22728991? ago

The spiritual forces of Lucifer/Satan/Caligastia were raptured off the planet. They were taken back to their home planets . They were the spiritual support staff for the humans that had sold their soul to Satan. They are out of the picture. This affects the judgment of the lost souls and they can't think straight. They had relied on Satanic help to accomplish the evil that was perpetrated on the earth. That help was raptured gone baby gone.

22728305? ago

He says "They saw the end of their world" but he doesn't know what they saw. Perhaps if he had seen what they saw, he may have said something like "They saw the beginning of a new dimension"

22727958? ago

Project Camelot and Wilcox are liars and frauds. This is such utter bullshit.

22733639? ago

This is such utter bullshit.

*”Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.””

Anon, don’t confuse controlled opposition with pure whitehats.

Think Alex Jones - he was telling the truth about 50-85% of the time depending on the topic. Just never letting his audience get too close to the actual truth.

It is up to us to use our own rationality and intuition to filter through things.

It is said “the devil tells the truth 90% of the time.”

It is the 10% he steers you to the wrong understanding / outcome. Don’t dismiss things JUST because it ALSO comes from a known BS / compromised source.

Use your best judgement to figure out what is or is not THE TRUTH.

22726243? ago

People awake are what they FEAR THE MOST.





22725350? ago

Im no expert but I though it just stopped showing anything after 2012.

22725333? ago

I remember December 2012 being sold on YT etc. as 'the end of the world according to the Mayan calender'.

22725164? ago

Very interesting clip. Thanks for posting.

22725043? ago

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22724459? ago

Why did some go to Antarctica after the 2016 election? What IS there?

Serious questions, not cryptic...

22726372? ago

that's the only mystery i truly want to know

22724276? ago

They saw a Huge Q ,an entity that promised to destroy the whole diseased Temple. And they saw it was going to be BIBLICAL. Then they saw a fast growing flock of ww anons following Q who was working with bakers and breadcrumbs. Thats why they created the hype against bread. But they saw more. It was like a living nightmare; whatever they did try to prevent it , ALLturned against them 7-fold. In the end they were all naked and had no place to hide. Except gitmo.

22724193? ago

Worldwide Medjugorje warning.

22723008? ago

It seems to me that this is when resignations ramped up, censorship accelerated, freedom of and hate speech initiatives, etc,,,,,,

22722886? ago

from: doglegwarrior

this is such bullshit. only thing i can think is that ai got sentience.

22722847? ago

What did they see? Their demise.

22722430? ago

Stolen valor, Bill Wood, AKA: Bill Brockbrader is a fraud and worse.

There is a lot out there about this guy, just search for him.

22722341? ago

I've been thinking about this, and after reading many of the posts below I continue to think:

A cataclysmic event will transpire, it cannot be changed, it is the end of the "Luciferian" reign on this planet, then end of the "experiment" (think... the world is a stage and we are merely players). This "time" (from our dimensional perspective) is coming to a close... the clock is ticking down to zero based on a very old/ancient plan.

The question / issue being faced is: Of the survivors of this cataclysm, what will humanity become?

a) The NWO master/slave (think Hunger Games). (A kind of hell on earth or something similar?)

b) True freedom with love and respect for humanity. (A real kind of utopia). (Maybe Heaven or something similar)

WHO RULES AFTER THE "EVENT"? That is the struggle, and I think (((they))) see that its NOT (((them))).

22722225? ago

All these Dimensional Fags are stupid faggot new age assholes. Just same as the flat earthers.

22722660? ago

Yeah but my balls are blue even in the 5th dimension so there's that.

22722063? ago

He speaks of the fact that (((they)) cannot do anything to prevent the occurrence, they can only react to it. The question as always is this, what is the 'occurrence' that cannot be avoided? Arrests? Global cataclysm? Second coming of Christ?Alien presence exposed?

I personally don't think something as trivial as gov't arrests falls into the category of 'nothing can stop what is coming'. While we all want to see justice, it seems small on the what is a global scale of evil and corruption.

22723395? ago

What are the Clowns and Shriners? Who are the Finders? FBI release info VAULT https://voat.co/v/QRV/3683615/22722095

22722029? ago

Neal Stephenson is a Sci-Fi author who predicted a LOT of things before they came to pass... in fact, Google Earth is directly ripped off from an idea in his 1996 book, Snow Crash.

His recent book The Rise and Fall of DODO is a story about this type of technology (it's not entirely explained but operates at a scientific level), where military scientists master the ability to detect outcome probabilities and also time travel to try and change those outcomes.


22721995? ago

If people are looking for very specific event that had to occur because it ONLY occurrs in timeline 2, is Hillary Clinton being elected President. That is why the big push, and they still have her waiting in the wings because if she NEVER becomes POTUS, timeline 2 can never happen. There further we go where the possibility of her becoming POTUS diminishes, so does the hope for the cabals NWO.

22724847? ago

From my general understanding, this cabal thrives on chaos, always has. They have been causing "cataclysmic events" all throughout their existence. They learned long ago you can control anyone if you give them a reason to fear. The cataclysmic event you're referring to, I do not believe it will directly or indirectly cause us harm. I think this is the kind of event that they themselves fear, their ultimate fear of people learning what the truth of what has been going on for centuries.

For the first time, they are now learning what it means to live in fear, and let me tell you for someone who has never even tasted fear because they haven been living in a reality in which they have held all of the cards they have dictated the rules of engagement they have had complete and absolute control --- for this person, feeling fear in even the slightest will cause all manner of panic and mayhem. The totality of their experiences has ill-equipped them of how to overcome adversity in any form.

When explaining this to others I've always likened the cabal to being a pro football team that is having its way with a pop-warner team that is sleeping on the field. It's a cakewalk. What happens when a real team shows up to challenge you? All you know how to do is run up the score against sleeping children. This is uncharted territory for them, simple as that. And that's when the fear sets in, when you're stupid little tricks no longer work and all you can do is watch as inevitable defeat draws ever closer.

22725806? ago

Good points, very logical, makes a lot of sense.

22724159? ago

The cataclysmic events are the playbook of the perverts (satanic cabal). Look at Pedowood, (((they))) push this agenda (end of the world scenario) since decades! It's not what will happen IMHO. It's the opposite, the INEVITABLE Great Awakening of Humanity! Satya Yuga, Age of Aquarius, etc. The beginning of a NEW Cycle! And that's what "nothing can stop what is coming".

This is relevant, pay attention to the last 5s (it's the END of (((THEIR))) WORLD). KEK!



God bless Patriots!

22724761? ago

I like the way that sounds, and it makes a lot of sense, terrible bad things happen if they win, but nothing can stop the new age, nothing can stop God's plan. Having said that, it is bigger than a few arrests, its a Wow!, look at the future in front of us.

22722167? ago

But it seems that the "what's coming" that Q says can't be stopped is a good thing as opposed to some cataclysm.

22722210? ago

I agree, it seems that is true, and I just threw out there some things. My gut feel is that is big, the kind of big that makes the entire planet go Wow!. Having said that, a global cataclysmic event was supposed to happen under Hillary, that of course is as hearsay as the entire looking glass project No data exist to prove it, but that's what is out there. You combine that with things like the Georgia Guidestones and you can start to piece together the future that was expected by them. One of serfs and kings ruling over the entire planet. To be blunt, I would say the Eloi and the Morlocks was the cabal's perceived outcome for the future.

22721958? ago

Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. 2012 was a transition point from one age to the next, not a specific point of occurrence for anything.

22721921? ago

I feel really sorry for you folks. There is NOTHING coming and you're not part of any AWAKENING. As a matter in fact you're still just a Sheeple who thinks he or she has been awakened. lol

You folks don't even know that Trump is a Freemason Templar. Knighted by the Templar RED DRAGON sect in 2016.

When Q said “The Future is the Past”

Q really meant “he who controls the past , controls the future , he who controls the present controls the past" which is in the Book 1984 By Orwell





For most people truth is what they think it is. It’s easier to lie to someone than to convince someone that they have been lied to. There’s no one bluff than he or she who will not see the truth that is totally present in front of them.

22722208? ago

I feel sorrier for Your Exaltedness wasting your time on a bunch of losers like us here.

22722277? ago

Losers? Maybe you should see a Psychiatrist for that low self esteem.

22722030? ago

You're wrong. Enjoy the show.

22722049? ago

I am always right.

22721783? ago

The weird thing is that all different facets of alternative thinking pegged 2012 as something significant.

22724415? ago

It was more MSM hype of fringe opinions based on nonsense that doesn't come from the Bible, which stupid lay Christians latched onto because the MSM pushed it.

22721607? ago


The TRUTH can not be held hidden forever!



22721445? ago

Mirror? Can’t get the link to load...

22737804? ago

Thanks, fren!

22721120? ago

I know what they saw. They saw that white men win against disgusting jewish demons ery time.

22721066? ago

Thanx for posting Anon! Been hearing about Project looking glass & now I understand.

22722601? ago

Explain it to me then please..

22721028? ago

Do any of you actually have any proof that a "looking glass" is real ?? Any sauce you could provide would be great. Otherwise 8m just going to make the assumption that you who believe in such a thing, have probably watched to much scifi movies/jewavision a long with having the residual effect of to many hits of Tim Leary's good old LSD-25... proof please?

22721069? ago

Qproofs are the evidence that Q team has something like Looking Glass. Q seems to know whats going to happen before it happens and very accurately. Future proves past.

22724969? ago

Soooo...... you believe off blind faith? Q is a psyop meant to keep your ass in the house and complacent w/ the goings on off the world. Remember my words here fren, the vote will be permanently flipped to communist party by the second half of this decade. A sophisticated network of catholic and Jooish NGO'S are bringing low IQ hoards into this country and placing them in select places in order to flip the vote. These so-called immigrant families are going to vote away the constitution, ALL LEGAL OF COURSE, and that way we will be folded into the jew world order, losing out homeland without us ever firing a shot.


22725387? ago

Except WE are doing all the work of researching, sharing, redpilling, and motivating. How is that passive or complacent? Was the vast amount of research done by anons exposing the cabal over the last few years a passive activity?

The Great Awakening is a positive and ACTIVE truth movement. Blackpillers are the ones doing nothing but complaining, since they are mired in nihilistic hopelessness.

What are you doing to contribute to the truth movement?

22728660? ago

Maybe your new to this game , but all those things you listed as proofs of Q being real, all those things have been talked about, researched, exposed for decades my friend. This is a battle that's been raging for a while now. All whistleblowers/ truthers are attacked by the media, that's nothing new. People have been researching shit for decades, lots of grassroots movements spring up , the media is designed to control the narrative, and create the Overton window, and part of their job is to attack anything that's factual that doesn't go with their story. ANYBODY, Q OR OTHERWISE WHO SPEAKS OUT AGAINST GLOBO HOMO IS CENSORED BY BIG TECH.. and shut up with your tip of the spear talking point, fucking Alex Jones copycat right here, fucking guy....

How about julian Assange, seth rich, Gary webber, Chris bollyn, Gary galino, Kevin Macdonald, David Irving, and too many to mention who have given everything in defense of you and your family, all the while you sit around and play keyboard warrior thinking your fighting the war...

We have to start moving the Overton window, and fast. It needs to become socially acceptable for Americans to take action against those who the Joodicial system protects.. 2028 is fast approaching,,,,, what's it gonna be???

22728571? ago

It's a war of attrition, and I'll even say your not wrong about the fact more and more people are starting to understand some things. But your looking at the small positive, wanting that immediate pay off , kind o like virtue signaling of the left. But all the while you refuse to see the lonzg play in Hope's of avoiding that confrontation. But whether you like it or not, in less than 10 years, this country will belong to them through the use of muh immigration/refugee programs designed to flip the vote. And as fast as some people may be waking up from their slumber, that number pales in comparison to the influx of foreigners and their offspring. I live in a southwestern city, and in the last 9 months alone, 300,000 new people. I see it and feel it. The roads are tighter, more and more business signs not in English, foreign churches, hardly any white faces in the playgrounds, parks and schoolyards.. I was totally on board w/ the hope and idea that Q could of been. But to not see that it is for placating the hungry, and what are we hungry? for justice.. (Q) is nothing more than a release valve on a pressure cooker.. keeping the righteous from exploding.. those Wikileaks emails, the sloppy job of 9/11 and the open treason rampant in our highest offices, we were right there as a country, on the razor's fucking edge., Frothing at the mouth, ready break the paradigm... And poof, up springs Q, the answer to all our problems, just KICK BACK AND WATCH THE SHOW.. get it?? Just keep watching, believe that you don't have to do anything, everybody just calm down now, your saviour is here, the maestro will handle everything.....


We get everything stolen from us through the vote, and America gets folded into the JEW-Corparate-banking world order, for ever, bonded into a debt based slavery system. All records of of founders and their words will be erased and breed out withing 4-5 generations, and the light of liberty will be snuffed out forever.

22723083? ago

Would love a few specific examples of where Q has predicted something, not because he knows Democrats always rig elections and will rig the next one, or because he knows Democrats start fires to recoup lost federal funds, but beyond that, showing that he knows thing that only a magic "looking glass" into the future could possibly have predicted.

An example of what I'm saying is McCain, with Q predicting his time of death a month in advance. Is that because McCain was executed (making the date easy to "predict"), or is it because Q actually had a magic telescope so he could see into the future exactly when McCain would die of natural causes?

22723475? ago

The answer is in math.

22720835? ago

Never have seen this interview before thank you

22720792? ago

It isn't our history or future that was revealed. It is their future and as a result, the major realization based on that discovery is that it is also THEIR history that matters most. Everything we have ever thought we knew about the human condition has been an ego-trip by a much lesser being than that of which we are subservient to. The Great Awakening is not to our superiority or the return of the King - it is that we have always been lapdogs. Here's a quick video to explain it all, what they are, why they're here and what they are trying to achieve and what is coming to stop them from attaining their goal.

22720731? ago

Can someone translate this for the layman? I’m confused at his explanation of what he’s saying.

22721153? ago

That the jews cannot hide white peoples history or destiny any longer. This isn't the first time that jews destroyed white civilization. It happened in ancient times in Atlantis. Whites are Gods people and jews are demons from hell.

22720911? ago

Yeah I can translate. Essentially what they’re saying is mentally ill rambling.

You’re welcome.

22721199? ago

That’s what I thought. Because he talks big words with no factual credentials and it sounds like nonsense.

The way to see the future is reading the Bible. End game is clear.

22721528? ago

As science progresses, it continually discovers & demonstrates principles already found in scripture...


22722192? ago

Also, in the Book of The Apocalypse there is mention of "scrolls" that will not be opened until the End Times, so Sacred Scripture is presently withholding information from us.

22720715? ago

why would the cabal have looking glass? if they did they could do what trump is doing and won easioy knowing for having insights into the future. this makes no fucking sense

22720332? ago

interesting thanks for posting

22720294? ago

The 'bad' timeline, the one [they] wanted and tried to manipulate into being, was an ELE event where the so-called elite would go underground. The 'good' timeline, the one [they] found out was inevitable, has been described as the Great Awakening, an Ascension to a higher level of consciousness.

22723384? ago

What is the sick evil game in Canada, France and Britbong and other places? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3684201/22723307

22720286? ago

When dealing with unadulterated TRUTH, no self deception can be present. ANY self deception will result in something unforeseen happening, especially if you are operating a "time machine" (Duh, water is wet.). That's why [they] used children for more real-world accuracy in prediction, because children have less emotional baggage to deceive themselves about. Apparently that's NOT what happened when [SHE] got a hold of the technology. (Thank God!)....

"They never thought she would lose"~Q

My Guess as to WHY: Because [they] let [HER] use it! Who would dare defy the [queen of Arkencide] (and live to tell about it ) ??? [She] got her grubby self deceiving hands on the Looking Glass tech and promptly started planning her future presidency because it showed her what [she] WANTED to see, and not the actual truth. Either that, or it showed her the actual truth and [she] took it to mean something else.

IMHO this was a failing of the political elitists to follow their OWN satanic ideology, they allowed themselves the WEAKNESS of self deception. The satanists believe themselves to be superior because they supposedly aren't held back by morals we Humans hold dear, which [they] consider self-deception. Well, it looks like, [they] just forgot to "Think Mirror". (In more ways than one.) This is just an EPIC case of "Be careful what you wish for..."

[They] wanted to be stronger by ridding themselves of caring about others so [they] can "Truly Live" a life without self deception or weakness. Well, now [they] have a giant opportunity to be honest with themselves, and whoops its the LAST thing [they] want, huh. Strange how that works isn't it?

Things are the way they are, no skin off the average person's back, but its the end of [them]. [They] judged themselves "un-worthy" when [they] rejected reality. By [their] own rules [they] are being punished for failure to be strong enough.

Self honesty is a strength not a weakness, and a certain level of it is required for continued survival. Nature doesn't favor the animal that ignores harsh realities, not even if that animal can make it look like you killed yourself after murdering you.

[She] can try but [she] can't Arkencide Reality! Nothing can stop what is coming, not even if every living thing in The Galaxy is put to Arkencide, we'll just have "The Great Awakening" in Heaven.

22724050? ago

Wasn't she bringing a toast to the future president which then was a picture of herself being (an Evergreen) a young girl.

22724329? ago

Ya, tweeted "Happy birthday to this future president" to a pic of herself. Before the election ...(whoops)

22743626? ago

Haha ! i suddenly see her fall flat on her face like Oprah, talking bout 'Balance'.

BTW; Does that mean a clone version of her younger self was standing by? You never know with these creatures.

22745759? ago

Yup. Already happened to her twice. Once getting into the van at the 9/11 memorial (Predicted by the digits on the chans, when many Pepes figured out meme magic was real.) That's when she went to Chelsea's apt. and came back out 10min later looking 30yrs younger (clone? / body double??)

Also going down the stairs, in India I think, when her shoe came off and she slipped down a few stone steps before the guy behind her caught her. (Garrison always 'slips' it in his cartoons) kek. Oh ya and the seizures she had on camera twice as well, looked like a robot with a clogged gear.

"Down she goes!"

If you were into the new field of "Reverse Speech Therapy" (Neat topic on its own."Hive Mind"~Q) There is interesting info from John Kerry about his reasons for going to Antarctica before the election. In an interview by PBS in the plane on the way Kerry says (subconsciously, in reverse) he was going to beg "the old ones" for Hillary to win. They said no, he left empty handed. You can safely ignore this information until you decide to know the end material (Q says its not for everyone) or not. This is beyond 40,000ft information, too outlandish for any anon that doesn't have personal confirmation of it. I don't blame any anon for thinking this is crazy, for now. However if you're as deep in the rabbit hole as me, it means [they] pissed off [their] own 'gods' (Ancient Aliens buried in Antarctica!) The point is, that was the day she "fell" from grace (with her power base). The day before the election.

"They never thought she would lose" (...until Kerry returned from Antarctica.) There was a BIG earthquake in New-Zealand the moment Kerry got off the plane too!

P.S. It was slick willy in the oval office when reverse speech made a splash on "Coast to Coast" with Art Bell. David Oats of Australia discovered it in the late 70's by playing Neil Armstrong's famous moon landing message in reverse when his subconscious says "Man will space-walk" interlaced with his forward speech. You can verify the reality of "Reverse Speech" by playing the recording of Neil on the moon backwards and hear it yourself. The quote I'm referring to forward is "This is one small step for a man..."

22746219? ago

I wouldn't be surprised anymore even If she shapeshifted right in front of a camera. Seen all the footage you mention.Knowing how they show everything they do on netflix and H'wood productions, her craze with her younger self reminds me of a netflix series called Orphan Black . All about the cloning, clones and their 'handlers',creators etc. sick and reveiling. All clones are played by one actress,. .....omg....maybe not!

22723456? ago

The Cult Runs the World https://voat.co/v/QRV/3674333/22644126

22721890? ago

even at the highest level of corruption and deception, females cannot be trusted to act on common sense instead of emotion.


22721770? ago

I like the way you think anon! Scary as hell to think she might have tried that though.

22720279? ago

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. String theory and possible futures is indeed a fun rabbit hole.

22720176? ago

Video unavailable.

The spooks have succeeded.

Use the OP link at files.catbox.moe.

22719851? ago

What was seen? The event, ascension, the apocalypse (which means the unveiling), moving into the 5th dimension, the rapture. Different terms for different people, same thing.

22724789? ago


  • If your group insists the end of the world is near, you’re probably in a cult.

  • Cults position themselves as the sole refuge from an evil outside world that is intent on their destruction. Cults thrive on conspiracy theories, catastrophic thinking, and persecution complexes.

  • In an effort to draw in more paying members, cults are often very aggressive in their recruitment efforts which are usually justified as “saving” people from the evil world. Those who reject the cult’s message are unelect, prideful, evil, or stupid.

22722932? ago

What was seen?

On the video, he says it was the awakening of the public to the truth.

22724799? ago


If your group insists the end of the world is near, you’re probably in a cult.

Cults position themselves as the sole refuge from an evil outside world that is intent on their destruction. Cults thrive on conspiracy theories, catastrophic thinking, and persecution complexes.

In an effort to draw in more paying members, cults are often very aggressive in their recruitment efforts which are usually justified as “saving” people from the evil world. Those who reject the cult’s message are unelect, prideful, evil, or stupid.

22726399? ago

up voted and posted else where

22721244? ago

I think you mean 4th dimension, but whatever.

22729014? ago

Those who are will be going past that.

22722369? ago

4th is astral I believe. We are going to the 5th.

22722583? ago

4th dimension is time

22729019? ago

Time is a human construct, not a dimension.

22730569? ago


22722580? ago

Guess it depends on what you believe. We might be in 3D ready to go into 4D if one has worked on their soul frequency resonance. 5th is contemplation zone according to the Cs. If you buy that shit. Bible fags won't approve.

22722024? ago

The 5th Dimension were great- I miss Motown.

22722717? ago


22722595? ago


I did too. Until I found out they might have been a part of the cabal messaging program. Fantastic harmony.

22721129? ago

He answers today question at the very end "They saw the end of their world". Their power stripped. That's why they are throwing everything including the kitchen sink @ PQTUS & the Patriots.

22724038? ago

the inevitable plan, they see their destruction and in trying to prevent it in-turn set it into action.

22722008? ago

If all this is true (((they))) should know that it's of no avail.

22724583? ago

Ever heard Q say “these people are stupid.”

22722204? ago

Think of Star Trek II - Wrath of Kahn. Even to the very end Kahn said (paraphrasing) - "From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee." This is how they are... filled with hate and anger that they were tricked by the father of lies.

22722118? ago

Yep I agree! The hand writing is on the wall, but what's insanity... doing the same thing over hoping for a different result, but they keep experiencing defeat. Lol

22720502? ago

Doomsday cults typically center around predictions of the apocalypse. What many of these groups also have in common is a leader who suggests his own messianic destiny.

Several individuals have come forth throughout history holding these extraordinary beliefs and a select few garnering the enough attention to capture a crowd.

Often, those who manage to attract a vast following do not actively recruit members or attempt to convince nonbelievers, rather they wait for the “chosen ones” to fall in line.

22720256? ago

As everyone can see, the OP choose the right audience for Maya apocalypse and Mandela effect subjects.

22719938? ago

Great Awakening.

22719981? ago

"the" apocalypse.

from Greek apokalupsis - ‘uncover, reveal’

22720246? ago

Yes, true.

22719804? ago

How Much Can a Rubber Band Stretch???

22719826? ago

Til it breaks.

22719849? ago

Well, watch your face.

22721138? ago

The rubberband could snap back and hit the big hooked nose

22721204? ago

If they're the ones stretching the Rubber band, yes.

22721225? ago

If? lol

every world problem is created by jews.

22719782? ago

What they did'nt see was Trump coming. This may explain why they were spying on everybody. They were slipping in their own shit.

22728490? ago

They totally saw trump coming. Hes been planning for years.

22724401? ago

They saw it. They were overconfident because that's how communists operate, the yesmen are afraid to criticize the powerbrokers or tell them bad news. I saw a study where they simulated the future and there was an inevitable upheaval of the working class projected for 2016.

22719947? ago

Imagine if they did see it. Haha! They were probably like WTF?

22719825? ago

Doesn't matter. The endpoint is the same, just a different route.

22719737? ago

Lol December 21 2012. The Maya Calendar again. Doing some recycling?

22719769? ago

Educating people is about recycling knowledge you already know.