NevadaDesertPatriot ago


Anonz55z ago



BoraxTheFungarian ago

Man! I wasn't totally sure about you... It could be in a much neater format, but great content within the post.

Here's an interesting question... Can intergration of viral DNA into one's bodily functions cause them to become an ongoing producer of that virus? I think so.

Also, FYI, myrrh is anti-viral.

Anonz55z ago

Also check this out

huge red pills

Anonz55z ago

A few more natural plant based foods or herbs that are antivirals/antibiotics

Take all the same precautions that you normally would whether or not you do these but ask your doctor first!

-home made raw mustard (apple cider vinegar+80% yellow mustard seeds ground +20% brown mustard seeds (NEVER BLACK, TOO STRONG) + a few pinches of pink himalayan salt and a few pinches of ground black pepper. I just put it in an old sauce jar I washed out and left it in the fridge, it's kept for a month so far.

(be careful and do tons of research on all of these first, including side effects)

(also search for food grade versions of these! Not any random shit!)


-pau d arko

-black pepper


-garlic (got sick and ate SHITLOADS of this stuff and drank a big glass of lemon juice every day and got over a horrific flu in 3 days flat)

-lemon or lime




-forsythia fruit

-high antioxidant frozen mixed berries

-astragalus root

-olive leaf

There are TONS of many different plant based wide spectrum antibiotics and antivirals out there, strength may vary because of natural variation and also the stuff at the hospital might be way more powerful in a life threatening situation.

I am NOT a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing or stopping anything.

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Cyrus8819 ago

I love to learn new things all the time. Thanks for taking the time to post this.

Anonz55z ago

GOD bless you. the satanic globalist deep state teaches us and our children in school to learn to hate learning, but we wont fall for it.


Elcycs ago

If vaccinated people are so confident that vaccines work, why are they so afraid of those who are not vaccinated? If they are afraid, then vaccines don't work. If they are not afraid, then vaccines do work and they can leave everyone alone who doesn't want to take them--

If you haven't been able to find the answer in your research, then your research is very questionable. If you did find it, you clearly didn't understand it and your reasoning is questionable. Either way it's enough to let me know I can ignore the rest of the post.

Anonz55z ago

Was that supposed to be some kind of defense mechanism designed to make me look bad somehow? Because it doesn't. You know what would? An intelligent response addressing the factual content of my post. But that isn't possible, because everything I said is true and you know it.

But you don't like hearing it, so you react by name calling or using semantic stop-sign themed buzzwords in an attempt to pathetically censor any logical debate or discussion or response that could have possibly come out from all of this, because ''it is logic itself, that is feared by the illogical''.

''It is truth itself, that is feared by those who are untrue''

Elcycs ago

No, I'm just tired of explaining it. It never works. Antivaxxers can't see the value in anything that isn't flawlessly prefect for everyone forever. Therefore it's a conspiracy and vaccines don't work.

poly ago

I'm tired of explaining to people like you that YES, vaccines DO cause autism

Anonz55z ago

If you read even the smallest portion of this thread you would understand that vaccines go WAY beyond simply just a little less than perfect. That's one hell of a mind-blowing way to sugar coat how much harm really comes from vaccines. I'm convinced you're a shill or that you have been brainwashed by the pro-vax cult ran by the globalists that manufacture them in the first place.

Elcycs ago

I read the smallest portion and he said something so wrong and stupid I didn't feel the need to keep reading. The same way I'd stop reading a post about geology right after a flat earth claim.

But around here you have to toe the line or you're a shill.

Anonz55z ago

Well here you are, you come to a thread and refuse to read any of it, and based on that lack of information you have intentionally imposed upon yourself by intentionally limiting and denying yourself the information I have freely provided to you, you are now stating that you know it all like a know it all, and and that I must somehow be wrong.

Tell me, if you know so much- How am I wrong? What am I wrong about?

Present an argument using facts and logic! If you can not, then you automatically admit to being salty troll and a shill who has no idea what they are talking about, and that you are a huge embarrassment and shame upon your entire family and bloodline.

Come on then.

I'm waiting.

JastheMace ago

He's a shill. Dr. Maruice Hilleman is on camera with Dr. Sabin off camera laughing about the intended effect of vaccines is cancer. Dr.H has invented more vaxx than anyone and Dr.S invented the live oral polio vaxx. At the time of the interview, 1999, these are the top two vaxx experts in the world.

Anonz55z ago

"Dr. Maruice Hilleman is on camera with Dr. Sabin off camera laughing about the intended effect of vaccines is cancer. Dr.H has invented more vaxx than anyone and Dr.S invented the live oral polio vaxx. At the time of the interview, 1999, these are the top two vaxx experts in the world."

Please post those links!

JastheMace ago

Del Bigtree's and Robert Kennedy's site is good too. Last year they won their lawsuit against HHS to get the actual studies used to approve the vaxxs. No double blind placebo studies and HHS lied to them when the refused the FOIA saying they were. So it's like 45 kids on the MMR vs 45 kids on the MMR which is junk science. All that proves is the side effects. Children after 1989, over 50% get a lifetime chronic illness from the shots. Also, how they always sat the shots are safe and effective, nope, HHS actual classifies them as unavoidable unsafe.

Anonz55z ago

Thanks for all the information about this vaccine stuff!

JastheMace ago

I would link a whole bunch of sites but I have a new hard drive and need to redo them, here are a couple.

Anonz55z ago

Thank you I will check it out!

Blacksunshine ago

Haha, the anti-vaxxers and their tinfoil hats always make me laugh.

Wouldn't it be interesting if they put the same amount of effort into getting a job and becoming a productive member of society?

I guess we can all dream.


Neat, today I learned that being a journeyman electrician isn't a real job, and I'm not contributing to society. I better just go be a social worker or something....

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You should get a real job like politician or pro-vax troll so you can really begin contributing! Skilled labor... What a joke! Do you even know anything?


No, I can't do anything on my own...

BoraxTheFungarian ago

For no reason at all, I'm now going to tell you about cloud chambers.

It's an easy to build, alcohol based particle collision detection device! I'm kinda coming up with a decent design in my head for a fancy-ish one. Can't wait to test out the radioactivity of the various rocks I've collected!

Anonz55z ago

Was that supposed to be some kind of defense mechanism designed to make me look bad somehow? Because it doesn't. You know what would? An intelligent response addressing the factual content of my post. But that isn't possible, because everything I said is true and you know it.

But you don't like hearing it, so you react by name calling or using semantic stop-sign themed buzzwords in an attempt to pathetically censor any logical debate or discussion or response that could have possibly come out from all of this, because ''it is logic itself, that is feared by the illogical''.

''It is truth itself, that is feared by those who are untrue''

911wasabadjoke ago

They can't respond with anything about the truth. The same sick people "scientists" who came up with the various chemical weapons of WWI moved on to the medical field. They still focus on the destruction of mankind. I won't go into it now but it is all tied to the fallen. They find sick minded and weak people and give them knowledge.

Anonz55z ago

false knowledge was never true knowledge to begin with. We're gonna be fine. God is with us.

Anonz55z ago

-Peter Hotez got his phd at Rockefeller University. (Rockefeller family has been a huge promoter of vaccines worldwide for the entire 20th century)

-Got his medical degree from Cornell (Right across the street from Rockefeller University)

-He Ran the Sabin Vaccine Institute in dc (named after Albert Sabin who developed the oral polio vaccine) (the oral vaccine was discontinued in the US because it caused vaccine associated paralytic polio)

-In 2000 he led a global effort to rename diseases

-He promoted "Preventative Chemotherapy". Wait.. Preventative Chemotherapy...??? What?

-Between 2000 and 2011 he served as proffessor at George Washington University and during that time in 2004 he co-wrote and op-ed with the vice president for home land security at George Washing University calling openly for a renewal of the industrial-academic-military complex to develope new vaccines.

-Doctor Peter Hotez also collaborated with MilliporeSigma, a Merck and company life sciences business.

-Doctor Peter Hotez is also a consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He claims he doesn't get a penny but It was reported in may 2007 that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave Doctor Peter Hotez $52 million dollars to fund his labs.

-Since 2017 Doctor Peter Hotez has also been saying that Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Reddit, Pinterest, And instagram should each recruit their own Chief Scientific Officer to manage, filter, and regulate content.

-Doctor Peter Hotez is essentially calling for censorship of everything he disagrees with and the destruction of the first amendment, Freedom of Speech.

-He is also angry that he has a pro-vaccine book on amazon that's in 20th place behind many other Anti-Vaccine books.

Amazon stated that the list isn't curated and simply reflects the books that customers are purchasing. If his book is 20th it is because not as many people are buying it.

-Doctor Peter Hotez stated when asked why he wrote the book and started talking about vaccines and autism at that time (and not some other time) he replied "I felt I was losing the battle to the anti-vaccine lobby. I felt it was a public service or duty to do everything I can to slow down the anti-vaccine movement."

This was from a quote made in Nov 2018 on "The jewish world at your fingertips" I'm not even joking.

-Julia Belluz: Changing people’s minds is difficult — and part of the problem is the mistrust of experts and the medical establishment. You’re part of that establishment. Why do you think people will listen to and trust you?

-Peter Hotez: Well, I’m part of the establishment, and then again, I’m really not. Although I’m a vaccine scientist heading the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development, we’re a nonprofit that does not take vaccine industry funding.

Here's Peter Hotez talking about "Crafting Your Scientist Brand"

The United Nations is pushing their vaccine agenda as "The Rights of Children" at the same time as they are restricting the rights of parents to choose what is put into their childrens bodies. They don't want a debate over anyone's natural God given rights. In other words, They want to force it on everyone. With Force.

"It is not a choice. It is a requirement as a parent." -Doctor Peter Hotez.

-National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

-How does the VICP work?

-The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions.

-is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system


-In very rare cases, a vaccine can cause a serious problem, such as a severe allergic reaction.

-a vaccine can cause a serious problem


-These claims against vaccine manufacturers cannot normally be filed in state or federal civil courts, but instead must be heard in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, sitting without a jury.