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22490093? ago

What did you do a google search of? What are we looking at there?

22490756? ago

Sorry, I searched Zw7301-&vQ-00-00-03 and that was the return. I am trying to be involved rather than a silent observer. This movement has been life-changing and I want to contribute.

22490789? ago

No need to be sorry...just wondered. Keep it up! Thanks for the response.

That looks like computer code for a database entry to my eyes, something I'm not an expert on unfortunately.

22491647? ago

It's actually HTML. You can get a much better view of this! Fairly simple: do a File, Save As, and either at that point or after saving it, rename it so that it ends with ".html".

Then, double-click on it and it'll open in your browser, and will have the tables formatted and etc. A lot to process so I don't have any insights on the data there, just that this will help you see it better. God bless anon!

22491912? ago

The lines are drawn.




When saved into an HTM or HTML file, this code generates a formatted table in your browser.

Could the HTML table this code generates be Q giving us some sort of a template to unlock the clues he’s previously given us?

22492506? ago

I gave it another look. It's an HSCB 18-month note, callable at 6-month intervals. Price is $1,000; underwriting fee is 50 cents, so Proceeds to Issuer is $999.50.

Number note: 999 upside down is 666. There is likely a reason to keep that underwriting fee under a dollar!

They appear to be tracking the Russell 2000 index. It appears to be risky based on the below -- perhaps it uses leverage?

n If the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is less than zero but greater than or equal to -20%:


n If the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is less than -20%:

$1,000 + [$1,000 × (Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying + 20%) x Downside Leverage Factor].

For example, if the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is -30%, you will suffer a 12.50% loss and receive 87.50% of the Principal Amount. If the Final Value of the Least Performing Underlying is less than the Buffer Value, you will lose up to 100% of the Principal Amount.

Yeah the next line says "Downside leverage factor: 1.25".

They were offered until 2018-01-16 and matured on 2019-07-19 (with "final valuation date" 2019-07-16, which makes sense from my time in the market; usually "three days to settle").

Lots more; then a "INVESTOR SUITABILITY" section which reminds me of "you may be a redneck if..." :) (Starts with "The Notes may be suitable for you if:")

Then Risk Factors, including possibly losing all of your investment.

Lots more; then on page "FWP-12" (FWP in a moment) and it has "ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES" with those tables you mentioned. Doesn't look like there's a way to make money! It says "buffer" up at the top describing the investment so perhaps it's like a hedge? OIC, if the underlying asset doesn't lose more than 20% of its value, and you hold from start to maturity, then for each $1,000 contract you make $143.25 (so the "return of the note" is 14.325%). It gives five examples, 3 of which make money.

Page FWP-19 gives a table of contents, which shows the pages above, and a lot more differently-numbered pages -- like "S-1", for three different supplemental documents, one going to S-57; second to S-44; third to S-59. Also a Prospectus, pages from 1 to 58.

However! Then it starts to look like garbage. I am fairly certain that at this point, the PDF was embedded, as it starts out with:

FWP 2 tv483339_fwp.pdf FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS begin 644 tv483339_fwp.pdf M)5!$1BTQ[...]

Looks like it was starting to give the next page number (and in the above it appears "FWP" is "Free Writing Prospectus"), which would have been "FWP-20" but there's no hyphen. Then it gives a filename ("tv483339_fwp.pdf"), the above expanded acronym, and "begin". The "644" appears to be the Unix permissions (the user can read and write; any groups the user is in can read; and, anyone else can also read). Then the filename is repeated, and then it appears that compressed data follows.

This is as far as I'd like to go at the moment. Hope this helps and God bless!

22501017? ago

Great work anon. You have a beautiful mind.

I feel appreciative of you and folks like you, who according to their own talents and expertise, are able to help us all peel back the metaphorical onion.

Feeling thankful you’re on our side.

22503221? ago

Wow, thank you, made my eyes moist. Recovering from multiple concussions so it truly is heartening to hear that some of my output was appreciated and beautiful!

One of the ladies in the brain injury support group I attend has said that she feels that she "makes others around her miserable." My "angry" reactions appear that way. Although it's rarely (initially) anger; it's irritability, and I just want to be alone and hide and reduce the inputs. But then after they react to my "anger" it turns into anger in conversation and then I just ruined the moment.

So thank you so much for your feedback. God bless.

22506559? ago

I appreciate you anon.

Well from what you shared, you’re doing great and the future is bright.

Remember that, believe that.

Our heavenly father has a plan for all of us.

I had several increasingly bad concussions playing HS football and then a really bad concussion playing college rugby, which knocked me out of hard contact sports and sort of made remembering random things a lot more “hit and miss” for me.

I want my life to glorify him in what I do and bring goodness and good outcomes to my loved ones, my bloodline and my countrymen.

Our heavenly father has a plan for all of us.

If you take Him at his word he wants us to do good things to bring glory to Him. I can get onboard with that all day.

Ask him to manifest that into your life and guide your path.

In my own experience, you might be surprised and impressed and sort of laughing looking back in a decade or so at where that journey may end up taking you and the lives you may end up touching and helping in some way.

Stay strong patriot. Good things are ahead.

22508596? ago

Thank you. I'm using a TendLight on my head and it seems to be helping my mood. Then I needed to scan something and this Mac Mini I bought to replace the hair dryer fans that the old laptop had which prevented conversation nearby... I'm still not completely familiar with the Mac OS and I'm not really sure I want to be.

Just typing is frustrating. It's not "Ctrl+" whatever, it's generally "WindowsKey+" whatever although sometimes it's "Alt+" whatever -- and then when I use the even older laptop in the bedroom (running Linux) I get all kinds of weirdness because I'm hitting the Mac keys to backspace et al and it is really frustrating me.


I'm about ready to put Linux on this Mac, and say goodbye to the Mac OS. I've had this since around Christmas (my gift to me: silence :) ), and although I do really love the ability to hear other people and not be constantly saying "what? what? what?" which is frustrating for everyone involved, and of course with the concussions that frustration triggers into the tone of my voice and I again make everyone miserable -- so I decided to spend the money to remove that environmental issue.

Now there's another "environmental issue" that being the idiotic keyboard layout.

So I had to scan something today, and ended up swearing at all the printers in the house because they won't interoperate with this piece of shit. Oops. Trying to be better, but I'll leave it.

I know what to do and how to do it, to remove this frustration. It's just I can only do one thing at a time, and I currently have higher priorities but every time I need to delete a word-to-the-left and hit Ctrl+Backspace and it only deletes a single character (Alt+Backspace on this crap), I get that much closer to installing Linux.

Anyway thanks for the good words. Really helps, right now. I like your "ask" as well, I've been asking for the Holy Spirit to show me the truth, will add that as well. God bless, I agree, the best is yet to come!

22494775? ago

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22493771? ago

These type of bank issued notes started getting popular around 2007-8. I was working for a major Wall Street bank at the time and found that I could create a synthetic structure on the open market that would generate a better risk/return for investors, so stayed away from them. Somehow, the banks were able to get these notes insured by the FDIC, so investors were fooled into thinking they were as safe as CD's. Not so, and there's a litany of lawsuits post GFC that prove this.

22500988? ago

Somehow, the banks were able to get these notes insured by the FDIC, so investors were fooled into thinking they were as safe as CD's. Not so, and there's a litany of lawsuits post GFC that prove this.

This is notable.

22504093? ago

If the public understood the actual limitations and mechanisms of FDIC and SIPC insurance, there'd be a lot more anxiety in this country. At the end of the day, you've got $trillions of potential liability backed by a much smaller insurance pool, all dependent on the "full faith and credit" of highly leveraged financial institutions. I'll take a hard pass.

22492631? ago

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22492171? ago

generates a formatted table in your browser.

I'm seeing a VERY large financial document. I mean, it looks like if I wanted to scroll down to the bottom it would take a few minutes. Where would I expect to see the table?