Les Bains', it had grime grit on walls, Masonic pattern on floor, Polanski, a Softcore porn director, Jean Luc Brunel would be there? ... Macron Silent?? 5 Police Stabbed in France? 4 Cops killed by Attacker, the Paris Police HQ Stabber Was Recent Convert to Islam. Michael Harpon attacked Station next to burnt out Nottre Dame. https://files.catbox.moe/p9gzi0.jpg Is this Africa? Japanese Girl Goes to Paris https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=GOqLaCXOeo4 The French Connection? Whistle-blower tells police that Prince Andrew was a visitor to Jeffrey Epstein's Paris apartment https://unvis.it/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7517085/Whistle-blower-tells-police-Prince-Andrew-visitor-Jeffrey-Epsteins-Paris-apartment.html Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell stroll the streets of Paris with their underage sex slave in unsealed photos which also show the apartment where pedophile housed teen victims in NYC https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7383995/Jeffrey-Epstein-Ghislaine-Maxwell-stroll-streets-Paris-underage-sex-slave-photo.html From Rachel Chandler's MySpace, Is This Photo From Epstein's Paris Apartment? (QRV)

Royal Parasites & Black Magicians,... by Dean Henderson...


Flights to Paris France, Rabat, Morocco, London, bathhouse Syria. People Must Be PANICKING About What the Epstein Case Will Reveal?


Paris Trip? Epstein in Avenue Foch, Paris France, Rothschilds once owned numbers 19-21, Ernest Vogt, Napoleon III. Peter Churchill, near Arc de Triomphe , Porte Dauphine, Bois de Boulogne?


Photo of Rachel Chandler from her old MySpace account.


She is standing on a balcony and the building in the background sure looks similar to photos of Epstein's Paris apartment.

Exterior view: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/09/21/15838712-7229803-image-a-64_1562704972424.jpg

Bonus interior view, again, very similar!


An Avalanche of Truth yet to come from the Paris House 22 Avenue Foch 75116, the Maxwell woman, notables / politician and pedophilia in France?


and we have yet to mention Polanski?

22808025? ago

Wow! Fantastic dig. Thanks Anon!

22807179? ago

Tom Ford. Another one of (their) agents who comes out of nowhere, launches a fashion line, and then has a song made about him by another one of (their) agents, Jay-Z entitled, "Tom Ford", that is pushed through (their) T.V. stations, and other products they own (by either having their agent as a spokesperson for their product, or by doing joint advertising promotions), and, BOOM, youve got yourself a multi millionaire who now has cultural influence, of whom, (they) control.

22806605? ago

Apparently he got off.

22806638? ago

the Baphomet cult? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3654975 Pedophilia now happening on live tv? - Netflix premiered show by drag queen RuPaul, titled AJ & Queen where a ten-year-old accompanies a drag queen to perform in mostly gay clubs

22806486? ago

Waiting for something to happen. Holding my breath and turning blue.

22807267? ago

What, you’re questioning Q?? You must be a shill or a Jew or both! How dare you! How absolutely dare you, sir!!


22807261? ago

What, you’re questioning Q?? You must be a shill or a Jew or both! How dare you! How absolutely dare you, sir!!


22806550? ago

‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Producer to Pay $60 Million in Malaysia Corruption Case http://variety.com/2018/biz/news/red-granite-pictures-deal-prosecutors-1202720274/

1MDB and De Niro: Hurricane Irma draws attention to the James Packer-Robert De Niro Barbuda resort venture which may be a beneficiary of 1MDB funds

Pedophile web of media moguls with BIG ties to Clinton Foundation and Trump cabinet selection

Robert De Niro Robert De Niro on His Connection to the Malaysian Corruption Scandal: "I Don't Give a Shit"

The first member is Brett Ratner. We already covered him.

The second member is James Packer. He's an Australian, Scientologist billionaire who has been in the news most recently for breaking off an engagement with Mariah Carey. You can read more about him here:






22810098? ago

Oh I know all about James Packer, and his late father Kerry Packer AKA The Goanna Man (Because you could never catch him...).



He mentions Conrad Black in the second video.

22806531? ago

Good night.

22806282? ago

Good reminder.

22806934? ago

Also FFC the director is suspect.

22806521? ago

From a pizzagate sub : The Hinkley's were neighbors and close friends to the Bushes. Hinkley's brother was business associates with Bush's son. If the assassination were successful then Reagan would be dead and Bush would be President. (side note, Herbert Walker's father Prescott Bush had previously tried to overthrow the US govt via "business plot")

Hinkley's insanity defense hinged on his infatuation with the 12y.o. "prostitute" character portrayed by Foster in the "Taxi Driver (1976)" DiNiro is the protagonist attempting to save the little girl and kill a Senator.

DiNiro's fun facts: Hates Trump, favorite actress in Meryl Streep. Sexualizes a minor in Cape Fear. Fucked up childhood including father becoming a fag.

22809407? ago

Fucked up childhood including father becoming a fag.

You don't just "become a fag". You're born with the defect.

22811964? ago

You don't just "become a fag". You're born with the defect.

I disagree

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He support Trump

• 141,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


22812131? ago

What you've replied with really has nothing to do with what I said.

I said that you 'become' gay at some point after you're born. It's a birth defect.

22809767? ago

Oh...then it's okay to be a pedophile because someone says they were born with the desire to have sex with children? Just because you're born with the desire to put your penis in some other man's anus, doesn't give the act or lifestyle credibility or normalcy. It's still a perversion because God calls it a perversion. Perfect example of why mankind and specifically America needs to return to a Moral Absolute otherwise we cannot set any rules for what's right or wrong in society and we have seen over the last 50 years where that gets us.

22810011? ago

Please show me where I said that it was OK to be a pedo.

22812235? ago

I didn't mean to say you said it was OK to be a pedo, I was just saying that you were indicating it was OK to be queer because they are born that way. Our society is justifying so many amoral activities by either labeling them a disease or inherent. If one is a sodomite because they are born that way cannot be used as an excuse to commit sodomy with another man. If we go down this road then eventually pedos will use this same (actually they already are) flawed logic to justify their life choice of having sex with children. They were born that way, cannot control the way they are and therefore should be able to take the innocence from a child. We as a nation need to go back to the old ways and society needs to be taught that sin is sin and that sinful lifestyles we cannot allow to go mainstream...the sodomite lifestyle is one of them. However, I fear we are too late...

22812880? ago

I didn't say that it was OK to be queer. Cocksuckers can't help being cocksuckers and the thought of it disgusts me. I was minimally OK with it when these people were in the closet. I have a big problem with cocksucker parades down main street to celebrate a defect and encourage cocksucking. Pedos should be shot. Quick and simple solution.

22817737? ago

Totally misunderstood what you were saying. I agree with your sentiments 100%. I apologize for my false accusation. Thanks for the response!

22809681? ago

Now there's a load of crap there! Born with it...yeah right! Who's born with the desire to screw other men up the ass! Sodomites Repent!

22806815? ago

Don't forget to check out his ugly fucking mutt kids too.