22491482? ago

Nothing is going to happen Zero accountability will occur As well get that out of your thick skulls right now.

22488434? ago

If you go to POTUS’S timeline, this doesn’t come up. Is twitter HIDING the President’s tweets??

22488527? ago

hmmm... might be shadowed for some... I am still seeing it:


22488770? ago

Thanks. I’m not actually officially on Twitter anymore as they have permanently kicked me off and I’ve tried every which way from Tuesday to get back on but it’s just not worth it, so I lurk without signing in. that being said, you should be able to see every single fucking tweet of our president without having to sign up for fucking Twitter.

22488166? ago

Baking dogs don't bite.

22485520? ago

Their crimes are so disgusting I hope they dont just get a quick quietl execution

The sleepies , the dopey public need to be shown what evil creatures they all are

22485514? ago

Podesta the molestah

22485289? ago

This is the post from Q-809. (Timestamp)


Hillary Sold Out CIA Assets in China



22 Feb 2018 - 8:05:01 PM

Clowns revealed in China/other.



Sold intel?

HRC open source server?

[Missing emails]


Granted access.


Only the tip.

This will be made public [soon].


22485134? ago

Quick trial. Death penalty for pedos.

22484710? ago

Wind it up, we got us a humdinger

22484252? ago

Impatiently waiting for the day Podesta is finally convicted. All the lives he's ruined.

22484226? ago

Liberal tears all over those replies

22484198? ago

Why didn't anyone post the police sketch of the Podesta brothers to Trump?

22484147? ago

Die in a fucking fire now John

We've got your emails you motherfucker

22483731? ago

It's time for more than just tweets.

Now's the time to unleash hell while you are no longer under investigation or impeachment trial.

22483700? ago

Remember when Snopes tried to debunk the claim that John and Tony weren't the sketched suspects in the Madelaine McCann case? The opposite of what they say is probably true!


22486284? ago

The claim is bunk.

Those two sketches are supposed to be the same person. NOT TWO PEOPLE. It's the same person as described by each member of a couple who saw the ONE person. One person who was much, much younger than the Podesta's.

This is what the cops said at the time.

it is this man in particular whom detectives are very keen on finding. The man was described by the two witnesses as being inside the Ocean Club complex in Praia da Luz area on the evening that Madeleine went missing from the apartment. Redwood will travel to Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland to repeat his appeal as detectives from the British investigation attempt to close in on the man. He was described by the witnesses as white, aged between 20 and 40, with short brown hair, of medium build, medium height and clean shaven.

There's just no way in hell you would think Tony Podesta is 20 years old.

22487192? ago

Don't believe everything you read. There are corrupt cops and media everywhere. You're taking things at face value it seems.

22486843? ago

Not so fast... "Police have issued two efits that they believe are descriptions of the same man" is not the same thing as 'they are descriptions of the same man.' It is possible two eye witnesses are remembering two different men but confusing details about where/how exactly they saw him.

And "between 20 and 40" suggests they didn't get a great look at the man and just remembered him as an adult who wasn't at all elderly.

Not saying the pictures are the Podestas, but there is sure a resemblance. And that should not have been disregarded by any serious investigation if they were in the area—something investigators could easily ascertain if they checked the Podesta's travel records. Admittedly questionable sources indicate the Podestas were staying in the home of Clement Freud at the time—but whether questionable or not, that should have been checked by investigators for the same reasons anonymous phone tips are checked.

If the Podestas were nearby, they should have been required to account for their whereabouts that evening. The eye witnesses should have taken a look at them as well.

Clement Freud was a known pedophile with a house near the crime scene. While he had an iron-clad alibi, he took a special interest in the McCanns—but police were curiously uninterested in any possible connection he might have had to her disappearance.

"Sir Clement Freud, the former broadcaster and politician, was exposed on Tuesday night as a paedophile who sexually abused girls as young as 10 for decades."

"Freud was not in Portugal at the time of Madeleine’s disappearance and [his family] have not been contacted by police."

"Detectives investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann were alerted two years ago to paedophile Sir Clement Freud's connection to the case, but did nothing, one of his victims has revealed.

"In her book, Madeleine, Kate McCann describes how Freud contacted the family two months after the three-year-old disappeared and invited them for dinner at his villa around 600 yards from their Ocean Club apartment. He kept in touch with them and played host a second time weeks later." Quotes reported from The Telegraph in June 2016 (UK)

How can any serious investigation fail to methodically review all evidence regarding Freud and the Podestas to prove conclusively whether they had any connection to this crime? The lack of interest the police demonstrated in following up leads in this case is troubling, to say the least.

22524551? ago

Police have issued two efits that they believe are descriptions of the same man

You're grasping at straws. Your whole argument is you have come to a conclusion that doesn't match any of the facts, but you don't want to admit your conclusion is false.

You are also focusing intently on the words used by a reporter and not by the police.

Because both drawings are of the same man.

The drawings were made years later and when they were released, a "Scotland Yard police spokesman said: “It’s two different people’s version of the same suspect.”"

This man was seen by couple called The Smiths. Here's how Wikipedia describes the SMITH sighting

22:00: Smith sighting

The rejection of the Tanner sighting as crucial to the timeline allowed investigators to focus on another sighting of a man carrying a child that night, this one reported to the Portuguese police on 26 May 2007 by Martin and Mary Smith, who had been in Praia da Luz on holiday from Ireland.[61] Scotland Yard concluded in 2013 that the Smith sighting offered the approximate time of Madeleine's kidnap.[9][62]

The Smiths saw the man at around 22:00 on Rua da Escola Primária, 500 yards (460 m) from the McCanns' apartment, walking away from the Ocean Club and toward Rua 25 de Abril and the beach. He was carrying a girl aged 3–4 years. She had blonde hair and pale skin, was wearing light-coloured pyjamas, and had bare feet. The man was mid-30s, 5 ft 7 in–5 ft 9 in (1.75–1.80 m), slim-to-normal build, with short brown hair, wearing cream or beige trousers. He did not look like a tourist, according to the Smiths, and had seemed uncomfortable carrying the child.[63][64] E-fits based on the Smiths testimony were first created in 2008 by Oakley International, private investigators hired by the McCanns, and were publicized in 2013 by Scotland Yard on Crimewatch.[65]

Not saying the pictures are the Podestas, but there is sure a resemblance.

All this shows is the unreliability of witness to describe what they remember a long time after an event. The efits were made years later.

And "between 20 and 40" suggests they didn't get a great look at the man and just remembered him as an adult who wasn't at all elderly.

And you admit to this unreliability, but only when it helps your argument. John and Tony Podesta were elderly at the time this happened. They were both over 65 I believe. How would anyone mistake a 65 year old Tony Podesta for a 20 year old? Ridiculous.

And that should not have been disregarded by any serious investigation if they were in the area

There is no evidence that they were in area. Zero. None. Nada. There is zero evidence they were even in the country or Europe at the time.

Admittedly questionable sources indicate the Podestas were staying in the home of Clement Freud at the time

Bullshit made up years after the fact. Come on, why even pretend this nonsense is real?

How can any serious investigation fail to methodically review all evidence regarding Freud and the Podestas

WTF is this? Now you are pretending there is evidence against the Podestas. Do you even see what you are doing here. You jumped from Freud to the Podestas without any foundation whatsoever.

22530086? ago

I'm grasping at straws?

You say:

"All this shows is the unreliability of witness to describe what they remember a long time after an event."

But you also say... "How would anyone mistake a 65 year old Tony Podesta for a 20 year old?"

So which is it?

1. unreliable witnesses who can't remember the face they both saw

2. super-reliable witnesses who were correct about the age of the person whose face they couldn't remember

You also say: "There is no evidence that they were in area. Zero. None. Nada. There is zero evidence they were even in the country or Europe at the time."

Did the investigators check to see where the Podestas were at the time? Do you have a source that proves this was ruled out?

If not, the lack of evidence proves nothing. You won't find what you don't look for.

It is reported by witnesses that investigators did not dig into Clement Freud's interest in the McCanns. Given his background with pedophilia and the fact that his involvement was reported to police, this is troubling.

Further, the allegations from anyone that the Podestas were in Freud's house should have been checked out, even if the source were questionable. Exactly the same as following up when an anonymous caller provides a tip during an investigation. You don't just disregard tips because it could be "bullshit." Until you check, you don't know what's true, because sometimes "respectable" people commit horrific crimes.

You say I "jumped from Freud to the Podestas without any foundation whatsoever."

But the foundation is allegations that the Podestas were staying in Clement's home. Whether the information is correct or not should be checked and that would be quite easy to do. Yet, I've found no indication the police ruled it out—which suggests they did no such thing.

Finally, if the Podestas were provably outside Portugal at the time of the crime, they could be easily exhonerated and all suspicion removed by making the proof public. This has never happened, even though it is the most rational response to having such heinous accusations floating around about you. Can you produce such proof?

If not, maybe you shouldn't be attacking people who are just pointing out a pattern of disinterest on the part of investigators to go after high-profile individuals when accused of crimes against children. (BTW, 'Go after' doesn't mean imprison... it means to question them in earnest and vet their alibis.)

22488052? ago

Great response. That is how you decimate a shill, which is important right now. There are way too many here but there are more Anons fighting for truth.

22487984? ago

It’s crazy that you have to waste the space to explain this to that idiot.

22483678? ago

22483647? ago

Coming to collect

22483614? ago


22483610? ago

Explain that artwork! Ped-esta ‘paperclip’ brothers!!

22483467? ago


22483337? ago


Misspelled words matter.

's should be after Hillary not Podesta, and there is an S missing.

S is the 19th letter.

Digging up a decode. BRB.

22495143? ago

I think the s's are all good this time - no code there.

22498355? ago

I disagree. Normal grammar does not sound like that tweet.

22483998? ago

Looking forward to it!

22484694? ago

This is a hard puzzle to be honest.

Turning on my third eye.

Almonds Activated.

Dance with me.


22487124? ago

Hey if you have any info on Bernie and throwing 2016, I just made a post to help red-pill my parents. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3655111 (kek, Digits amaze me).

Our wonderful cat woke me up this morning after too little sleep, sitting here bleary-eyed and wanting more sleep but the concussions aren't always helpful in that regard, especially after some frustration. Appreciate it fren. ≤

22502976? ago

Nice thanks!

22504246? ago


I got into lots of Hot water over this post.

22498953? ago

Hi Mate.

I had the penny drop last night that we are all in a computer game literally, and may already be dead in some form, and that this Construct is a holding pattern, and now God is back to put on the show for us.

We are watching a Movie. We are all in it. It’s been played by God countless times. Some people > (((They))) know this and can remember it is a game somehow when they pass and return.

Ascension means ascending to the next level in the Game.

The Holographic Universe is real. Quantized into geometric bits of energized Lego, spinning all the time in Pi and Phi spiral formations (The Hack to the Matrix). It depends on observation and intent.

One MUST play The Game in The Matrix or is punished.

The Matrix movie is EXACTLY right Sir.

It’s all a sophisticated AI controlled Sentient simulation, with higher realms of existence .

A Game, but a very deadly one at that, and The Matrix is NOT our friend. Without God a soul gets creamed in here.

A prison for your mind is what we live in. It really started to happen to us proper in 2012, and perhaps there was an ELE that wiped us out, or a War against The Machines and AI, as described clearly in The Terminator movies.

Then The looking glass and Time Travel concepts make sense.

Think of it like that, and suddenly it ALL starts to make sense, at least it does to me.

I have much more, and it is really is as clear as I have articulated above.


22502933? ago

After the year 2000, I had this weird feeling that I was on "borrowed time." Might have been because I was in the software industry and the stupid "two byte savings" of recording the last two digits of the year instead of the entire year, caused the "year 2000 glitch".

Which is funny, because the "next millenium" doesn't really start until 2001, since the "first millenium" started with year 1, not year 0. But that's an "off-by-one" computer programming issue that I've been aware of for most of my adult life. :)

I think The Matrix really fell apart at the end. "There is no spoon" means he could have just avoided all the fight scenes, and woken up those bodies that were dreaming that they were police, even after being taken over by agents they didn't need to die.

My first concussion was 2013, so I made it "intact" past the timeline collapse. It's weird, to think God has "removed me from the matrix" of at least the "work world" -- and when I tried to return, I got another concussion to make sure I stayed out.

My wife brought home a TendLight a few days ago and I was marveling last night at how asymptomatic I was yesterday! I've been using it on the (now, four) areas on my head where I've had concussions, and it definitely seems to be helping. So much so that I searched for a "skull cap optical fiber light therapy brain injury" and found an article written by a doctor in Boston four years ago, and reached out to him via email today. I have hope! That's amazing.

Yesterday I watched the trailer for Soylent Green -- the narrator at the beginning says it's 2022 and everything broke down! That's what [[[they]]] wanted for us. Fortunately, it appears our prayers are turning the tide.

It is an amazing movie and I am so glad to be witnessing it along with you. God bless.

22504579? ago


I expanded it into a big Post.

22504549? ago

Thanks Mate.

That post I made, while very out there and Fringe, attracted very little attention overall.

I think I just blew everybody's minds, whether I am correct or not, and Anons are very quiet.

22492185? ago

Hey, no problemo my Man.

I will look deeply at it. It was scam and he was in on it.


22492620? ago

Thank you sir!

Someone dug into Q's post's coordinates and searched on them, found a .txt file at a .gov location.

I downloaded and renamed .html and could see tables, and noted it.

Later it itched my brain, so I pulled it back out and did more analysis, looks like an HSBC stock offering. Here's a link if you're interested: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3655456/22492506

Falling asleep, wanted to do some programming today. Avoiding coffee. So, maybe tomorrow! At least I was able to produce the above couple-pages! (Spent some time trading before the concussions; actually was a commodities broker for a month in between jobs, but don't like suckering old people so I failed at it. :) )

22483332? ago

What lonely, sad lives the people who reply to Trump's twitter posts must have. Sitting there for hours everyday refreshing his page to be the first to reply a hashtag or meme in order to get internet points.

22483644? ago

What lonely, sad lives the trolls who reply to voat submissions must have. Sitting there for hours everyday refreshing the page to be the first to reply to a thread or meme in order to get internet points.

22498279? ago

Isn't that literally what you're doing right here, right now as you read this?

22484079? ago

They are (many if not most) paid slaves of the deep State slime. Twatter props them up like the pathetic failures they are. Nothing the left does is organic. All is a controlled ruse propagated by weak,stupid and utterly pathetic charlatans. Their day is drawing nigh!

22483798? ago

Pot meet kettle.

22483288? ago

Why is he bitching about it on Twatter instead of DOING something, he's the HEAD OF THE COUNTRY.

22483451? ago

Try harder. He's prepping the normies.

He MUST do so.

22483970? ago

That's retarded, how is he "preping the normies" by whining on Twitter? The normies don't need to be "prepped", you just drop the hammer and info.

22484085? ago

Learn the comms or GTFO.

22484256? ago

you need to learn what "learn the comms" means first dumbass, you're using it incorrectly.

22487955? ago

Nope. Just nope. SMDH

22483303? ago

No, he definitely is not.

22483359? ago

Donald John Trump is still your President.

Sick it up Shill Face.

22485957? ago

Uh what. Firstly no he is not my president because I am not a US citizen.

Second, you're telling me he isn't a puppet doing only and exactly what the banksters that control the money and economy, the whole zionist cabal, are instructing him to do?

You actually believe in elections and the President having any say in issues that actually matter?

If so, dude, you don't belong here. You need to go back to MSM and forget that Voat exists.

22485984? ago

Who's Your Daddy?

22485978? ago

Get real Fuckwit.


And YES, I DO 'belong here'.

Sooo Fuck Off Idiot. <

22483249? ago

Enjoy the show

22485435? ago

I would, but I've been waiting 2.5 years for it to actually begin

22488013? ago

Yep. Me too. r/pizzagate 7/2016.

Hellavu long time ago, it seems.

22483247? ago

The Q quote about striking like the fastest animal on Earth comes to mind.

22483954? ago

The cheetah is the fastest land animal, but SEALS move very fast after their prey in the ocean.

22485250? ago

SEALS, indeed!

22485149? ago

Mantis shrimp, look into it.

22484505? ago

The fastest animal on earth is the peregrine falcon that dives at over 200mph when hunting and has ridiculously deadly talons.

22483232? ago

Things are ramping up.

22485477? ago


22483314? ago

Setting the stage...

22484731? ago

Time to Get It On Tonight



22483116? ago


22483107? ago

It’s on.

22487093? ago

If the indictment is sealed, then how would anyone know if there’s one with podesta a name? Your post reeks of fakeness.

22488000? ago

Q Team knows you fucking goober.

22488233? ago

Fair enough, Einstein but how would you know? Did Q call u up and tell you? Gtfoh.

22486267? ago

This is quite fake. The Justice Department dropped their case against Tony Podesta in 2019. There's never been a case against John Podesta.

22483990? ago

Wow, do not recall. Must re-read, thanks and God bless!

22482969? ago

And all the whining that went on about Trump letting them go, hello....

22482932? ago


22482869? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/Uwzpg :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Whatever happened to Hillary campaign manager Podesta’s BROTHER? Wasn’t he caught, forced to leave his firm, with BIG BAD things to happen? Why did nothing ever happen to him, only to the “other” side?"

This has been an automated message.

22482850? ago

Tony Podesta as the first arrest?

22487990? ago

Nah, no one knows who the fuck he is.

22487374? ago

14 🐟

22485196? ago

I'm going with John... BROTHER and BIG BAD are in caps when talking about Tony.

22487501? ago

he had a torture dungeon in his house

Obama lives 2 doors down.


22483741? ago

Honestly thats a bit of an anticlimax, DJT can be more creative than that....yes I know, easy for me to say, I dont have the world on my shldrs...ah fuck what do I know...go get em donnie

22483526? ago

Somebody said Tony's been executed like NoName. Wishing I could remember where I saw that...

22485279? ago

A pic popped up couple of weeks ago on a couple of sites...supposedly showed Tony Podesta's mug peeking out from under a blue, I think, hooded winter coat...I never saw any confirmation tbh.

22486734? ago

I think I know the pic you're talking about and I'm pretty sure it was John in a blue parka, not Tony.

22484149? ago

G5 said 911 was called hammer?

22483974? ago

Wow, interdasting!

22484157? ago

Tippy top