22835514? ago

Corey Feldman accuses Charlie Sheen of raping Corey Haim https://voat.co/v/pedogate/3698065

22810172? ago

Black and Red Satanic mind control colors.

Corey = Dweller


Feld = Field

Field man

Catcher in the Rye?

Corey Feldman = Man who dwells in the field

22811096? ago

There is an interesting wiki entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corey_Feldman Feldman was close friends with Michael Jackson as a child and teenager. In his book Coreyography and several interviews he wrote and spoke about his childhood experiences with Jackson. "Michael Jackson's world, crazy as it sounds, had become my happy place. He was adamantly against drugs and alcohol, he was extremely straightlaced; I couldn't even swear around him. Being with Michael brought me back to my innocence. When I was with Michael it was like being with a ten years old again." [59]

In 2001 their friendship ended because Jackson thought, based on erroneous information, that Feldman would negatively portray him in an upcoming book. [60] He claimed on 9/11 2001 Jackson helped get Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor and Liza Minnelli out of town, but not Feldman. He retaliated with the song, "Megalo Man," featuring the lyrics: "I believed in your words/I believed in your lies/But in September in New York/You left me to die/I love you, Megalo Man." [61]

After Jackson cut him off Feldman expressed frustration toward Jackson, claiming that he had done "real damage" to his childhood by befriending and then abandoning him. Feldman admitted that Jackson helped many children by becoming a friend and mentor, but that he did more harm than good by abandoning children when he grew bored with them.[62]

In February 2005, Feldman was subpoenaed to testify against Jackson in the singer's child molestation trial (although he ultimately did not[63]). Feldman said, "I started looking at each piece of information, and with that came this sickening realization that there have been many occurrences in my life and in my relationship to Michael that have created a question of doubt."[64] He added: "So I'm here to say I hope and I pray that these things never happened, and if they never happened, then there's some real sickness with a lot of people. But if they did happen, then there's a lot of sickness with one person. And that person needs to be punished." Although he was adamant that Jackson never touched him, Feldman recounted that when he was 13 or 14 years old, Jackson once showed him a book that was "focused on venereal diseases and the genitalia". As an adult, Feldman saw this behaviour as inappropriate [65] but later described the incident as Jackson "just being parental for a boy who had no guidance"[66].

When Jackson died in 2009, Feldman dedicated a Los Angeles hospital concert with his rock band, Truth Movement, to the singer.[67]

In 2013, Feldman spoke out in defense of Jackson in the wake of Wade Robson's sexual molestation accusations.[68] He explicitly denied that Michael Jackson had molested children.[69]

In 2017 he talked about the police interviewing him during the 1993 investigation of Jackson and complained that the police ignored his actual molester while didn't take no for an answer regarding whether Jackson molested him. He told Dr. Oz “You want to know what I really think? They were trying to frame Michael Jackson and burying the Corey Feldman story” [70]

After new accusations against Jackson were raised in 2019, Feldman repeated that Jackson had never acted inappropriately towards him and called the documentary "one-sided".[71] Two days later, however, he changed his stance, saying he could "no longer defend" Jackson; Feldman added: "It comes to a point where as an advocate for victims ... it becomes impossible for me to remain virtuous and not at least consider what's being said".[72]

Soon after that interview he autographed and posed with a portrait of Jackson which was auctioned off for Guitars for Vets in Calgary.[

22809794? ago

Lucas? Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen King and Chris Columbus. Feldman has said before that big directors and producers are a part of the inner Hollywood child abuse network.... news is out 8:00 eastern time ... LAPD buried the case. arbara Walters had him on national TV years ago and as soon as he started talking about sexual predation on young actors in Hollywood her response was, "You're damaging an entire industry"

22816145? ago

Speilberg, Dan Schneider, Charlie Sheen?

22809822? ago

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22809309? ago

You know it's a big fucking nothing burger when instead of announcing a legal process they instead make a documentary and hype it up for views.

22809725? ago

So hes controlled by more threats and blackmail, once upon a time he was a kid and the family sold him out long ago? @Blacksmith21 @carmencita ?? @darkknight111 @IIJOSEPHXII @Podge512

22811228? ago

Feldman isn’t to be trusted according to Enty.

22826459? ago

Nothing's gonna happen that can't be turned into celebrity gossip. The columnists have probably got all there stories written.

22809751? ago

already named him or at least alluded to Charlie being one of the abusers @Civil_Warrior @Diogenes_The_Cynic @JesusRules ? but maybe some bigger name the normies didnt hear of

22809906? ago

Corey needs money for more drugs:


22808924? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/7tqwO :

Info Musket on Twitter: "#CoreyFeldman to expose names of #Hollywood players who allegedly molested him as a teen in new documentary.


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22808835? ago

When is this let down coming?

22829978? ago

Charlie Sheen?

22809487? ago

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22808776? ago

The jews love fucking little kids.

22819090? ago

and Fabian society and the Mystery Babylon faiths?

22809501? ago

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22808712? ago

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