22770084? ago

What is the "electro-magnetic" they talk about? controls the weather in order to fuck up crops? what else can they do with it? are they using it now? fuck them.

22770214? ago

I had that same question. At first I thought EMP, but then I thought it had to be related to Harpp and chemtrail type stuff

22756874? ago

TRUreporting did a segment on this document https://youtu.be/nZQlcxHjRuo

22755598? ago

Interesting. Making a comment so I can read later.

22755450? ago

I agree. As ETI says, this may be the find of all finds. (The Keystone!)

22755416? ago

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22754963? ago

To bad there isnt a list of exactly who these fuckheads are!

As in all the highest up individuals behind propagating this.

Would be good to know who to skin alive if the opportunity arises.

22755208? ago

Believe me, Q Patriots have THE LIST!

22755465? ago

So far all we see are cozy retirements..oh I mean resignations to nice lifes in mega mansions.

There cunts should be tortured to death, their families killed of and all their money used to reverse all the shit they done!

22762506? ago

I know, but I do believe what Q says is true: 20% public / 80% behind the scenes... Noname got the Lead-Pill... Rockefeller / JHWB as well?

22764399? ago


Then again, the lead pill wasnt painful and mcstains whore of a daughter is living large on the traitors money.


22755214? ago

PAIN - Patriots Are In Control

22754219? ago

This is the kind of material that I love. Printed out for my retired dad and all his military friends

22754212? ago

Amen brother or sister!

22754040? ago

So glad this made it as it's own post after finding it this morning in a comment. Incredible read

22753486? ago

Stunning. But not a surprise. There are no coincidences. There is only planned destruction by the Cabal at the top. They have always hated mankind, and always will. It's always about two things: POWER and MONEY. Satan's 2 best tools.

22752927? ago


22751584? ago

I was watching some 70's stuff - Bee Gees, clothing catalogs from the era, etc. The long hair was supposed to be "revolutionary" -- and it was, but not in the way we understood it. It was the beginning of the feminization of men and the androgynous movement. Think about how those guys looked. When I see the skinny jeans and those skinny bodies -- they were the antithesis of strong men. Looking at them compared to now when the backlash against all that has taken hold, you see many people in much better shape. I wonder if the healthy body movement and the weightlifting/yoga movement was an unconscious reaction and response to the wussification of our guys

22751233? ago

They seem to plan in 18 year intervals. They call themselves "6.6.6" and the translator in that thread mentions that between the 1967 and 1985 documents are 6+6+6 = 18 years. Next step would've been 2003 (anyone has an idea if there was such a 6+6+6 conference then?) and then 2021 (their final aim for the NWO). If HRC had won, the plan would've been finalized next year.

22750345? ago

Amen to THAT!

The dark age is long over. The New Age, Age of Aquarius, Satya Yuga, The Great Awakening is HERE!

WE the People of OUR EARTH take back control!

Timelines are converging!

(((they))) are in PANIC!

Nothing can stop it!

God Wins!


22754294? ago

We need to make it PERMANENT this time

22755172? ago


By getting rid of the evil in the spiritual realms? - not possible (we live in duality)

By making everyone SEE the EVIL done to ALL OF US since centuries? - BINGO!

22755178? ago


What about C_A, No Such Agency, etc?

22755176? ago

Then in the next centuries WE can start LEARNING and be ALWAYS VIGILANT that (((they))) cant't grab the POWER and CONTROL from US GODS PEOPLE ever again!

22749241? ago

easy to read version in english


I read the WHOLE THING. It is EXCELLENT and very RELEVANT.

Everyone should read this, seriously

22749064? ago

Who is Marx? Lenin? Trotsky?

What is cultural Marxism?

What is the Frankfurt School?

What is the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?

What is Talmudism?

It's been around far, far longer than you're purporting.

22748542? ago

Important find. Thank you for sharing it with us.

22748273? ago

"We have a special place for [GS]" (and it's not on panet Earth).

22755197? ago

Hope it's not HELL cause he feels home there!

Let's pray for [GS] to not get the Corona virus ;-)

Eternal imprisonment in some place would be just PERFECT :-)

22748079? ago

Old, but good.

It’s basically The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

22755478? ago

Which was written by the Illuminati.

22748020? ago

First off, I love this movement that we're transcending language barriers to fight this. Truly WWG1WGA.

I agree with you, they made errors. Their plan was to squeeze the working class into wholesale acceptance of socialism. Didn't work. I've lived most of my life in working class areas. Everything went under the table. Everyone pays cash for work. No I can't afford $10,000 for a home renovation. I can however afford the materials and know enough people together I can get an entire fucking construction crew together to do the work myself and pay them in cash and beers and bbq and we all get shit done together. Where did I get the cash? By doing work for cash.

All they did was stymie their own tax revenue by forcing people off the books, it also paved the way for a movement like this because I've met NO ONE in the working class who supports the government.

Also computers were the crux of their downfall. They didn't understand it. They thought it would be better than TV, but it wasn't one-directional. Look at the Anonymous group who rallied against the PIPA/SOPA and then behind Assange. The internet made copyright and thus Freedom of Speech a personal issue for lots of people who were early adopters of the internet.

22751665? ago

You deserve +100 for this post. Excellent analysis. Matches my experience as well.

I always want to hang out with Blue collar and rednecks. Guys in suits and ties are often too stifled and in the bag for the govt. Blue collar - we have more fun!

22749056? ago

One weakness of this cabal: they NEVER understood dynamic analysis. For example, factoring when something is taxed people will consume/use less of it. A more relevant example is the internet, as in they thought of the possibilities of increasing their control grid, when what ELSE it did was bring patriotic, nationalistic, like-minded people together who share information. The internet also paved the way for Q.

I'm a young guy (36), and growing up I definitely saw the increased brainwashing, contempt for traditional morality and culture, and almost everything that aided in building our great civilization. Not all of us accepted the brainwashing, and even though some of us suffered greatly because of it (such as myself), we WILL stand strong to destroy this evil cabal.

It will be one of their downfalls.

22751726? ago

You use a great word -- CONTEMPT -- that's what they have for all of us. The funniest part of this 2020 election is the juxtaposition of Trump and Bloomberg. Two billionaires from New York -- but one of them calls himself "the intelligentsia" https://invidio.us/watch?v=CfzmXyqxW30 and the other one is a man of the people. Even though Trump is loaded, I believe he gets us. He sees us. He's not self-centered as the Self-Centered Left wants us to believe. But old Bloomers is a real POS who believes deeply that he is a better human being than the entire flyover country

22750415? ago

I’m an old lady and here is what I read:

I'm a young guy (36), and growing up...

And I thought, “Good for you young man. You are growing up!”


22755190? ago

Sorry, but I became an adult and grew up a long time ago.

You can take your backhanded compliment and stick it.

22757238? ago

Wuz meant to be funny. I had to re-read your sentence to get your meaning. From where I am, you are very young. Life is not easy for any of us. Try not to take offense where none is intended. You will be happier.

22752226? ago

I guess better late than never.

22755193? ago

Was probably more of an adult at 15 than you'd ever be.

22758630? ago

You sure? You don't even know who you are talking to?

22749444? ago

32 myself. I've always lived in left-wing socialist shitholes.

The internet was great, because I found places like 4chan where I didn't have to have the same filter I did in the real world to get by unhassled by having beliefs like personal responsibility.

Without the internet I never would have learnt the things that had been hidden from me by the occultists that run public education.

22755244? ago

Absolutely patriot, and congratulations for surviving the leftist hellscape.

There's a great book "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto. Gatto goes into the purpose of compulsory public education, and you guessed it, it wasn't to teach the "masses" to think for themselves.

I bet the self-righteous grandma above didn't read that book.

22747814? ago

is why France has been ground zero for their new "order"

22755473? ago

Yes, started with the French Revolution via the Illuminati Lodges.

22747227? ago

They underestimated the spark of God in each of us

Well said

22750490? ago

(((they))) can't understand the Universal Principle of LIFE. The POWER of LIFE, OUR CREATOR / God / Jesus 7 The Universe...

They are primitive, as Q says: these ppl. are VERY STUPID!

Good for US: God WINS! WE WIN!

22747002? ago

I think the ultimate barrier for the globalists is family. Imagine spending so much time and resources to confuse youth about mom and dad. To make natural seem unnatural, traditionalists of faith and church are dispensed in defending these morals. It all keeps going back to Ephesians 6:12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

22750626? ago

It worked with my family..... I lost half my children, got one back. One is still gone, and that event has destroyed my and my spouses relationships with our own parents.... Yeah, I say the NWO won with my family.

22754275? ago

We're still in the 4th inning....hang in there

22754377? ago

To be absolutely honest about it, I now believe the one we lost was the way it was supposed to work out... Now, the parents is a different thing altogether. We learned that we can't count on the ones we thought we could count on. It hurts, but that's how it just is now. It is definitely a spiritual battle, and we now know who OUR spiritual enemies are. We just keep our distance. And pray a LOT.

22746422? ago


22747446? ago

It's a tough read but worth it. It's terrifyingly prophetic.

22746290? ago

One of the fascinating things in these texts is how they lament that ARTISTS have foiled their plans in the past!

So they made an effort to control the art scene in order to ensure it wouldn't happen again. They have been rather successful in this area, funding and propping up their version of art they want us to like. Think of all the shitty, shitty, no talent produced garbage that sells for millions of dollars. It's all a scam.

Go support your local artists! See local bands, buy locally produced paintings and such. It makes your home feel super warm and inviting when its filled with locally made stuff.

22755631? ago

I've always wondered why Modern Art was considered art. It is fucking non-sense that doesn't require any special abilities.

22757577? ago

I agree. Plus it's a major vehicle for money laundering.

22749954? ago

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! as an independent musician myself, i hate when people say "music is evil" or some other huge over generalizing blanket statement about music. it occurred to my that maybe the reason music and film have been so heavily monopolized by satan, is because of how POWERFUL it is. which means that, WE artists throughout the world who have any true morality, love for others, love for God, love for self, have the ability for the holy spirit and the spirit of God transcend through our art to our listeners. it's encouraging for me.

22755926? ago

A musician with this level of understanding - wow! Thank you and Godspeed!

22750708? ago

Have you heard of 432 Hz

22766695? ago

sure have, once i did i made sure to change my tuner app to make A at 432 instead of 440 :)

22747010? ago

Music in particular has been weaponized over the years

22748733? ago

Fiction too. Think about the fact that since the late 70s, the best selling novels have been Stephen King, Danielle Steele, the Harry Potter books, 50 Shades of Gross, etc. William Faulkner, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Flannery O'Connor, Jane Austen, the Brontes and so many more couldn't get published today. Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens gets called a racist. How many truly great novels are sitting in desk drawers or didn't get finished because talented people can't make a living giving the world their talent? I can't imagine how much of a hole there would be in my cultural appreciation if I had not read the classics that now seem to have ceased being written. It's heartbreaking really.

22759418? ago

I was a game/movie reviewer over a decade ago. The entire industry is controlled. We got pre-release of TES Oblivion and it was unplayable, so I gave it a shit review. Not allowed because Bethesda/Zenimax would cut us off. Same happened with other major studios. They can't get bad reviews because too much money was involved.

I quit, and started writing fiction. Everything is controlled by Agents and Editors (Stalin was one of those). They want completed manuscripts, but won't give specifics on what they want. So you get something done, submit, all levels of editors like it except the editor in chief so you get shut down. Time and time again. I had junior editors directing me to their friends in other publishers, to non-vanity indie presses, etc.

Music industry shows the corruption most evidently. The amount of people who play in bands, with access to recording technology to record like never before, but there's still this hierarchy bullshit where artists only get famous by being buddies with someone else.

I still laugh at the Twenty One Pilots acceptance speech. They got famous by going viral on 4chan. https://youtu.be/zxBERcE5yl8 they blew everyone out of the water because they're not idiots lip synching and can actually make decent music.

22760427? ago

I hear you, dude. I write fiction too. My daughter is turning it into a podcast. Last year she was invited to this podcast thing in New York. Before it was over, the people from Sundance and AMC told her that when the talks start about turning it into a TV series, they want to be in the room. In the meantime, she can't get funding for the podcast and I gave up trying to find an agent for it as soon as I figured out how the numbers work--all the money goes to the publishing house. Writer makes roughly 45 cents a book. Yeah, I'll pass. I didn't spend 24 years writing two books of my trilogy to let everybody but me make a living with it. If I'm going to give it away, I'll LITERALLY give it away.

The "elite" control of our talents and productive energy is coming to an end. The day is coming fairly soon when people will be able to make a living doing what they love. Lots of us out here who have refused to feed the machine that is destroying us. When the machine is dead, we'll all be ready to show the world what we've got. And people are starving for GOOD music, movies, books. And that will continue to grow when we've taken back the education system and kids aren't having their curiosity and joy of learning beat out of them by this corrupt, toxic system we continue to feed our kids into. But that too is going to end in the not too distant future. In the meantime, the kids in my world learn about books and gardening and cooking and lots of other useful items.

Thanks for the link. Those guys are very cool--even in their underwear. :)

22765030? ago

Yep, you make 15%, if you're lucky, of a book they're going to immediately reduce to $5 and people will be able to get for $3 from a book wholesale club website. Oh, and if it does above average you're going to have to go around the country at your own expense doing book signings and you might get a motel room paid for you. And you should also be running a blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc that the publisher technically owns but you'll do for free because they won't market your book for you even though 15% of the cost breakdown is for marketing.

The entire system is set up so people give up trying.

22750290? ago

Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens gets called a racist.

Yeah. Was on the T a decade or so ago, reading a Mark Twain book on a Palm Pilot. The word "nigger" was everywhere, and I didn't want to get sucker-punched by an over-shoulder-reader, so I put the Palm in my pocket.

Somewhat self-censorship, but for me to be feeling in danger in that situation, well, tells a lot.

22745956? ago

THAT is our enemy...they are of all shades, 'religions', sects, beliefs, families, walks of life, and on and on...Evil is pervasive, invasive, deceptive, and to be challenged at every turn.

22745867? ago

They also thought, according to Q, that we would follow entertainment people (musicians, movie stars, pro athletes) and hang on their every word and be a part of their group think. Nothing is further from the truth; as a matter of fact I can't stomach, seriously I get sick to my stomach, knowing about the diabolically evil individuals that produce, direct, and act in films that other wise would be entertaining and perhaps inspirational.

22751628? ago

Miles W Mathis in his writings talks about how the C_A infiltrated music, Hollywood and art. http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html

I found his stuff on here. Thank you VOAT! And after reading them, I just don't see "reality" the same any more. I cut cable, stopped listening to most music unless it's locally written and produced, and am really picky about the artwork I like. It's so hard to look back across my life at all the things I used to love and realize how I've been played. Really sucks. Fuck these people/lizards

22750471? ago

The Internet really disrupted this by diffusing celebrity in so many different directions. Even low IQ people follow all sorts of random Internet weirdos instead of the cabal approved clique like they used to back in the pre-internet days.

22751639? ago

Good point. I think they just misunderestimated all of us. It really shows that they don't get us. They have no real grasp of what it's like to be just a normal human living out our lives. Just as the Dems try and demonize Conservatives. They don't get how we think, so they describe something that is seriously alien to the way we really think. Dumfuks

22748624? ago

Imagine if "Q" was French? Now that would be a plot twist.

22749456? ago

Q would have surrendered long ago if that was true.

22750113? ago

The historian in me wants to argue with you, but I can't when I see a good joke. Have an upvoat :)

22750174? ago

Thanks, it was just a joke. The french people are putting up a hellofa resistance right now.

22749714? ago

Oui. Touche.

22745796? ago

Let's send these NWO douche bags packing. Time for the likes of Soros, the Clintons, the Bushs, and so many more to GET OFF THE PLANET. We're taking it back. We will have PEACE on EARTH and GOOD WILL toward ALL--all of the inhabitants of this beautiful planet.

Blessings, anons. WWG1WGA


22755145? ago

AMEN to ^^^THAT^^^^ brother / sister!!!

WE, THE PEOPLE of OUR EARTH --->do NOT CONSENT<--- to (((their))) pervert evil sick things (((they))) do to US and OUR CHILDREN since centuries!!!

WE have OUR FREE WILL given to us by GOD Almighty / Jesus / The Universe!

Yeah, "GET OFF THE PLANET" you pervert psychopaths!

You have no right to be here!



22745612? ago

22746209? ago

It's complete unlike the TR roll

22745583? ago

I think the computer thing backfired. Despite their control and censorship, we are finding the truth and talking to each other. WWG1WGA

22750249? ago

can't spell WWG1WGA without WWW!!! ;)

22745578? ago

“These soulless assholes can't conceive of what happens when people who are decent spend time together--especially in difficult circumstances--they forge very strong bonds”.

It also puts everyone in a state of constant stress (by design) making it impossible to see things clearly and/or to have normal relationships, even with immediate family members. It breaks spirits and creates a scenario where people are possessed off and then happily adopt the “victim mentality” further enslaving them.

Yeah, fuck those sun/satan worshipping bitches!!!

22746396? ago

Saturn worship

22746598? ago

Yes, that could be argued depending on their idea of who Saturn is. Either way, it’s lucifer.


22745261? ago

I bet this is from that huge dump of Freemason files just a couple weeks ago. It was all in French.

22749796? ago

Nah, this is from a published French Canadian book. 3rd time I've seen it translated/posted on voat in the least 3 months.

22752421? ago

still it is from the Toronto Freemasonary. They says as much on the first page of the translation. O

22749748? ago

mystery babylon ... the All Seeing eye? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3558740/22749597

22745177? ago

Coronavirus is the attack to take NWO to the next phase - individual digital tracking. China is rolling out tracking apps and scanning people's temperatures at every major public building. Once they have the entire world afraid of coronavirus every season, they will propose the same technology and travel control mechanisms in other contries to contain it. Bill Gates doesn't care about viruses as much as he cares about the digital tracking solution. Look at Microsoft and ID2020 their goal is to give every human being a digital number!!

22754264? ago

best episode ever....."never go back to the carpet store"

22747955? ago

Rick Sanchez. U son of a bitch

22745159? ago

The text version was posted some time ago - find it here.

22745352? ago

Thank you. I missed that one.

22744904? ago


22744594? ago

https://archive.ph/eC02x :

l E T 17 on Twitter: "After I post this I might just sit back and read it all day long. This is so epic .


Anon translated leaked cabal doc from 1985 from French to English- An old French periodical called "Murmures d’Irem", volume 7.

This may very well be the find of all finds.

Thread 👇🏼… t.co/90Bm2WUtZ7"

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