22567561? ago

Any semi-intelligent person that wanted WHO's 'perspective', would go to 'their' website.

Stay the hell out of the public forum of free speech.

22560536? ago

It was never anything but a flu strain patented in 2015.

Its what surrounds it thats important.

Medical Martial Law,learn it because its coming

22561122? ago

I just looked it up and apparently we've been under it since 2015...? Basically if you start having a medical freak out, they can take you in. That's kinda common knowledge. If someone's coughing or wheezing to death then an ambulance is gonna be called. Am I missing something?

22560405? ago

To stop the derailing of the Corona scare tactic? Shit is obviously intentional.

22560111? ago

Don't upvoat me, I just want to spread the truth okay?


(huge info dumps) (huge info dumps) (huge info dumps)



22559837? ago

When I read this, I was recalling we would read the newspaper in the morning, and at night we would watch Walter Cronkite tell us the news, I never thought I'd see a time when I would come to question anything and everything those "news" sources would tell me. Now I question everything and don't believe anything, so now I don't know what to believe. I'm told to do my own research, be careful what I'm reading, and who wrote it, and what their hidden agenda might have been, or what it is, etc. I see that video clip in my mind, "Ain't nobody got time for dat." I guess if you don't know what to believe then that's as good as having you believe their lies. What to believe? Who to believe? I don't want to go back into the matrix, but I'm going to need some help sorting this shit out, Neo.

22559368? ago

WHO = wipe humanity out.

They are not on our side.

22560141? ago

NASA = never any straight answers

22560862? ago


22560909? ago

What now? huh?

22560551? ago

Democrats...I don't have anything, but I know its bad.

22560833? ago

Well historically the democrats started the KKK, and Martin Luther King became a Republican... tells you a lot.

22561059? ago

and they've infiltrated the Republican party with a RINOs too.

22561113? ago

and they've infiltrated the Republican party with a RINOs too.

this is true, the satanic globalist deep state does have many of these fake infiltrated republican types too.

I'm glad that when Trump was elected, he didn't become republican. republicans became Trumpublicans.

Also watch out for those weird "independants" and "centrists" and "environmentalists" because they always secretly lean HARDCORE FAR LEFT and work for the deep state.

a lot of this is talked about here


22561911? ago

watch out for those weird "independants" and "centrists"

These groups of voters overwhelmingly approved of POTUS SOTU. 84%. Landslide is an understatement for what's gonna happen this November.

22562374? ago

Be very careful though. I've seen a massive amount of fake "independants" and "centrists" and "environmentalists" that were just satanict globalist lefties in disguise. They want to hide under the mask of "hey I'm not a democrat look at me, I don't suck!" but really, they are the same.

22560792? ago

Demon Craps

Demon Rats

22560820? ago

Demon Rat Craps

22560168? ago


22559256? ago

Well that is why we have so many shills here down playing the virus. Nothing to see here, move along sheeple.

22560562? ago

So fucking do it and stop helping the media push this bullshit up hill.

Calling shill when your ass deep in doing just that.

What a fucktard

22561128? ago

WTF are you talking about? There are two things at work here, censorship and disinformation, how can that not be important?

22561524? ago

Its not a fucking pandemic nor will it ever be one.

Biopatriot Act aka Medical Martial Law

22566731? ago

and we hope so for the U.S., but we are not the entire world, we are only 25% of the population at best. Your use of language does not support your argument, it only undermines your effort. Also maybe a bit more than two sentences to make your point.

22559973? ago

They seem to be out in force this evening.. Some idiot keeps ordering food here, probably thinks it's funny. There are some prats in the world.

22560904? ago

Practicing for their "last meal" order. They keep score of which one is the most popular (as npc's do with everything), then choose that one to enjoy before the rope.

22558685? ago

Maybe they should stop lying.

Or are those Jews genetically incapable of telling the truth?

Jewish power in the West needs to be ended. All they do is lie for their benefit and no one elses.

22561141? ago

Go read the book "You Gentiles". The author literally says that jews have zero morals when it comes to accomplishing an agenda. They are sick.

22562814? ago

Isn't it "for you, the gentiles"

I see his face can't remember his name.

He says they are the destroyers

22562868? ago

Maurice Samuels

22558391? ago

Bet it is China using the WHO as a back channel, the videos coming out of China reveal how evil Communists really are.

22558331? ago


The World Health Organization is a political organization, bought and paid for by its sponsor countries (China foremost among them), with a single, dominant mandate: maintain the party line.


22559792? ago

Aren't they all?

22558307? ago

WHO is masonic head of big pharma. Cabals 'depopulation'-department.