22499787? ago

So native americans and Hispanics didnt exist in north america until 1900 eh? Fucking bin it.

22502956? ago

Were they citizens? No they were not. Did i say north america? No i did not you dumb nigger. I said the United States.

22506451? ago


22499600? ago

The volume that hit my speakers when that clip started woke the whole fucking house up you cocksucker. Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!

22499330? ago

420 million....

22498372? ago

The graph uses the official government classification for white: people with European, Middle Eastern, and North African heritage. The prior administration set in motion to separate Middle Eastern and North African from European to be effective, IIRC, 2024 to enable minority status for government programs for people of Middle Eastern and North African heritage. Until such time any data under the white classification encompasses more heritages than most people realize.

22497991? ago

That is assuming Jews still have power and that there isn't a civil war, which would more or less be a race war. Which would just be the country sieging the cities till they starve. Then we're back over 90%

22497909? ago

This shill post gave me cancer

22497706? ago

That is some fucked logic for projecting past 2020