22500627? ago

With all the life extending drugs she could be president for ever.

22500249? ago

Code MONKey wont let me post on 8 KUN i dont know what his fucking problem is !!

Project LQQing glass Y


22499523? ago

Whaddya think this is, 8kun?

22499543? ago

Close enough.

22499160? ago

What about our voter integrity? Why does Q never talk about the millions of illegals changing the demographics of this country which will inevitably lead to a socialist supporting populace? Why is it always this kumbiyah bullshit and not reality?

HEY Q! I VOTED FOR TRUMP TO STOP AND DEPORT ILLEGALS. Any ‘drops’ on how’s that going? Or just more questionnaire type posts of stuff we all know?

22497674? ago

Ugh, Schumer is such a filthy kike.

All Jews do is lie and stab Christians in the back.

22503743? ago

yeah they really don't like us...

wish I would have known that growing up, would have made life much easier.

22510488? ago

Consider the holocaust lie in which Germany arrested Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) members after they declared a Holy War against German Christians in 1933 and attempted the entire Christian population of Germany as their slave labor workforce.

That's where Antifa originated, in Germany 1930 as the Jew's domestic terrorists who attacked Christians in an attempt to intimidate them into not voting.

Now consider an entire population of Jews who breathlessly pushed the lie of the holocaust and how they were all innocent darlings.

Now consider all the (ahem) "good Jews" who continue to push this lie for personal gain.

How many of these filthy kikes don't know the truth, when it's blatantly easy to discover?

Using our history and culture like a Fleshlight is a joke to all Jews.

22497497? ago

3859 THose who Speak the loudest!!

22497348? ago

Maybe Podesta bros are the ones are on the block next?

22503728? ago

I hope so, and that is the way Q started.

was just looking back through the first 100 drops...

22496934? ago

Found this when searching for Evergreen + vaccinations:

Evergreen Park Dr. Van Koinis’ Suicide Note Details Regret Over Vaccination Practices


Dr. Van Koinis was found dead in a Cook County Forest Preserve in Palos Township on Sept. 10, 2019.

Story seems fishy. I don't know if it relates to anything else though.

22494647? ago

Post 3859

Makes me think of this...


Alphabet is not listed in headline of this article, is in other one I read, but that makes six. Why do they own/control so many news outlets? Hummm!

22494310? ago

3859: what did ABCNews know and when did they know it?

22494087? ago


"It's un-American to investigate Democrat crimes!" - some kike who claims his life mission is to defend Israel

22494030? ago

3859: ABCNews tweet. When are folks working at places like ABCNews going to realize that when the networks are found to be accessories to bribes, extortion, and treason —- who do they think they are going to pin it on? Upper Management? The talking heads? Or, the newsroom staff?

22493907? ago

¨Non-standard defintion.¨

I (i) is missing

22494041? ago

The all-seeing eye.

22493627? ago

Hmmmmm... wonder who the "Far-right conspiratorial writer" could be...

.... thinking.... hmmm

22492655? ago

3856 Deciduous trees : I see this as bloodlines below kill all other spiecs so your may grow. Then the GREEN movement ie green new deal would kill millions in its process this is HR ideals.

n temperate climates, evergreens can reinforce their own survival; evergreen leaf and needle litter has a higher carbon-nitrogen ratio than deciduous leaf litter, contributing to a higher soil acidity and lower soil nitrogen content. These conditions favour the growth of more evergreens and make it more difficult for deciduous plants to persist. In addition, the shelter provided by existing evergreen plants can make it easier for younger evergreen plants to survive cold and/or drough

22491770? ago

Evergreen non standard would mean hildebeast has a deep state survival plan for herself during a depopulation event(s). Which means she has KNOWLEDGE of depopulation plans. Traitor.

22495350? ago

Underground bunkers which we paid for.

22491483? ago

Free tranny porn at pozmyhole.com.

22491454? ago

Evergreen b/c that bitch ever be chasing the green$.

Evergreen b/c she some how always avoids being taken out.

Evergreen b/c she a reptile overlord.

Evergreen b/c she dead on the inside and green on the outside.

Evergreen b/c it draws parallels to The Grinch.

Renegade b/c he gay af. Also, has 'neg' in the name. 'Re' is an oft used short for so many things. 'Reneg'? meh.

Any explanation just shows > They all know.

Oh, but of course ... another coincidence. That's all. I forgot.

Who the fuck knows?

Q, maybe can address the pending Pandemic some way?

How the hell we supposed to pay attention to anything else but that mess?

ty, God bless you all ~

22490841? ago

Last post, ABSOLUTELY! I have to believe that something is being done to stop media MSM control over American people.

22490713? ago

I’ve had a theory that the corona virus could be undergoing brutal testing in China (on their own people) to see if they could determine if a majority of Chinese could survive it, while knowing it would eliminate much larger percentage of other races . I also see that it likely is a Propaganda tool they hope to use to incite mass hysteria hoping they can tank the us economy before the election. Again, do we see any real people or is this mostly just propaganda in The MSM thus far?

22490661? ago

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

Noticed that he didn't say race. Sorry nigger lovers. lol

22494232? ago

He didn't have to because you never shut up with you're brainwashed self.

22503544? ago

You're the one brainwashed with pro nigger cabal propaganda. lol

22490394? ago

If the lines are drawn, it’s time to boogey!


22490389? ago

We’re ready to wake up!


22490335? ago

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.


The topic of this post is about control of thought vs "free thought." Using the rules of grammar, sentence & paragraph structure as I read this post, my "free thinking" brain is telling me that MAYBE, just MAYBE, Q might not be what we think it is.

Using the rules of grammar, sentence, and paragraph structure, it looks to me like Q 's saying "free thought" is the "clear and present danger to the Constitutuonal Republic of the United States of America," as well as dogma, propaganda, and herd mentality. So, which is it? Is it an "either, or" type discussion, or is it ALL bad no matter which side you fall on?

Curious to see what the rest of y'all think about this post.

22491638? ago

formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

I have studied philosophy for many years and this phrase has always been a fundamental of all rational philosophy. The statement is correct. Free though requires all three elements: logic, reason, empiricism. These three principles allow you to know what you know is correct.

22490227? ago

I'll take renegade for 200 Alex.

22490226? ago

MSM = Biased Fake News

22490220? ago

"Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?"

Because they were trying to use surrogates for their planned communist state to prevent the People from assembling, publicly, which would reveal the lie of their narrative.

22490166? ago

Before there was fake news, there was fake history.

22503763? ago

thanks for the links, so grateful for you organized anons.

22499200? ago

Watch for the ‘they want you divided’ retards to attack this post when we are not all equal and can’t live in a multicultural society. America was extremely successful because of its almost complete homogeneous population. Ever wonder how we went to the Moon in the 1960s then have subsequently been riding the coattails of said advancement ever since without any other major breakthroughs?

1965 killed the American Dream and the country itself. From the Wright Brothers to the Apollo missions in 50 years. Compared to the Apollo Missions to socialism/Marxism/communism/degeneracy/and population replacement in the same time period.

Wake the fuck up. Without reporting the millions of chinks and spics, we will never recover.

22499529? ago

No problem was ever solved by adding more niggers to it.

Niggers ruin everything.

22499652? ago

This is true and absolute fact.

22490137? ago

An interesting theory from an anon on 8kun:

(Not me, I take no credit)

Anonymous  02/12/20 (Wed) 12:09:202ef665 (1)  No.8113689>>8113760 >>8113773 >>8113960

8113297 (pb)


Evergreen plants can survive the winter months without losing their foliage.

They do not drop their leaves (die) to be reborn anew in spring.

(They) were going to destroy the population with an event (war, plague, famine etc.) in which humanity was destroyed and would need to be rebuilt.

But (they) would never lose control and would be able to reshape humanity and human culture in whatever image they wanted.

Evergreen is code for the people who would ride out the event intact.

22492407? ago

Hello Coronavirus. Which mostly only kills the already sick and the elderly. Sad to say it, but the majority of white-republican voters are now elderly. If Coronavirus rampages though the USA, US politics in a single year will be jumped ahead on their "plan" 20 years. By the time its done white will be a decided minority in the USA and the GOP will utterly lack the ability to win any elections in all but the low-population central states.

There are already plenty of indications Coronavirus not naturally occuring. And its a virus. Incurable via any drug (Viral treatment is always supportive care), easily transmitted, highly infectious, and......easily protected against with vaccines. YOU CAN BET they have already been inoculated against the virus.

Also think Anti-vaxx. Why is this movement so big? Because they want you people out there rubbing worthless essential oils on yourself like idiots instead of demaning a vaccine now. But you will make really good smelling corpses I suppose.

22492342? ago

That makes sense now why the elites were all setting up camp in New Zealand.

22494076? ago

New Zealand sits directly atop the ring of fire- hardly the best refuge.

22499681? ago

The flora and fauna of N.Z is pre last event and the event before that just saw a boook about it in the library and it said how nz confirms goodwana. I'm not sure you get that they know everything.

22491710? ago

to reshape humanity and human culture in whatever image they wanted.

This is a why they have been so obsessed with the human gene pool and transhumanism. Creating new people who would have no free will, just be slaves. Its already happening.

22494099? ago

Robots would be more efficient, productive, dependable. Totally trouble free. Humans? Need to be fed, housed etc. and are useless for the first several years of life.

22499364? ago

But robots do not produce blood, menstrual fluids, breast milk which they have to have.

22503657? ago


22499831? ago

Oh. They’ll hav plenty of slaves in prisons to farm their deviant needs from. Don’t worry. They’ve got their supply chain figured out too for human product.

22490686? ago

Makes sense, though Q said Non Standard Definition, which is open to interpretation. Could it be the Evergreen mentions of Chemtrailing planes?

22492035? ago

If you stare at green long enough and then look at white, you'll see red. Inverse colors.

If "think mirror", then perhaps "never red"? A Russia reference? Just spitballing.

22496481? ago

Almost like a red shadow or a red spirit...

22496497? ago


22492624? ago

lol, just spitballing. Thanks for the memories.

You know, so much here is disinfo and for good reason, and then perhaps for no reason.

It will all be worth it once the arrests start. Quite a few psychics have mentioned them getting close for what it is worth.

22499689? ago

222222 was the number i was given !!

22492789? ago

I can feel it. Not psychic myself, but it is unseasonably warm today. Tommy Shaw (from Styx) had a solo album in the 80s with the lyric, "I don't know anybody who likes February; it's too damn cold (yeah!), just too damn cold (yeah!)" -- something about "good times" actually I think the song title is "Bad Times" in fact let's listen: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=dcmZaTdfY8Y

Man, I gotta listen to more of this! I feel younger. Wow. Back atcha with the thanks for the memories!!!

A tear in my eye, I've considered not making it to the finish line and this song is really speaking to me -- now I'm crying, thanks again seriously!

And now laughing [through the tears!], at the lyric "it takes a lot to make a grown man cry" wow.

Wow. Again, thanks.

22492953? ago

Thx for sharing anon. You can never lose hope in life as we don‘t really know what it is. My feeling, a school of sorts to learn about love. Yeah, I‘m more than a bit psychic. We are in the middle of stg huge. I pray this is all as Q team says, I mean the winning part. It is clear evil was making life hell on Earth.

Spread the Love, every action has meaning and effect.

22493087? ago

Agreed. Thanks and God bless, anon.

22491571? ago

What about the Evergreen airport in Oregon/Waahington? CIA black site?

22492633? ago

I hadn't heard that before. The chemtrailing is global, so perhaps a connection. But a closer look would help.

22490460? ago

Nuclear winter.

22490078? ago

Revoke corporate charters for corporation controlling the fake media.

Revoke corporate charters for corporations that DO NOT SERVE The PEOPLES' interests.

Shareholders will then demand better of CEOs and self police!

22490536? ago

They dont care about money. We'll have to take over the buildings physically and remove them, physically.

22489957? ago

Think depopulation.

The Silent War continues…

Think about the Georgia Guidestones. They warned the people. No one took them seriously. Are (they) still planning a major EMP or worldwide extermination event? It won't be successful because they have lost control. But the silent war continues so they will continue to try different things like Corona Virus or something else. Based on the tone of the posts, I don't think this will soon be over............a way to go. THE PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP FIRST before arrests can happen.

22490342? ago

I'm surprised no one's tried to destroy them yet, knowing what we know now.

22493974? ago

I think history has several examples of good people trying to fight back against the Cabal. We just never had the technical capabilities until now to get all of the dirt on them AND disseminate that information to the public.

22491753? ago

It was tried with the Biblical floods but some survived and regained power. I believe, if I am correct, the three sons of Noah eventually fought over control and the bad ones (2) won.

22490037? ago

THE PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP FIRST before arrests can happen.

Very serious question: How do we define "The people have woken up"? What's the percentage of people that have "woken up" that allows us to say "The people have woken up"? Merely 51%? 60% 75?...100%?

How do we measure it too?

22494968? ago

Only 13% of the Colonists supported the Revolutionary War. Only 3% of them actually fought the British. The other 87% stood around with their hands up their asses.

22492500? ago

I don't think this stuff comes in with a simple number. I think its more carefully watching society and seeing what people are talking about. Consider all the things WE, those who are already awoken Patriots, learned about our government and how deep the evil goes since 2016. What had to happen is that people needed to lose all faith that the democrats (currently in power at least) were anything BUT "just the other side" of normal politics. Trump needed to show how corrupt there where, how many crimes they have their fingers in....and the utterly insane lengths they are going to obstruct Trump and the government from functioning.

See the majority of people always used to think that the "other-side" wanted the best for America, just were wrong about to do it. Trump needed to expose that these leading democrats arn';t just mistaken, they are actively, knowingly, eagerly trying to DESTROY the USA.

I don't believe this is something that is not easily polled. Besides THEY rigged the political polling companies as propaganda tools a while ago. Ever notice how the polls say that "only republicans" like Trump when Trump rallies are more popular than rock concerts and stuffed with former democrats?

22491805? ago

I think Q and team will know when the time is right. Q has mentioned back and forth movement determine what comes next. Trump has also mentioned that the evil is deeper than he ever imagined. I think they originally planned to wrap this up much quicker than what we see. They have to roll with the punches and changes in the plan were necessary to some degree.

22492961? ago

RICO is the most complex of cases for the government to bring.

22490722? ago

Some notable arrests like Comey, Strzok and McGabe can really help wake people up, when followed with hard evidence. Wait and let people take it in. Then rinse and repeat.

22493899? ago

The MSM is furiously painting any actions taken against the DS as Trump retaliating against political opponents like a dictator. The early takedowns have to be indisputable.

22494152? ago

Was just reading the Barr and Stone news, agreed. Of course, really, since this is all planned, enjoy the show.

22494500? ago

It’s sometimes hard to remember that we’ve already won.

22490352? ago


20% is usually the breakdown.

Look at the percentage when Con-con resulted in a runaway convention and produced the 1787 Constitution. I don't think it was even double digits that supported the need for a republic.

22489955? ago

Evergreen Contract:

"Evergreen contract is a contract that is renewed automatically or by notice from year to year until canceled by the either party. "


22489870? ago

In Q3858, the file name is GA2.21.jpg

Great Awakening will happen February 21st?

22499691? ago

THE G.A WAS 111118

22499166? ago

It wont. Just like every other date fagging failed to come true.

22496173? ago

interesting that today is the 12th [think mirror]

22490044? ago

Good catch. I hope it's that soon.

22493841? ago

Forgive me if I don't mark my calendar. It'll happen soon enough and we've been prepared for a long time.

22489729? ago

Interdasting: Q just confirmed the attacks on 8kun were state level. The why is pretty obvious: they are desperate because something huge is about to drop.

22498092? ago


22498298? ago

Let us pray that's finally the date fren.

22490344? ago

How come 4ch /pol/never gets DDOS'd?

22492333? ago

And you know that how exactly?

22493910? ago

They haven't been shut down in any way that I'm aware of.

22492226? ago

Ever been there? Its controlled opposition. That board is full of "glow-niggers" agents nazi-posting to keep the divided narratives up here. You know pure white ethnostate bullshot. They are here too, posing and getting people to start thinking that the other races in America are our enemies. Q is repeatedly telling us that white-vs-black-va-Latino racial strife is HOW they control us.

They make us put all our energy and mental effort into arguing and contemplating racial problems instead of focusing on the real problem : the run away out of control elites.

22501298? ago

I think many of us are aware of the main problem with the elite / cabal corruption takeover of our government and institutions and ALSO to see a massive problem (created by the cabal) with immigration and race and culture in this country.

And we exist here following Q and POTUS and Jesus (not in that order) without needing to be talked down to, belittled, or dismissed as racists or worse, just because we love our country and culture and the historical successes and liberties that we previously had.

22497142? ago

^^^this^^^ right here is why Q moved to 8chan and then 8kun and this Voat sub. Not as many nazi asshats willing to sell their souls to [them] for a few shekels.

22493917? ago

I go there daily but not as often lately because of the reasons you mentioned. It's a cesspool.

22491262? ago

Different attack vector. They were going to make 4chan /8chan hotbeds of "white supremacy" by coordinating their attacks on there and then getting the state to shut it down for them.

Didn't work because the BO took the site down to prevent it.

Moves and counter moves.

22492308? ago

Actually they did it. The used mass shooter "manifestos" as grounds for totally deplatforming 8chan.

Its how they are going to run their plays. They want all non-controlled social media hugs completely removed. Since 4chan has never been under threat, and moot is long since retired, I would readily say that 4chan is actually run by the Deep State as a means of controlled opposition. I think they are actually pushing the alt-right into white supremacy so not only can they take down their websites, but they can take down the PEOPLE too. Its complete a 2 for 1 situation, because if they manipulate the right into being flaming white supremacists...first of all 80% of people want nothing to do with them. 2ndly hate crime laws mean they can jail these people pretty much forever. And that is what it is, covering up that they are jailing political dissidents, by claiming they are hate criminals and giving them 20, sometimes life sentences after they get done.

This is a war, and the Deep State plays like soviet Russia. They make people they don't like just disappear and the jail political dissidents.

22491234? ago

Q doesn't post there, so it could be that

22499820? ago


22490408? ago

Stop asking questions it might hurt the sheep.

22489876? ago

But what state/states? Patriots in control of: USA? UK? Where else? Where are we not in control?

22492265? ago

NK, Russia, Iran, SA...

22492327? ago

I would take Russia off that list. They're constantly demonized for a reason.

22493807? ago

Fair enough, but they don't get to join the friends list either.

22491023? ago


22489660? ago

[Zw7301-&vQ-00-00-03] anyone?

22491554? ago

I noticed that too. Do you see where drop 3857 makes note of "v Q" again? What is that?

Highly sophisticated 'State-level' attacks [v 8kun] followed by FAKE NEWS attacks [v Q] the next day?

22496268? ago

I took the "v 8kun" and "v Q" to mean the 'State-level' attacks (verses aka vs aka v meaning against) 8 kun and Q. In other words, v is just a shorter way to write vs.

22492068? ago

Interesting and note that same pattern appears in the drop before:


Not sure what it all means yet...

22490196? ago

To me looks like global position address.

Google takes to cave in VA

22491678? ago

I remember in 2014 IIRC there was an earthquake centered in VA, which we felt up here in Boston, MA. Speculation was DUMBs being blown up/cleared out. Possible link?

22492486? ago

Is that when the Washington Monument got buckled?

22492666? ago

Don't know, it seems to ring a bell. The concussions make it like "thinking from the bottom of a well" so the bell is very faint. Tried searching on it but I found no results.

22490698? ago

Link that woodya?

22490413? ago

Wow nice catch...I wonder what could be in that cave?

22490136? ago

I found this website with Chinese writing that links to it. I don't know Chinese though.


22490569? ago

My browser translated it to a job description in their Taxation Board.

22489727? ago

password? showing DS that they truly do "have it all" even on so called private servers not connected to the net.

22491631? ago

64 bit decryption key and where to find the drop that is unlocked by the key

22489747? ago

That would be interdasting indeed.

22490093? ago

What did you do a google search of? What are we looking at there?

22490756? ago

Sorry, I searched Zw7301-&vQ-00-00-03 and that was the return. I am trying to be involved rather than a silent observer. This movement has been life-changing and I want to contribute.

22493719? ago

It looks like pretty standard language used in an SEC filing for a private note issued by HSBC. I've read a few thousand prospectuses and they are pretty much bland template.

The fact that it is 2016 and HSBC is involved makes it a bit more interesting. I don't currently have access to a Bloomberg machine, but will call a colleague to see if he finds anything and will post a new thread if it is worth discussion.

22491657? ago

Replied to child comment, you may be interested as well: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3655456/22491647

22491582? ago

Same anon. God bless

22490789? ago

No need to be sorry...just wondered. Keep it up! Thanks for the response.

That looks like computer code for a database entry to my eyes, something I'm not an expert on unfortunately.

22491647? ago

It's actually HTML. You can get a much better view of this! Fairly simple: do a File, Save As, and either at that point or after saving it, rename it so that it ends with ".html".

Then, double-click on it and it'll open in your browser, and will have the tables formatted and etc. A lot to process so I don't have any insights on the data there, just that this will help you see it better. God bless anon!

22491912? ago

The lines are drawn.




When saved into an HTM or HTML file, this code generates a formatted table in your browser.

Could the HTML table this code generates be Q giving us some sort of a template to unlock the clues he’s previously given us?

22492506? ago

I gave it another look. It's an HSCB 18-month note, callable at 6-month intervals. Price is $1,000; underwriting fee is 50 cents, so Proceeds to Issuer is $999.50.

Number note: 999 upside down is 666. There is likely a reason to keep that underwriting fee under a dollar!

They appear to be tracking the Russell 2000 index. It appears to be risky based on the below -- perhaps it uses leverage?

n If the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is less than zero but greater than or equal to -20%:


n If the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is less than -20%:

$1,000 + [$1,000 × (Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying + 20%) x Downside Leverage Factor].

For example, if the Final Return of the Least Performing Underlying is -30%, you will suffer a 12.50% loss and receive 87.50% of the Principal Amount. If the Final Value of the Least Performing Underlying is less than the Buffer Value, you will lose up to 100% of the Principal Amount.

Yeah the next line says "Downside leverage factor: 1.25".

They were offered until 2018-01-16 and matured on 2019-07-19 (with "final valuation date" 2019-07-16, which makes sense from my time in the market; usually "three days to settle").

Lots more; then a "INVESTOR SUITABILITY" section which reminds me of "you may be a redneck if..." :) (Starts with "The Notes may be suitable for you if:")

Then Risk Factors, including possibly losing all of your investment.

Lots more; then on page "FWP-12" (FWP in a moment) and it has "ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES" with those tables you mentioned. Doesn't look like there's a way to make money! It says "buffer" up at the top describing the investment so perhaps it's like a hedge? OIC, if the underlying asset doesn't lose more than 20% of its value, and you hold from start to maturity, then for each $1,000 contract you make $143.25 (so the "return of the note" is 14.325%). It gives five examples, 3 of which make money.

Page FWP-19 gives a table of contents, which shows the pages above, and a lot more differently-numbered pages -- like "S-1", for three different supplemental documents, one going to S-57; second to S-44; third to S-59. Also a Prospectus, pages from 1 to 58.

However! Then it starts to look like garbage. I am fairly certain that at this point, the PDF was embedded, as it starts out with:

FWP 2 tv483339_fwp.pdf FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS begin 644 tv483339_fwp.pdf M)5!$1BTQ[...]

Looks like it was starting to give the next page number (and in the above it appears "FWP" is "Free Writing Prospectus"), which would have been "FWP-20" but there's no hyphen. Then it gives a filename ("tv483339_fwp.pdf"), the above expanded acronym, and "begin". The "644" appears to be the Unix permissions (the user can read and write; any groups the user is in can read; and, anyone else can also read). Then the filename is repeated, and then it appears that compressed data follows.

This is as far as I'd like to go at the moment. Hope this helps and God bless!

22501017? ago

Great work anon. You have a beautiful mind.

I feel appreciative of you and folks like you, who according to their own talents and expertise, are able to help us all peel back the metaphorical onion.

Feeling thankful you’re on our side.

22503221? ago

Wow, thank you, made my eyes moist. Recovering from multiple concussions so it truly is heartening to hear that some of my output was appreciated and beautiful!

One of the ladies in the brain injury support group I attend has said that she feels that she "makes others around her miserable." My "angry" reactions appear that way. Although it's rarely (initially) anger; it's irritability, and I just want to be alone and hide and reduce the inputs. But then after they react to my "anger" it turns into anger in conversation and then I just ruined the moment.

So thank you so much for your feedback. God bless.

22506559? ago

I appreciate you anon.

Well from what you shared, you’re doing great and the future is bright.

Remember that, believe that.

Our heavenly father has a plan for all of us.

I had several increasingly bad concussions playing HS football and then a really bad concussion playing college rugby, which knocked me out of hard contact sports and sort of made remembering random things a lot more “hit and miss” for me.

I want my life to glorify him in what I do and bring goodness and good outcomes to my loved ones, my bloodline and my countrymen.

Our heavenly father has a plan for all of us.

If you take Him at his word he wants us to do good things to bring glory to Him. I can get onboard with that all day.

Ask him to manifest that into your life and guide your path.

In my own experience, you might be surprised and impressed and sort of laughing looking back in a decade or so at where that journey may end up taking you and the lives you may end up touching and helping in some way.

Stay strong patriot. Good things are ahead.

22508596? ago

Thank you. I'm using a TendLight on my head and it seems to be helping my mood. Then I needed to scan something and this Mac Mini I bought to replace the hair dryer fans that the old laptop had which prevented conversation nearby... I'm still not completely familiar with the Mac OS and I'm not really sure I want to be.

Just typing is frustrating. It's not "Ctrl+" whatever, it's generally "WindowsKey+" whatever although sometimes it's "Alt+" whatever -- and then when I use the even older laptop in the bedroom (running Linux) I get all kinds of weirdness because I'm hitting the Mac keys to backspace et al and it is really frustrating me.


I'm about ready to put Linux on this Mac, and say goodbye to the Mac OS. I've had this since around Christmas (my gift to me: silence :) ), and although I do really love the ability to hear other people and not be constantly saying "what? what? what?" which is frustrating for everyone involved, and of course with the concussions that frustration triggers into the tone of my voice and I again make everyone miserable -- so I decided to spend the money to remove that environmental issue.

Now there's another "environmental issue" that being the idiotic keyboard layout.

So I had to scan something today, and ended up swearing at all the printers in the house because they won't interoperate with this piece of shit. Oops. Trying to be better, but I'll leave it.

I know what to do and how to do it, to remove this frustration. It's just I can only do one thing at a time, and I currently have higher priorities but every time I need to delete a word-to-the-left and hit Ctrl+Backspace and it only deletes a single character (Alt+Backspace on this crap), I get that much closer to installing Linux.

Anyway thanks for the good words. Really helps, right now. I like your "ask" as well, I've been asking for the Holy Spirit to show me the truth, will add that as well. God bless, I agree, the best is yet to come!

22494775? ago

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22493771? ago

These type of bank issued notes started getting popular around 2007-8. I was working for a major Wall Street bank at the time and found that I could create a synthetic structure on the open market that would generate a better risk/return for investors, so stayed away from them. Somehow, the banks were able to get these notes insured by the FDIC, so investors were fooled into thinking they were as safe as CD's. Not so, and there's a litany of lawsuits post GFC that prove this.

22500988? ago

Somehow, the banks were able to get these notes insured by the FDIC, so investors were fooled into thinking they were as safe as CD's. Not so, and there's a litany of lawsuits post GFC that prove this.

This is notable.

22504093? ago

If the public understood the actual limitations and mechanisms of FDIC and SIPC insurance, there'd be a lot more anxiety in this country. At the end of the day, you've got $trillions of potential liability backed by a much smaller insurance pool, all dependent on the "full faith and credit" of highly leveraged financial institutions. I'll take a hard pass.

22492631? ago

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22492171? ago

generates a formatted table in your browser.

I'm seeing a VERY large financial document. I mean, it looks like if I wanted to scroll down to the bottom it would take a few minutes. Where would I expect to see the table?

22489545? ago

I think Q just hinted at an arrest coming, but which one?

I'll take Evergreen for the Daily Double Alex.

22489756? ago

How about all of them? This was a conspiracy just like the mafia back in the day. You've got to round them all up and make it a clean sweep.

How to wake up normies? Hussein and Evergreen but ALSO Romney and Roberts!

22490734? ago

Evergreen: always looking for the cash???

22491526? ago

or the one who never takes the fall.

22490670? ago

Dominoes bud!

22489536? ago

Think depopulation.....

Is CoVID19 the deep states "sky is falling" doomsday event?

22501900? ago


When are anons going to be trained in the art of dual laptop motorcycle hacking so we can work on the move like you do??? Show us how to nuke and use trojans. Please.

22491655? ago

How do you get the world’s leaders to follow you?

What is the one thing they all would give their kingdom for, but can not get?

I have the elixir of life to sell to you.

My name is evergreen.

22490787? ago

I 100% agree!

22489881? ago

The mainstream propaganda sure is acting like it.

22489709? ago
