This researcher seems to understand that the real Cabal culprits are the Illuminati. He makes the claim that the "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is really about the plans the Illuminati have for their New World Order. But to take the heat off themselves, they deliberately wrote the Protocols to make it appear as if it's a Jewish agenda. That way, they set up the Jews as a scapegoat while they work secretly in the background to pit one nation against another and one race against the other, etc. This way they can sit back and watch us kill each other while they sit back and pretend not to exist. And if we do catch on, they can simply accuse us of being delusional conspiracy theorists. (Which is exactly what the MSM does because it's the Illuminati that owns the news media.)
Mr. Story makes it clear that it's a specific faction or lineage of Jews who are involved in this satanic cult of Illuminati and this faction only pretends to be Jewish in their daily activities. This cult practices the "Ancient Mysteries" of the Babylonian Captivity days, which have to do with sorcery, divination, magic, the invocation of evil spirits. This cult has managed to permeate into Freemasonry and other secret societies like Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) of Aleister Crowley fame. According to Mr. Story, it "teaches and promulgates sex-oriented magick derived from Greek mythological, Egyptian and Kabbalah sources." And it has "acquired immense influence within the US military, intelligence community and the US space program." (I think Mr. Story is referring to Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons, both of whom are said to have participated in Crowley's "sex magick" ritual. Likewise, with Barbara Bush's mother.... Then there's Bush Sr. and the Deep State inner workings and Majestic-12...?)
If this book has it right, no wonder Q decided not to go above "40,000 feet." It's really a mind bender. And it clearly shows why "these people are SICK."
Has anybody else read this book?
22760936? ago
you're welcome
22755414? ago
I just found another anon's post that seems to support the premise that the cabal is working from Freemason Lodges to dismantle society through free sex (Crowley) and the resulting breakdown of the family.