22503664? ago

This is like a year and a half old

22501436? ago

This post is amazing.

22501118? ago

This reads like an absolute LARP.

I'm sorry, i see everyone's getting excited, but OP is citing total mumbo-jumbo.

You're telling me some random intern has been allowed to see occult machinations playing out in front of him, isn't one of them, and is still alive? Posting publicly about what he's observed? He would be identified by his writing in 2 seconds flat. And arkancided.

Nice story, but i'm not buying it. Thats not even to say i dont believe in occult machines. Just not this story. Although it has inklings of truth - the best stories usually do.

22500741? ago


22500128? ago

The Cabal actually knew this in advance through the Looking Glass technology, that humanity would awaken.

22499627? ago

We pray. We've got all of the popcorn, too.

22498253? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/8chan comment.

Posted automatically (#91715) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22498108? ago

I just want you all to know, as someone who works in and around the cabal.

Probably works in Hollywood.

22497763? ago

I can second that. I've worked in a close capacity with many of them in my day gig. The people that serve and work for them directly generally loathe them and are excited to be a firsthand eyewitness to their implosion.

22496999? ago

Something strange is definitely happening. I used to be able to practically materialize money out of thin air. I say the magic words and boom, I get a raise, a promotion, a small lottery win, an inheritance, a minor car accident that pays me back thousands, etc. Now it's not working anymore and I don't know why. I'm not doing anything different. The theory is that the collective power of a group of people (woke, redpilled people) are changing the laws of the universe to stop/limit the power of greedy hearts and minds.

22499067? ago

Why would just saying the words work for you though? Did you have to perform any rituals? Or do you think your human avatar was just being leveled up by will?

22502755? ago

Rituals matter

22497198? ago

Wow. Same. Nice get as well -- dub, then palindrome, then dub (2+2=4). First five also a four-of-a-kind poker hand!

I had read a book a couple years ago, about putting a sticky-note on a bill (dollar, or higher if you want), folding it up, and putting it into a box at the grocery store, or in an egg carton, etc. Man, when I did it, I was scared! It was like "reverse shoplifting", not wanting anyone to see it!

Second time was in a liquor store, in the walk-in so it was much easier to put them in the cases through the hand-hold holes.

Only had done it twice. Money did appear after that (2 years ago, I think it was; more than a year at any rate). I'm wondering if it won't work, now! My trading also is now constantly losing, where it hadn't prior. Time to hodl. God bless anon!

22496937? ago

God. that's how. They know that too, they just can't bring themselves to admit that the God they mocked has had the last laugh.

22496875? ago

Trust your newly discovered inspiration and flow to the finish line.

Wow, thank you for sharing this with me today. Powerful, I wrote about considering not getting to the finish line earlier today; not that today I'm considering that, just that it's been rough recovering from these concussions. Listened to Tommy Shaw's song "Bad Times" from the 80s earlier today, which was amazingly spot-on in its lyrics, making me cry and then "it takes a lot to make a grown man cry" lyric made me laugh through the tears!

There is definitely something in the air. Or ether. Or connection-space, whatever that is, in whatever dimension. God bless.

22496678? ago

I truly believe that the global elite saw the internet as a way to get more control through the gathering of information on people. the internet was the forebiden fruit for this group (the collection of raw data on the public at large) always being reached for and always just out of reach. then one day knowledge was finally bitten into by the global elite when companies like google, twitter and Facebook were created and used to gather data but this tool the internet was not understood by this group. the power they had came from the lack of knowledge and the inability of like minded people to connect and pool there knowledge. by the time that those who created the social media realized there mistake it was to late...

22496458? ago

That was april 2019.

NOW it is February 2020.

Couldn't you find something more current to show us? I;ve seen this exact same post about 10 months ago, posted here on QRV

22497462? ago


100+ comments with 98% positive.

Is it fun being so bitter?

22496383? ago

They lose because we are people, not archetypes. The moment they put it on auto-pilot to enjoy the spoils and devour the decadence...they lost. Our battle is eternal anons. Don't ever get satiate...stay HUNGRY.

22495902? ago

Does it seem like they are imitating YOU more and more instead of the other way around?

I forget when he said it, but I remember watching Obama give a speech in which he said "I have seen a great awakening" So yeah, you;re right. They imitate the movement a lot.

22495753? ago

Yeah i’m seeing the effects of this phenomenon

22495617? ago

What a bunch of crap, telling you what you want to hear.

If you want to defeat the Cabal, repent of your sins.

Keep God's commandments.

Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Love one another.

Only the meek inherit the earth.

You may have to fight for it, but you must do so meekly, calling upon God for strength.

Be one.

22496591? ago

The meek don't inherit anything. Heil Odin. Our Gods give us strength.

22501330? ago

God is real and you don’t really have a lot of time to figure this out. So I hope you with this: https://www.nderf.org/

Read the site index stories, doesn’t matter where you start, what year… Read enough of them and they paint a very clear picture of who we really are, where we came from, why were here. I’ll break it down for you God is real. Jesus is real. The Holy Spirit is real. Have an is a real place it in a different dimension. There are multiple dimensions, universes, and timelines. The earth and our universe is a training grounds specifically created for us to learn lessons we could possibly learn where we come from (heaven). But don’t just take my word for it, read the stories. Free your mind, and stop dissing the one being who is trying to help your fucking sorry ass.

22496477? ago

God will never let us fall. He has always had a tender heart. And he will keep us on his mine till the end of Eternity. No, man is perfect. We are all sinners. But through God we are saved don't Revel in sin. But try your best. God knows what's in your heart and forgiveness is key.

22495600? ago

We all need to start harassing the press to do the job they were hired to do and quit selling out. Some anon did it on r/conspiracy on reddit and they took the sub down. It's time we hold the press accountable for their past mistakes. Letters, e-mails, shout-outs, every way possible. Let's show POTUS that we're behind him. Call in to talk shows. Wear your MAGA hat. Do not stop. We need to confront them on the street. Take every opportunity. Now is our time to join the war. Open your mouths. Defend each other with speech. Defend our President. All anons must mobilize. Let's end this.

22501304? ago

The sub is still there.

22504298? ago

It's a shell of it's former self. A lot of us that were there at it's height left and found Voat about 5 years ago.

22495458? ago

What happened is the galactic energetic shift began known as ascension. Divine intervention is in the works. The dark cabal will fail, that is a certainty. We are simply integrating into a higher dimensional frequency state of being and those who remain service to self will continue on elsewhere to play out their soul evolution in a similar experience. If you knew what the cabal were up against you would laugh at their futile situation. As they say when god is on your side who can stand in your way. This is quite literally the case. Not in some religious fanaticism but rather the alignment with source and rebalancing of karma. Our victory is assured due to the fact we have higher advanced extraterrestrial civilizations assisting humanity on behalf the Divine Company of Heaven. The plan is truly multidimensional in scope. The higher advanced extraterrestrial beings who are here understand their connection to prime creator and are carrying out its divine will.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

‘The Plan’ is far beyond human creation. Lol The best is yet to come. Do not worry if all of this seems beyond belief. Starseed incarnates are here to act as intermediary ground crew who will come forward when the time comes and begin to bridge this enormous gap. You will know what you need to know, when you need to know it. ;)

22525080? ago

Why do you think they couldn’t better prepare for the shift?

22530456? ago

Oh, they absolutely could. But all the details are largely irrelevant at this point in regards to the shift. Embracing heart centered consciousness is what truly matters. However, there is a long road of integration that is required to get there. People are already playing out exactly what they need where they are. Divinity meets you where you are at better than anyone else could provide. Simply open yourself up to what life is telling you right where you are. In short you will find that love is the answer in all situations. This may seem cheesy for those what are not open but eventually you will come to this understanding. This life or another. Not all will ascend in this lifetime and that is perfectly fine. Everyone is on their own path. Know that you are a divine and eternal being on its journey home to be one with all that is. Life is the journey, take all the time you need. Surrender all judgement and embrace consciousness in pure form. There you will find the innate joy that you already are. :)

22497082? ago

I think that you speak the truth, about inter-dimensional beings. I'm not so sure that the firmament allows us to pass through though.

22534459? ago

Meditation is the key. Practice.

22496635? ago

"Cornerstone Earth"

22495339? ago

Wrong asshat YESHUA holds all the cards

Yall playing right along with the beast system calling your selves awake.

Such fragile minds...

22495296? ago

Yes we are at the end of a planetary cycle. EVERYTHING is lining up. What Q says and the timing of all of this lined up perfectly with countless ancient knowledge, biblical teachings, religious wisdom, prophesies etc. our vibration as a species is rising and we as a race are becoming more united and awake. Our innate abilities are beginning to surface more and more after decades of them trying to hide them from us (telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, psychic abilities etc)

This is THE most incredible time to be alive. This will go down as THE MOST important and influential period of human history EVER, and we are on the front lines


22497056? ago

I saw the (3.5 minute long!) trailer to "Soylent Green" today. I've seen the movie, but it was years ago and before I knew Q. It starts out with a narrator saying that it's the year 2022 and everything has broken down, but people still need to eat; etc.

Two years from now! This was [[[their]]] desire. Thank God for President Trump. God bless.

22496645? ago

Yes, as far as world history is concerned, this is a pretty amazing time to be alive.

22495285? ago

...this goes back to April 2019 - almost a year old!

22495207? ago

This is such a freeing message. THANK YOU. We need to charge forward with positive, productive energy.

They used fear and negativity to control us. We no longer fear, we are ready to build this Republic and restore it once again!

22494988? ago

2012 Ended the Timeline for the Evil ones.

22494921? ago

Eh, this is someone 's writing assignment.

22494824? ago

Oh. So a Cabalist, comes in, says "You guies totally WON! OMG your magic is so Stronk! So very strong are you, that you are free to do as you wish. Act with impunity! Feeeeed that ego! Go crazy, you Win!"

So a Cabalist comes in and says, "If we can't beat you, join us!" Ah, I'll take hard pass on that.

22494713? ago

That was beautiful

22494494? ago

"They don’t understand how or when they lost the power"

Gamergate. Hahaha

And yes, that one lady on Joe Rogan admitted they learned some things on how to do information warfare from us.

22494429? ago

...and a thousand new shitskins show up in my town next week, yawn, I'll believe it when I see it.

22494280? ago

People have stopped wanting the things that the cabal advertises. Movies, sports, cars, homes don't have the same entertainment value that they once had. Sure, there are people that still want season tickets to their team sports, but the fans themselves are questioning if this is a good use of their time and money. We don't idolize movie stars like we used to . Kobe's death was supposed to be a big deal. Now many people are saying this was an event to take your eyes off the political situation. Much of this change has to do with more access to inf ormation on the web coupled with people knowing that many things are broken in society. They have realized they have been misinformed by a corporate media that has an agenda. Once people realize they have been served bad food in a restaurant they won't go back, the same holds true for news sources. We are now searching for new sources of information that offer nourishment and satisfaction.

22500236? ago

We don't idolize movie stars like we used to

You'll probably be offended, but the things Q followers say about themselves is like overhearing "ghetto" conversations. Different thread had them saying they're literally employees. But worse, at jobs they hate, but go to everyday. Watching corporate sports. Even watching television. Using faceberg. Just the worst, most vacuous lives one could imagine. It makes sense for people at the bottom of society to believe a cult like this is a good idea.

I just don't even

22498100? ago

You have the same thing a billionaire does, just on a smaller scale: a home, transportation, and other things. The best things are the things money can’t buy.

22495114? ago

Yeah I don't idolize anybody anymore; however, I'd love a Tesla and fully paid off, big house 😁

22500440? ago

A Tesla is fine in a warm, dry climate. You wouldn't want one in Alaska!

22495494? ago

Think about what you need. When younger, I thought I wanted that. Now have a larger house, cars paid off and I think sometimes how the heck did I get here?

22497143? ago

You must be the happiest fuck around. I don't own a home and have only a couple of cars with 250K miles and not much more and I am only a few years from retirement and a measly 1k a month SS.

22498258? ago

I am a very lucky person. Happy also. We stretched many a dollar. Doing most all my own repairs helps. Maybe more than I realize. A lot of hard work paid off.

22497019? ago

Right? And all that cleaning, kek! :)

22495434? ago

Stop copying my dreams....lol!

22494643? ago

100% correct. Oscars having lowest ratings ever is another great example of their influence being stripped away.

22494189? ago

Good to hear from Q every now and then! wwg1wga

22494032? ago



22494025? ago

If I were the cabal, I would love to tell the peasants that they have all the cards too. So that they feel complacent and pacified.

22493800? ago

Pray every day at 316 pm. Not thrilled to hear that the Senate can be turned by a mere four being flipped next time.

22501342? ago

I do that as well!

22496997? ago

Yes, I have an alert set on my calendar app for 3:15 pm, "pray in one minute" and do so regularly. Not always daily, but, regularly. Not my idea I just piled on, it's a great time to be alive. God bless, anon.

22501346? ago

Me, too!

22493690? ago

Trust the plan. But it is not man's plan. Not Q's plan. Divine forces far greater than any evil on Earth. I'm not religious but not an atheist either. I do believe we are at the end of an age, and the beginning of another. All will be revealed and we all increase in vibration and rise up into a new dimension of peace.

22494483? ago


22493768? ago

Your thoughts seem to echo mine. To expand a little: I believe that not one religion is correct but rather there are truths to be found within all religions.

22501259? ago

God is real. Read the site index stories. https://www.nderf.org/

22501414? ago

I have spent literal hours on that site after discovering it a few years ago. NDEs are the best "evidence" we have of other realms. Some of the most memorable stories:

Guy blows a stop sign and get sideswiped.

Ends up on, what he describes as a "giant Ferris wheel surrounded by pitch black" with "someone watching him and seemingly frustrated that he is there." he eventually makes a "choice" and is right back in his car, blowing through the same stop sign, but the car that sideswiped him no longer exists and he goes the intersection and continues on his life, injury free.

Female undergoing surgery is given a choice as to what the blood tests will reveal during post-op. I cant remember the details, but the point was that she was given the choice to change what was going on inside the vial of her blood in this 3D reality while she was away in the other realm!

Male in surgery has OBE and tells the surgeon afterwords everything that was going on in the room, he then draws placements of the doctors and equipment as well as what the hallway outside the operating room looks like. Surgeon is flabbergasted.

Oh man I could go on for hours. I should go read some more, been a couple years since. Thanks for the reminder!

22504615? ago

Yes agreed it is an amazing site of truth!! God is real, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is real, the earth and universe was specifically created in this dimension with the laws of physics set and us in bodies that dampen our true senses in order to learn lessons we can’t learn in Heaven, a real place in a different dimension where time doesn’t exist and the laws of physics don’t either. We choose to come here, even picking what we will work on this time. There are multiple universes, dimensions, timelines... I could go on and on as well lol! Best part is there are no questions to be answered once we are back home because shortly after we leave our restrictive bodies, we remember everything and all the whys are answered. :)

But God is real. I know that much. Prayer is real and works, angels are real, etc. and the things the cabal uses to divide us don’t matter at all at home. :) we are all connected and loving towards one another and God.

22505263? ago

Well said! Thanks! Other universes and dimensions and timelines are really fascinating. I like to learn about them, but also don't like to dwell on them as I am in this one for a specific reason. I have had some of my past incarnations looked at and was told alittle about who I have been before. Others I have spoken to have been given information about lives on other planets/dimensions. One of the most intriuging stories was a planet that was 1/2 light and 1/2 dark all the time, due to no rotation around its own axis like earth. The creatures were all lizard shaped and worked tirelessly their whole life in the hot sun covered side, with the promise that when their bodies couldn't perform anymore they were rewarded with retirement to the dark side of the planet. However upon reaching this retirement stage they were actually just dumped in a cold barren wasteland and died quickly without food or resources. Search "past life on other planets" and you will find some fun stories!

22495465? ago

I don't know of a single person who has been able to articulate the "truths" of these religions (and yours, as ad hoc as it may be) in relation when pitted against Christian apologetics. Do you have any? Or is it kind of a vague notion you have?

22497492? ago

I am not clear on your query.

It seems pretty simple to me:

Love each other.

Be good.

We are One.

There is a creator.

I don't really even know what a "Christian apoligetic" is? Someone who apologizes for being Christian? Or makes apologies for evil done in the name of Christianity?

Just love each other. That's it.

22497840? ago

You've clearly never actually looked into religions, what they claim, and how they can be compared if you don't know what "Christian apologetics" is.

"Christian apologetics" are arguments for Christianity, as preached from the Gospel. Whose your favorite religionist? Perhaps Physicist Sean Carrol? Perhaps "atheist" Matt Dillahunty?

If you have a question about how Christians actually defend their faith, then this channel is a good start.

There are many more.

I only provide this because you claim to seek the truth, and seek to understand reality. If that is the case, then I highly recommend doing some research into Christian apologetics, attacking it however you find most convincing.

22498066? ago

Why would I want to attack something in my quest to understand my reality? What others believe isn't my place to judge.

I meditate and practice some shamanistic principals. I've studied buddhism and read the new testament. I've experienced the "impossible".

Im happy with where I am and what I believe. I will never be done learning and my beliefs may change when I discover new information.

22498083? ago

Why would I want to attack something in my quest to understand my reality?

You completely miss the point. If you disagree with Christianity, you have a way of attacking it that makes you not believe it. It is in that sense that I'm talking about "attack". The reason you're not a Christian.

22501095? ago

You're doing mental gymnastics and talking in circles, it's confusing.

Perhaps I'm missing the point because you are failing to make it clear? Or maybe it's my comprehension that is failing. Either way, this doesn't feel like a productive conversation.

Just Love Each Other for We Are One.

It's that simple.

22501127? ago

The point is: what does that mean? Your love could be my hate.

You have no specific objections to anything, so your platitudes just ring hollow. You should try to address the issues before preaching.

22501650? ago

Love is quite well defined within the structure of all languages. Furthermore the vibration which we experience when operating with Love is obviously different than that while operating in Hate. If the word "vibration" is foreign, then "feeling" can be substituted and well understood.

Your move to redefine "Love" is invalid, thus your attempt to discredit "Love Each Other" is also invalid.

We are One is equally obvious. Those words are simple and clearly defined as well.

It is through over interpretation man has been able to corrupt Jesus' message, and all messages of Love for that matter. Simplicity is perfection, things aren't as complex as they appear.

22501864? ago

Love is quite well defined within the structure of all languages. Furthermore the vibration which we experience when operating with Love is obviously different than that while operating in Hate. If the word "vibration" is foreign, then "feeling" can be substituted and well understood.

If that was the case, people wouldn't be so confused as to what Love is. That's my point. You ignore complexity because you claim it's not needed, yet a simple survey of the world says that this is not the case.

Your move to redefine "Love" is invalid, thus your attempt to discredit "Love Each Other" is also invalid.

I didn't redefine "Love", I pointed out that "Love" has many definitions depending on who is speaking. You saying "well they're wrong", while an argument, isn't a good one.

We are One is equally obvious. Those words are simple and clearly defined as well.

A seed is obvious and simple and well defined. That doesn't mean that people fully understand the fruit.

It is through over interpretation man has been able to corrupt Jesus' message, and all messages of Love for that matter. Simplicity is perfection, things aren't as complex as they appear.

You have to tell me what about Jesus's message you agree/disagree with before I can make any comment on this.

You seem to live in a very abstract world devoid of humans. Not sure why you can't just have a conversation where you explain what, exactly, about Christianity you disagree with such that you think "everything has some truth".

22504438? ago

Love is Love, my friend. You know this to be true, and the feeling of Love is universal and well understood. Your attempt to deny this fact doesn't make the fact not a fact. Humans who claim indiscriminate killing in the name of Love know in their hearts they are not operating from a place of Love. Check out HeartMath Institute and I encourage you to read some books on the subject as well.

I am not going to get into the mud with you about Christ's message because that becomes an argument regarding wording, interpretation, etc., something that people spend their entire lives and thousands of hours studying and debating - never reaching a conclusion. An argument in that space is pointless - Furthermore from the small interaction with you I get the impression you aren't ready to hear anything other than what you have decided is the paradigm though which all humans exist. We would be arguing from completely different places and speaking different languages.

I strongly suggest you expand your studying beyond the accepted religious tenants that are presented, beyond modern Science's argument against, beyond the atheists arguments, and look deeply into the history of humanity. Look to uncover what was going on here on this planet millions of years ago.

You sound trapped within a box and are trying to drag me into that box so you can point out all the shiny things inside you have discovered.

22505338? ago

I am not going to get into the mud with you about Christ's message because that becomes an argument regarding wording, interpretation, etc., something that people spend their entire lives and thousands of hours studying and debating - never reaching a conclusion. An argument in that space is pointless - Furthermore from the small interaction with you I get the impression you aren't ready to hear anything other than what you have decided is the paradigm though which all humans exist. We would be arguing from completely different places and speaking different languages.

This is the problem. I'm not trying to argue with you at all. I'm literally asking you for your position, and you won't give it because you don't have anything to say other than "it's obvious", which, if you actually observe the world, you know to be embarrassingly false, otherwise it would be true.

I strongly suggest you expand your studying beyond the accepted religious tenants that are presented, beyond modern Science's argument against, beyond the atheists arguments, and look deeply into the history of humanity. Look to uncover what was going on here on this planet long before any of our "recorded history".

Jung and Nietzsche would describe you as the epitome of "modern man". Very wise.

You sound trapped within a box and are trying to drag me into that box so you can point out all the shiny things inside you have discovered.


22506116? ago


I'm not trying to argue with you at all.

Your sentences which are designed to invoke a response/argument:

explain what, exactly, about Christianity you disagree with

tell me what about Jesus's message you agree/disagree with

what does that mean? Your love could be my hate.

if you actually observe the world, you know to be embarrassingly false, otherwise it would be true.



It's hilarious that you have repeatedly ignored parts of my responses which set to expand your thinking.

Very wise.

Suggesting that you would be well served by thinking outside your box resulted in you insulting me.

The gas lighting and arrogance is seething through your words. I wish you the best in your journey, be well my friend.

On a final note I am going to copy/paste the most important of my words, which do indeed answer the thing you have been demanding I answer, if you care to look beyond your own limitations:

Love is Love, my friend. You know this to be true, and the feeling of Love is universal and well understood. Your attempt to deny this fact doesn't make the fact not a fact. Humans who claim indiscriminate killing in the name of Love know in their hearts they are not operating from a place of Love. Check out HeartMath Institute and I encourage you to read some books on the subject as well.

22507018? ago

Your sentences which are designed to invoke a response/argument:

"Sentences designed to invoke a response". You mean, a sentence? I'm clearly writing to communicate with the (assumed) human being on the other end of this conversation. So clearly my "sentences are designed to invoke a response", namely a rationalization for your position which address Christian apologetics. You have been unable to do so, pilpulling about nonsense rather than addressing the actual point.

Which leads me to the conclusion that this is just "kind of a vague notion you have", as I originally asserted. Thanks for confirming.

22496626? ago

I agree. I have read and researched a lot but when people talk about different "paths" to the same truth, I don't hear anything but vague platitudes. The apologetics are pretty specific.

22494360? ago

And what needs to change and has changed to a certain extent, is the ideology that if you believe in one religion, you must kill everyone who doesn't. What's interesting is that the more the jihadis and the antifa crowd try to do this, the more people they wake up. The Libs love to wear their Co-exist bumper stickers on their cars and their foreheads, but their actions show more and more they don't actually believe that. Meanwhile, the regular people are starting to realize the hypocrisy and are cringing at the extremes being pushed on us. If you live in an echo chamber, you might not see that. But living outside an echo chamber and watching the self-destruction, it's clear as day.

22494482? ago

Given the choice between Love and Hate, Creation and Destruction - Humans will always choose Love and Creation. MLK knew this, as did Ghandi and every other "Non-Violent Revolutionary".


22493862? ago

Exactly. Many roads lead to the same destination. The roads and destination may be called different things but they are one and the same. We are all extensions of Source. We are the universe experiencing itself. Some feel the need to attend church. I don't see the need myself but I do recognize it to be a valuable resource for many people.

22498328? ago

Interesting that all religions but one have you seeking redemption and forgiveness and "hope" you can do enough to satisfy the "god" of that religion. Only one, Christianity, does God send His Son to redeem "while we were still sinners" because of His love for us. I can do nothing to deserve that love and forgiveness and grace. No works, no good deeds, nothing I can do will earn it. All other religions have works attached and "hope" that you are good enough. I'm thankful for Jesus the one and only way to God...He reached down to me...He is the only way and He provided that way.

22497499? ago


22493678? ago

Thanks for posting that.

22493684? ago

You're welcome!

22494147? ago

Dont bother listening to the retards here, you're message resonates with those with ears to hear it. I agree with it and know it to be true. Carry on Patriot.

22493467? ago

What if you're homeless?

22494545? ago

and on this board with internet service and a device. Yeah sounds plausible.

22494703? ago

I'm not homeless, just trying to get practical advice.

22493581? ago

Well since I just copied and pasted someone else's words I can't respond as though I am the author. However I will respond instead from my own knowledge base.

If someone who is homeless desires to change, asks for helps and most importantly is willing to receive help - then their life will turn around.

22493338? ago

Sounds like a LARP

22493248? ago

we are not god.


not falling for your disinfo.

99 lies one truth

99 truths 1 lie

22494120? ago

God is within ALL of us, and not external.

22494517? ago

But we're also in a dream simulation matrix.

matrix translates to womb

we're going through the renaissance (translates to rebirth)

when we get old and die we wake up from the dream

and we are truly born for the first time into heaven which is real reality.

God is eternal and the eternal is one.

God is heaven is real reality.

time is fake

eternity is the truth nature of reality.

since we're in fake time based matrix, this is not the real place, hence we are not home yet

22492825? ago

You work for/with/alongside Evil in support and furtherance of their goals. Fuck you.

22493136? ago

You seem to have me confused with someone else. Unless you are talking of my current job, in which case I must begrudgingly admit you are correct. Though, soon, I will be departing from this evil institution and joining one that lifts others up. Where I currently expend my energy was mear.. wait.. why am I bothering? hahaha ahhh you got me!

Love you too, my friend :)

22494571? ago

nah that dipshit is too dumb to follow the fact that you arent the author.

22492775? ago

Personally I think God heard the prayers of the saints and had enough of the evil. Now He is going to show us His amazing power.. God is not dead...

22515946? ago

This post is for really OLD news, April 2019. And it was posted here at that time too. Why not rely on NEWER stuff?

22497161? ago

I am God.

Thank you for your faith.

The more you believe, the more you receive.

22501244? ago

You are a fucking dirty satanic Jew and I can’t wait until you are off the earth and in hell where you belong, you fucking blasphemer.

22502724? ago

I am God. I have returned.

You are forgiven for your hateful words towards me.

22497149? ago

check this out, muh dude: Isaiah 28. really catches my attention.

A Mighty one with a destroying storm. A residue of God's people. Someone speaking with a "stammering tongue", line upon line,precept upon precept,here a little there a little, so that the evil ones might be snared in their own traps and inability to comprehend.

"And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report."

Remind you of anything?

22495244? ago

Revelation shows us that the global domination under their system must happen before Jesus returns. However, that doesn't necessarily mean there won't be delays and a longer time scale for God to allow people to accept his Son. We should be watchful always as we are always in the end times, but I sense this is just one of the birth pangs. Just know that eventually there will come a time when their global agenda finally does come to fruition, and that will be before Jesus returns. In the meantime, spread the Gospel and live the love of Christ as life is short!

22534358? ago


i think you might enjoy this

22506768? ago

We already were.

While we cant change what's coming it could be lessened by people changing their ways and turning back to God.

And here we are.......lessening the blow.

22498087? ago

That’s if Dispensationalism is an accurate interpretation of Revelation, which is a fairly new interpretation (approx last 120 yrs). Partial preterism is also a possible interpretation that does not include the “devil wins all the world” scenario before Jesus’ return. Remember, there are several interpretations of biblical eschatology that are within orthodoxy, the unfortunate deception that has spread is only one interpretation is within orthodoxy while the rest are “heresy”. It prevents believers from being Bereans about such things.

22498199? ago

I don't really know all the "isms" I just try to get as much as I can reading directly from the Bible. Some of those seminary scholars can go off on doctrinal tangents.

22534450? ago

Yes, they can, and it seems so many are dogmatic about dispensationalism, which is the idea that global domination must take over before Jesus’ return.

22497049? ago

Maybe we have been under globa-l domination and we just didn’t know it.

22496621? ago

I tend to believe that their agenda will only be accomplished after the church of Christ is removed from the chess board... raptured away by God. But even then it won’t last because the Bible says we’ll come back and utterly defeat them in the end. All glory to God!

22496945? ago

I don't believe in the pre-trib rapture. I believe we get raptured between the 6th and 7th seal of Revelation (source linked).

22495459? ago

Anon, THANK YOU for the Biblically-accurate reality check.

22496565? ago

The original was a self-help book, since been edited to cult of the personality instruction manual

22501201? ago

you going to be surprised when you die and realize that there is no death, there’s no break, there’s no time when suddenly you’re alive and suddenly you are dead… You are constantly alive, you’re just not in this body anymore. God is real. Jesus is real. The Holy Spirit is real. The time for you to realize this is now, is the moment you leave your body it’s too late.Where are you going to be surprised when you die and realize that there is no death, there’s no break, there’s no time when suddenly you’re alive and suddenly you’re dead… You are constantly alive, you’re just not in this body anymore. God is real. Jesus is real. The Holy Spirit is real. The time for you to realize this is now, as the moment you leave your body it’s too late

Start reading through the site index. It paints a very clear picture of who we are, and why were here. https://www.nderf.org/

22528254? ago

Copypasta much?

I assume you're going to the special kind of hell for people that don't understand humor or sarcasm, irony or have any compassion, nor intelligence

22496940? ago

"Look at what's happened to me,

I can't believe it myself!"

Lost the instruction book, but we figured this meat suit out anyway! God bless.

22493515? ago


22493045? ago

To be fair good people have been trying to remove the elite ATONIST powers that be from their positions of control for years now. This time, is WILL STICK! WWG1WGA!

22492935? ago

Daniel 10. Our prayers in the run-up to the 2016 election broke through and tipped the scales in the battle between good and evil.

22494291? ago


Our prayers started in ernest back in 2008!

22496128? ago

That's true.

I'll never forget the wave of dread I felt the first time I heard Obummer give a speech before a cheering crowd. I knew in my spirit something was very wrong and he was bad news.

22508062? ago

I was skeptical but optimistic the night of Obummer's first election. It lasted all of 6 hours because when I woke up the next day the television had already begun its race campaign and was breaking down how many white people voted for him and so forth. I knew then the next 4 (and then, unfortunately, 4 more) years were going to see the rise of a new paradigm.

22495472? ago

God started listening in the 1940s

22495579? ago

Gods been listening all along.

22501150? ago

Yep, God never left. The only one who does leaving in our relationship is us.

22496620? ago


22496537? ago

Damn. I've been hanging up as soon as I get the voicemail box. I guess I should have left a message

22501174? ago

God is always at the other end of the line… It’s you who failed to pick up the phone on your end and call.

22528261? ago

You're confusing the NSA for a being who doesn't need to use technology

22494940? ago

I started praying in earnest in 2007!

22492747? ago

Don't see it from where I sit, things are pretty bleak.

22492785? ago

Switch chairs.

22492801? ago

Can't, my master said no.

22493235? ago

You are in control. Switching chairs might not be as easy as it was in grade school, but if you truly desire to change you can find the path and create a new world for yourself.

22493432? ago

Uh, sure kid.

22493494? ago

At the end of January, the US economy had 7.6 million unfilled jobs.

22493506? ago

The jobs pay very low salaries.

22493665? ago

This world is designed to send cash in your direction when you put your spirit into it - the more you put your spirit into this world, the more cash flows back in your direction. I am guessing that, at the moment, you aren't really putting yourself into your work. Probably you are putting a little bit of yourself in, and that is why you are getting fraction of what you are worth in return. You appear to have enough downtime to be on voat sending me messages in what is presumably the middle/end of your work day in the middle of the work week.

Instead of spending your downtime here on voat, and browsing whatever other websites you are using to "pass the time", find a way to use this awesome internet to offer what you have to this world.

Writing? Go build a portfolio and sell your services freelance to websites that want content.

Artistic? Learn how to use a graphic editor and sell your services freelance.

There are websites that will pay you to transcribe audio into text.

You could do a bunch of small things until the big thing takes over your income flow.

BUT IT ALL STARTS WITH A MINDSET CHANGE. If you don't change the way you think/see the world - then you will never change your life.

22493867? ago

This world is designed to send cash in your direction when you put your spirit into it -

Ahahahahahababababahhababahaha oh man you have a rude awakening coming.

22493713? ago

Dude, seriously, shut the fuck up.

I made six figures every year for the last 10 years so be quiet.

22493848? ago

I made six figures every year for the last 10 years...

!!! I don't know that! You sound like a bored security guard staring at a bunch of tv screens! If you were (are?) paid that much then update your fucking LinkedIn profile and go work for someone who respects your fucking talent already. There are a TON of corporate sales gigs out there that start at $100,000 + commission! That was my first suggestion but I deleted it and though "na, this person might not have that talent and it would be rude for me to tell them to reach for something they can't obtain".

If you are worth six figures to someone then go market yourself to someone else.

Oh, the fucking racism will keep you down forever though - maybe that's your problem. Learn that We Are One (like Ben Franklin had STAMPED on every single US coin minted that he designed) or be forever doomed to think that skin color has something to do with value.

22493858? ago

There are a TON of corporate sales gigs out there that start at $100,000 + commission!

I have no experience in sales, you idiot.

Tell me you're not a boomer. lol

22494549? ago

Life doesn't work that way

Your attitude is very limiting. You are in your own personal Hell because of how you are choosing to think and because of every single decision you have made.

Your life is the result of your choices.

You can continue to make shitty choices, like being a racist moron, and you will continue to have a shitty life.

I wish you the best brother, I love you.

22503547? ago

Fuck you, nigger. lol

22504185? ago


22506431? ago

At least I'm not a worthless, affirmative action nigger. lol

22506462? ago


22506465? ago

Too bad, nigger.

22506931? ago

Popcorn candycanes

22506959? ago

Silence, fudge packer.

22506989? ago







Most banks think like s4uc3

22507030? ago

Illiterate nigger.

22507047? ago



.......... do








22507143? ago

You're working harder than I am, nigger.

22508017? ago

20 cents?


22508038? ago

No need to brag, nigger.

22492684? ago

Wow, I feel like painting my face blue and shouting FREEEEEDOMMMMMM after reading that!

22496460? ago

Do it and inspire more people brother !

22502501? ago

Sister. ;)

22492448? ago

Beautiful and true! <3

22492045? ago

You honestly think jews who control all the money, media, etc think the people hold the power?? They laugh in your face all while trying to wreck your nation.

22493010? ago

They have more fear than anyone, because they know that we greatly outnumber them. All it takes is for the people to wake up to who the real enemy is.

22493019? ago

Jews don't get scared until they start losing control and that is not happening. In fact, they have a president who will halp them around the clock.

22499995? ago

thanks for your opinion

22494596? ago

nah, they are losing ground on a daily basis.

22493513? ago

Run on home, little Jewfag shill.

22492768? ago

Air Force One is now Red, White, and Blue.

...also I LOVE YOU!

22492938? ago

Trump went after white men who are uniting against the jewish threat and Trump proclaimed that he is the king of israel.

22496605? ago

What's hilarious is, we are being downvoated as of what we are saying is factually incorrect. I think the Qtards are on the horse shoe with the TDS leftists.

22496628? ago

Anyone who sides with jews and israel is a danger to America and its people.

22498228? ago

Yes, but what if siding with them is merely a ploy to temper their alarm and resistance and it allows Trump to make real advances for us? It's possible. Just because he says shit, is it really true?

22499232? ago

His whole family are jews. Are they playing along too? Face it, we've been jewd hardcore.

22493150? ago

And Trump's FBI will gladly lock us all up because his Jews have determined that (((White Nationalists))) are terrorists.

22496501? ago

Don't forget Zognald's red flag laws. "First we take their guns and then worry about due process"

22492463? ago

While reeeing in muh antisemitism pain as they strike us with white men need to be eliminated for good.

Or lately, white culture never existed it's a myth

22492013? ago

It all changed for them when the Anon Q was trying to wake up, woke up.

When that one Anon realized the truth, that the world is Satanic in nature.

That's when the shift began to happen. That's when they crapped their pants.

They knew this day would come, all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc...All knew this day would come.

22492006? ago

GOOD, But I don't see the part where "they" intend to make up for what "they" have done to we newly empowered "peons"...