22502738? ago

So, is this hell? Legit question.

22504253? ago

a prison planet

22501413? ago

This is damn good.

22499967? ago

Who would have thought? A "satanic cult" explains all that? (Satire)

22498246? ago

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22493171? ago

ie jews

22493059? ago

Isn't that what we had with the past administrations?

22498168? ago

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22494551? ago

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22492880? ago



One of these days just maybe some of you will figure it out.

22492093? ago

Insert what you have just stated into the Beatles song "Imagine" - guaranteed to hit the top spot on the Anon hit parade.

22491630? ago

Is this the 90's again? whats with all of this satanic panic? Your enemy lives by Natural Law and treats you like the animals they see you as. They have zero empathy and do not like hard work. So they get you to destroy yourselves. not everything is omgerd SAAATTTAANNN!!!

22493279? ago

Satanic Panic is a buzzword. A semantic stop sign. sluggish schizophrenia. ok boomer.

All of these are terms used to SHUT DOWN logical discussion and debate because you are a shill that can NEVER win when faced with FACTS. Can't lose an argument that can't even happen right? Coward. Satanists are real, very shitty people.


22493339? ago

Ok. Prove to me Satan Exists.

22493618? ago

satan doesn't exist. very stupid and very evil people worship satan as a false fake god because they hate GOD the one true GOD.


22493774? ago

If he doesn't exist, then there can be no such thing as a Satanist... Satan is a thought form. nothing else. Prove to me there is only one God. and It is God. Not GOD. GOD in all caps is the corporation. Not the actual thing.

22493805? ago

That's all assumption based. Seems like you believe satan is real and god is fake. Lets cut the bullshit. Put your true thoughts on the table. Lets have a look.

22494317? ago

There is the All. Everything that exists and can exist. The All is Mind, the universe is mental. In the All there is good and bad, hot and cold, love and lust, birth and death etc.. Everything. Everything we do begins in the Mind. Its how we create and it is how we were created from the Mind of All.

God, the All created Man and Men created the gods. In order for men to worship specific aspects of creation and the All. They grabbed those qualities they wanted to work with or worship and attributed them to a God and Named him. For example the perfect warrior Mars. Or the most beautiful Maiden Venus. The First council of Nicaea decided what books and stories they would use in relation to the worship of their Christ God.

22494546? ago

Yea yea yea as above so below, and a bunch of false gods and false idol worship. Not surprised or impressed.

22494621? ago

Looks like you are a perfect fit for the Christ God. Created just for you by Hebrews to keep the European pacified. Now go be a good sheep, bleat and pray your enemy away. You perfect slave.

22494689? ago

Think again!


Also I will never follow your rule book:

* What they build up I must tear down

* Do what thou wilt and that shall be the rule of the law

* Worship satan as a false god

* Believe myself to be my own god that creates

* Turn everything upside down

I will never join you.

22494743? ago

The drunk kids, the catholics and Q kids... all waiting to be saved...

22494777? ago

This is what the satanists think of us.

22494902? ago

I'm no Satanist. I'm a witch.

22494956? ago

Then you're aware a large amount of witches are satanic witches right? if you've heard this before then you're probably face palming as hard as I am right now and about to tell me that not all witches are. In that case, what kind of witch are you? I'm not trying to be rude in this post, just honest.

22495040? ago

The craft is heard on the wind, and seen in the wild.

I borrow practical things from western ceremonialists, like how I construct my circle and lbrp and such.

But the workings of my practice come from Strega, Druidry, Pow wow, Shamanism. I look for the books of my ancestors, and learn from their ways. It's in my blood.

Have you ever met a witch in the flesh and ask them if they worship Satan?

22495540? ago

It's not really the kind of thing you would just walk straight up to someone and ask to their face considering all things considered. Well hey, you know if you're really a "good witch" then I wish you well on your travels and I hope you put more good into the world than whatever else in general. Just so much in common with tradition from the bad ones, sets all my bells off so apologies if you're really good. is "magic" a silly word to use? What kind of things did you do? don't know if that's the proper way to phrase that. ever hear about the sword in the stone? Spelling? Cursive? word in the tone? that kind of stuff? ever make strawberries grow in your garden in 2 seconds flat? I dunno, just asking different things. If people knew more about the good ones, things might be different.

22496039? ago

Good to my friends. Cruel to my enemies. If you are talking about illusions stage craft it is Magic.

If you are talking about going to a sacred grove at a specific time and moon cycle and you build a sacred circle and perform a ritual, that is called Magick.

I perform Magick to make change in accordance with my will. The lay person finding a new job would put out resumes. I would perform magick to be aware of a job that is suited to my criteria. then I would apply and also perform magick to get the job. Like any path in life. It can be used to up lift or destroy.

That which can cure can kill. That which can kill can cure.

Well a smart witch will never talk about their current projects. It takes power away from them. Loose lips sink ships.

So what so I do? I do what I will. And hold the 14 words in my heart. For if we do not protect our people and traditions... who will? We Europeans have been heathens much longer than we have been Christians.

You too are performing Magick. You are just not aware of it.

I have heard of many things, what are you asking about them?

I have never forced a plant to bear fruit in 2 seconds flat. But it is not in the realm of the impossible. I have told some of my plants how tall to grow. I have also called a coyote from the other side of the valley to come to me. He did. we stared at each other. then went our separate ways.

22496320? ago

"Good to my friends. Cruel to my enemies."

I laughed at that, because it was true, not because it was funny. You help the nice old woman cross the street but you pepper spray the purse snatcher right? It's only natural and what choice do we all have right?

"Like any path in life. It can be used to up lift or destroy."

As can anything else I suppose. A good person drives a car to travel, a bad person runs over good people with it. very sad but not uncommon. So dark and light are not good or bad. Just tools. You can use fire to burn an infection to cure it, or burn something to damage and so on.

"And hold the 14 words in my heart. For if we do not protect our people and traditions... who will? We Europeans have been heathens much longer than we have been Christians."

you mean the 14 words as in 1488? I always respect wise words to live by and judge them by their own value. Some people say "oh well that other person was bad and drank water, so I will die of thirst to not be like them" and completely miss the point, so I might understand what you mean. also what do you mean by "heathen?" I've heard lots of people use it in very different ways.

"Well a smart witch will never talk about their current projects. It takes power away from them. Loose lips sink ships."

And I wouldn't ask about anything current and I completely understand. It's like when someone says "haha I never get sick" and well don't you know, that person always gets a cold or flu a short time later, as if the universe itself wants to humble them.

"You too are performing Magick. You are just not aware of it."

It's rarely a bad thing to learn something. Not impossible but rare. I would love to learn something new if you would set me on a right path.

"I have heard of many things, what are you asking about them?"

I very very often notice people discussing magick and similar topics that are not named the same way, but nobody ever explains how to get into it. There is never any entry point. It is discussed but it is never taught or learned. Any attempts to discover or learn only bring up fake answers designed to mislead and force the interested to lose interest. It's left me with mixed feelings not good or bad.

"we stared at each other. then went our separate ways."

When is magick worth doing? Is it bad to do it all the time if the reason wasn't strong or important enough, or is it simply done completely naturally as simple as breathing, and is it bad to ever stop? Should is always constantly be done, or is an effort ever considered a waste, or are limits just imaginary at a certain point?

22497334? ago

you mean the 14 words as in 1488?


also what do you mean by "heathen?" I've heard lots of people use it in very different ways.

Heathens, Pagans practitioners of the old ways. Pre-Christian religions.

It's like when someone says "haha I never get sick" and well don't you know, that person always gets a cold or flu a short time later, as if the universe itself wants to humble them.

that is what we call a self imposed jinx.

I would love to learn something new if you would set me on a right path.

I am a solo practitioner. Not a part of a coven and can freely talk about the mysteries without being under oath.

I started out learning from the YT channel Mindandmagick he is a western ceremonial magician. I took my own path because I wanted to follow paths in my blood line. I have no hebrew blood that I could find in me. So i am not going to use their magical system.

So here is a quest if you chose to take it on. Find your ancestors as far back as you can. You can also on Saturday make an offering to your ancestors asking them to guide you to your ancestors magical traditions. What you are looking for are Book of Shadows, and Grimoires. Book of Shadows is where your ancestors would have written all knowledge of their practice in. Grimoires is where they keep notes on what worked and what didn't and other magical related things. There is no harm in reading these sacred texts from your ancestors. They do after all have a vested interest in the continuation of their lineage. There is also something special about finding great great great great grandmas best friends book. She wrote it for you after all. After you know where you ancestors came from. you can then lets say. google ancient dutch folk magick. You will get pow wow and a few other things. you can then use https://www.sacred-texts.com/ to find texts related to the practice.

I call my self a canadian mutt. I got all the settlers and metis in my blood. My ancestors all fucked just to stay warm in the cold nights. animals probably not off limits. we have stories of men with elk heads and men with heads of coyotes. What I have found true underlying all of my ancestors religions and magical practices are the hermetic principles. there is a book called the Kybalion which is a good introduction to the principles.

There is also a good hour long course by presoteric on gumroad called mind + matter that is a good baseline for any practice.

but nobody ever explains how to get into it.

Inspiration or desperation.

When is magick worth doing?

Always. The saying goes. Arise, Pray, Work. I incorporate it in anything and everything I do. It brings me close to the divine.

22497770? ago

that's really insightful thanks for sharing. When you say to ask my ancestors for their books, does this mean that these books will show up like "out of thin air"? also what are some examples of using magic in every day life without realizing? thank you.

22498103? ago

they will come to you when you least expect them too. Magick manifests when you least expect it. after you cast the spell you slam your book closed. give it punctuation to end the ritual. also create endings so its off your mind. there is something called lust for results. if you focus on the magick so much.... you never really "let go and let god" let the other side take care of the rest.

Do you ever say things like... when ever I wash my car it rains? or when ever I get extra money something comes up that I have to pay for? or your own version I never get sick? what are little things you say often that come true?

For me a few people say I have a horse shoe stuck up my ass I am so lucky. I tell this to strangers whenever anything lucky happens to me infront of them. Where attention goes energy flows. They are participating in blessing me with great luck. and when i'm on fire it's literally like that deadpol movie where that chick has a super power of good luck.

Many poeple have lost a connection to their ancestors... do you drink beers? Are you familiar with automatic writing?

22498293? ago

I... know what you're talking about.

Beer: no

automatic writing: I think I know what you mean, but can you teach me more? I'm not 100% sure.

22498421? ago

do you drink any alcohol? did your ancestors drink anything?

22498477? ago

I'm not sure to be honest. I guess you could say that everyone has had some at some point in history. I've tried it and didn't really like it.

22498572? ago

ok. So wine is the traditional offering for your ancestors. because of symbolism of wine and blood... that relation has been around much longer then communion.

have you ever heard the saying "speak of the devil" you are talking about a friend and out of no where they appear. ok so same principle.

You grab a nice wine. nothing cheap. light some white candles. un-scented. grab two wine glasses. pour one for your self and one for your ancestors. offer the second glass up to your ancestors. but be polite and pour theirs first. imagine or feel as if they are all sitting in front of you. toast them. cheers them. drink your wine.

have pen and paper and start asking questions. if things come in full thoughts. write it down. if nothing comes fine. move on to the next question. If nothing comes at all drink a bit more wine. Wine will lessen the hold of your conscious mind and allow more thoughts come to your subconscious mind. Do not drink the wine you offer up to your ancestors. just pour it down the drain after you are all done.

22506656? ago

light some white candles. un-scented. grab two wine glasses. pour one for your self and one for your ancestors. offer the second glass up to your ancestors. but be polite and pour theirs first. imagine or feel as if they are all sitting in front of you. toast them. cheers them. drink your wine.

have pen and paper and start asking questions. if things come in full thoughts. write it down. if nothing comes fine. move on to the next question. If nothing comes at all drink a bit more wine. Wine will lessen the hold of your conscious mind and allow more thoughts come to your subconscious mind. Do not drink the wine you offer up to your ancestors. just pour it down the drain after you are all done.

That is really cool, and really deep. seems really heart warming and sweet. Thanks for sharing that!

22508202? ago

The wheel of the year is my calendar of holidays. Many have been borrowed by other religions. You do not have to take any oaths to participate in celebrating the holidays. my username here is KLDB

22492644? ago

Is Satan real?

Is the belief in Satan real?

We are no longer panicked, anon. But there is value in understanding your adversary.

22493021? ago

I think Satan is real in the minds of Christians.

I've never met a god named Satan. So I understand him to be a thought form of Christians.

There is value in understanding your adversary... But I do not believe it is Satan.

22493444? ago

Our adversary is a group of people who believe in Satan. Not Satan himself.

22493813? ago

How do you know it is Satan they worship?

They follow Natural Law and a perverted form of Kabbalah. Last time I checked, in that system there are 72 demons and 72 angels. None of which are named Satan.

22493956? ago

1) Q said so

2) What is the natural outcome of adherence to natural law? Humans everywhere, having gone forth and been plentiful? Or, ultimately, only one surviving immortal entity?

The belief that one can become God is the essential nub of satan worship.

22494526? ago

I don't accept arguments from authority.

Natural Law is tooth and Claw. All else is error. Might is Right.

to become a God would be ascension not Satanism.

22494831? ago

Natural Law is tooth and Claw. All else is error. Might is Right

And what is the final, penultimate "right" that is the aim of the exercise of might in this context?

Do you think that the achievement of that goal would look anything like what God has told us the ideal society looks like through scripture and the commandments and the word of Jesus?

In fact, it would look like a snake that has come to have no choice but to eat its own tail.

to become a God would be ascension not Satanism

Same thing, anon.

We are not, and never, ever, will be, God or gods.

22494959? ago

Right as in correct. The aim of Might is self preservation. To grow and become abundant if you are mighty enough to do so.

If we all lived as Jesus... what an awful world this would be.

He lived off of the generosity of those around him. Never laboured for his own food. Never had any kids. And when it came time to stand up for himself he just died on a tree. sounds like a pretty meek and lowly existence.

Do you ritualistically eat your god each Sunday?

22495182? ago

Right as in correct. The aim of Might is self preservation. To grow and become abundant if you are mighty enough to do so.

The penultimate outcome of societies following "natural law" is not a proliferation of "self preservation."

Dog eat dog eventually ends when there's only one dog left.

If we all lived as Jesus... what an awful world this would be.

The lesson was not to live as Jesus, but to live by his teachings. He was the Son of God, people didn't mind feeding him. He was not here to have kids, he was here to be killed for our sins.

Do you ritualistically eat your god each Sunday?

No, I commune with Him on any hilltop that I please.

22495377? ago

dog eat dog world gets you the strongest and mightiest pack ruling the land. mama dog isn't going to eat baby dog. they eat the rabbits!. It is a reflection of what is happening right now. The most powerful club of people rule the world. They live by Natural Law and are pretty happy with the goy celebrating a meek and lowly god, and living by commandments from him.

22495833? ago

After a certain point, the strongest and mightiest dog no longer benefits by having the other submissive dogs around. Think LONG term.

Transhumanism implies the end of the human at the same time.

22496167? ago

Well... This is the world you live in... So time will tell if a transhuman person kills every other human just to sit on top of the world and jerk off alone. Seems like a pretty pathetic existence.

22497626? ago

God's message is that such is not the world we have to live in. We can go forth, be ever more plentiful, live morally (i.e., according to the commandments and Jesus' teachings) and not wind up eating "our" own tail in the end.

This is it, anon. It's go time. All philosophies and ancient struggles are boiling down to this one issue. Will it be God's path, or Satan's? (Not asking you, seems like you've made the correct choice).

I agree, the path of Satan is ripe with at least two tragic and UNAVOIDABLE facts:

1) If you view everyone as an (eventual) adversary, you entirely miss out on the real purpose of this existence, namely, love.

2) Achieving the goal is, necessarily, simultaneous self defeat. Once you have ultimate power, you will have no one to exercise it over. If you wanted to exist in universe where yours is the only instance of free will, you could just dream or meditate... or die and return to that state, i.e, "heaven".

22497827? ago

So how do you plan on conquering your enemies?

22497910? ago

Oh. You're a satanist.

Good luck becoming God. You'll never make it. He's made sure of it.

22497982? ago

you can't be that stupid can you? you just pray your enemies away?

22498049? ago

Jesus did not teach pacifism.

22498110? ago

are you a Christian orthodox monarchist?

22491195? ago

Before long 86% of us would be dead. And most of the remaining would be slaves for a small handful.

22490888? ago

whew. dodged a bullet.

22490833? ago

Jew never would have thunk.

22490829? ago

Thank god that didn't happen! ay

22490618? ago

satanic cult

If you want to call them that, whatever, but there's no need to obfuscate, it's jews. https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

22493292? ago

There are good and bad people of all backgrounds. The deep state shills are out in full force to keep pushing "It's just the jews" to keep us all fighting each other so that we do not stand united against the evil satanic globalist deep state.


https://voat.co/v/QRV/3655384/22493046 explains almost everything

22495608? ago

"It's just the jews" to keep us all fighting each other

No. https://voat.co/v/news/2869564/15191838/

22495628? ago

Re-read everything I posted and try again

22495806? ago

You first. Your shit false flat in the face of the mere small sample of jews jewing on display.

22495842? ago

Ok Confirmed for didn't read a damn thing I posted.

22495898? ago

Again, confirmed you first.

22495967? ago

I like it how you conveniently slowly changed the words you're putting in my mouth from an out of context snippet to an entirely different combination of words. Very dishonest. You're projecting aren't you?

22496048? ago

I like it how you conveniently slowly changed the words you're putting in my mouth

"There are good and bad people of all backgrounds. The deep state shills are out in full force to keep pushing "It's just the jews" to keep us all fighting each other"

you = dishonest, you didn't read anything I posted, which is what you started responded to, aka you haven't read what was posted first. you stink of jew.

22496127? ago

You demanded that I read your first reply to my post that came before your reply, when you in fact had not even yet read all the content I provided in my post that you replied to. How do you expect me to take you seriously if you wont even read what I posted and you're sitting here demanding that I read what you replied with when you clearly don't give a shit about what I said because of your preconceived notions, all the while you're accusing me of being jewish because I don't play pedantic semantic bullshit games like you do and that makes you grumpy. it's a two way street. I'll read and consider what you posted if you read and consider what I posted. consider =/= compromise. compromises sink ships. I seek solutions, common ground. consideration doesn't mean you change your mind. we both think and have growth potential and walk away. open mind but not so open your brain falls out.

22490511? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you could have said... if ran by jews supporting jew international banks...

or just say its zog

or every god damn time!

22492652? ago

bad namefaggot

22492985? ago

from: doglegwarrior

nothing wrong with using my name.. some good shit about anon ideas but jews hide amonsgst with out even using their shapeshifting powers so bad stuff as well... stop being a nonamefag or numbernamefag

22493452? ago

you talk like a namefag and your shit's all retarded

22493523? ago

from: doglegwarriod

you sound like a kike and talk like a kike and all your shit is grammerkike like... fuck off nonamefag

22493781? ago

How could anyone have guessed that you're one of the muhjoo fags? Fucking kek, do we ever have retarded adversaries.

22497269? ago

from: doglegwarrior

serious question. you Q and anons dont put any blame on jews and the issues america faces? do you blame the rich or elite the 1%? jews are 40% of the billionairs? do you blame hollywood or media? both 90 plus percent jew owned? have you heard of the uss liberty? even this one surprized my parents and opened their eyes how can our greatest ally openly kill 37 american sailors and gun down lifeboats.. it was a bbc documentsry so my parents couldnt say conspiracy theory.

so jews have no issues

22497523? ago

serious question. you Q and anons dont put any blame on jews and the issues america faces? do you blame the rich or elite the 1%? jews are 40% of the billionairs? do you blame hollywood or media? both 90 plus percent jew owned? have you heard of the uss liberty? even this one surprized my parents and opened their eyes how can our greatest ally openly kill 37 american sailors and gun down lifeboats.. it was a bbc documentsry so my parents couldnt say conspiracy theory.

You have conflated "the Israeli deep state" with "all Jews." That's the issue.

Yes, yes, you go on with stuff like "they all support the Israeli state, so they're all guilty." Of course, if you're an American who paid his taxes any time before 2016, you supported the US deep state and its atrocities around the world! Are you guilty? You point to the USS Liberty incident, as though the soldiers who fired are personally guilty. Do you believe all American soldiers who participated in wars of conquest under Obama, Bush, etc., are personally guilty?

Namefag, it's almost like you don't understand the global cabal's philosophy. There is no way any people of any race or religion would be admitted to the cabal on the basis of birth. THEY MUST ALWAYS ASK TO BE ADMITTED, THEN INITIATED! Anyone who is not "one of them" by this means, is literally nothing.

If it served their interests, the Israeli deep state would vaporize every Israeli citizen in nuclear fire... just like our deep state would us.

Anyways, thank goodness you always namefag. I'm certain you'll come back with "no, you're just in tel aviv" and keep right on with the muhjoo nonsense. In that event, you don't just need to expand your thinking, you need to fucking THINK!

"It's the joos" is a mental block. You reach that conclusion and assume it's bedrock, so you inquire no further. It's lazy and indicative of stupidity. I was going to say "I know you can do better," but all this namefaggotry means I can't really say that in good faith. I hope you can, anyways. Start by dropping the namefagging, it seriously makes you gay.

22497679? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the real dogleg the dlw... always remember... circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

ok got that out the way. how many times in history does one group of gentic and religiously connected people have to be kicked out for the same shit for you or everyone to realize they are up to no good?

no everyone who is a jew is guilty same as all americans are not guilty but we are somewhat complicit by not having done something to stop it, but i think the beast is huge and not much we could have done... yes that is some what defeatism but god damn i was born in the 70s and this thing was huge and moving way before i was of an age to even try. ive never voted so if there is a god i will say hey look i didnt vote for any of this shit and i talled out against it as much as possible.

i dont think you understand the global thing as well as you think. some are born into it probably a large percentage... some are choosen almost no one gets to ask to be part of it they choose you... you dont choose them and if you try to leave they litwraly kill you or try to drive you crazy... think of the hollywood people who have tried to leave and get fucking wrecked mentaly... micheal jackson.. dave chappelle the joker guy lost it.. mel gibson went off the reservation.. many other examples... tons of hollywood elite have siblings that died as well probably sacrificed... so i think your somewhat wrong about that.

i agree the elite jews would absolutly kill off a giant number of lesser jews to keep their positions of power.

its the joos has come after a long life of reading studying watching movies documentaries... a history degree... not that im some expert but it truly comes down to this saying... every fucking time.. almost every rabbit hole i have gone down a kike is at the bottom of it.. ive read the creature from jeckle isle about the formation of the federal reserve... read about the rothchilds? read about the sackler family? the list literaly goes on and on and on.

i was not gonna call you a kike... but then you ended with typical jew personal attacks so ya your probably a kike who hides amongst the anons. at least you dont have to shapeshift when u pretend to be a goy anon.

22498026? ago

how many times in history does one group of gentic and religiously connected people have to be kicked out for the same shit for you or everyone to realize they are up to no good?

How many countries are full of people who hate America? After all, the cabal has committed evil acts in America's name, the world round!

Does that mean America is evil?

Just as you separate the innocent American soldier following his leader's crooked plan, from the leader, you should separate the Jewish cabal from the uninitiated Jewish people who are useful beasts of burden, as we once were.

no everyone who is a jew is guilty same as all americans are not guilty

i agree the elite jews would absolutly kill off a giant number of lesser jews to keep their positions of power.

Assuming that first "no" was a "not," then we are on the same page.

i dont think you understand the global thing as well as you think. some are born into it probably a large percentage

No one is born into it, except as SLAVES.

All members of the cabal, world wide, must ask to be admitted and then initiated. For many families, it happens as a matter of course. Though, some born into such families are never encouraged to do so as they're being raised innocent and for the purpose of human sacrifice. Imagine being raised normally, not knowing your entire family is secretly in a cult, then they one day torture and kill you over your protests.

some are choosen almost no one gets to ask to be part of it they choose you

A fundamental misunderstanding on your part. Once you're in, you cannot leave. But you must ask to be admitted, and initiated. There is no part of the cabal for which this is not the case. If you think it is, name the cabal member.

you dont choose them and if you try to leave they litwraly kill you or try to drive you crazy

Yes, you choose them. And correct, if you try to subsequently leave, they'll get you.

think of the hollywood people who have tried to leave and get fucking wrecked mentaly... micheal jackson.. dave chappelle the joker guy lost it.. mel gibson went off the reservation.. many other examples... tons of hollywood elite have siblings that died as well probably sacrificed... so i think your somewhat wrong about that

But namefag, each of these people FIRST SOLD THEIR SOUL. Such a sale is the initiation, and "sale" requires consent. There is no one going around asking to buy souls. If you want to sell it, you must offer it for sale (i.e., ask to be admitted).

its the joos has come after a long life of reading studying watching movies documentaries... a history degree... not that im some expert but it truly comes down to this saying... every fucking time.. almost every rabbit hole i have gone down a kike is at the bottom of it.. ive read the creature from jeckle isle about the formation of the federal reserve... read about the rothchilds? read about the sackler family? the list literaly goes on and on and on.

Yeah, but you are now just identifying cabal members.

Now, I'm not certain if the Rothschilds have this same requirement, "asking to be admitted, and then initiation." Rothschilds are the Y head, the ones with golden skin, the top of the pyramid, the eye. They fancy themselves as god(s). All others, though, certainly must first ask to enter, then be initiated. We have seen how well this system ENSURES loyalty, and how well it silences those who try to renege on the deal.

i was not gonna call you a kike... but then you ended with typical jew personal attacks so ya your probably a kike who hides amongst the anons. at least you dont have to shapeshift when u pretend to be a goy anon.

You're mistaken. They're not personal attacks, because if you posted the exact same thing without the first line, you'd be "anon" and not "namefaggot."

Grow up and lose the ego. Be anon.

22499087? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i agree with some of your assessment but neither of us can be 100% certain of what the upperlevel psycho paths are doing. my ego has been gone awhile im over 40 ya kinda dont give a fuck after about 35 absolutly after 40... so its not an ego thing i have some issues with the anon thing i also recognize its value as well. as i always say i hope Q and anons are right and something is going to change to stop whoever is at the top. we just disagree how how guilty jews and their books of lies are. i describe jews as a parasite vitus hybrid. the genetic aspect of jews is the parasite their books of lies is the virus. for what ever reason they as a people are behind a lot of evil fuckkng shit... is it genetic? not sure is it religious cultural ya thats for sure a big part... is it all of them? no is it the moderates that help allow the shit to happen? yes kinda like islam supporting and creating radicial islamic terrorist? yall anon getting a little cultish which is a bad thing but Q is big on doing your own research i do it leads to jew fucks way to much.

22502459? ago

Yes but “moderate” Americans have enabled the cabal in the US in the exact same way.

Re initiation: either you have done the research or you haven’t. You haven’t. Start with Bill Cooper’s mystery babylon series.

22503079? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ive done enough research to have a pretty good picture of what has been going on. do any of us really know? id say no unless we were at the top levels and dropped out and if you did that you know to shut the fuck up and hope they dont come kill you.

22490509? ago

It won’t link directly through voat, you may have to type it in your browser manually.

22490072? ago

can you imagine...

As if it's a hypothetical. 😕

22490027? ago

oy vey, goy! you ave described a perfect jew paradise! now.. all thats missing is a planet of low IQ mixed-race servants!

22490021? ago

The less Christian we became the less we fought against sin... Now the 7 deadly sins are running rampant... No one could have predicted this.... No one.

22489987? ago

Imagine if jews ever got control!

22490813? ago

True. 9/11 would have never happened.

22489925? ago

The world HAS been run by a generational luciferian cult for 1000's of years.

Things began to change around the year 2012, when the shift into the age of Aquarius began.

It is because of our true patriots around the globe that this evil is finally being eradicated.

Trump is only one part of a massive coalition that is breaking the evil that ruled us for thousands of years.


KAG 2020

22492231? ago

I’m sure this sounds Iike a silly question, but does coming in to the Age of Aquarius have meaningful implications for someone born under that sign, with all that’s going on?

22495939? ago

No. It would apply mostly to mundane.

Russia. Is ruled by Aquarius. It will rise in prominence.

22492599? ago

It's your age buddy! Go get it!

22491765? ago

I think it is YHWH/Jehovah or the Lord God of Genesis 2.

Who is Lucifer in Genesis?

22489918? ago

Satan only exists because they believe in him and trick us to believing in him as well.

22490934? ago

Paul Harvey said one of the smartest things Lucifer ever did was get people to believe he didn't exist ! Kind of an "The art of warfare" thing.

22492659? ago

We think, therefore he is.

22490407? ago

It is the thought, idea and mental associations towards the satan archetype that is real, and that a group of people collectively dedicate their entire lives and existence towards this idea, and from this point conspire and act to enslave all of mankind. That’s the danger of it, especially as they’ve successfully captured high-ranking positions in the world and are nepotists.

22490062? ago

gods cease to have the ability to enter our sphere when they have no followers.

22492667? ago

Or when they lose their blue checkmark

22489849? ago

Good thing that didn't happen/s

Could you imagine what that would be like?

22489845? ago

No need to imagine. It was.

22490067? ago


22489741? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/b4Aap :

Wyatt, Austere Deplorable on Twitter: "Can you imagine if the world was run by generational, satanic cult? We'd have never ending war and debt, environmental destruction on mass scale, mainstream media propaganda and brainwashing techniques, mass surveillance, bought governments, bribed judiciaries, and pedo islands."

This has been an automated message.

22489705? ago

We had all of that before Trump.

22490053? ago

And we will have all of it after Trump. It's the constant temptation of sin. Jews turned sin into a market and we stopped teaching our kids the importance of resisting it.

22489607? ago

grizzley anne will drive your sub and for an extra fee, propel your rape victim thru the torpedo chute.

22489467? ago

Can you imagine if men had balls to fight them back at their own game? Psychological warfare, Subversion into their cult?

22490867? ago

I'd rather just Kill the mother fuckers ! Slowly

22490662? ago

Men would not fight them back at their own game. Their game is cowardly and subversive. Real men don't play such games with an enemy. Real men hunt down and kill the enemy. Fuck games!

22495741? ago

The Jew has no honor or morals

22492632? ago

So... do you want to play a game?

22490091? ago

It’s like Star Wars in that there is no way to infiltrate the dark side without becoming corrupted by it. They’ll make sure of that.

22490123? ago

that's what they want to brain wash you to believe.

22490039? ago

i am running for sherriff in my county next election

22490434? ago

Then you need to learn how to spell it.

22497134? ago

come to bullhead. az.... youll be found floating in baja...

22496957? ago

come to mohave county az.

22490885? ago

Give the guy a fucking break ! please

22490800? ago


22489950? ago

you don't get into the cult without compromising yourself....that's how it works....so hard to infiltrate

22490119? ago

fuck one baby to save 1000 million babies. Worth it

22492618? ago

What would you do once in?

They know how to deal with members who decide they want to spill the beans. Cabal members that wield power are probably the most tightly surveilled individuals on earth!

22493092? ago

it won't hurt trying. Why are you so afraid ? how s the weather like in Tel aviv ?

22490339? ago

That's quite the conundrum buddy. Maybe if it would destroy 1000 pedo kikes

22490035? ago

Step one of joining cult, getting blackmailed on the Lolita Express.

22489368? ago


22490077? ago

jews did.

22489259? ago

Yes, theyre called jews. Theyre a bloodline.

22495750? ago

christians use 'satan' instead of 'jews'

22491823? ago

How are they able to so easily get the gentiles to fight each other?

22491685? ago

The bloodline of whom? Who created the Jews?

22491754? ago


22491781? ago

Agreed. So, if we take out the Jews, then the Jews 2.0 will be created, right?

It seems to me that the problem needs to be fixed at the root.

22492559? ago

Satan is the body of jewry on earth

Not eliminating the (((canaanites))) as God commanded in Joshua is what led us here. He did not say enslave them or expel them, he said eliminate. Our refusal to follow those instructions is what has led us here today.

Thankfully by the end of Revelation all of (((them))) are gone.

22492802? ago

Yes, and the Declaration of Independence mentions God, the Creator, and Natural Law. The Canaanites push unnatural law- transgenderism, satanic inversion, etc.

These people should not even be in America. From what you are saying, they should have been eliminated a long time ago.

22490426? ago

The Kipling Tree Song was originally a poem? @Recyclops14 @albatrosv15 OF all the trees that grow so fair, Old England to adorn, Greater are none beneath the Sun, Than Oak, and Ash, and Thorn. Sing Oak, and Ash, and Thorn, good sirs, (All of a Midsummer morn!) Surely we sing no little thing, In Oak, and Ash, and Thorn! Oak of the Clay lived many a day, Or ever AEneas began. Ash of the Loam was a lady at home....Wasted the lands and Forests of the world to build their Empire of ships, then 100 yrs after new ships and sky planes would bring hordes of Gimmegrants, Negroids and Mohammedans into a Britbongistani landscape https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/3655085/22487368

22491783? ago

Why didn't you reply the song in the other thread?

22490444? ago

Empires always fail in the end, the Shriner rituals, Freemason elite and Jewish Occult, is there a connection?

22490366? ago

ZIONISTS, not Jews, Christian's, Muslims, etc, etc, etc.

22491082? ago

All jews.

22490406? ago

All Jews are Zionists whether complicit or not.

22496054? ago

All jews are Zionists but not all Zionists are Jews.

Traitors first

22496077? ago


22491408? ago

“Tikkun olam ” (Hebrew for “world repair”) has come to connote social action and the pursuit of social justice. The phrase has origins in classical rabbinic literature and in Lurianic kabbalah, a major strand of Jewish mysticism originating with the work of the 16th-century kabbalist Isaac Luria.

This is part of the core issue with the Jews. Even secular Jews believe that they are to "heal the world". This is why the left has been infested with Jews for over 100 years (liberalism is a Jewish creation).

This is why the Jews are at the forefront of almost every revolutionary movement in world history. They believe it is their place to bring about change in the world. Reformation movements, French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, etc.

22495627? ago

This is huge

22490856? ago

Most NYC Jews i've met have no love for Israel. Are they faking?

22490874? ago

Yes they are liberals that are virtue signaling bc Palestine. They don't give a shit about Palestine.

22490964? ago

Ok , i'll take your word for that, i'm from New England ,Boston area and I can only go by the ones i've met.

22494288? ago

Every jew ive ever met was a complete piece of shit. Had many jewish coworkers in the past.

22494586? ago

have to chime in here, I'm from the midwest and only know two people that are jewish.

sure that's one reason this is all so surreal to me.

(((they))) must be afraid of farms and manual labor...

22494927? ago

I woke up late to the JQ myself. Was in denial of it until about two years ago.

It tied a lot together and I felt stupid for not realizing it earlier.

Its the jews.

22495622? ago

All roads lead to the Talmud

22489590? ago

And all Arabs and shitty whites and...

22490358? ago

Nope it's just the jews. They go against everything that nature intends. You can blame the Arabs all you want but they were fine on their own side of the world separate from us until the jews got involved.

22491755? ago

Just the Jews? And those are Jewish pyramids and Jewish obelisks?

What about the other bloodlines? There are six in total.

22493575? ago


22494718? ago

There were Cain and Seth. I believe that Cain was not fathered by Adam. He was fathered by Satan, which is why he was a liar, murderer, and deceiver.

The lineage of Seth goes to Jesus.

The lineage Cain goes to Tubalcain, his sister Namaah, Ham, Canaan, Nimrod, etc. These people are revered in Masonry.

My understanding is that Namaah was the second wife to Noah, so the Cain bloodline got mixed into the Seth bloodline. Namaah was the mother of Ham. Ham had sex with Noah's first wife, and Canaan was born. This is why Canaan is cursed.

Research the bloodlines of Cain and Seth, and research the bloodlines of Noah's children, Shem, Japeth, and Ham.

White people are of one bloodline from Japeth, I believe. What is going on is that one or more of the other bloodlines is trying to extinguish or enslave the others.

To say it is muh Joos ignores the other bloodlines, which are just as or more evil. The bloodlines that go back to Satan are the problem.

Then it is a matter of understanding who Satan was in Genesis.

22494810? ago

Interesting stuff, there is thread in/v/conspiracy talking about this as well. But as I can tell in this moment, The Jews have the most influence on our world as it stands now. But of course there is evil with every group of people, the Jews just seem to perpetuate this behavior the most and purposely bring out the worst of every group.

22496665? ago

Agreed! It is easier to say Jews and people understand, but I think it is more nuanced than that. I am not saying it is not the Jews. That is part of it.

The problem certainly is not white people. We can live in harmony with others, and we actually enjoy working and helping each other. There is no satisfaction in me from living off of taxes or interest charged to others. We are workers and creators and that terrifies them. I think that Hitler had the right idea when be based the currency on German labor. That is something the people own and control.

I will look for that thread. I am always looking for more pieces of the puzzle. I always find something I did not know, or I find something that makes me shift what I thought before.

Have you researched the Sabbatean Frankists? It is a cult within Judaism. They believe in redemption through sin. They will commit the most horrendous acts and give to charity in the belief that it evens out. Some also believe that being evil makes it so their god will come back sooner. I think it is an excuse for them to be perverse.

The Declaration of Independence mentions God, the Creator, and Natural Law. These fucking people should not even be in America. They need to leave or be dealt with. We have traditional American values here that need to be respected. Imagine what America will be once we oust these fuckers.