22505289? ago

Good luck.

22500490? ago

There is another article on this same website about how vaccinated children have far more chance of getting Autism and other developmental disorders then un vaccinated ones. No surprise to most of us here, but interestingly the research was carried out on 666 children. Really strange they chose this amount of children.

22500073? ago


22499256? ago

Nothing to debate on vaccines (not taking one)

Adam Schiff is a liar and a traitor

22499136? ago

This group is a fringe political group rather than a serious medical organization or anything. The name is intended to mislead people into thinking its a mainstream professional organization. Most will ignore it, perhaps rightly.

22505826? ago

you realize "mainstream" doctors practice male genital mutilation right?

your foreskin has probably been cut off, without your informed consent, and why?

because supposedly you'd develop a body image problem because your penis does not look like your dads penis?

22506561? ago

I dont have a penis so I have no particular opinion on circumcision, men can decide that for themselves.

The fact remains the groups name is deliberately misleading.

22498418? ago

Huge vaccine thread


(more info in comments couldn't fit it all)

I think schiff may be mentioned in there somewhere too.

edit: yup this part

-Congressman Adam Schiff (California) sent a letter to Jeff Bezos expressing concern over a CNN report showing amazon was showing anti-vaccination books and videos in the search results and also displaying them in sponsored posts. Schiff personally effectively asked Bezos to stop suggesting these titles out of duty to act responsibly. https://archive.is/ZoX4e

22497812? ago

If serious and real this is good news. The more ammo against Shiff, the better.

22497893? ago

Not really. This is a known quack organization

22497210? ago

did you read the article? At the bottom there's a link to the original. Think of maybe archiving the original?


22497040? ago

lol this will get laughed out of court while the lawyers take these idiots money.