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TemetNosce ago

13 day old account. I'm surprised this post slipped past the Mods. YOU ARE GLOWING....

Anonz55z ago

Hey TemetNosce, sorry but I believe you accidentally replied to the wrong post and probably the wrong thread. I hope you expose all those shills though, I think I know what you're talking about! GOD bless America!

TemetNosce ago

I'll leave my comment up, you know, for research purposes.

crazy_eyes ago

who the fuck are you

Anonz55z ago

I'm batman, and no, corona virus wasn't my fault. Stop asking me!

crazy_eyes ago

I know batman, you're not him, why are you answering a question I asked to someone else?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

That guy is tripping balls. You have the same age on your comments, so you might not have seen his theories posted above.

Anonz55z ago

Am further confused. lol

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I'll just say I don't think we perceive reality in a similar fashion. If you're wanting to convert people to your views, your challenge is going to be finding or creating a plausible path of beliefs from the typical world view to your decidedly atypical perspective. 🙃

Anonz55z ago

“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”- Kurt Vonnegut

Also I did not come here to convince you. I came here to not be convinced by you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

No problem. I like alternative thinkers, particularly [when or because] I don't agree with them. But it's all the better when you can make a plausible case.

There's no challenge when your opponent can't support their own position, or at least support it in an understandable way. It's when they present their case in a way that makes it appear they might not be insane that they begin to present a threat - to your own beliefs, and to power structures in general.

An unchallenged belief can grow fat and lazy. - Tsilent_Tsunami

Anonz55z ago

I suddenly understand your name! amazing!

"It's when they present their case in a way that makes it appear they might not be insane that they begin to present a threat - to your own beliefs, and to power structures in general."

Yes, but this is not often really the case. I used to go about things this way, but it seems that the more sane you make your argument appear to someone who is still sleeping, even sane by their own standards of sane or insane, the harder they seem to resist and drift into a deeper denial. A sleeping person, even when faced with undeniable truth will lie to themselves even further, and weave an ever more tangled web of self deception and delusion to protect their fragile minds.

When it comes to a sleeper, it's not about presenting them with the truth, it's about when they're ready to accept the truth within themselves. You can be as honest with someone as you want, but if they are not honest with themselves, they will still not see yet.

everyone has their time.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I suddenly understand your name! amazing!

Weird. Have received the same comment two days in a row, for the first time I can remember in over 4 years.

the more sane you make your argument appear to someone who is still sleeping, even sane by their own standards of sane or insane, the harder they seem to resist and drift into a deeper denial.

Yes! The name for that phenomenon is escaping me at the moment, but was just reading about it recently. It's like a ramping of defences as the perceived threat increases. If the threat can successfully be repelled, the original belief grows stronger.

it's not about presenting them with the truth, it's about when they're ready to accept the truth within themselves. You can be as honest with someone as you want, but if they are not honest with themselves, they will still not see yet.

This part doesn't seem entirely right, but I don't think I have a good counter argument at hand. it's not about honesty at all. But you can't be ready to accept a concept completely out of your conscious or unconscious awareness. So I believe there IS some element of presentation necessary. Maybe it's the the skill in presentation, or that the presentation happens to match the necessary criteria?

Since you appear to be involved in the "Q movement", would you be interested in critiquing my perception of that whole show?

Firstly, I accept the "proofs" that Q is either associated with, or working directly for Trump. Trump has been a liberal (if not worse) his whole life, was an acolyte of Roy Cohn, and almost explicitly said he'd like to fuck his daughter. (She's obviously got all the right parts, but... who says that?) For the purposes of this comment, I'll assume you're familiar with the negative characterizations of Trumps actions since taking office, yes? (appointing thousands of jew, billions to Israel, saying he wants the "greatest number of immigrants to come into the US legally in history", and all the rest.)

I'll skip the great efforts the average Qultist makes to fulfill that guests statements (on the negro "lemonparty" show on some msm channel) about Trump and Q supporters being hicks who dunt sped gud, but there is a cringeworthy amount of basis behind it. Anyway...

In totality, the Q psyop seems designed to probably pacify the white people while they're being intentionally replaced (see Trumps quote above), and in the larger picture, support Trumps Israeli faction in its war to defeat the current owner/operators of the USA Franchise and take it for themselves.

An insane perspective, or the underlying truth? Note that this is aside from the possibly 'better' management style of the new owners.

Anonz55z ago

Weird. Have received the same comment two days in a row, for the first time I can remember in over 4 years.

Sun Tsu Right? Art of War?

Yes! The name for that phenomenon is escaping me at the moment, but was just reading about it recently. It's like a ramping of defences as the perceived threat increases. If the threat can successfully be repelled, the original belief grows stronger.

Yes, I think I know what you mean, But what really gets me thinking and thrown for a loop is "what does the person rejecting the idea, even if it's 100% the truth, consider by their very own definitions a successful attempt at having repelled an idea?" Like, when and how do they consider an idea "repelled"? right? That's the part that frustrates me, and goes full circle back to that whole "self honesty" thing I was talking about. The idea presented could be 100% true, and there could be absolutely 0% logic and rationality and reason and fact or anything critical thinking related going on in their entire thought process, and somehow their brain still spits out the answer "Nope gonna be stubborn don't believe you lol!" and if you ask them, "Okay but why don't you understand what I mean?" they just say "FUCK YOU!!!"

Which makes no sense, because they didn't use their brains or anything for that matter to arrive at their conclusion. some of these hardcore sleepers seem to be outright plain old allergic to the truth, and reject it violently without any consideration. They even get a whiff of it, a small scent of the truth, and you can already look into their eyes and see the gears of auto-tragic-rejection turning and grinding into dust...

So I believe there IS some element of presentation necessary. Maybe it's the the skill in presentation

Presentation is always extremely important in 100% of all situations, even though I understand that this is not always possible. However, there are unknown and yet not understood factors at play that result in people automatically rejecting the truth, simply because it is the truth. The scary part is that they seem to KNOW... to be aware that what you're saying is the truth, and that makes them reject it even harder... observed this many times...

Since you appear to be involved in the "Q movement", would you be interested in critiquing my perception of that whole show?


Trump has been a liberal

Well, let me put it this way.

The founding fathers of our country (USA) were a really interesting and balanced blend of liberal and conservative, but their definition of liberal and conservative back then was extremely different then our ideas of it today.

Back then, Liberal meant "Try to get even more freedoms, as much as possible" and Conservative meant, "protect the freedoms we already have as much as possible" Where as today Liberal means "destroy all freedoms in every way possible" and Conservative means "Don't protect any of our freedoms and let them go away as fast as possible"

So technically speaking, you could say that in a classical sense, Trump is a pretty well balanced Classical Liberal and Conservative simultaneously. That's just my take and opinion on it. Other words to describe

Conservative, Libertarian, Populist, Nationalist, Patriot, and so on. Just freedom, Freedom, and more FREEDOM.

For the purposes of this comment, I'll assume you're familiar with the negative characterizations of Trumps actions since taking office, yes? (appointing thousands of jew, billions to Israel, saying he wants the "greatest number of immigrants to come into the US legally in history", and all the rest.)

Yes I've heard it all and I have a very good answer for you at the bottom that explains my views as much as possible and explains what I think is going on.

In totality, the Q psyop seems designed to probably pacify the white people while they're being intentionally replaced (see Trumps quote above),

I know what you mean, and that fear never goes away, even though I know Trump is on the side of the good people. All races must strive to be the best they can be, but we shouldn't destroy each others uniqueness by blending together like a 3 year olds first paint set until we're all the same. Be together, not the same. The colors of the rainbow are beautiful because they are together, but not mixed. Their unique beauty shines through because they respect their boundaries. The keys on a piano are beautiful because they are different, but together. If they all sound the same, no music is made. Piano has 88 keys, but all cultures must have the 14 words for their own people. Equality is often preached but it is never practiced in truth.

and in the larger picture, support Trumps Israeli faction in its war to defeat the current owner/operators of the USA Franchise and take it for themselves.

Don't worry. The good people are saving the best for last. The fake jews of the synagogue of satan will not harm the real ones, or anyone else for that matter.

revelations 2:9 revelations 3:9

An insane perspective, or the underlying truth?

Just like in science and religion, there is insanity and truth hidden in absolutely everything. good and evil everywhere, but the evil is fake and will lose.

Please read all of this if you can.