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22483337? ago


Misspelled words matter.

's should be after Hillary not Podesta, and there is an S missing.

S is the 19th letter.

Digging up a decode. BRB.

22483998? ago

Looking forward to it!

22484694? ago

This is a hard puzzle to be honest.

Turning on my third eye.

Almonds Activated.

Dance with me.

22487124? ago

Hey if you have any info on Bernie and throwing 2016, I just made a post to help red-pill my parents. (kek, Digits amaze me).

Our wonderful cat woke me up this morning after too little sleep, sitting here bleary-eyed and wanting more sleep but the concussions aren't always helpful in that regard, especially after some frustration. Appreciate it fren. ≤

22498953? ago

Hi Mate.

I had the penny drop last night that we are all in a computer game literally, and may already be dead in some form, and that this Construct is a holding pattern, and now God is back to put on the show for us.

We are watching a Movie. We are all in it. It’s been played by God countless times. Some people > (((They))) know this and can remember it is a game somehow when they pass and return.

Ascension means ascending to the next level in the Game.

The Holographic Universe is real. Quantized into geometric bits of energized Lego, spinning all the time in Pi and Phi spiral formations (The Hack to the Matrix). It depends on observation and intent.

One MUST play The Game in The Matrix or is punished.

The Matrix movie is EXACTLY right Sir.

It’s all a sophisticated AI controlled Sentient simulation, with higher realms of existence .

A Game, but a very deadly one at that, and The Matrix is NOT our friend. Without God a soul gets creamed in here.

A prison for your mind is what we live in. It really started to happen to us proper in 2012, and perhaps there was an ELE that wiped us out, or a War against The Machines and AI, as described clearly in The Terminator movies.

Then The looking glass and Time Travel concepts make sense.

Think of it like that, and suddenly it ALL starts to make sense, at least it does to me.

I have much more, and it is really is as clear as I have articulated above.


22502933? ago

After the year 2000, I had this weird feeling that I was on "borrowed time." Might have been because I was in the software industry and the stupid "two byte savings" of recording the last two digits of the year instead of the entire year, caused the "year 2000 glitch".

Which is funny, because the "next millenium" doesn't really start until 2001, since the "first millenium" started with year 1, not year 0. But that's an "off-by-one" computer programming issue that I've been aware of for most of my adult life. :)

I think The Matrix really fell apart at the end. "There is no spoon" means he could have just avoided all the fight scenes, and woken up those bodies that were dreaming that they were police, even after being taken over by agents they didn't need to die.

My first concussion was 2013, so I made it "intact" past the timeline collapse. It's weird, to think God has "removed me from the matrix" of at least the "work world" -- and when I tried to return, I got another concussion to make sure I stayed out.

My wife brought home a TendLight a few days ago and I was marveling last night at how asymptomatic I was yesterday! I've been using it on the (now, four) areas on my head where I've had concussions, and it definitely seems to be helping. So much so that I searched for a "skull cap optical fiber light therapy brain injury" and found an article written by a doctor in Boston four years ago, and reached out to him via email today. I have hope! That's amazing.

Yesterday I watched the trailer for Soylent Green -- the narrator at the beginning says it's 2022 and everything broke down! That's what [[[they]]] wanted for us. Fortunately, it appears our prayers are turning the tide.

It is an amazing movie and I am so glad to be witnessing it along with you. God bless.

22504579? ago

I expanded it into a big Post.