22728182? ago

It’s also horseshit.

22727530? ago

Jesus was a Capricorn

Kris Kristofferson

22725295? ago

But, But NASA changed the astrology, Its no longer what we tought is was. Ophiuchus (pronounced O fuck us) is the latest constellation . Negated the age of Aquarius.

22724585? ago

Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:31)

I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people. (Leviticus 20:6)

When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? (Isaiah 8:19)

And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. (Deuteronomy 4:19)

… and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky. (Deuteronomy 17:3)

All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you. (Isaiah 47:13-15)

Hear what the LORD says to you, O house of Israel. This is what the LORD says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.” (Jeremiah 10:1-2)

In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. (Daniel 1:20)

22725156? ago

Imagine that. (((They))) want you terrified to become intimate with nature. (((They))) don't want you learning about what the forces of nature are trying to communicate to you.

Imagine that.

22725726? ago

Bible verses upset you?

22725897? ago

Lies used to manipulate mankind into conflict, hatred, bloodshed while blinding mans' eyes to the truth should upset every human who has a spark of love, the true God, in them. So yes, yes they do.

22726059? ago

I used to think like you. I am now blessed. Maybe one day you’ll be blessed with eyes to see and ears to hear and your false reality will be shown to you as well. Godspeed.

22737520? ago

I am stopping talking to these cockroaches, its all babble and noise. I pray that God will forgive me for leaning on them instead of him.

22726128? ago

And I used to think like you. Truth kept calling to me and I finally saw the light and left the bondage and lies of the book (((they))) have used to control us using our sensitive emotions against us. (((Their))) most egregious lies were spoken against our brother Jesus - lies that (((they))) use to manipulate people to this very day.

Soon we will all see just how deep and horrible that deception has taken us, both individually and as people. Have a blessed evening.

22724221? ago

Thats interesting...I wonder if it started on the 21st?

Im asking because I just saw a video of a guy explaining that the timelines converge in march 2012 and said all the time lines are merging back together known as the awakening....weird. It was a looking glass xplanation from voat

22724305? ago

Have the link possibly? I’m interested.

22725032? ago

I think its this. I didnt find any good info, but it this is what you are looking for https://voat.co/v/QRV/3683791

22724545? ago

Sure I found it here on vote its titled:

"Looking Glass explained----->great video;

10 minutes a must watch! Explains what is happening with the Great Awakening.

8:25 to 9:05 most important for lazy anons."

Submitted 7.3 hours ago by NevadaDesertPatriot to Great awakening.


22724399? ago

its mentioned on a Q drop 3585.. there was a 2 hour interview on a place called camelot. but he had a falling out about the content and the two houir video disappeared. then i found the video cut from part one and part 2. part two is now missing. this link is a more recent interview but the interviewer sucks. but here it is. https://www.lisamharrison.com/bill-wood-project-looking-glass/

22724146? ago

Jesus is also supposed to be related to the age of aquarius. i as a christian used to write off astrology too (and i still don't really care for it) but then i learned that before sin entered the world, we DID have a "third eye," and there IS truth written in the stars & sky! the 3 wisemen found the birth of the messiah by MAPPING THE STARS! they studied the sky and knew that it was time for Christ to be born.

so, i do believe that astrology, as almost everything else, originally had its basis in truth. but, like everything else it's perverted and thwarted and used for evil purposes. and moreso, we are not pure enough to utilize it. the fall of man has made us weak and susceptible. it's not for us. we are not to interpret it. i do believe there is truth written in the stars and sky, i just know in my heart that it is knowledge i am not equipped to be exposed to.

22726949? ago

Look into The Gospel In The Stars by Joseph A. Seiss and The Witness Of The Stars by E. W. Bullinger. Matthew 2:23 says "and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets, that he would be called a Nazarene". Curiously, you won't actually find that prophecy in the Old Testament.

22724575? ago

Dead kike on a stick?

Sounds legit.

22724360? ago

Jesus, who died 2000 years ago, was the beginning of the age of pisces. You might recognize the Ichthys fish, you know? The jesus fish, its pisces. It's the end of the age (pisces) that is the doomsday of revelation.

FWIW, you may also observe that throughout written history, the "perverted and thwarted and used for evil purposes" thing is far more often about religion than it is about astrology. But to be fair, the brave and bold wars to group stars into 'constellations' may very well have been lost to the sands of time.

22724601? ago

All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. Here are no coals to warm anyone; here is no fire to sit by. That is all they can do for you—these you have labored with and trafficked with since childhood. Each of them goes on in his error; there is not one that can save you. (Isaiah 47:13-15)

22725549? ago

I read for a moment your writing, but stopped when you presumed that I observe horoscopes. It's like you yelling at somebody who criticizes 1 Trump policy with a bunch of pure shit about their support for the hildebeast. Ludicrous.

22725740? ago

I’m sorry posting nothing but verses from the Bible upsets you. These aren’t “my writings”

22731449? ago

I’m sorry

Glad we can agree on something.

22733672? ago

You also agree that you're sorry Bible verses upset you? That's step one. Good job!

22735507? ago

Your reading comprehension really sucks, so who knows where you will go here (or upon death):

Where in the bible is The Great Year explained, or even hinted at? I could be wrong, but my understanding of the bible world (written in jewish during the Age of Aries) is that mortals with normal lifespans starts after the big flood caused by the melting of ice during the warming that ended the "ice age" (not an astrological event BTW) around 10,000 years ago. But adherents of the bible tend to say earth was created about 6,000 years ago, which roughly correlates with the Stone Age (also not an astrological event), and therefore you might choose to disbelieve there ever was an ice age, and that God created the Great Lakes as they are now.

But whatever. If you can live with the idea of electricity (lightning!!) as a phenomenon that can be harnessed with logic and math, and is no longer to be feared as some knd of magic, well you are making progress at least.

22735882? ago

My reading comprehension is quite above average and my cognitive ability is not lacking. Because your comprehension won’t let you ascertain how the Bible verse correlates to your post you’ve become defensive and assumed it was an attack on you. The verse simply shows that God doesn’t want people looking to the stars and using astrology, but your cognitive dissonance doesn’t let you see that you could be wrong here. The Bible doesn’t go specifically into a golden year, astrological signs or constellations because it explains astrology is prohibited. These “signs” are man-made constructs based on shapes they drew from connecting stars like a simple dot-to-dot. Getting someone interested in the “age of Pisces” or the “golden year” opens the door and leads people into this nonsense. We aren’t supposed to lend any credence to these teachings or otherwise spread them.

Have a good day.

22737254? ago

cognitive dissonance

You mean that feeling of unease when a bit of logic challenges a belief? Then results in the figurative jamming of fingers in ones ears while shouting lalalala? All to protect something like

We aren’t supposed to lend any credence to these teachings or otherwise speak of, or spread them.

Please, do have a good day as well, happy in the fact that the earth is flat, jfk jr still lives, and the 3 wise men only once looked to the stars.

22738431? ago

So you correlate following the Bible to cognitive dissonance? It's quite the opposite. Following the Bible means having a very consistent stance.

Cognitive dissonance is having inconsistent thoughts or beliefs, normally from a person's emotional leash leading them in different ways that are inconsistent. For example; If a person went on a tirade because they thought they were personally being attacked, then later found out it was actually a Bible verse that didn't have anything to do with them personally, then refused to alter their behavior or understanding in light of this new finding.

I don't believe JFK Jr is alive, the earth is flat or that three wise men only looked at the stars. Using the stars for navigation and learning more about celestial bodies has been done for thousands of years. You confuse astronomy and astrology.

I can't tell if your low level attempt at aspersion was supposed to be funny, but I did laugh.

22749235? ago

Bullshit makes me laugh:

three wise men only looked at the stars

In reply to me saying, me, not some book that was interpreted by those who wrought the Dark Ages (also not astrological, OR astronomical) upon humanity, me saying the supposed wise men only looked ONCE to the stars.

This is shortly after twisting my WRITTEN words from The Great Year, an actual occurence that takes just shy of 26,000 years to complete, into some crap movie or flickerbox series you pulled out of the filth of hollywood.

More bullshit, which I called you out on, is

Jesus is also supposed to be related to the age of aquarius.

You are so smart slinging bullshit about things you

just know in my heart that it is knowledge i am not equipped to be exposed to

that you are funny. In a sad, isolated way. Enjoy your CD, and the rest of your life. Goodbye.

22724144? ago

When the moon is in the second house and Jupiter aligns with Mars...

22725198? ago


When the moon is in the seventh house

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

And peace will guide the planets

And love steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius

Aquarius, Aquarius

Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more false hoods or derisons

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelations

And the mind's true liberations

22728349? ago

Yeah... That one!

22725464? ago

They had a great sound thanks to awesome vocal harmonies, excellent song writing and of course The Wrecking Crew

22724045? ago

Yeah fuck right off with this new age shit.

22725173? ago

You scared cause it didn't come out of (((their))) book? Only those who are afraid try to control others.

22723953? ago

It's actually February 2027 that will usher in the new era, beginning with the end of human reproduction.

22724017? ago

How is the end of human reproduction going to be pulled off

22724067? ago

Look around, it's already happening.

According to Human Design - the most precise mapping of the AI Matrix which has been overlaid on the real/God's reality - all of the "design crystals" available for human bodies will be used up (e.g. look at all the abortions, just using up the design crystals with no life and no future progeny) and a new form called the Rave will emerge, much like cro-magnon man emerged as neanderthals died out.

The transition to the new form will be autistic, and the "rave" will exist in more of a group consciousness, not like physical touch, and have access to all of the knowledge available but no interest in pursuing said knowledge because that will die out with the 9-centered human.

According to this system the 9-centered being is the pinnacle and really the only form we've embodied that has the potential to be truly sovereign, living according to its own authority rather than ruled by the mind.

22724461? ago

I'm a Raver: >

Q Dance


And I am Autistic.

22723948? ago

Witch! Did you read your crystal ball,

22723940? ago

In 2011 We Entered The "Age Of Aquarius" 11-11-11, 8 Months After Fukushima, Exactly, Or Is This the Age of Orwell?
